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1、根据空前“Im sure”可推知,应是“there must be,一定有”,表示肯定的推测。故选C。3Must we finish the work in a month?No, you _.Amustnt Bneednt Ccant Ddont【答案】B我们必须在一个月内完成这项工作吗? 不,你们不必。neednt不需要;dont不。根据“Must we finish the work in a month?”可知,此处是Must开头的一般疑问句,否定回答用neednt或dont have to。故选B。4Look! The lights in the office are still o

2、n. Our teachers _ be preparing their classes.Amust Bcant Cought to看!办公室的灯还在亮着。我们的老师一定在备课。考查动词辨析。must必须;cant不可能;ought to应该。根据“Look! The lights in the office are still on.”可知,此处表示非常肯定的推测,故选A。5We cant work out the physics problem. Can you tell us _?Ahow to do it Bwhat to do it Chow to do Dwhat should t

3、o do我们解不出这道物理题。你能告诉我们怎么做吗?考查疑问词+不定式。英语中疑问词+不定式,在句中作宾语,是疑问代词+to do,或疑问副词+to do sth.。B选项多了it;C选项动词后少宾语;D选项should是情态动词,后面应加动词原形。所以排除BCD选项,A选项符合,故选A。6Helen _ go on the trip with us, but she isnt quite sure yet.Amust Bcan Cmay Dshould句意:海伦可能和我们去旅行,但是她还不是很确定。must必须,一定;can能,可以;may可能;should应该。根据“she isnt qu

4、ite sure”她不是很确定,可知表达推测“可能”,用情态动词“may”。7If we dont protect nature, some wildlife _ die out in the future.Aneed Bmay Cmust Dcould如果我们不保护自然,一些野生动物将来可能会灭绝。need需要;may可能,表推测;must一定;could可能,表推测时,可能性较小。如果我们不保护自然,一些野生动物可能会灭绝,并不是一定会灭绝,排除C选项;且灭绝的可能性较大,应用may。8 _ you give me some advice about protecting the envi

5、ronment(保护环境)?Yes, I think its important to do garbage sorting(垃圾分类).ACan BMust CMay DNeed你可以给我一些关于保护环境的建议吗?是的,我认为做垃圾分类很重要。Can可以;Must必须;May可能;Need需要。根据“.you give me some advice about protecting the environment”可知,此处是请求对方给建议,用can表示委婉语气。故选A。9Many people play with mobile phones all day instead of readi

6、ng books.Thats too bad. Everyone _ be a book lover. Reading is more enjoyable.Amay Bshould Cwould许多人整天玩手机而不看书。这太糟糕了。每个人都应该是一个书迷。阅读更有趣。may也许;should应该;would会。根据“Everyonebe a book lover. Reading is more enjoyable.”可知,此处表示一种建议,should符合语境,故选B。10As students, we_ prevent the act of cheating in the exam.Aou

7、ght to Bdont Coughtnt to作为学生,我们应该防止考试作弊的行为。ought to应该;dont不;oughtnt to不应该。根据“As students, we prevent the act of cheating in the exam”可知,应该防止考试作弊的行为,故选A。11We_ breathe the same breath and share the same future as Chinese people.Amight Bshould Ccould Dwould我们要同中国人民同呼吸、共命运。might可能;could能够;would将。根据“brea

8、the the same breath and share the same future as Chinese people”可知,应该与中国人民共命运,故选B。12Must I finish reading this book today, Mr. Brown?No, you _. Its due next week.Aneednt Bcant Cmustnt DshouldntBrown老师,我必须今天读完这本书么?没必要,截止日期是下个星期。neednt没必要;shouldnt不应该。根据提问“Must I finish reading this book today.”以及回答“No

9、.”可知,此处应用neednt,表示“没必要”。13I cant stop playing computer games. For your health, my boy, Im afraid you _.Acan Bmay Cmust Dwill我不能停止玩电脑游戏。 为了你的健康,孩子,恐怕你必须停止玩电脑游戏。can可以;will将要。根据“For your health, my boy, Im afraid you.”可知,此处表示必须停止玩游戏,用must。14 Whose guitar is this? Susan plays the guitar. It must _.Abelo

10、ng to her Bbe her Cbelongs to her Dis hers这是谁的吉他?苏珊弹吉他,准是属于她的。考查谓语。句子主语是It,此处表示“所属”,动词应用belong to“属于”,其后接人称代词宾格,must是情态动词,后接动词原形,故选A。15Youd better_ the light when your hands are wet.Aput in Bto put up Cnot put in Dnot put up你手湿的时候最好不要安装灯。考查非谓语动词及动词短语的用法。put in安装(设备);put up张贴。根据“Youd better the light

11、 when your hands are wet”可知,手湿的时候不要安装灯,had better not do sth“最好不要做某事”,故选C。16We are surprised that Mr. Mas little daughter _ speak English so well.Amust Bcan Cmustnt Dcant我们都很惊讶,马先生的小女儿可以把英语说得这么好。must必须,强调主观意愿;can能够,表能力;mustnt不能,表禁止; cant不可能,表推测。根据上文“We are surprised”,可知是因为小孩能把英语说得这么好,应该用情态动词can表示有能力

12、, 故选B。17Robert, could you help me wash the car?Of course, I _. Im coming, dad.Acould Bshould Ccan Dneed罗伯特,你能帮我洗车吗?当然可以。我来了,爸爸。考查动词辨析和一般疑问句。could能,过去式;can能,原形;问句“could you help me wash the car”中的could表示委婉,肯定回答应用“can”,故选C。18 Robert, look at the time. _ you play the drums at such a late hour? Sorry, d

13、ear. Ill stop right now.AWill BMay CCan DMust【答案】DRobert,看下时间。你非得在这么晚的时候打鼓吗?抱歉,亲爱的。我立刻停止。will将;can能够;must偏要。根据“you play the drums at such a late hour”可知,此处是表示对他在这么晚还打鼓表示不满,用must符合语境,故选D。19Our class won the table tennis match.Congratulations! You _ proud of that.Acan be Bmustnt be Cmust be我们班赢得了乒乓球比赛

14、。 祝贺你!你一定为此感到骄傲。can be能成为,可以是;mustnt be一定不能;must be一定是。根据“Our class won the table tennis match.”可知,此处表示一定为此感到骄傲。20 Excuse me, can I borrow this book?Sure, but you _ return it by the end of this term.Acan Bcant Cmust Dmustnt对不起,我能借这本书吗? 当然可以,但你必须在本学期结束前归还。cant不能,不可以;mustnt禁止。根据句中转折连词but可知,这里指必须学期结束前归

15、还,故选C。21The robot _ play chess with us. Its so smart.That would be fine.Amay Bcan Cmust Dneed机器人可以跟我们下棋。它太聪明了。那会很好。根据“The robot play chess with us”可知,此处描述机器人能够和人类下棋,表能力,故选B。22Shall I tell him the change of the time right now?Im afraid you _, otherwise he will be late for the meeting.Acan Bmay Cmust

16、Dneed我现在就告诉他时间改变了,好吗?恐怕你必须这么做,否则他开会就要迟到了。can能够,表能力或许可;may可以,表推测;根据下文“otherwise he will be late for the meeting”,可知ABD三项不合语境,这里是说必须告诉他时间改了,故选C。23 Lucy, _ you finish the competition in ten minutes? Yes, I can.Amust Bshould Ccan DneedLucy,十分钟后你能完成比赛吗?是的,我能。 should应该;根据答句回答,I can。问句应该是can提问的一般疑问句。24By t

17、he time she was eight, Linda _ read English and French.Acould Bmust Cmight Dmay到八岁时,琳达已经会读英语和法语了。could能,会;may也许。根据“Linda. read English and French”可知,空格处应是指会读英语和法语,表示能力,用could。25That man must be Sarahs husband.No, he _ be her husband. She is still single.Amustnt Bneednt Cshouldnt Dcant那个人一定是Sarah的丈夫。

18、不,他不可能是她的丈夫。她还是单身。neednt不必;shouldnt不应该;根据“She is still single”可知,不可能是她的丈夫,否定推测,可能性大的用cant,故选D。26Listen! Someone is knocking at the door. Is it Tom?It _ be Tom. He has gone to Beijing.Acant Bneed Cmust听!有人在敲门,是汤姆吗?不可能是汤姆,他去北京了。cant“不可能”,情态动词,表示否定推测;need“需要”,情态动词;must“一定”,情态动词,在肯定句中用来表示有把握的推测。根据“He ha

19、s gone to Beijing.”可知,此处表示“不可能是汤姆”,cant符合语境。27Mr Scott _ be in the office. The light is still on.No, he _ be. I saw him drive out with his wife just now.Amay; mustnt Bmust; mustnt Ccan; cant Dmust; cant史考特先生一定在办公室。灯还亮着。不,他不可能在办公室。我刚才看见他和他妻子开车出去了。考查情态动词表示推测。can可能;根据“The light is still on.”可知,史考特先生一定在

20、办公室,用情态动词must;根据“I saw him drive out with his wife just now.”可知,史考特先生刚跟妻子出去,所以肯定不在办公室,用情态动词cant。故选D。28The young trees _ every day, or theyll die.Amust water Bcan be watered Cmust be watered Dshould be watering这些小树必须每天浇水,否则它们会死掉的。考查含有情态动词的被动语态以及动词辨析。must必须。根据常识可知,主语“The young trees”和谓语动词“water(浇水)”是被

21、动关系,所以此句应用被动语态,排除A和D;根据“.or theyll die.”可知,为了不让小树死掉,人们必须每天给小树浇水,此处应用must表必须。29We can _ masks (口罩) to protect ourselves when we go out.Awears Bwear Cis wearing Dwill wear我们出门时可以戴口罩保护自己。考查情态动词的用法。空前有情态动词“can”,其后跟动词原形,表示“能够/可以做某事”。30I cant stop coughing, Mom.Oh, dear! Youd better _ a doctor with me rig

22、ht away.Awill see Bsee Cnot see Dseeing我止不住咳嗽,妈妈。哦,亲爱的!你最好马上和我一起去看医生。考查情态动词后接动词原形的用法。had better是情态动词,后接动词原形,排除A和D选项。根据“I cant stop coughing”可知,建议最好去看医生,故选B。31Must I take part in the relay race?No, you _. You are too young.Amustnt Bcant Cneednt我必须参加接力赛吗?不,你不需要。你太小了。mustnt表禁止;neednt不需要,“Must I”的疑问句,否定

23、回答用neednt,故选C。32Remember what the doctor said? You _ take more than two spoons of medicine at a time.I know that, Mum. Three is harmful.Amustnt Bneednt Cwouldnt Dcouldnt还记得医生说的吗?你一次不能吃两匙以上的药。我知道,妈妈。吃了三匙是有害的。mustnt不准;wouldnt不会;couldnt不能。根据“You.take more than two spoons of medicine at a time.”可知是不准一次吃

24、两匙以上的药,故选A。33What are you going to do tomorrow, Ken?I _ plan to practice the piano at home, but I am not sure.Ashould Bmight Ccant明天你打算做什么,肯?我可能打算在家练习钢琴,但我不确定。cant不能。根据“but I am not sure”可知,不确定,所以此处表示“可能”。34_ I have two tickets for the musical Les Miserable?Sorry. The tickets are sold out.AMust BNeed CShould DMay我可以要两张音乐剧悲惨世界的票吗?很抱歉。票卖完了。may

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