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1、have fun13.have lunch吃午饭14.many times多次 cards打牌 holiday学校假期17.see white tiger看白老虎 the Net上网19.take photos照相20.21.22.Xiangjiang Zoo香江野生动物园23.want to do sth.想要做某事 birds观鸟25. write a letter 写信三、句型双基What are you going to do?你打算干什么?I am going to climb Baiyun Hill.我打算去爬白云山。S

2、hall we go on the Pearl River Cruise?我们去游珠江 ,好吗?It s boring.真无聊。OK./ All right.行 ,好吧。Lets go to Xiangjiang Zoo instead!不如让我们去香江野生动物园!Good idea!好主意!行 ,好的。Unit 2 What Shall We Do?go fishing去钓鱼 king国王love爱 on上演tonight今晚;在今晚stupid愚蠢的ask your parents first先问问你的父母at half past eight = at eight thirty在八点半co

3、me to my house到我家go fishinggo swimming = go to swim去游泳go to the cinema去电影院had better do sth.最好做某事Let me see.让我看看。like doing sth.喜欢做某事on Thursday morning在星期四早上play table tennis打乒乓球see a film看电影thanks a lot = thank you very much非常感谢to tell you the truth告诉你真相watch the football game on TV在电视上看足球赛1. Woul

4、d you like to go with us? 你愿意和我们一起去吗?Yes,Id love to, thanks a lot.非常愿意 , 。Why dont you come to my house at twenty pasteight?你 什么不在 8:20到我家来呢?Great!太好了 !That s a good idea.那是个好主意。What film are you going to see?你打算看什么 影?The Lion King. 子王。Can I go with you?我可以一起去 ?Yes, of course.当然了。Module 2 CitiesUnit

5、 4 I Know This City!America美国;美洲 capital首都flag旗 excellent极好的; 秀堪培拉(澳大利Canberra 首都)Italy意大利Italian意大利的 / 人national国家的;民族的national flag国旗New YorkOttawa渥太 Paris巴黎RomeSydney悉尼WashingtonTokyo 京D.C. 盛 特区惠 灵 (新 西Wellington首都 )Chinese national flag = national flag of China中国国旗look at 看the biggest city最大的城市t

6、he capital citythe capital city of China中国首都城市the national flagthese three flags 三面国旗the nationalflag of France = theFrance法国的国旗9. the capital of Australia 澳大利亚的首都What national flag is it?这是哪个国家的国旗?Its the Chinese national flag.它是中国的国旗。Chinese national flag.中国的国旗。Whats the capital of Australia?澳大利亚的

7、首都是什么?The capital of Australia is Canberra.澳大利亚的首都是堪培拉。Canberra.堪培拉。Unit 5 Where Would They Like to Go On Holiday?just仅仅;恰好 maybe可能mountain山;山脉 noisy吵闹的 theGreatquiet安静的Wall长城Berlin柏林crowded拥挤的Moscow莫斯科million百万population人口Russia俄罗斯a good idea一个好主意an idea一个主意a good place to visit一个游览的好地方go back to E

8、ngland回到英国go on holiday去度假in the world在世界上I would like to do sth.我想做某事prefer to更愿意visit the Great Wall参观长城Where would you like to go on holiday?你想去哪里度假?I would like go to Rome.我想去罗马。I prefer to go to Tokyo.我更愿意去东京。Tokyo is a good place to visit.东京是个浏览的好地方。Where shall we go?我们将要去哪里呢?Id like go to Rom

9、e.t we go back to Beijing?我们为什么不回北京呢?Thats a good idea!Module 3 An InvitationUnit 7 Ben Wants to Play Footballaway离开 come to tea来喝茶bored厌烦的 go away走开gogo boating去划船swimminglater以后 match比赛 wont=willpoor可怜的not将不circus马戏团buy hamburgers for lunch为午餐买汉堡come to a party来聚会come to teado nothing无所事事get wet淋湿

10、了go boatinggo for a walk散步go shopping去购物go sightseeing去观光go swimming去看电影go to the circus去看马戏look happy看起来高兴maybe later迟些时候play computer games打电子游戏play football踢足球watch TV看电视Shall we go to see the film The Lion King?我们一起去看电影狮子王,好吗?Sorry, I m busy now.Maybe later.抱歉,我正忙呢。迟些时候吧。OK./ All right. / Sure.可

11、以。 / 好吧。 / 当然。Would you like to come to my party?你能来我的聚会吗?Yes, I d love to.好的 ,我很乐意。Can I go to Mikes house?我可以去麦克家?Of course you can.当然可以。Unit 8 Janet Is Going to Have a Partybring带来 CD激光唱片outside外面,在外面 problem问题VCD可视激光光盘invite邀请picnic野餐all the people in my class我班上所有的人bring a friend带个朋友来bring some

12、 food带些食物来have a party开聚会have a picnic outside在户外野餐help sb. do sth.帮助某人做某事invite all my friends邀请我所有的朋友listen to the new CD听新 CDmake all food做所有的食品make sandwiches做三明治no problem没问题play the guitar/ piano 吉他 / 琴see you then到 watch a VCD 看 VCDA picnic would be great.野餐会很棒。Would you like to come?你愿意来 ?Ye

13、s, Id love to.我很 意。Shall I bring some food?要我 些食物来 ?No, its OK.不用了。Sure./ All right.行。 / 可以。What time is the party?聚会什么 候开始?It starts at one oclock.1 点 开始。At one o clock.在 1点 。At 1:00.点。Module 4 On the TelephoneUnit 10 May I speak to Miss White?afraid恐怕,害怕 answer忙的bookstore 店 busy有空的,自由的doll玩具娃娃 fre

14、e是( are 的 去式)was是( am, is的 去式) were消息,消息werent=were not不是message ,打 take a message 消息telephoneat home在家at lunch time午餐 at school在学校be afraid of害怕be free有空call sb. 打 come back回来leave a message留言on the phone通 中phone sb.see you later回 speak to sb. 捎口信Hello. May I speak to Miss White?你好 ,我可以和 Miss White

15、通 ?Speaking. Whos that, please?, 你是 ?s Xiaoling here.我是 Xiaoling 。Shes not here, Im afraid.真不巧 ,她不在 里。He s on phone.他在通 中你。She s not in.她不在家。Unit 11 Who s Calling?did做 (do 的 去式 ) didnt = did not不felt感 (feel 的 去式 ) goodbye再 有 (have,has的 去had式 ) hear听到history 史 number号 said(say 的 去式 ) take 去voice声音dia

16、l打 be all right会好的be busycall back再打来feel well感 良好get plenty of rest多休息Guangzhou International School广州国 学校in the classroom在教室里have a cold感冒have a feverhave a headache 疼need to do sth.需要做某事see a doctor看病和 take sb. to hospital 某人去医院wrong number 了Who s calling? 呀?It s Mary speaking. 是 Mary在通 。Can I he

17、lp you?我能帮你 ?Yes,please. 。I am sorry to hear that.听到 个消息我很 憾。Don t worry!不要担心。OK./All right.好。 / 行。Module 5 The PastUnit 13 What Did You Do Yesterday?anybody任何人dirty 的evening傍晚meal一餐;一 phonequestionsaw看 (see 的 去式 )turn 到的机会went去 (go的 去式 )mark登 ;批改作 prepare准 answer the question回答 a quarter to one一点差一

18、刻clean the house打 房 cook a big meal煮一 大餐do housework做家 have a busy day繁忙的一天mark the pupil s homework批改学生的作 paint a picture画画prepar the lessonread newspapersee a film on TV在 上看 影talk abouttalk with sb. on the phone 聊天wash the clothes洗衣服wash the dishes洗 子your turn 到你了what did you do yesterday?你昨天干什么了?

19、I saw a film.我看了一部 影。I helpedmy mum cleantherooms.我帮 打 了房 。Did you go to bed late?昨天你很晚才睡 ?Yes,I did./Yes.是的。No,I didn t./No.不 ,不是。Sally , it s your turn .Sally , 到你了 !好吧。Unit 14What W as Judy s Old School Like?differentclassmate同班同学from不同于finish完成; 束 floorgot得到 (get less更少于read(read some一些 ;若干 ; 有些timetable 表at 249 Renmin Road在人民路 249号be like像finish school放学get home到家have sports做运 in the same building在同一 楼lunch break午 休息on the eighth floor在八楼start school上学stay at school待在学校be different from与不同a shorter time一个更短的 What was your old school like?你的旧学校什么

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