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1、00. C. At 9:00.12.What color jacket does the man prefer?A. Black. B. Blue. C. Brown.13.What is the womans name?A. Moira. B. Maria. C. Meryl.14.Where does the conversation probably take place;A. In a library. B. In a bank. C. On a bus.15. What will the woman do tonight?A. Watch a football game. B. Fi

2、nish her report. C. Do the housework.长对话理解你将听到两段对话,每段对话后有几个小题。请在每小题所给的A、B、C三选项中选出一个最佳选项。听下面一段对话,回答第16至17小题。16. Where are the speakers going to have the party?A. In the meeting room. B. In the dining room. C. In the music room.17. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?A. Teacher

3、and student. B. Father and daughter. C. Boss and secretary.听下面一段对话,回答第18至20小题。18. When did the woman move here?A. Yesterday morning. B. Yesterday afternoon. C. Yesterday evening.19. Where does the man live?A. In 304. B. In 404. C. In 504.20. What is the mans suggestion to the woman?A. Moving out of

4、the building. B. Buying a pair of gloves. C. Coming for a drink.短文理解你将听到一篇短文,短文后有五个小题。请根据短文内容,在每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。短文读两遍。21. How many meals do most English people eat a day?A. Three. B. Four. C. Five.22. What do English people usually have for breakfast?A. Eggs or bread. B. Meat or fish. C. Fru

5、it or vegetables.23. When is afternoon tea?A. From 2: 00 to 3:00. B. From 3:00 to 4:00. C. From 4:00 to 5:24. Why do some families like eating well in the evening?A. Because they are usually busy in the day.B. Because they are hungry in the evening.C. Because restaurants are open in the evening.25.W

6、hat is the speaker mainly talking about?A. English learning. B. Eating habits. C. Keeping healthy.信息转换你将听到一篇短文。请根据短文内容,写出下面表格中所缺的单词,每空仅填一词。School Open Day WhenWhatWho On _26_Teachers9:00 meet parents at the _27_ gate of the school15_28_ parents to visit the classroomParents10:00look at the class pro

7、jects in the hall12:00have lunch and a break1:30visit the library and the new _29_2:30 enjoy a _30_第二部分 英语知识运用单项填空从每小题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1.Mum Ive got the first prize in the speech competition._, my boy!A. Well done B. My pleasure C. Good luck D. Its hard to say2.You can see the _ in o

8、ur faces when we talk about the great achievements in the past 70 years.A. doubt B. pride C. regret D. ability3.Could you stay a little longer? I have _ more to tell you about the plan for tomorrow.A. something B. everything C. anything D. nothing4.Its ten years since we came here.How time flies! We

9、 _ in China for so long.A. work B. worked C. will work D. have worked5.The 5G technology can help doctors treat patients who are hundreds of kilometers away. Its really _.A. secret B. direct C. amazing D. traditional6.A better future is the goal of the Chinese people, _ its also the common interest

10、of the world.A. so B. and C. or D. but7.Hello, Beijing Hotel. Can I help you?Yes, Id like to _ a single room for two nights.A. enter B. move C. book D. provide8.On sunny days, my grandma often reads a novel _ the window.A. by B. for C. with D. from9.The designer has tried every possible way to make

11、the robot light, so you _ worry about its weight.A. must B. may C. cant D. neednt10.I wonder _ the students have a physical examination. Once a year.A how far B. how soon C. how long D. how often11.Shall we go to the airport to _ your sister?I dont think its necessary. She will come here by taxi.A.

12、see off B. pick up C. look after D. come across12.The villagers expect that the building of the bridge _ before the rainy season comes.A. is completed B. was completed C. will be completed D. has been completed13.I came to school _ this morning because it was my turn to clean our classroom.A. early

13、B. slowly C. quietly D. suddenly14.Our business wont improve _ we offer better service to our customers.A. because B. unless C. after D. since15.Sorry, I took the wrong seat._. I will take yours instead.A. No way B. Better not C. Excuse me D. Thats all right完形填空阅读下列短文, 从每小题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。D

14、ear Michael,I am glad to learn that you have been chosen to study in China. Your dream has come true!I can well remember that you _16_ China for the first time when you were nine. Ever since you returned, you have been interested in Chinese culture and have put a lot of _17_ into learning Chinese. W

15、hen you first started to learn Chinese, I _18_ it was nothing but a passing fad (一时的狂热). However, you didnt _19_ halfway, but kept on learning and did a good job in the HSK (汉语水平考试). Now you finally got what you had _20_ for a long time. You got the chance to _21_ life in China for one year. You sho

16、uld have it, my son, for chances only come to those who are _22_.When you study there, you will have to face _23_ in everyday life that you have never experienced before, but after a year abroad, you will return with a new _24_ at lifeand at yourself.Your mum and I are both _25_ you. Keep it up, my

17、son!Love, Dad16. A. built B. visited C. missed D. changed17. A. difficulty B. success C. effort D. space18. A. thought B. agreed C. forgot D. added19. A. cheer up B. grow up C. turn up D. give up20. A. written B. wanted C. toured D. paid21. A. introduce B. experience C. respect D. imagine22. A. prep

18、ared B. honest C. friendly D. helpful23. A. examples B. meetings C. challenges D. dreams24. A. look B. touch C. guess D. speed25. A. different from B. similar to C. polite to D. proud ofBAre you shy? If you are, you are not alone. In fact, nearly 50% of people are shy, and almost 80% feel shy at som

19、e point in their lives. Why are people _26_?It is found that family size might _27_ people to be shy. Children with no brothers and sisters may be shy. Growing up _28_, they often play by themselves. They are not able to develop the same social skills as children from big _29_.Another cause of shyne

20、ss could be _30_. As more and more people use the Internet, they _31_ less time outside, talking to people. As a result, they lose practice at conversation. _32_ to new people face to face can make them feel nervous.For shy people, it can be _33_ to make friends, speak in class, and even get a good

21、job. But scientists say you can _34_ your shyness. They suggest trying _35_ things and practicing conversation.Anyway, dont be afraid of shynessyou are valued for what you are!26. A. excited B. shy C. happy D. brave27. A. remind B. teach C. guide D. cause28. A. quickly B. happily C. alone D. abroad2

22、9. A. countries B. cities C. teams D. families30 A. duty B. safety C. technology D. education31 A. design B. spend C. collect D. save32. A. Nodding B. Running C. Jumping D. Speaking33. A. difficult B. safe C. harmful D. surprising34. A. run into B. look for C. get over D. depend on35. A. new B. priv

23、ate C. awful D. heavy第三部分 阅读理解补全对话根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两个为多余选项。A: Lucy, how long have you been in China?B: _36_ Wow! Thats a long time. Yes, and Im going to stay longer to see how the Mid-Autumn Festival is celebrated here. _37_ Can I? Thats very kind of you! _38_ Well celebrate it in the

24、 countryside. _39_ Yes, Im sure youll learn a lot about Chinese traditions there. Sounds great! _40_ Looking forward to your coming. A. Thats not true.B. For about three months.C. How do you celebrate it?D. I believe you will love it.E. You mean in your hometown?F. I cant wait for the coming of that

25、 day.G. If so you can come to celebrate it with my family.阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。It is expected that Pacific Island countries will become popular with Chinese tourists in 2019. Which one should you choose for your summer holiday?CountryWhat you need to knowLanguageWhat you need to do

26、Papua New GuineaIt is the largest one of the Pacific Island countries. Both the mainland and its islands are perfect for deep sea diving (潜水).English & Tok PisinGo deep sea diving in the Solomon Sea.Kingdom ofTongaTonga is ahead of the rest of the world: its the first country in the world to start a

27、 new day.TonganVisit the Royal Palace of Tonga.The Republic of VanuatuIt sits between Hawaii and Australia. In Vanuatu, youll find the worlds only underwater post office in the capital, Port Villa.English,French &BislamaSend a postcard from the underwater post office.FijiFiji is one of the worlds be

28、st-known places for your holiday. The islands blue sea, white-sand beaches and the forests are well worth seeing.Fijian &EnglishGo diving on Mana Island41. Which country is the first one to start a new day?A. Papua New Guinea. B. Kingdom of Tonga.C. The Republic of Vanuatu. D. Fiji.42. People go to Fiji for their holidays mainly because _.A. things there are well worth seeing B. the underwater post office is excitingC. they want to stay in the Royal Palace D. it is the largest Pacific Island country43. Which language is spoken in all the four Pacific Island c

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