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1、 s clothing.She has two employees now and her company is slowly growing.-How long has it been since Christina last saw her friend? It has been 3 years.-Where were Christina and her friend working before she started her own business? They were working at a department store.-How long has it been since

2、 Christina started her own business? It s been 3 years.Christina has come to San Francisco by herself.Her husband didn t come, because he has to work.t work out.He tried to start a company two years ago, but it didn His company failed after only a few months.So now he is working at another company a

3、nd saving money. Once he saves enough money, he plans to start another company.He doesn t want to give up.-Why hasn t Christina s husband come witHhe h hear?s to work.-Why is Christina s husband saving moHn ey w? ants to start a new company.This is the second time Christina has been to San Francisco

4、.The first time was when she was a high school student.That was more than ten years ago.During that trip, she was only in San Francisco for a few days.After that, she went to Los Angeles and New York.This time she and her friend plan to relax and have fun.-How many times has Christina been to San Fr

5、ancisco?S he has been to San Francisco twice.-How long did she stay in San Francisco on her first trip? A few days. Visiting a Friend 2Christina arrived two days ago, the day before yesterday.Her friend met her at the airport, and drove her to her apartment.Her apartment is just north of the airport

6、, about 20 minutes from San Francisco.It s a small apartment, but it s on a hill, and it has a great view. Yesterdaythey went downtown, and rode the cable cars. Christina was surprised by how steep the hills are.Then they walked along the ocean, and ate lunch at a sea food restaurant.From the restau

7、rant, they could see the Golden Gate Bridge.-How long has she been here? For two days.Tomorrow they are planning to drive to Yosemite National Park.By car, it s about four hours away.Christina has never been there before, so she is excited.She has heard that the park is very beautiful.Her friend has

8、 been to Yosemite several times.She says that it s one of the most beautiful places in the world.Christina just hopes that her friend is a good driver.-How many times has she been to the Yosemite?N ever.Vocabulary : Pains and SicknessHeadaches can be very painful, and can last for a long time.If you

9、 have a headache, your head hurts.A sprained ankle can be so painful that you can t walk.Someone with a sprained ankle may need to use crutches to walk.If you have a sore throat, it may be painful to swallow.A sore throat can be caused by viruses or bacteria.A burn is an injury to the skin caused by

10、 fire or heat.If you get to close to a fire, you will be burned.An earache is a sharp, dull or burning pain in the ear.Common causes of an earache include an infection, a changing air pressure, or water in the ear.Vocabulary : LandformsMountains are land forms higher than 2000 feet or about 600 mete

11、rs above sea level. Hills are like mountains but not as tall.Mountains are formed by forces deep within the Earth, and are made of different types of rocks. Rivers are streams of water that usually begin in mountains and flow into the sea.Many early cities were built alongside rivers.Most of the wor

12、ld s water is in the oceans, which are large bodies of saltwater.The oceans are also an important source of oxygen.Deserts are areas of land that receive little or no rainfall.The amount of rainfall in some deserts is so low that only a few plants can survive.A valley is a low relatively flat area b

13、etween hills or mountains, often with a river running through it. Some valleys are formed by flowing water, and others are formed by glaciers.The Pacific Ocean is the largest and deepest ocean, covering more area than all the continents put together.Desert temperatures can range from cold at night t

14、o very hot during the daytime, often aboveDialogue : Eating OutM: Have you eaten yet?W: No, I haven t, and I m hungry. Me too. Let s go out for dinner. Where to? What about Joe Italiasn ? How many times have you eaten there? I eat there a lot. It s one of my favorite places.-Why is she hungry? She h

15、asn t eaten yet. I went there two weeks ago, and the service was terrible.-Why doesnt she want gto to Joe s ItaliaSn?h e went there two weeks ago and the service was terrible. What do you suggest? How about the Royal Indian? s not far from here. I ve never heard of it. Is it good? Yes, I ve been the

16、re several times, and I r been disapvpeo ninetveed. -Whats one reason she suggests Royal Indian? It s not far away.-Has she been to the Royal Indian before? Yes, she has. OK, let s try it. I haven t eaten Indian food for a long time. You won t be disappointed, and the persi care reasonable. Ah, so y

17、ou mean I m going to pay. Well, that would certainly be nice.-How expensive is the restaurant?s reasonably pdr.i ce M: What about reservations? If we get there early enough, we won t need them. I hope you are right. Don t worry, if we have to wait, I ll pay the bill.-What would happen if they dont g

18、et there early enough?They may have to wait. When she went there two weeks ago, the service was awful.She has been there several times.Part 2 A Trip to Yosemite Park 1Today Christina and her friend are enjoying themselves.This morning they got up very early and drove out of San Francisco.They crosse

19、d the Bay Bridge before the early morning commute and drove south. Because it was so early, there were almost no cars.-How heavy was the traffic? There were almost no cars.After driving for an hour and a half, they stopped and had breakfast.They ordered pancakes and coffee.They also had some fresh f

20、ruit.When they finished eating, it was seven o clock.Then they got back into the car, and drove south.Christina wanted to listen to music, so they turned on the radio.An hour later, they stopped for gas.They noticed that there was also a charging station for electric cars.-How did they order for bre

21、akfast? They ordered pancakes and coffee. -What did they do after they finished eating? They got back into the car and drove south. s now 1:15 (one fifteen), and they are in Yosemite Park.They have been there for two hours, since 11:15(eleven fifteen).They are looking at Yosemite falls, which is the

22、 highest waterfall in the park. The water drops a total of 740 meters from the top of the upper fall to the base of the lower fall.When did they arrive at the park? They got there at 11:15. A Trip to Yosemite Park 2In another fifteen minutes, they planned to eat lunch at a magnificent old hotel in t

23、he park.It was built in 1927 and has a great view.They wanted to stay there but they couldn t get reservations.To get a room at that hotel, you usually need to make reservations several months in advance.-When do you need to make reservations?You need to make reservations several months in advance.-

24、Why couldn t they get reservations? They didn y ent oreusgehr.v e earlThey planned to stay in the park until around four o By then, they will have been in the park for nearly five hours.Then they will get back into the car and drive back to San Francisco.They plan to eat dinner somewhere along the w

25、ay.If the traffic isn t too bad, they should be back in San Francisco by teno-When do they expect to be back in San Francisco?T hey expect to be back by 10 o -How long would they have been in the park if they leave as scheduled? For nearly 5 hours.Early tomorrow morning, they are going to cross the

26、Golden Gate Bridge and go north along the coast.From some places you can look out on the ocean and see whales and other sea life.Christina has never seen a whale before, so she is looking forward to it.And tomorrow night they have something special planned.They are going to watch a baseball game.Chr

27、istina has never seen a baseball game, but she has heard that it is very popular in the US.And the San Francisco baseball team is one of the best.-What does she hope to see from the coast?S he hopes to see whales.-What are they going to do tomorrow morning?They are going to cross the Golden Gate Bri

28、dge. ScienceA force is a push or a pull on an object.A force changes the motion of a moving object.A force can be strong or weak and it always has a direction.The Earth is a planet that goes around the sun in a circular orbit.The speed of its motion doesn t change, but the direction of its motion does.The Earth has a layer of gas above its surface which helps to support life.Atoms are the building blocks of matter.At the center of an atom is its nucleus which has a positive electric charge.Outside the nucleus are electrons whic

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