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1、误会10.fortune n机会;运气;大笔的钱fortunateadj.幸运的fortunatelyadv.幸运地11.rob vt.抢劫;盗窃;剥夺robberyn抢劫(行为)robbern强盗;盗贼12.adaptation n适应(性);改编本adaptv改编;(使)适应13.classify vt.把分(归)类classificationn分类;归类14.superior adj.较高的;上级的;优秀的 n上级;长官inferioradj.较差的;次的;级别低的n.级别或地位低的人15.uncomfortable adj.不舒服的;不安的;不自在的uncomfortablyadv.不

2、舒服地;不自在地comfortablyadv.舒服地;舒适地comfortableadj.舒适的;舒服的16.properly adv.适当地;恰当地properadj.适当的1.We seldom contact each other; she is more of an acquaintance (acquaint) than a friend.2.It is remarkable (remark) that women didnt have the vote until that time.3.Yesterday an old woman mistook me for her daugh

3、ter. That means I was mistaken for her daughter. In fact she often makes the same mistake. (mistake) 4.Dont_hesitate_to ask for help and solve the problem without hesitation. (hesitate)5.I was disgusted to see the disgusting picture on the page of Sundays feature article. (disgust)6.He is good at ad

4、apting plays and the adaptation of the play for radio was easily done by him. (adapt)7.Jane was robbed of her diamond ring the other day and the robber was caught by the police very soon. (rob)8.Her house is modern and comfortably furnished, but she always feels slightly uncomfortable the moment she

5、 comes in. (comfortable)9.The books in the library are classified by subject and its classification is very convenient to the students and teachers. (classify)1.condemn相关词荟萃condemn vt.谴责accuse/charge vt. 起诉scold vt. 责骂criticize vt. 批评punish vt. 惩罚2.“comfort” 家族comfort n舒适comfortable adj. 舒适的comforta

6、bly adv. 舒适地uncomfortable adj.不舒服的uncomfortably adv. 不舒服地3.“”结构小结be superior to 比优越/年长be senior to . 比年长/资历深be junior to . 比年轻/资历浅be inferior to . 次于;不如be similar to 与相似be familiar to 为所熟悉4.fortune相关词一览(1)fortune n运气fortunate adj. 幸运的fortunately adv. 幸运地unfortunate adj. 不幸的unfortunately adv.

7、 不幸地(2)luck n. 运气lucky adj. 幸运的luckily adv. 幸运地unlucky adj. 不幸的unluckily adv. 不幸地二、短语用 得 活(选用左栏短语填空)1.fade_out逐渐模糊;渐淡2.deal_with 处理;应付3.once_more 再一次4.in_disguise 伪装(的);假扮(的)5.generally_speaking 一般来说6.in_amazement_ 震惊;惊讶7.in_terms_of 就来说8._in_need_of 需要9.pass_.off_as 改变或冒充成10.rob_sb._of_sth. 抢劫某人某物1

8、 带或领进来/出去12.make_ones_acquaintancemake_the_acquaintance_of 结识1.My memory of the happy days we spent together will never fade_out as time goes by. 2.Passing her off_as his girlfriend, the gentleman took her to the party with him.3.It was at a Christmas party last year that I made_the_ac

9、quaintance_of my American friend Jack.4.In_terms_of quality and quantity, the clothes factory in our town is doing much better than last year.5.When he didnt know how to get out of the building, a boy showed him out.1.“inn.”构成的短语集锦in disguise伪装(假扮)in nature 本质上in stock 现有;备有in amazement震惊;in force 有

10、效;实施中in shape 处于良好状态2.“adv.speaking”短语聚焦generally speaking一般来说honestly speaking 诚实地说来frankly speaking 坦率地说三、句式背 原 句明 句 式学 仿 写1.What if I was?如果我是,又怎么样呢?What if .? 意为“如果将会怎么样?”。在接下来的半小时里,如果这个问题必须解决会怎样?What_if_this_problem_has_to_be_solved in the next half hour?2.But, sir,(proudly) once educated to sp

11、eak properly, that girl could pass herself off in three months as a duchess at an ambassadors garden party.不过,先生,(高傲地)一旦有人教她把英语说好了,这个女孩就可以在三个月以内冒充公爵夫人出席大使主办的花园晚会了。once educated是省略结构,完整形式为once the girl is educated。当被问到他为何如此伤心时,这个学生说他失去了这次出国的机会When_asked_why_he_was_so_sad,_the student said he had been

12、 robbed of the opportunity of going abroad.。3.Henry Higgins and Colonel Pickering are sitting deep in conversation.亨利希金斯与皮克林上校正坐着进行深入的交谈。形容词短语deep in sth.意为“专心于”,在句中作状语。全神贯注地读书,他没注意到老师走进教室。Deep_in_the_book,_he didnt notice the teacher came into the classroom.What if you cant find a suitable job when

13、 you graduate from university?Nowadays many young people are seeking their fortune in big cities. When seeking for a job,a university graduate is at a disadvantage in terms of working experience. In this case,dont hesitate to ask for others help when in trouble.1fortune n财产;大笔的钱;机会;运气(1)seek/try one

14、s fortune运气make a fortune 财have the good fortune to do sth.幸做某事(2)fortunate adj. 运的;侥幸的(lucky)be fortunate to do sth. 运做某事(3)fortunately adv.运地(luckily)These two brothers decided to go to America to seek/try_their_fortune.这兄弟俩决定去美国碰碰运气。The deal, to be completed next week, will allow Charney to make_

15、a_great_fortune in the stock market.下个星期将要完成的交易,将允许Charney在股票市场挣一大笔钱。Fortunately (fortune), a young man who was just passing by came up to the injured.幸运的是,一个刚好路过的年轻人前来帮助伤者。名师指津fortune作名词且意为“机会;运气”时,是不可数名词;作“大笔的钱”时,是可数名词。2hesitate vi.犹豫;(1)hesitate to do sth.豫做某事hesitate about/in/at/over 犹豫不决(2)hesi

16、tation n. 躇;犹豫without hesitation 不犹豫地have no hesitation in doing sth. 不犹豫地做某事The Mullers didnt hesitate to_give (give) their phone number to the street people and told them to phone anytime.(2012山东高考)穆勒夫妇毫不犹豫地把电话号码给那些街上的(需要帮助的)人,并告诉他们可以随时打电话。Seeing the girl struggling in the lake, he threw himself i

17、n the icy water without hesitation (hesitate), and saved her from drowning.看到那个女孩在湖里挣扎,他毫不犹豫地跳进冰冷的水里救下眼看要溺水的女孩。I hesitated about letting (let) you see me like this, but there are things I wanted to say to you directly.我对该不该让你看我这副样子犹豫不决,但有些事我想当面对你说。3in terms of .就来说;从角度in the long/short term长远/短期而言be

18、 on good/bad terms 系良好/不好come to terms with 成协议;和好;接受;适应In_terms_of study and health, we should develop a healthy lifestyle.就学习和健康来说,我们应该养成健康的生活方式。The agreement should have very positive results in_the_long_run/term.从长远来看,这个协议将会产生非常积极的影响。In the matter of house rent, the landlord finally came to term

19、s with his tenants.在房租的问题上,房东终于和他的房客们达成了妥协。名师指津在term的常用短语中除“in the long/short term”外,其他短语中的term都是复数形式。4What if .?如果将会怎样?What_if I was?What for?什么?So what? 又怎么样?Whats up? 么啦?发生什么事了?How come? 么会这样呢? What_if the car breaks down?如果汽车抛锚了怎么办?Susan is absent from todays writing class. How_come? As far as I

20、 know, she has never missed a class.苏珊今天没来上写作课。怎么会呢?据我所知,她没缺过一节课。Thats not what life is about! You only have an eye for money. So_what?_Ive not changed towards you.那不是生活的本意!你真是掉进钱眼里了。那又怎样?我对你是真心的。When we were remarking on the Pygmalion effect in the dormitory this noon, someone told me a stranger wa

21、s asking to see me. I didnt know who he was, but he was still shownin. To my surprise, he was an acquaintance of my father. He came to tell me my mother would see me this Sunday. How happy I was!5remark n谈论;评述 vt.& vi.谈论;说起(1)make a remark/remarks on/upon对发表评论/看法remark on/upon 谈论/评论(2)remarkable adj

22、. 非凡的;显著的The girl always makes a remark on/upon what others wear.这个女孩总是对别人的衣着评头论足。He showed remarkable (remark) competence when he faced the difficult problems.他在面对困难的问题时表现出非凡的能力。6acquaintance n相识;(1)make ones acquaintancemake the acquaintance of sb.结识某人have acquaintance with sb. 与某人认识/有交情have acqua

23、intance with sth. 对某事了解(2)acquaint vt.使熟悉;使认识be acquainted with 熟悉I have no personal acquaintance with him, and I only know of him from television.我和他没有私人交情,我只是从电视上知道他的。Was it in the city you visited last year that you made the acquaintance of Professor Jones?你就是在去年参观的这个城市里认识的琼斯教授的吗?Larry is the onl

24、y one of my friends who is_acquainted (acquaintance) with the old poem.拉里是我的唯一一个熟悉这首旧诗的朋友。7show .in带或领进来show .out带或领出去show off 炫耀;展示show up 出现;来到某处show sb. around/round 领某人参观Mr Green is on his way here. Please show him_in as soon as he arrives.格林先生正在往这里赶的路上。他一到,请马上领他进来。Mike has only driven to the pu

25、b to show off his new car he usually walks.迈克开车来酒吧只是为了向大家炫耀他的新车,他通常是步行的。You are coming to Hangzhou this weekend, Ill be very glad to show you around/round our beautiful city then.这个周末你就要来杭州了,到时候我非常乐意带你参观我们的这座美丽城市。.单句语法填空1He has some acquaintance with German, but he doesnt speak it fluently.2The book

26、 described the adaptation (adapt) of desert species to the hot conditions.3He awoke to find himself lying uncomfortably (comfort) on this hard, cold floor.4Helen was chosen for the job because she was far superior_to any other candidate.5The writers writing style was what people remarked_on/upon mos

27、t at the meeting.6He was robbed last night, but fortunately (fortune) he didnt have much money on him then.7Most of the students are willing to_condemn_(condemn) his deed in the class as lack of manners.8If you think you can drink so much without damaging your health, then youre mistaken (mistake)9W

28、e had no hesitation (hesitate) in helping the sufferers when the terrible earthquake hit the country.10Sometimes the couples should make compromises_(compromise) with each other in order to live harmoniously.单句改错1In term of education, I first thank all my teachers who have devoted themselves to thei

29、r profession.termterms2A policeman told me that the shop had robbed last night.robbed前加been3I made an apology that I had taken your umbrella by mistaken.mistakenmistake4Out of everybodys expectation, she didnt hesitate accept the job.hesitate后加to5My calculation was wrong because I overlook on one tiny point.去掉on6Now there are many young men in our society dreaming of making fortu

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