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1、 roYoomu) can also enjoy a late check out at 5 pm.on Sundays,and while you lie in ,the kids can entertain themselves with the Cartoon Network while enjoying free ice cream.The RitzKids at the Ritz are treated just as well as their parents,if not better !Children can enjoy computer games and DVDs ,fr

2、ee ice cream and their own bathrobes and slippers.Under16s can stay for free in their parents bedroom.【语篇解读】 如果你带着孩子在伦敦度假, 那不妨考虑一下文中提到的五个特 色旅馆。1If you and your kids want to enjoy yourselves by bike,you will choose A AthenaeumBChessington Safari HotelC NovotelD Marlin Apartments答案 A 细节理解题。由 Athenaeum

3、 部分的最后一句 “And they can arrange your perfect family activities ,from bike hire to theater tickets.”可知,该旅馆可提 供租自行车服务。故选 A 项。 2Which of the hotels can help you make your own dinner?A Chessington Safari Hotel.BMarlin Apartments.C Novotel.D The Ritz.答案 B 细节理解题。由 Marlin Apartments 部分的第二句中的 “fully equipped

4、 kitchen”可知,Marlin Apartments 旅馆提供了设备齐全的厨房供旅客使用。 故选 B 项。3What do Novotel and the Ritz have in common?A You can enjoy the best service in London.BKids can play computer games.C Breakfast is free for kids.D Free ice cream is provided.答案 D 细节理解题。由 Novotel 部分的最后一句“.while enjoying free ice cream.”和 The R

5、itz 部分的第二句“Children can enjoy computer games and DVDs, free ice cream and their own bathrobes.”. 可知, free ice cream是两个旅馆的共同 点。故选 D 项。4Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AYou must contact Athenaeum before arrival.BKids can watch any movies they like at Chessington Safari Hotel.CY

6、ou can surf the Internet free of charge in Marlin Apartments.DThe Ritz has extra room for folding beds in the living area.答案 C 细节理解题。由 Marlin Apartments部分中的“free Wi Fi”可知,Marlin Apartments 旅馆提供免费的无线上网服务, C 项中“ free of charge(免费)”和“ surf the Internet(上网)”与之呼应。故选 C 项。 .阅读七选五(2019 海口一中模拟 )Being lazy is

7、 a negative selfattribution(自我归因 ) people often make when they don tu nderstand why they aren tta king action toward something they should be doing.According to research, we constantly calculate whether or not the actions we take are “ wortht he effort b”a sed on what type of reward we expect.You d

8、find it difficult to get out of bed to attend a morning work out class.However,if you knew you d get a million dollars if yiodu, dyou d have no problem._1_To take action toward a desired goa,l you should expect to win the battle._2_ If youtell yourself you expect to fail,it s unlikely that you ll pu

9、t in all the necessary effort tochange the behavior._3_ In other words,thi nk about why you ve set the goal in the first placWe hat will you be able to do when you have achieved your goal? How much better will you feel about yourself? _4_ Then read the list before you go to bed and read it againbefo

10、re you get up in the morning.Once you know what the benefits are,think about what existing behavior might get inthe way._5_ For example,if you find it hard to get up in the morning to exercise,move the alarm to somewhere that forces you to get out of bed.A What you tell yourself matters.BSo how do y

11、ou increase your motivation?C Then accordingly,take action to fight them.D Try to make sure that your goal is achievable.EAlso ,you should focus on the benefits of the action.FWrite these down on a piece of paper next to your bed.G Take the necessary steps that will help you achieve what you want.【语

12、篇解读】 本文是说明文。 我们在实现目标的过程中, 如何让自己变得更有 动力呢?1B 上文指出,当人们想不通为什么自己没有朝着目标行动起来时,他们会 自我归因为懒惰。 而研究表明, 我们总是会根据我们期望的回报来衡量我们所做 的事情是否值得。 这往往导致动力不足。 那么如何增加动力呢?下文就围绕这个 问题展开。 2A 根据空后的内容可知,如果你告诉自己你预感会失败,你就不会全身心 地付出努力。言外之意是:你要告诉自己你可以做到。因此,你自己的信心最重 要,故可判断选 A 项。空后的 tell yourself 与本空表达的内容一致。3E 根据空后的 “ In other words, thin

13、k about.will you feel about yourself ?” 可推断,此处建议多想想行动带来的好处,故正确答案为 E。4F 根据本空后的 the list可判断选 F项。把实现目标的好处都写到一张纸上, 放到床边,每天睡觉前和起床前都读一下。 5C 上句指出,知道了实现目标的益处后,就想想目前有什么行为会阻碍你行动。本句紧接上句内容告诉我们:相应地采取行动来打败这些阻碍你的行为 本空后的例子用来说明这一方法。.完形填空One day,the sewer line(污水管道 ) under our house burst.My first 1 was to call the p

14、lumber(水管工 ).“We dondt o that,” he said,as if to tell me that even plumbers have their dignity.He did,however, 2 someone.I made the call, expecting the man to complain of such a miserable job. 3 ,he simply asked,“ The address?”An hour later, Steve arrived in his truck.I 4 anxiously as he walked down

15、 into the damp depths.A few moments later he 5 ,saying,“ It s brok”en.“ Can you fix it ?” I asked with a mixture of doubt and hope.Steve looked at me as if scolding me for my lack of 6 saying,“ Sure. ” Then he told me that he had to get a backhoe挖( 土机 ) and 7 the street to the main sewer line and th

16、at it wouldn t be done until evening.I didn t 8 to watch the excavation(挖掘 ).All I wanted was to leave, go somewhere,and,upon my 9 ,see everything the way it was before the damage.I felt somewhat 10 upon driving off in my clean vehicle , leaving Steve to such an unpleasant task.I went into town and

17、visited a few friends. 11 , around 6 p.m., my curiosity got the better of me.I went home and saw a sweeter 12 : the newly-paved street and a covered-up excavation across my front garden.I opened the cellar door and all was tidy.I sat down,lost in 13 .I was taken by the very idea tha,t sometimes terr

18、ible things might happen to an unlucky homeowner, 14 there is always somebody who is 15 in its solution.If that s not the reasuodne ,foIr gramti tnot sure what is.【语篇解读】 本文是记叙文。 作者家的下水道污水管破裂, 一位水管工费了很 大的功夫帮作者修好了。他为作者解决了一个棘手的问题,为此作者感激不尽。1.B.solutionD.responseA.requirementC.schedule答案 D 作者家的下水道污水管破裂了,

19、作者的第一反应就是打电话给水管 工,故选 D 项。 B.recommendC.consult D.recall答案 B 第一个水管工拒绝了作者的请求, 但向作者推荐了另一个人, 故作者 随后打电话给另一个人,由此语境可判断选 B 项。3.A.However B.AnywayC.Again D.Thus答案 A 结果相反,此人爽快地答应了作者的请求。4.A.shouted B.watchedC.hesitated D.explained答案 B 该水管工下下水道的时候,作者在一边焦急地看着。5.A.refused B.droppedC.nodded D.appeared答

20、案 D 该水管工出来后将污水管破损情况告诉作者。6.A.wisdom D.courage答案 C 根据上文 “a mixture of doubt”中的 doubt 可推断,该水管工似乎在责怪 作者对他没信心。7.A.go along B.get into D.tear up答案 D 根据 backhoe和“the main sewer line”可知,问题比较棘手,需要将通 往主污水管道上的路挖开。8.A.accept B.desireC.volunteer D.agree答案 B 根据“All I wanted was to

21、 leave,go somewhere”可推断,作者不想看这复杂的工程。9.A.returnB.retirementC.disappearance D.arrival答案 A 作者希望一回来就能看到一切都复原,故选 A 项。10.A.proud B.upsetC.relaxed D.guilty答案 D 根据“upon driving off in my clean vehicle,leaving Steve to such an unpleasant task” 可知,作者有些内疚。11.A.Instantly B.ThankfullyC.Eventually D.Naturally答案 C

22、 根据空前的内容可知, 作者在外面待了很久, 到了下午 6 点,作者好奇水管修得怎么样了。12.A.situation B.phenomenonC.environment D.sight答案 D 根据“the newly-paved street.and all was tidy”可推断此处指作者所看到的情景,故选 D 项。13.A.imagination B.memoryC.thought D.consideration答案 C 根据“I was taken by the very idea that.”可知,此处指作者陷入了沉思。14.A.butC.andB.soD.for答案 A 尽管有时候房主们会遇到一些糟糕的事情, 但总有一些有经验的人会出面解决。15.A.interestedC.successfulB.fortunateD.experienced答案 D 参考上题解析。

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