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新标准大学英语 综合教程外语教学与研究出版社Unit2 重点单词Word下载.docx

1、 a nasty quarter of an hour 不愉快的短暂时刻cut up nasty 口发怒,冒火;露出凶相;找人吵架 a nasty bit of goods 讨厌的家伙,卑鄙的人a nasty bit of work 讨厌的家伙。enormousin:ms 词形变化: enormously enor-mousness adj. 巨大的,庞大的;极大的;很多的 enormous quantity 巨大的数量portionp:n; purn 词形变化: portionable portioner portioned portioned portioning portions n.C

2、1.(食物的)一份,一客 2.( of)(数量或总数的)一部分,一份 部分,命运,分担的责任,份 portion out 分配working portion 工作部分 relevant portion 相关部分working portion 工作部分 central portion 中央部after portion 尾部;后部 control portion 控制部件portion something out 把分成几份,把某物分成若干份clingkli 词形变化: clingy clinger clung clung clinging clings vi.( to)1.粘着; 紧贴 2.(因

3、害怕等)抱住,抓紧 附着,依恋,坚持The wet clothes clung to his body.湿衣服紧贴在他身上。He clung to my arm.他紧抓着我的胳膊。The cat tried to cling to the edge by its claws.猫用爪子拼命抓住那边缘。Little children always cling to their mothers.小孩子总是紧依着母亲。She clung to the hope that her son was not dead.她坚信她儿子还活着。We should cling to our principles.我

4、们应该坚持自己的原则。 n. 紧抓,紧贴 cling to 抱住,固守cling like a leech 盯住不放 cling film n. 食品薄膜cling hold 手握支点 cling on to 死抓住不放,牢牢抓住cling like a limpet 缠住不放,纠缠不休 cling together 粘在一起;互相忠诚emotionmun n. C,U情感,感情,情绪regionri:dn n.C 地区,区域(行政区域),范围,领域,地带,地域in the region of 在 . 左右,接近arctic region 北极区critical region 判别区域;临界区

5、域lumbar region 腰部;腰区 active region n. 动作区域,活动区agroclimatic region 农业气候区natural region 自然区;天然区arid region 干燥区;干燥区域complainkmplein词形变化: complainer complained complained complaining complains V.抱怨;发牢骚;投诉 vi. 抱怨,控诉,诉说(病痛等) complain about/of抱怨,发牢骚perceptionpsepn 词形变化: perceptional n.1.U 洞察力,认识能力 2.C,U理解,

6、看法,认识,观念 stereo perception 立体感motion perception 运动知觉 artificial perception 人工识别perception time 觉察时间 stereoscopic perception 立体知觉;立体感觉sensory perception n. 感官知觉 interpersonal perception 人际知觉environmental perception 环境知觉 picture perception 图书知觉sound perception 声音感觉 tone perception 音调识别machine percepti

7、on 机器感觉 visual perception 视知觉;视觉感distance perception 距离知觉距离知觉 space perception 空间感受sense perception n. 感觉discarddisk:d,disk:d词形变化: discardable discarder discarded discarded discarding discards vt. 丢弃,抛弃He discarded his winter clothing.他把冬天穿的衣服都丢弃了。My mother-in-law would discard them on the spot.我的岳母

8、是会当场把它们扔掉的。History discarded him.他被历史所抛弃。 vi. 丢牌Youve got to discard before you can pick up another card.你得先打出一张牌,才能拿另一张牌。 n. 丢牌,废牌 global discard policy 全局废弃策略discard tobacco 废烟丝 discard solution 废液into the discard 成为无用之物;被遗忘 discard head 虚头(虚头:1.弄虚作假;骗局2.虚假不实的部分) discard solution 废液implementimplim

9、nt,impliment;impl.ment,implmnt 词形变化: implementation implemented implemented implementing implements n. C工具,器具,当工具的物品,用具What implements are needed for gardening?园艺需要些什么工具?That implement is useful for many purposes in the kitchen.那种工具在厨房里有许多用途。 vt. 实施,执行,向 . 提供工具(或手段) measuring implement 量具;测量仪器tillag

10、e implement 耕地工具;整地机具 building implement 建筑工具implement system 实现系统 farm implement 农具 stone implement 石器horse implement 马拉农具crackkrk 词形变化: cracked cracked cracking cracks vt.1.打开,砸开 2.使裂开;使破裂;使爆破 v. 破裂,砸开,发出爆裂声,撞击,破解,变嘶哑,崩溃,制裁,开玩笑The glass will crack if you pour boiled water into it .一倒进去滚开水,这个玻璃杯就会破

11、裂。You may crack these nuts with a hammer.你可以用锤子把这些坚果敲开。I cracked two eggs into the frying pan.我往平底锅里打了两个鸡蛋。Thunder cracked overhead.雷在头顶上炸响了。Dad fell and cracked his head against the door.爸爸摔倒了,头重重地撞在门上。The histone code will not be easy to crack.组织蛋白的密码不是那么容易破解的。His voice cracked with emotion.由于激动,他

12、的声音变得嘶哑。The boys voice is beginning to crack at the age of puberty.这男孩子的嗓音在发育期开始变得粗声粗气。Anyone can crack under pressure.任何人在压力之下都会崩溃。Police are cracking down on drug dealers.警方现对贩毒分子严惩不贷。 n. 裂缝,裂痕,爆裂声,猛击,尝试,俏皮话There is a crack in this window.这扇窗户上有个裂纹。They wormed their way out through the crack in th

13、e wall.他们好不容易才从墙上的裂缝处爬了出来。After only a year, cracks started to appear in their marriage.仅一年后,他们的婚姻就开始出现裂痕。The crack of a rifle is very sharp.手枪的爆声很尖锐。The branch broke with a sharp crack.树枝折断时发出刺耳的劈啪声。He was struck with a smart crack on the head.他头上突然被猛击了一下。This is her first crack at writing a book.这

14、是她第一次尝试写书。Red always goofs off, or thinks of a smart crack instead of working.雷德不好好干,总是吊儿郎当,要不就想出些俏皮话来挖苦人。 adj. 训练有素的 crack up vt. 撞毁(赞扬,衰退大笑起来)crack a bottle v. 打开酒瓶喝 crack the whip vi. 要挟服从(以严厉的手段命令别人) crack house 可卡因屋a hard nut to crack 棘手的问题,难对付的人 crack wise vi. 说俏皮话crack a crib vi. 潜入人家偷盗 get c

15、racking 迅速开始工作,行动起来a tough nut to crack 难对付的人 crack a book vi. 打开书本阅读 crack down on 镇压 crack a smile vi. 强作微笑scrapeskreip 词形变化: scraped scraped scraping scrapes vt.刮;削;擦 v. 刮掉,擦掉I must have scraped some of the paint off when I was parking the car.我准是停放汽车的时候刮掉了一些油漆。He bent over to scrape some dirt of

16、f his shoes.他弯腰刮掉鞋子上的尘土。Scrape your shoes on the door mat before you come in.进屋前先在门口擦鞋垫上擦一擦鞋子。 n. 擦伤,擦掉,刮擦声,窘境 bow and scrape vi. 打躬作揖(点头哈腰.pinch and scrape vi. 省吃俭用 scrape a leg vi. 鞠躬(打躬作揖)scrape a bow vi. 鞠躬(打躬作揖) scrape through 擦过,勉强通过scrape out v. 挖成 scrape together v. 费力地获得scrape away 刮去 scrap

17、e in vt. 勉强考进scrape up 凑集,积蓄 scrape off v. 擦去,刮掉be in a scrape 正在为难 scrape and screw n. 省吃俭用 get into scrapes 陷入困境;惹上麻烦scrape the bottom of the. vi. 不得已选用剩下(拣剩的,退而求其次)despairdisp 词形变化: despaired despaired despairing despairs n.U(in )绝望 n.绝望,失望A person is most disappointed when he is in despair.一个人在绝

18、望时最失望。He has been in the abyss of despair.他已陷入绝望的深渊。He fluctuated between hope and despair.他时而充满希望时而失望。He is the despair of all other pianists.他使其他所有的钢琴家都感到失望。 vi. 失望,绝望 despair of 对 . 失去希望in despair adv. 失望地 abyss of despair 绝望的深渊yield to despair 陷于悲观 drive someone to despair 逼得某人走投无路,使某人陷入绝望self-d

19、espair n. 对自己感到绝望 a counsel of despair 一切失败后采取的行动abandon oneself to despair 只会悲观失望 fall into despair 陷入绝望give way to despair 打断念头,深自绝望 the despair of my life 使我感到毫无办法的事in an agony of despair 处于极端状态中 be the despair of 使 . 感到失望bakebeik 词形变化: baked baked baking bakes v.烘(干),烤,焙(面包、蛋糕等),灼热The bread is b

20、aking in the oven.烤箱里正在烤面包。I will bake Tracy several buns now.我现在要为特蕾西烤几个小面包。We bake bread and cake in an oven.我们用烤箱烘面包与糕点。In some places, bricks are still baked in the sun.有些地方仍使用在太阳下晒干砖块的方法。 n. 烤,烘焙 bake oven 烘箱 bake house 面包房bake board 揉面板 half-baked adj. 半生不熟的,未完成的bake-off 食品烘烤赛 bakery n. 面包店 Th

21、e bread is baking in the oven.slipperyslipri 词形变化: slipperier slipperiest slipperiness adj. 湿滑的,滑的,狡猾的,不可靠的 slippery surface 光滑面slippery slope n. 困难的处境,灾难性的急剧下滑 slippery as an eel adj. 极狡猾的(极不可靠的,难于对付的) on slippery ground adj. 拿不稳(处于可能犯错误的境地) slippery elm 红榆to be frank 坦率地说;说老实话come of age 成年;到法定年龄a

22、 battery of 一组;一套;一批;一系列crushkr 词形变化: crushable crusher crushed crushed crushing crushes v. 压碎,击败,使.失望,折皱,压榨 vt.压碎A windmill is used to crush grain into flour.风车被用来把谷粒轧成面粉。It took him only 50 minutes to crush his opponent.他只用了50分钟时间就击败了对手。This victory inspired vigor in the Armenian national team and

23、 they finally crushed the English team.这场胜利激起了亚美尼亚队的斗志,他们最终击败了英国队。I was crushed that I wasnt invited.没有受到邀请,我感到很失望。Her refusal crushed all our hopes.她一拒绝,我们的希望就全都破灭了。Some synthetic materials do not crush easily.有些化纤衣料不易起皱。She refused to sit down in case she crushed her dress.她拒绝坐下,以免弄皱自己的连衣裙。He alwa

24、ys crushes juice from grapes instead of eating them.他总是用葡萄榨葡萄汁,而不是吃葡萄。 n. 压碎,压榨,极度拥挤,迷恋 crush room ph. 休息室,休息室crush barrier 栅栏 crush out vt. 榨出,扑灭crush up vt. 碾碎 crush down v. 压倒,碾碎have a crush on v. 爱着,迷恋 crush a cup vi. 一饮而尽 crush injury 挤压伤;挫伤crush trauma 挤压伤 crush bar 戏院酒吧间get a crush on 迷恋 crush in the egg 防于未然crush into 挤进;把 . 塞进pastepeist 词形变化: pasted pasted pasting pastes n. 面团,浆糊,糊状物,糊,糨糊The boy squeezed paste into a ball .孩子把面团捏成了球形。We used paste to attach our designs to the poster.我们用浆糊把我们设计的图案贴在招贴牌上。He beat the mixture up to a paste.他把混合料搅成

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