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1、Offices.our teachers offices3.Show the picture and ask :How many floors? Can you tell me? Lead to answer:There are six floors. Translate the floor.4.Point to the picture and say :This is our dining room. Its on the first floor.This is our classroom. Its on the fifth floor. Learn first -twelfth.5.The

2、 teacher says:Liu Dong will go to school soon.Chen Ling is showing him around the school. How do Chen Ling show Liu Dong around the school?6.Listen to the tape carefully and pay attention to the meaning of the text.7.Read after the tape. Practice1. Read the new words.2.Look and say.3.Ask and answer.

3、 Homework1.Read the text. 2. Activity Book Lesson 1.Writing DesignUnit 1 Our school Lesson 1 Where is your classroom? building On the . floor. Office first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth eleventh twelfth 课 题 Unit 1 Our School Lesson 2教学目标 :1知识目标: ( 1 ) 能够听、说、认读单词:first ,s

4、econd ,third ,fourth,fifth,sixth,seventh,eighth,ninth,tenth,eleventh,twelfth 及其缩写形式。 ( 2 ) 学习日期的表达方式。 ( 3 ) 学习句型:When is your birthday ? My birthday is August 2nd . 2.能力目标:能运用所学句型询问他人的生日, 并能做简要回答。重点、难点 :1.重点:听,说,认读序数词1-12。 句型:When is your birthday? My birthday is.2.难点:日期表达法。 Some pictures of the wor

5、ds . a recorder 教学过程:资源应用Warming up 1Greetings 2. Sing the songs:“Happy Birthday to You”Review 1.Spell the words:first -twelfth 2.Ask and answer :Where is our school library/computeroom/.? It is on the .floor. 3.The twelve months.Presentation1. Unit 1 Our School Lesson 2 2 Show some pictures of the

6、holiday and ask students to say the holidays. 3. T: When is New Years Day? Ss: Its in January . T: Yes. January first . Pay attention to the phrase :January first 1月1日 4.Ask students to say the other holidays in the same way 5.T: My birthday is May 2nd.When is your birthday?Lead to answer it . When

7、is your mothers /fathers birthday? September 7th./December 8th. 6 .Read after the tape . Practice1.Read the text.2.Ask and answer.3.Learn to write. 4.Do a survey.Name Birthday . HOMEWORK 1.Read the text. 2. Do the exercise on page 7. 3. Activity Book Lesson 2.Unit 1 Our school Lesson 2 My birthday i

8、s. August 2nd When is your mothers birthday? September 9th December 8th. 课 题 Unit 2 Emotions Lesson 31.知识目标:能够听、说、认读单词: happy,angry,tired,sad,scared,proud,winner, garden2.学习句型:Im very happy. He/She is very sad. 并能熟练运用。3.能力目标:(1)通过模仿课文录音,培养英语语感。 (2)能够听、说、读、写本课表示表情的形容词,以及相关句子。 (3)能运用所学的语言知识进行交流,并运用于日常

9、生活中。重点、难点 1.让学生在语言复习、语言学习和语言活动中听、说、认、读生词和句型。2.正确掌握单词:scared、proud的发音。图片,磁带和卡片等.Free talk1T:Whose birthday is in February? Ss: T: 2Sing a song:Happy Birthday.New Lesson 1Lesson 3 Emotions “ emotion” means “表情、情绪” eg:happy,I am very happy. Learn the words:proud,angry,sad,scared,tired2Learn proud,winne

10、r,angry(1) Look some Olympic pictures: proud, I am very proud (2)Show He Wennas picture. T: She is the winner. She is very proud. She is from Fujian. Im very proud. We are very proud. (3)Show Lindans picture :He is the winner. He is very proud. I am very proud. We are very proud. (4)“angry”,I am ver

11、y angry. Angry,angry. (5)happy,proud,angry,winner3Learn the words:scared,sad,tired,garden (1)Show some pictures of Wenchuan earthquake ,lead to say :I am very scared. I am very sad. He is very tired. Learn the word “garden”.(2)practice:scared,sad,tired,garde、4Learn the text1Learn to say. 2Look and s

12、ay. 3Look and write. .Homework:1Listen to the tape 3 times.2Using these emotions to make some sentences.Writing Design Lesson 3 Emotions (图片) happy (图片)scared (图片)proud (图片)sad (图片)angry (图片)tired (图片)winner (图片)garden课 题 Unit 2 Emotions Lesson 4 能够听、说、认读单词:ask ,answer,elephantMiss Kangaroo wanted t

13、o see her. Mr. Elephant was very angry. Mr.Cat ,Mr,Dog and Miss Kangaroo were all scared. (1)通过阅读课文,培养英语语感。 (2)掌握课文的一些相关的信息。复习动词的过去式磁带,卡片等1.Greetings. 2. Sing the songs:“A Happy Song ”. 1.Show some pictures and review words: happy, tired, sad, proud, scared ,angry 2. Say some sentences:I am happy/ti

14、red/angry/proud/scared. 1. Unit 2 Emotions Lesson 4 2. Show a picture and ask : Do you like elephants?Ss: Yes.Learn the word elephant. 3.T: There is a story about Mr, Elephant, Mr Dog, Mr Cat and Miss Kangaroo.What happened to them?Lets learn Lesson 4 Scared.4.Open the book and listen to the tape ca

15、refully. Draw a line under the words you dont know.5.Listen again and answer some questions When was Miss Panda s birthday? Who wanted to see Miss Panda? Who wanted to go with Miss Kangaroo? Why was Mr. Elephant very angry ? Were Mr. Cat, Mr Dog and Miss Kangaroo all scared?6.Listen again carefully

16、and pay attention to the meaning of the text.7.Pay attention to the words: was, wanted, answered , asked ,were8.Read after the tape. 1. Read the new words2.Learn to write on page 16.Homework:2. Activity Book Lesson 4.Unit 2 Emotions Lesson 4 pandac cat dog kangaroo elephant May I go with you? get /

17、jump into the boat was, wanted, answered , asked ,were 课题 Unit 3 A Spring Outing Lesson 5教学目标:outing,climb,mountain,cameraWere going for a spring outing.Im going to takewith me.Im going to wear能用所学的句子讨论春游前的准备。1.Some pictures of new words. 2.a recorder 1.Greetings2. Sing a songs:Spring ArrivalPresent

18、ation and practice1.Unit3 A Spring Outing Lesson 5 2.Free talk , lead out the subject3.Show some pictures of the food , ask students to review them.Then learn the sentence:Im going to take some.with me.Make some sentences. 4.Play a guessing game: T:Im going to take something.They are in the bag.What

19、s in the bag? Guess. Then the students guess the things one by one.At last ,the teacher takes out a camera.Learn the word and phrase: take some pictures.5. Show some pictures of the clothing.Make sentence with Im going to wear6.Sum up be going to 7.Look at the pictures and make sentences. New lesson

20、 1. Learn to sayT:Now,look,Miss Gao and her students are going for a spring outing.Listen carefully,what are they talking about?2.Read after the tape.3.Look and say.ConsolidationMake a spring outing plan.1.Copy the new words2.Activity Book Lesson 5Writing designUnit 3 A Spring Outing Lesson 5 outing

21、 camera Were going for a spring outing. climb Im going to takewith me. Mountain课 题 Unit 3 A Spring Outing Lesson 6 get on ,move , cheeseThe students are getting on the bus. The bus is moving.一般现在时与现在进行时的辨析,能够正确使用一般将来时,现在进行时进行表达2. Free talk : What are you going to do on Saturday? 3. Say a chantReview

22、 Were going for a spring outing.1. Unit 3 A Spring Outing Lesson 62.Show two pictures,learn the sentences:They are going to get on the bus. Now they are getting on the bus.Pay attention to the word :get-getting3. Learn the sentence :The bus is moving.Pay attention to the word: move-moving 4.Sum up:

23、v-ing climb-climbing sing-sing come-coming take-taking get-getting swim-swimming5.Tell the differences be going to and be doing6.Games a .I can read b.Listen and do 7.Read after the tape.8.Answer the questions. 9.Listen and repeat. . Consolidation1.Game. 2.Write some sentences. Homework2.Activity Bo

24、ok Lesson 6 Unit 3 A Spring Outing Lesson 6 get on They are getting on the bus. get - getting move moving The bus is moving.课 题 Unit 4 Easter Lesson 7教学目标 1.知识目标:a.掌握本课新词:Easter, paint, hide和look for b.进一步区分和巩固一般将来时和现在进行时。2.能力目标:能将一般将来时和现在进行时在实际情景中进行运用。3.文化意识:帮助学生了解复活节的由来以及与复活节有关的活动和东西。4.情感目标:通过本课的学

25、习,使学生对所接触的国外文化习俗感兴趣,乐于了解异国文化、习俗。掌握新词Easter, paint, hide和look for,并应用句型“be going to do”和“be doing”在情景中进行交流和应用。1.Greetings.2.Sing an English song “A Happy Song”.3.Watch VCD about the Easter.Prensentation1.Unit 4 Easter Lesson 7 What is the film about? Yes,复活节,Easter. Easter ,Easter. Today were going t

26、o learn Lesson 7. Its about Easter.2.T: Look at the screen. Whats the Easter?Lets have a look. When Easter is coming,people often hide the colored eggs.They ask children to find the eggs.Today, lets play this game together, OK?3.T:(Show an egg .)Look, whats this?Now, Im going to paint the egg. (show the word: paint.learn it)4.T: Now Im going to paint the egg.Whats your favorite color? Blue? OK,paint it blue.Look, I

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