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1、2. 各学科教材及相关图片教学过程Step 1 Warm up1. 游戏:I see something. 教师和学生拍手说出Look, look, I see something.教师突然说出一种颜色,学生在教室里寻找具有这种颜色的物品,并用手指出。Teacher:Lets play a game about colours. Look, look, I see something. Please say with me. Look, look, I see something. red! Please point to something red. Yes, its red. Look,

2、look, I see something. black. .设计意图:以这样有节奏感的游戏开始课程,可以使学生兴趣盎然地进入英语学习的氛围。同时,在游戏中复习颜色的表达,为接下来的学习做好了知识上的准备。Step 2 Lead in1.展示教材,先询问其颜色,再询问其学科,引出关于学科类的名词。Teacher: What colour is it? Its . What is it? Yes. Its a book. Look, this is a book, too. Its a Chinese book. And this is an English book. (板书单词)Pay at

3、tention to the big letter. Read after me, please, Chinese, English. Whats this book? Its a maths book. (板书单词)And look at this, is it a Chinese book? Is it a maths book? Is it an English book? No. Its a storybook. We can read many stories or one beautiful story. (板书单词)Read it together, please, storyb

4、ook. 以颜色作为衔接两个环节的线索,由教材的颜色引出教材的名称,学生理解并认读新授词汇。Step 3 Presentation1. 询问学生有关书包的问题,引起阅读兴趣,呈现对话内容。Where do you put these books? In your schoolbag. (板书单词)What colour is your schoolbag? Do you like your schoolbag? Amy has a new schoolbag. Its very cool. What colour is it? Lets listen to the tape and find.

5、 2. 播放对话录音,学生找出答案。听完录音后,请学生说出自己的答案。讨论对话内容,保证学生能够理解对话意思。 Now can you tell me what colour Amys new schoolbag is? Yes, its black and white. It looks like a panda. Do you like it? Why does Chen Jie say its a fat panda? Because there are too many books in the schoolbag. Whats in the schoolbag? An English

6、 book, a maths book, three storybooks and . 由学生自己的书包聊起,引出对话中造型特别的书包,引起学生的阅读兴趣。带着问题去听对话,培养他们认真倾听及抓取关键信息的能力。通过讨论使学生理解对话的内容。Step 4 Practice1. 再次播放课文录音。学生跟读课文。 Boys and girls, lets read the dialogue after the tape. Please listen carefully, read carefully.2. 学生分角色朗读课文。 Now, who wants to be Chen Jie? Who

7、wants to be Amy? Lets read it in roles. 3. 请学生戴上头饰来扮演对话的角色,表演对话。 Now well find the best actor or actress. Please come to the front and show the dialogue.通过以上三个活动,使学生能够充分理解课文内容,并且能够正确朗读课文。在不同形式的读和表演活动中,使学生逐步理解并掌握本课的重点句型,为其达到熟练表达奠定基础。4. 游戏:Whats in the pencil box? 竞猜活动。 Look, whats this? Its a pencil

8、box. Whats in the pencil box? Guess, please. Is it a ruler? Is it an eraser? Now, please put something in your pencil box and play the game with your partner, please. 老师先进行示范,让学生理解如何询问铅笔盒里有什么东西,从而更加深入地感受到本课重点句式的结构。两人小组问答活动可以使他们熟悉重点句式的问和答。5. 小组活动。完成Lets play活动。 Who are they? They are Zhang Peng and S

9、arah. What are they doing? They are playing a guessing game. Whats in Sarahs hand? Is it a pencil? No. Its an eraser. Lets do this in groups. One of you put a thing in your hand. Others guess what it is. Show time. Which group wants to try?先引导学生认真观察教材中的图片内容,然后根据图片中的游戏内容来进行小组活动,使学生在真实的交流中操练重点句式,提升自己的

10、口语表达能力。Step 5 Summary1. 呈现不同的教材图片,学生说出其名称,从而复习本课的重点词汇。What book is this? Say it, please. 2. Whats in your schoolbag? 问答,小结本课的重点句式。 Tell me, please. 第二课时A. Lets learn; Lets do1. 能够听懂、会说、认读单词:schoolbag, maths book, English book, Chinese book, storybook2. 能够在真实或虚拟的情景中听懂、会说、认读句式: An English book. 3. 能够听

11、懂指令:Put your .并做出正确的反应1.重点:能够听懂、会说、认读单词:2. 难点:能够在真实或虚拟的情景中听懂、会说、认读句式:2. 不同学科课本及图片、自制课程表1.教师以韵句形式说出问句,展示物品,请学生以韵句形式回答。(拍手打节奏)What is this? What is this? (展示一个钢笔,引导学生以韵句的形式回答)Its a pen. Its a pen. What is this? Its a pencil. Its a pencil. What is this? Its a ruler. Its a ruler. 因本课主要学习教材名称类词汇,因此,选择复习文

12、具类词汇来热身。将简单的问答改成韵句问答形式,可以激发学生的学习兴趣,提高他们参与的热情。1. 展示文具类图片,只展示一部分,请学生猜出是哪个物品。Look at this picture. Its a part of something. Whats this? Guess. 以猜的形式,再一次复习文具类的词汇。最后一个为一本书,从而为引出本课的新授内容服务。2. 出示几本不同的书,讨论其名称。This is a book, too. And this is also a book. What s this book? Yes, its an English book. And this i

13、s a maths book. 以对比的形式呈现本课的重点词汇,使学生理解book前边的词汇是与学科相关的。并为课文内容的学习打好基础。1. 引起阅读兴趣,播放课文录音。What book do you have? Whats in your schoolbag? Lets see what is in Amys schoolbag? Please listen and find. 学生带问题认真倾听录音内容,然后尝试回答。 Now show me you answer. Whats in Amys schoolbag?(板书句子)(根据学生的回答板书单词)An English book, a

14、 Chinese book, a maths book and three storybooks. (学生跟读)通过交流,在语流中发现新单词,理解新单词的意义,并在语句交流中练习新单词,从而掌握新单词的用法。1. 播放课文内容,学生跟读。Listen to the text again and read with it. 跟读,以掌握正确的读音。2. (1)出示自制课程表,教师指向课程表中的学科,学生说出学科名称。 Look,what subject is it? Please say the word. (2)教师说出教某个学科的老师的姓氏,请学生答出相应的学科。Now I will say

15、 the name of the teachers. Please say the correct subjects. 这两个活动都是字义与字音的匹配活动。通过看课程表说出学科名称的活动及根据学科教师说出学科名称两个活动,使学生能够正确理解新单词的含义,并将字义与字音结合起来。3. 教师将不同学科的书放在手里,请学生猜猜看,是哪个学科的书、Whats in my hand? What book is it? Please guess. Is it an English book? Is it a Chinese book? Is it a storybook?通过不断的猜测,使学生不断重复新学

16、习到的词汇,使学生熟悉其读音,并与字义联系起来。4. I point you say. 指向黑板上的词汇,学生快速读出。 Lets play a game. I point you say. Whats this? Whats this?以这个游戏来使学生熟悉单词的字形。将字形与字音结合起来。在游戏过程中,要不断调整指单词的速度,使学生感受到游戏的乐趣。5. 乱序展示组成新单词的字母,请学生猜出单词。Now, Ill show some letters. They are in wrong order. Please guess what it is. Read it and spell it

17、, please.这个活动帮助学生感受单词的拼写,从而更牢固地记忆单词的字形。6. 与学生进行对话,练习本课的重点句式。This is my schoolbag. Whats in my schoolbag? Lets see. An English book, . Lets do it in pairs. Ask and answer. Whats in your schoolbag? Show your dialogue, please.在学生充分掌握词汇的基础上,加入句式操练。先由教师示范,再由学生进行两人小组活动,使学生掌握句式结构,达到自由交流的目的。1. TPR活动:Put you

18、r Chinese book in your desk. 教师发出指令,学生边重复指令,边做出正确的动作。Lets do some actions. Put your Chinese book in your desk. Put your pencil box on your pencil box. Put your maths book under your schoolbag. Put your eraser near your pencil box. .以指令性活动来重现本课的重点词汇,让学生在活动中总结本课的重点词汇,在快乐的氛围中完成本课的学习。第三课时课时内容A. Lets spe

19、ll1. 能够感知并归纳字母i在开音节(i-e结构)中的发音规则2. 能够读出符合i-e发音规则的单词3. 能够根据单词的读音拼写出符合i-e发音规则的单词能够感知并归纳字母i在开音节(i-e结构)中的发音规则能够读出符合i-e发音规则的单词能够根据单词的读音拼写出符合i-e发音规则的单词2. 语音例词单词卡1. TPR活动,复习上节课中的指令。Listen to me, boys and girls. Put your Chinese book in your desk. Put your pencil box on your English book. Put your maths boo

20、k under your schoolbag. Put your eraser near your pencil box. Put your English book on your desk. Put your pencil box near your English book. 通过指令活动来复习上课时学习过的知识,并使学生做好上英语课的准备。1. 展示教材,引出语音例词。 Look, whats this? Yes, its an English book. Look at the picture, how many English books are there? Yes, five.

21、 (板书单词)Read it after me, please, five, five, five. How many? (出示数字9)Nine. (板书单词) Repeat it, please, nine. (展示印有数字9的风筝图片)Whats this? Yes, its a kite. Do you like kites? Whats on this kite? Is it nice?(板书单词five, nice, like)Lets read them together. 逐步出示语音例词,使学生在语境中感受词汇的含义。1. 播放语音韵句。学生先认真倾听。然后再跟读。Now, l

22、ets listen to a chant about these words. Listen carefully. Listen to it again. Now, lets say the chant after it. 2. 学生自由说韵句,以自己的方式来打节奏。 Now, say the chant freely. You can say it with your partner. And you can clap your hands to say it. 3. 表演韵句。Now lets act the chant together. 学生先倾听韵句,初步感受韵句内容。然后跟读,获

23、取正确的语音。自由读可以使学生以自己喜欢的方式操练韵句,以达到熟练说韵句的目的。4. 引导学生发现字母的发音规则。Look at these words on the blackboard. What can you find? Yes, there is an i in the words. What is the sound of the i? Lets read and find. (和学生一起慢慢读每一个语音例词)What is the sound? Yes, its /a/. Look at my mouth and say with me. 通过拼读,让学生自己发现字母的发音规则,

24、再模仿口型,获得发音的正确方式。1. 看口型,猜单词。教师说出语音例词中的一个,但不出声,学生通过观察老师的口型,猜出单词,并大声读出来。 Boys and girls, lets play a game. I will say a word. Look at my mouth carefully. Guess what word it is. And try to say it loudly.通过观察教师口型来猜单词,有助于学生感受字母在单词的发音,以及字母i的发音方法。2. 快速抢读。展示单词图卡,学生快速反应,并以拼读的方式读出单词。 Now, Ill show the cards of

25、 the words. You should say it quickly. And please say it like this. like, l-i-k-e, /l/ / a / /k/.这个活动一方面锻炼了学生对于本课时中的重点语音例词的理解和认读能力,还进一步锻炼了他们语音的准确性和拼读单词的能力。3. 读一读,听一听,排序。播放录音,学生根据听到的内容为教材中六个单词排序。 Lets read, listen and number. First, read these words. Now, listen to the tape. Number the words. Show me

26、 your answer, please. 此活动将单词的发音与字形结合起来,使学生在准确辨音的基础上,区分、掌握单词的字形。4. 听一听,圈一圈,写一写,根据听到的内容,判断单词是闭音节(i)还是开音节(i-e),圈出相应的规则字母,然后写一写听到的单词。Now, please listen, circle and write. Write the word that you heard. Five, is it i or i-e? Its i-e. So circle i-e, then write the word five. 学生先根据听到单词的发音判断其属于闭音节还是开音节,圈出相应

27、的代表符号,再在四线三格上写一写单词。一方面体会单词在四线三格中的书法方式,另一方面也在书写中进一步体会字母在单词里的发音。5. 编写语音小韵句,学生学唱。 Its chant time. Listen first, then say it. I,I, I; I, I, I, I is in like, /a/, /a/, /a/.I, I, I; I, I, I, I is in nice, /a/, /a/, /a/. I, I, I, I is in nine, /a/, /a/, /a/. I, I, I, I is in big, /, /, /. I, I, I, I is in pig, /, /, /. I, I, I, I is in six, /, /, /.6

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