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1、B.Something repaired.C.Something misplaced.M. Do you remember where I put the notebook? Have you lost it? No, Im just not sure where it is.A.By car.B.By bus.C.On foot. I hardly ever go shopping by bus now. The shopping store is within walking distance. Well, you re lucky. The store I can go to is ab

2、out 2 miles away.A.America.B.Japan.C.China. This is Mrs Green from the United States. But she has lived most of her life in China and Japan.M. Nice to meet you, Mrs Green.A.In a big city.B.On a farm.C.In a factory.W. What did you do on your vacation? I did farm work in the morning, went swimming eve

3、ry afternoon, and visited different families in the evening. Sounds like you kept yourself quite busy.三、第二节(总题数:5,分数:15.00)What does the announcement tell people?2.00)A.They should start leaving the exhibition hall now.B.No more visitors will come.C.The exhibition is still open.听力原文 -Ladies and gent

4、lemen, we are closing the Students Art Exhibition in 15 minutes at half past five. We will now stop letting in any more visitors. All visitors in the hall please begin moving towards the gate. Thank you.A.Half past five in the afternoon.B.Fifteen minutes to five.C.A quarter past five.At least how ma

5、ny nuclear power centres are there in China from this news?A.Three.B.Four.C.Two.China says it will build three more nuclear power centres. A top Chinese official said one power center will be built in eastern China, another is planned in the north-eastern part of the country.A.All.B.Two.C.Three.How

6、did the speaker and his wife find their seats?A.They were feeling their way to their seats like the blind.B.The speaker found the seats first and then he led his wife there.C.They didnt find their seats because it was too dark.The cinema was in darkness when my wife and I went in. It was not easy to

7、 make our way to our seats.Its very strange not to have any lights on before the film starts, I said. Well, perhaps they are saving money! Lets feel our way and find our seats like the blind.Our seats were in one of the rows near the door actually. We heard other people pass by but we could not tell

8、 how many people there were in the cinema.It must be two o clock already. I thought.Just then the film started. But we were disappointed to find that the order of the showing had been changed. The second of the two films which we were not interested in was shown first.A.At the front of the cinema.B.

9、In the middle of the rows.C.In one of the rows near the door.A.At two oclock.B.At three oC.At one oclock.A.Because the film started late.B.Because the second of the two films which they were not interested in was shown first.C.Because they couldnt see the film clearly.A.They would finish seeing the

10、2 films.B.They would go to a restaurant right after the second film.C.They might have planned to go home after seeing the first film.What was the most wonderful piece of machinery on show?3.00)A.The steam boat.B.The steam engine.C.The steam hammer.Do you know the most unusual building of the ninetee

11、nth century? Perhaps it was the Crystal Palace. It was built in Hyde Park for the Great Exhibition of 1851. The Crystal Palace was different from all other buildings in the world. It was made of iron and glass. It was one of the biggest buildings of the time and a lot of people from many countries c

12、ame to see it. A great many goods were sent to the exhibition from all parts of the world. There was also a great deal of machinery on show. The most wonderful piece of machinery on show was Nasmyth s steam hammer. Though in those days, traveling was not as easy as it is today, steam boats carried t

13、housands of visitors across the Channel from Europe. On arriving in England, they were taken to the Crystal Palace by train. There were six million visitors in all, and the money gained from the exhibition was used to build museums and colleges. Later, the Crystal Palace was moved to South London. I

14、t remained one of the most famous buildings in the world until it was burnt down in 1936.A.6,000.B.60,000.C.6,000,000.A.It was destroyed in a fire.B.It was destroyed in a flood.C.It was destroyed in an earthquake.Why did the film become successful at the beginning of this century?A.Because it lasted

15、 a whole hour.B.Because it joined the scenes together in a story.C.Because the price of the ticket was only five cents.Can you imagine the earliest films? Now Ill tell you something about them. The earliest films were short, lasting only one minute or less. People could, for one cent, see simple act

16、ion films of trains, cars, crowds, on city streets, and similar subjects. Soon 20-minute pictures of pieces of news were being shown in theatres at the end of the regular stage show. Later, films used a new method. They put the beginning of one scene upon the end of the scene before so as to tie a s

17、tory together. In 1903 a film was made about a story. Much of the action took place at the same time - The prisoners escaping, the men meeting and planning to catch them - and the scenes moved smoothly, back and forth, from one scene to another, instead of unnaturally showing each scene separately.

18、This was the earliest successful film. A short time later, theatres showed for five cents a whole hours pleasure of short films. These films were simple and rough. But at that time people liked these films very much.A.About how to make films.B.About the earliest films.C.About the prices for differen

19、t firms to make films.A.Short, clear and regular.B.Short, smooth and successful.C.Short, simple and unnatural.四、第二部分 英语知识运用(总题数:五、第一节 单项填空(总题数:15,分数:1.-Tina looks especially pretty tonight.-Yes, she always looks her best in _ of that color.1.00)A.dressB.a dressC.that dressD.the dress这句的句意是:“蒂娜今天看起来格

20、外美”“对她来说,穿那种颜色的女衫总是特别好看”。dress指“一切衣服”,a dress指“一件女衫”。2.Wouldn t it be _ wonderful world if all nations lived in _ peace with one another?A.a, B.the, C.a,theD.the,thein peace(=peacefully)意思是平安地,和平地,是固定词组;world此处由描述性形容词修饰,前面用不定冠词;a wonderful world为泛指。3.We made the bookshelf the a handC

21、.by handsby hand是“用手,用手工”的意思。在英语中by hand是成语,属于习惯用法, hand前不可用冠词,也不能因为是“很多手干的”而用hand的复数形式。4.When she finished _ , she began working for _.A.a school, newspaperB.the school, the, a newspaperD.schools, newspaperfinish school(毕业),newspaper(报纸)是可数名词,work for a newspaper在一家报馆工作。5

22、._ red is a beautiful colour.A.TheB.C.AD.An表示颜色的词用作名词时,其前不用冠词。6.Where there is _ will, there is _ way.A.the, theB.a, aC.a, theD.the,a本句的句意是“有志者事竞成”。will(此处为自制力、意志力,仅用单数)和way在此句中都为可数名词。7._ child as he is, he knows a lot of English.B.AC.在含有“as”或“though”的倒装从句中单数可数名词前不需加定冠词。8.Many people are still in _

23、habit of writing silly things in _ public places.B.the, anC.the, theD.the, in the habit of doing sth是一固定词组,此处为特指;public places为泛指,故不加 the。9.He studies _ science of sound.A.B.theC.anD.ascience为抽象名词。当抽象名词表示一特定内容,特别是有限制性定语修饰时,常加定冠词the。此处表示“他研究声学”这一特定内容。10.-Wheres Jack?-I think he is still in _ bed, but

24、 he might just in _ bathroom.,B.the, theC.the,D.,thebe in bed表示“卧床”,bed前不加冠词,而bathroom前需加定冠词,表示Jack家的浴室。11.We keep in touch with them by _ telephone.A.theC.aD.an介词by后接运输工具类名词(bike,bus,plane等)或通讯工具类名词(phone,tele graph等)表示手段、方法,通常不用冠词。12.He is _ Lei Feng.A.aC.theD.one不定冠词用于专有名词前表示类似一个人或某一个物品。此句的句意为:“他

25、是一个雷锋式人物。”13._ late Mr Brown came to China ten years ago.A.The人名或不用冠词的地名,有定语修饰时,常加定冠词。这里the late Mr Brown是“已故的布朗先生”。14.We usually go swimming in _ summer. In _ autumn of that year, he left Wuhan for the south.,an季节名词泛指时前面不加冠词,如果特指某一个季节就用定冠词the。第一句话泛指夏季这个季节,第二句则是特指那一年的秋季。15.In _ 1980s great changes h

26、ave taken place in ChinA.The story happened in_ early 1960s.A. the, theB. C. the, D. 表示“年代”前面要用定冠词the。如果年代前加late,early等词,也要用定冠词the。六、第二节 完型填空(总题数:七、An old man was (36) a large, beautiful ear.(总题数:20,分数:20.00) out in18.A.sawB.noticedC.foundD.spotted19.A.butB.andC.thenD.so20.A.inB.intoC.atD.for21.A.worriedB.frightenedC.angryD.anxious22.A.ought toB

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