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1、2. You are an artist.3. He is the teacher who will teach us Chinese.3. Your books are in the bag.4. The dog is Toms.5. This man is our manager.(一)看下划线部分总结be动词的用法am:is:are:be动词的过去式为_, _was: were:be动词在there be 结构中的应用There isThere are练习:用be动词的适当形式填空1. The story _ interesting.2. We _ from USA.3. Miss Li

2、 _ our Physics teacher.4. I _ am in Beijing.5. _ you a lawyer? Yes, I _. (No, I _.)6. His coat _ black.7. The children _ happy.8. There _ some milk in the glass.9. There _ a lot of animals in the zoo. 10. Peter _ in Guangzhou three days ago.11. There _ 50 students on the playground just now.12. Ther

3、e _ an apple in the bag.(二)看方框部分总结冠词a, an, the的用法A:An:The:不用冠词的情况:练习完成短文,在必要的地方填写上冠词,不要处用“/”表示。 Im Mei Lin. Im _ a student. Im in _ Class One, Grade Nine. My hobby is playing _ piano. Its _ old photo of my family. Whos _old man? Hes my grandfather. _ man in _ blue is my uncle. _ woman in _ brown dre

4、ss is my mother. She is _ doctor. She has _ lunch in the hospital. _man behind _ my mother is my father. Hes _ English teacher. He likes playing _ football, Look! _ dog beside the boy is my friend. His name is _ Tom. All _ people in _ photo are very happy.三、练习(一) 找出下列句子中主谓宾结构的并翻译1. There are a lot o

5、f birds in the tree.2. Theboyisa student in Beijing No. 1 middle school.3. Shewas a teacher in this school ten years ago.4. Themans books are on the table.5. We were at home last Saturday.(二)把下列句子翻译成英文。1. 桌子上有一杯牛奶和两块蛋糕。2我们昨天在公园里。3. 我们明天将在图书馆。4他三年前是这个学校的学生。5他们每天在学校吃午饭。(三)单项填空( )1. What do you do at _

6、 home on Sundays? A. a B. an C. the D. /( )2. Whos _ old man in white?( )3.I have _ English book.A. a B. an C. the D. /( )4. This is _ small house.( )5. There _ many apples in the basket. A. is B. are C. am D. was ( )6. The books _ very interesting.( )7. Lily and Lin Li _ good friends.(四)书面表达用不少于50词

7、来介绍你的家庭,包括人数,每个人的职业,他们的爱好,最后写上你对家庭的感觉。分层作业:课后反思:二、主系表结构第二课时 1. Lucy is taller than Mary.2. Who is taller, Lucy or Mary?3. Its getting warmer and warmer.4. He runs much faster than his rother does.5. The harder you study, the more knowledge youll get.6. Mary is the tallest of the three.7. Who is the

8、tallest, Kate, Lucy or Mary?8. The Huanghe River is one of the longest rivers in China.以上句子的表语为_ 二、总结形容词副词的用法。(一)形容词与副词在句中的位置 She is happy. My father is angry. Li Lei is a hardworking student. There are some beautiful flowers on the teachers desk.1. 形容词用在_后面, _ 前面。 观察下列句子总结哪些词可为系动词He is happyThey lo

9、ok sad.His face turned redHe feels well today.It is becoming warmer and warmer.The song sounds beautiful.It is getting longer and longer.The food smells good.The cake tasted delicious.可在句中作系动词的有_Kate is very happy today.He runs fast. She does her homework carefully. They often help me with my Englis

10、h. I like English very much.2. 副词修饰_,动作副词放在动作_, 频率副词放在动词_,程度副词放在_。3. 注意good 与well的区别 1)good His book is good. She is a good girl.小结:2)wellHe studies Chinese well. She is very well.(二)形容词与副词的比较级与最高级观察下列句子总结用法He runs as fast as Tom.He doesnt run as fast as Tom.Lucy is taller than Mary.Who is taller, L

11、ucy or Mary?Who is the tallest, Kate, Lucy or Mary?Its even colder today.The more, the better.Its getting warmer and warmer.Tom is taller than any other student in his class.Mary is the tallest of the three.The Huanghe River is one of the longest rivers in China.1. 原级 1)表示甲方在某一方面与乙方程度相同: 2)表示甲方在某一方面

12、与乙方程度不同:2. 比较级:3. 最高级:4. 观察下列形容词或副词的形式 cold-colder -coldestnice-nicer-nicesthappy-happier-happiestbig-bigger-biggest helpful-more helpful-the most helpful good/well-better-best 总结形容词、副词比较级或最高级的构成:1) 2) 3) 4) 5)多音节或部分双音节 如:6)不规则变化: good/well-_ _ bad/badly/ill-_ _ many/much-_ _ little-_ _ _far _ _old

13、_ _1. Tom used the least time to do the most work.2. Lucys room isnt so big as Lilys.3. John wishes he could be as strong as his father.4. Tiananmen Square is one of largest squares in the world.5. Jim is the _ of the four children.1. 我们班比他们班干净。2在所有男孩中Peter最高。3. 李老师是我们学校最受欢迎的老师之一。4这个孩子变得越来越聪明了。5. 在所

14、有学生中李涛学习最努力。(三)用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Practice as _ (much) as you can.2. Youre the _ (kind) person Ive ever met.3. Which dress is _ (beautiful), Kates, Marys or Lucys?4. The weather is getting _ (warm) and _(warm)5. Summer is _ (hot) season of the year.6. Daniel runs the _ (fast) in his class.7. The _ (old)

15、 I get, the _ (strong) I seem to feel.(四)单项选择( )1.Who did _, Mike, Mary or Jim?A. well B. the best C. better D. most best( )2. Jack does his work _ of all.A. more carefully B. most carefully C. most carefully D. careful( )3.Our garden isnt so _ as theirs.A. larger B. large C. bigger D. smaller( )4.

16、Look! Linda is running _ than May.A. fast B. faster C. fastest D. the fastest( )5.Bob jumped the _ in the high jump this month.A. farther B. farthest C. further D. furthest( )6. The _ I get, the _ I seem to feel. A. old, strong B. older, stronger C. oldest, strongest D. older, strongest( )7.Paper-ma

17、king is _ of ancient China.A. one of the greatest invention B. one of greater inventionC. one of the greatest inventions D. one of greater inventions( )8.Beijing is become _ now.A. more and more B. beautiful and beautifulC. more and more beautiful D. more beautiful and more beautiful第三课时 1. His wish

18、 is to fly a plane in the future.2. his task is to collect all the useful material.3. Their work is to work out these problems.4. My job is to teach these students English.5. Her plan is to travel around the city this afternoon.划线部分为_ 二、总结学过的动词不定式的用法1. 动词不定式作主语构成:2. 用作宾语 (v. + to do ) 总结可接不定式作宾语的动词3

19、.用作形式宾语发现感觉做某事是._为形式宾语,_ 为真正的宾语。4. 用作宾语补足语:(v. + sb. + to do )告诉某人做某事_ 想让某人做某事_让/请某人做某事_ 想要某人做某事_允许某人做某事_建议某人做某事5. 带疑问词的不定式短语,在句中可用作主语、宾语、宾语补足语、表语等。即,疑问词 + to do sth.6. 用作状语(adverbial):1) 目的来某地做某事_ 去某地做某事_2) 结果:太以致不能_7. 许多形容词后接不定式时,形容词多是用来描述人物的情感、态度等, 如:glad, happy, pleased, sorry, sad, ready, caref

20、ul, surprised等。8. 用作表语构成:9. 用作定语构成:10. 作宾语补足语不带to 的情况:常见动词有:一感_ 最好_二听_, _ 三让_, _, _四看_, _,_,_ 11.help后面可以带_也可以不带_12.作主语补足语构成:_(一) 找出下列句子中动词不定式、说出成分并翻译。1. She came here to borrow an English book.2. Im sorry to make you wait here so long.3. She asked me to speak a little louder.4. I fond it difficult

21、to learn physics.5. Please listen to me sing this song again.6. You must watch me carefully do everything.7. He was heard to speak in the next room.8. I really dont know what to write about.1. 学好英语是非常重要的。2. 他想借我的CD播放机。3. 老师告诉我们要按时完成作业。4他请Peter帮助他学习英语5. 她太小了,不能上学。6. 经理让他每天工作10小时。(三)用所给词的正确形式填空1. He c

22、ome here _(visit)his teacher .2.Why not (use) the computer (help) you .3. Mary told me _(phone)her .4. Li Lei _(make)the baby _(stop)crying last night .5. youd better (not make) any noise.6. She said I didnt call her , but I remembered _(call)her .7. The film was worth (see). 8. He was seen (get) in

23、to the room.( )1.To play with the children _ very much.A. are B. is C. be D. will( )2.Its not difficult _ me _ English well.A. to, to learn B. for, to learn C. for, learn D. to, learning( )3.I found _ fall asleep.A. it to difficult to B. difficult to C. to difficult to D. it difficult to( )4.He told

24、 me _ a car.A. what to drive B. how drive C. drive D. how to drive( )5.I am very glad _ you.A. meet B. meeting C. to meet D. met( )6.Tom is too young _ the army.A. to join B. not to join C. joining D. joined( )7. The teacher will teach him _. A. to use B. use it C. how to use it D. uses( )8.The girl was beginning _. A. get angry B. to get angry C. getting angry D. angry( )9.I want _ a c

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