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1、8. _ Common laws are laws which have been established through common practice in the courts.9. _ The Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution in 1791. 10. _ Most heavily populated districts have more senators than the small states.11. _ The United States has two major political parties: the Demo

2、cratic Party and the Conservative Party.12. _ Tolerance and respect for others are central to the way of life in the U.K.13. _ The Protestant Church and the Catholic Church are two major groups in Christianity.14. _ The second largest religious group in the U.K. is Buddhism.15. _ The University of O

3、xford is the second oldest university in the English-speaking world.16. _Easter Day is to celebrate Christs resurrection from the dead.17. _The New York Times was the first newspaper to expose the Watergate Scandal.18. _ Benjamin Franklins Autobiography recorded how a man rose to fame and wealth fro

4、m being poor and obscure.19. _ Hawthornes unique gift was for the creation of strongly symbolic stories which touch the deepest roots of mans moral nature.20. _ As a critic and also a prolific writer, Mark Twain became the leader of realism in America.Part Fill in the blanks with the correct informa

5、tion.(20分)1. The U.S. is bordered by _ on the north and by _ and the Gulf of Mexico on the south.2. The central part of the United States is composed of vast plains between _ and _.3. The District of Columbia was named after _ while the city of Washington was named after _.4. The Parliament is compo

6、sed of three parts: the queen, the House of _, and the House of _.5. In the U.K., the official head of state is_ while the real centre of political life is in_.6. The governmental power shared between the central government and the state government is called _.7. The two major political parties are

7、_, which is thought to be more liberal, and _, which is believed to be more conservative.8. The Church of England balances the interests of both _ and _.9. At the end of the 16th century and the beginning of the 17th century, many _ escaped to the New Land to seek the freedom to practice their own r

8、eligion.10. The Merchant of Venice is a work of _.11. Higher education in the United States began with the founding of _ in 1636.12. MIT refers to a name of a university. It is _.13. The main newspapers in Britain are _, _, _and _.14. The main newspapers in America are _, _, _ and _.15. In Halloween

9、 the children knock on their neighbors doors asking for as a treat.16. The language of the Anglo-Saxons is called _17. Christmas Day is the greatest of the Christian festivals to commemorate the _of Jesus Christ.18. _ is the largest and busiest port on the Great Lakes and the largest industrial and

10、commercial centre of the Midwest.19. The Statue of _ stands magnificently on Liberty Island in New York Harbor. It is National Monument which was presented to the US by France.20. The _ River is the longest and the most important river in the system of the Gulf.Part Choose the correct answer on the

11、basis of what is stated in the text.(20分)1. Which of the following is a famous prehistoric monument? (a) Stonehenge(b) Hadrians Wall(c) Westminster Abby(d) Tower of London2. _ were the ancestors of the English and the founders of England.(a) The Romans (b) The Anglo-Saxons(c) The Vikings(d) The Norm

12、ans3. The Mayflower was a ship taken by _.(a) Christopher Columbus(b) Amerigo Vespucci(c) a group of people who wanted to get hold of treasures(d) a group of people who desired free religious practice4. No taxation without representation was the slogan of _.(a) the settlers of Virginia(b) the slaves

13、 of America(c) the Indians of America(d) the people of the 13 colonial Americans5. Britain has a _ climate.(a) temperate (b) maritime (c) stable (d) both a and b6. _ is known as the “father of waters” to American Indians.(a) The River Thames(b) The Missouri River (c) The Tay River(d) The Mississippi

14、 River 7. San Franciscos Chinatown is the largest Chinese community outside of _.(a) Asia(b) Mainland China(c) China(d) South-East Asia 8. Which British party supports a free market? (a) The Conservative Party(b) The Liberal Democrats(c) The Party of Wales(d) The Labor Party9. Who is the newly elect

15、ed Labor Prime Minister in 2007? (a) Margaret Thatcher (b) John Major (c) Tony Blair (d) Gordon Brown10. The “New Deal” was started by _.(a) Franklin Roosevelt(b) J. F. Kennedy(c) George Washington(d) Thomas Jefferson11. What kind of secondary schools now receives the largest number of students? (a)

16、 Grammar Schools (b) Technical Schools (c) Comprehensive Schools (d) Secondary Modern Schools12. William Shakespeare, Britains greatest writer went to a _ school. (a) comprehensive (b) grammar (c) technical (d) independent13. Those who do well in the examination of _can go on to university for study

17、. (a) “O” Level of GCE (b) “A” Level of GCE (c) CSE (d) eleven plus14. Of Faulkners novels three are masterpieces by any literary standard. Which one is NOT his masterpiece?(a) The Sound and the Fury(b) Absalom, Absalom!(c) Go Down, Moses(d) The Grapes of Wrath15. Transcendentalist doctrines found t

18、heir greatest literary advocates in _ and Thoreau. (a) Jefferson (b) Freneau (c) Emerson (d) oversoul16. Which of these poems is written by Edgar Allan Poe? (a) The Raven (b) The Fall of the House of Usher (c) Nature (d) Legia17. The first Continental Congress was held in_.(a) Boston(b) Philadelphia

19、(c) New York(d) Lexington18. The main purpose of Thomas Paines “ Common Sense” was to _.(a) mobilize public opinion to support the revolution(b) declare war with England(c) ask help from France(d) To expose the evils of capitalism19. The first shot of the American War of Independence was fired in _.

20、(a) Concord(b) Lexington(c) Philadelphia(d) Boston20. The Union Army defeated the Confederate Army at _, where the victory was the turning point of the war.(a) Philadelphia(b) Manassas(c) Gettysburg(d) Fort SumterPart Translate the following words into Chinese. (20分)1. Declaration of Independence 2.

21、 Uncle Toms Cabin 3. Redbrick 4. The Great Depression 5. New England 6. WASP7. The Enclosure movement 8. Roman Invasion9. The East India Company 10. The Industrial Revolution11. The Wars of Roses 12. Hispanics13. The Chartist Movement 14. The Cold War 15. Open University 16. Federalism17. The Great

22、Depression 18. The New Deal19. Truman 20. House of LordsPart Explain the following terms. (20分)1. The Electoral College2. Norman Conquest3. The Boston Tea Party4. The Glorious Revolution5. The Constitutional Monarchy6. Where is called New England?7. Why did the American Civil War break out? Which ba

23、ttle was regarded as the turning point of the Civil War?附加题:1. Choose the one that you think best completes the statement or answers. Write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space .1 The British Isles are made up of _A. two large islands and hundreds of small onesB. two l

24、arge islands and Northern IrelandC. three large islands and hundreds of small onesD. three large islands and Northern Ireland.2 There are three political divisions on the island of Great Britain. There are _A. Britain Scotland and Wales B. England, Scotland and WalesB. Britain, Scotland and IrelandD

25、. England, Scotland and Ireland3. The Commonwealth of Nations is an association of independent countries_A. that have a large number of British immigrantsB. that fought on the side of Britain in the two world warsC. that speak English as their native languageD. that were once colonies of Britain4. I

26、n British history, both Saxons an Angels came from_A. northern EuropeB. northern GermanyC. southern EuropeD. southern German5. It was_ who laid the foundation of the English state.A, the VikingsB. the DanesC. CeltsD. the Anglo-Saxons6 .In Britain, the prime minister is the leader of the party that h

27、olds the most seats in _A. the House of LordsB. the House of CommonsC. the SenateD. the House of Representative7. The Bill of Rights is the term used for the first _ amendments to the Constitution of the United States.A. fiveB. sevenC. tenD. thirteen8. Which branch of the American government has the power to interpret the Constitution?A. The Supreme CourtB. The PresidentC. The HouseD. The Senate9. What is the official name of Great Britain?10. In Britain, what does BBC stand for? In U.S. what does VOA stand for?

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