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1、自愿原则 principle of free will公平原则 principle of justice等价有偿原则 principle of equal value exchange诚实信用原则 principle of good faith行为 act作为 ac不作为 omission合法行为 lawful act违法行为 unlawful act民事权利权利能力 civil right绝对权 absolute right相对权 relative right优先权 right of priority先买权 preemption原权 antecedent right救济权 right of

2、relief支配权 right of dominion请求权 right of claim物上请求权 right of claim for real thing形成权 right of formation撤销权 right of claiming cancellation否认权 right of claiming cancellation解除权 right of renouncement代位权 subrogated right选择权 right of choice承认权 right of admission终止权 right of termination抗辩权 right of defense

3、一时性抗辩权 momentary right of defense永久性抗辩权 permanent counter-argument right不安抗辩权 unstable counter-argument right同时履行抗辩权 defense right of simultaneous performance既得权 tested right期待权 expectant right专属权 exclusive right非专属权 non-exclusive right人身权利 personal right人权 human right人格权 right of personality生命健康权 r

4、ight of life and health姓名权 right of name名称权 right of name肖像权 right of portraiture自由权 right of freedom名誉权 right reputation隐私权 right of privacy私生活秘密权 right of privacy贞操权 virginity right身份权 right of status亲权 parental power; parental right亲属权 right of relative探视权 visitation right配偶权 right of spouse荣誉权 r

5、ight of honor权利的保护 protection of right公力救济 public protection私力救济 self-protection权利本位 standard of right社会本位 standard of society无责任行为 irresponsible right正当防卫 justifiable right; ligitimate defence防卫行为 act of defence自为行为 self-conducting act紧急避险 act of rescue; necessity自助行为 act of self-help不可抗力 force maj

6、eure意外事件 accident行为能力 capacity for act意思能力 capacity of will民事行为 civil act意思表示 declaration of intention意思表示一致 meeting of minds; consensus完全行为能力 perfect capacity for act限制行为能力 restrictive capacity for act准禁治产人 quasi-interdicted person保佐 protection自治产人 minor who is capable of administering his own capa

7、city无行为能力 incapacity for act禁治产人 interdicted person自然人 natural person公民 citizen住所 domicile居所 residence经常居住地 frequently dwelling place户籍 census register监护 guardianship个体工商户 individual business农村承包经营户 leaseholding rural household合伙 partnership合伙人 partner合伙协议 partnership agreement合伙财产 property of partn

8、ership合伙债务 debt of partnership入伙 join partnership退伙 withdrawal from partnership合伙企业 partnership business establishment个人合伙 partnership法人合伙 partnership of legal person特别合伙 special partnership普通合伙 general partnership有限合伙 limited partnership民事合伙 civil partnership隐名合伙 sleeping partnership; dormant partn

9、ership私营企业 private enterprise; proprietorship法人 legal person企业法人 legal body of enterprise企业集团 group of enterprise关联企业 affiliate enterprise个人独资企业 individual business establishment国有独资企业 solely state-owned enterprise中外合资企业 Sino-foreign joint venture enterprise中外合作企业 Sino-foreign contractual enterprise

10、社团法人 legal body of mass organization财团法人 legal body of financial group联营 joint venture法人型联营 association of legal persons合伙型联营 coordinated management in partnership协作型联营 cooperation-type coordinated management合作社 cooperative民事法律行为 civil legal act单方民事法律行为 unilateral civil legal act双方民事法律行为 bilateral c

11、ivil legal act多方民事法律行为 joint act civil legal act有偿民事法律行为 civil legal act with consideration无偿民事法律行为 civil legal act without consideration; civil legal act without award实践性民事法律行为 practical civil legal act法律翻译公司诺成性民事法律行为 consental civil legal act要式民事法律行为 formal civil legal act不要式民事法律行为 informal civil

12、legal act要因民事法律行为 causative civil legal act不要因民事法律行为 noncausative civil legal act主民事法律行为 principal civil legal act从民事法律行为 accessory civil legal act附条件民事法律行为 conditional civil legal act附期限民事法律行为 civil legal act with term生前民事法律行为 civil legal act before death死后民事法律行为 civil legal act after death准民事法律行为

13、quasi-civil legal act无效行为 ineffective act可撤销民事行为 revocable civil act违法行为 illegal act; unlawful act侵权行为 tort欺诈 fraud胁迫 duress乘人之危 taking advantage of others precarious position以合法形式掩盖非法目的 legal form concealing illegal intention恶意串通 malicious collaboration重大误解 gross misunderstanding显失公平 obvious unjust

14、误传 misrepresentation代理 agency本人 principal被代理人 principal受托人 trustee代理人 agent本代理人 original agent法定代理人 statutory agent; legal agent委托代理人 agent by mandate指定代理人 designated agent复代理人 subagent再代理人 subagent转代理人 subagent代理权 right of agency授权行为 act of authorization授权委托书 power of attorney代理行为 act of agency委托代理

15、 agency by mandate本代理 original agency复代理 subagency次代理 subagency有权代理 authorized agency表见代理 agency by estoppel; apparent agency律师代理 agency by lawyer普通代理 general agency全权代理 general agency全权代理委托书 general power of attorney共同代理 joint agency独家代理 sole agency居间 brokerage居间人 broker行纪 commission; broker house信

16、托 trust时效 time limit; prescription; limitation时效中止 suspension of prescription/limitation时效中断 interruption of limitation/prescription时效延长 extension of limitation取得时效 acquisitive prescription时效终止 lapse of time; termination of prescription期日 date期间 term涉外民事关系 civil relations with foreign elements冲突规范 r

17、ule of conflict准据法 applicable law; governing law反致 renvoi; remission转致 transmission识别 identification公共秩序保留 reserve of public order法律规避 evasion of law国籍 nationality国有化 nationalization法律责任 legal liability民事责任 civil liability/responsibility行政责任 administrative liability/responsibility刑事责任 criminal liabi

18、lity/responsibility违约责任 liability of breach of contract; responsibility of default有限责任 limited liability无限责任 unlimited liability按份责任 shared/several liability连带责任 joint and several liability过失责任 liability for negligence; negligent liability过错责任 fault liability; liability for fault单独过错 sole fault共同过错

19、joint fault混合过错 mixed fault被害人过错 victims fault第三人过错 third partys fault推定过错 presumptive fault恶意 bad faith; malice故意 deliberate intention; intention; willfulness过失 negligence重大过失 gross negligence疏忽大意的过失 careless and inadvertent negligence过于自信的过失 negligence with undue assumption损害事实 facts of damage有形损失

20、 tangible damage/loss无形损失 intangible damage/loss财产损失 property damage/loss人身损失 personal damage/loss精神损失 spiritual damage/loss民事责任承担方式 methods of bearing civil liability停止侵害 cease the infringing act排除妨碍 exclusion of hindrance; removal of obstacle消除危险 elimination of danger返还财产 restitution of property恢复

21、原状 restitution; restitution of original state赔偿损失 compensate for a loss; indemnify for a loss支付违约金 payment of liquidated damage消除影响 eliminate ill effects恢复名誉 rehabilitate ones reputation赔礼道歉 extend a formal apology物权 jus ad rem; right in rem; real right物权制度 real right system; right in rem system一物一权

22、原则 the principal of One thing, One Right物权法定主义 principal of legality of right in rem物权公示原则 principal of public summons of right in rem物权法 jus rerem物 property生产资料 raw material for production生活资料 means of livelihood; means of subsistence流通物 res in commercium; a thing in commerce限制流通物 limited merchanta

23、ble thing禁止流通物 res extra commercium; a thing out of commerce资产 asset固定资产 fixed asset流动资产 current asset; floating asset动产 movables; chattel不动产 immovable; real estate特定物 res certae; a certain thing种类物 genus; indefinite thing可分物 res divisibiles; divisible things不可分物 res indivisibiles; indivisible thing

24、s主物 res capitalis; a principal thing从物 res accessoria; an accessory thing原物 original thing孳息 fruits天然孳息 natural fruits法定孳息 legal fruits无主物 bona vacatia; vacant goods; ownerless goods遗失物 lost property漂流物 drifting object埋藏物 fortuna; hidden property货币 currency证券 securities债券 bond物权分类 classification of

25、right in rem/real right自物权 jus in re propria; right of full ownership所有权 dominium; ownership; title所有权凭证 document of title; title of ownership占有权 dominium utile; equitable ownership使用权 right of use; right to use of收益权 right to earnings; right to yields处分权 right of disposing; jus dispodendi善意占有 posse

26、ssion in good faith恶意占有 malicious possession按份共有 several possession共同共有 joint possession他物权 jus in re aliena用益物权 real right for usufruct使用权 right to use; right of use土地使用权 right to the use of land林权 forest ownership采矿权 mining ownership经营权 managerial authority; power of management承包经营权 right to contr

27、acted management相邻权 neighboring right; relatedright地上权 superficies永佃权 jus emphyteuticum; right to landed estate granted in perpetuity through a contract地役权 servitude; easement人役权 servitus personarum; personal servitude担保物权 real right for security物的担保 security for thing物的瑕疵担保 warranty against defect

28、of a thing抵押权 hypotheca; hypothecation; right to mortgage抵押权的设定 creation of right to mortgage抵押人 mortgagor抵押权人 mortgagee抵押标的物 collateral; estate under mortgage抵押权的效力 deffect of right to mortgage抵押权的次序 sequence of right to mortgage抵押权的抛弃 abandonment of right to mortgage抵押权的让与 alienation of right to mortgage抵押权的实现 materialization of right to mortgage抵押权的消灭 extinction of right tomortgageregistration of estate under

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