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1、临时工作6存钱7不紧不慢8带着明显的意图9警察10犯要被逮捕的小罪11板着脸12对熟悉13坚定了某人的信念14被官方起诉15自我辩护16不受理案子17有机会18犯罪记录19免于起诉20可靠的证人21很有可能22围绕23优秀的学业记录24放了我Part III Translation Translate the following sentences into English by using the phrases learnt in Unit 1.1. 真正大家不喜欢他的是他总是很武断。2. 那之所以被捕是因为在大家上漫无目的地瞎逛。3. 后来发现他确实有过犯罪记录。4. 他说话的方式使我确

2、信他就是我一直在找的人。5. 是因为他出身于体面的家庭他才免于起诉。6. 穿上这身衣服你很有可能被拒之门外。Part IV Structured WritingWrite a summary of under 150 words summarizing the text. Your summary should accurately and concisely represent all of the important ideas in the story.Unit Two Fruitful Questions1-5The authors children teach him about p

3、aradigm shifts.6-89-12One night, my 3 kids had a game with me Which doesnt belong? From the game, I discovered that my kids are great in that _ (他们具有转换思维方式的能力). We are not lack of information, but _ (除非我们更换思维方式,更新参考因素) can the _ (信息高速路) help us. 直线型思维改变模式重新审视相关因素给出非常自以为是的答案与某人争论宇宙的中心地球中心学寻求;追索暴露于(给人

4、)接种疫苗感染(疾病)提出;使注意社会的演变发展大声要求或抗议快速获得不断增长的下载资料数据 信息高速公路惊天动地的发现信息预防性药品收集信息拿出,抽出想出25总之,简言之26使注意,提出27积累信息1 约翰是不是他家最小的孩子?2 城里有十几家饭店,但这家是最便宜的。3 你要租哪个公寓?最小的那套。4 昨夜走投无路的罪犯落网了,最危险的罪犯是个名叫血腥吉姆(Bloody Jim)的坏家伙。5 明年这里要建起一所盲聋哑学校。6 所有伤病员都需要特护。7 把受雇者和失业者算在一起就构成了劳动大军(labour force)。8 在我看来,幸福的人就是那些心身健康的人。9 无用多言,我们必然把希望

5、着落在年轻人身上。10 聪明人能够迅速学会新东西,也能理解复杂问题。Unit Three Why I TeachWhile all Americans are taught to want money and power, I want to teach and this greatly puzzles my friends2-34-1112-1920-21As a teacher, I have money. _ ( 我 拿了薪水 去做 ) what I enjoy. And I have power_ (启迪,激发才智,指点迷津) . Teaching_ ( 是 建 立 在“变化” 这一基

6、础上的职业. _ ( 与 那 些开 始成长的人朝夕相处), I occasionally find myself catching my breath with them. 行政职务创办公司熬夜校历凭直觉省去提供机会记笔记吸取教训指点迷津激发才智被迫做 努力做, 苦干 谋生寄出,送出 确信写书喘息,屏息1. 很多美国学生申请政府贷款来付学费。2. 除了阅读资料外,电影和多媒体可以激发学生对科目的兴趣。3. 律师试图说服陪审团他的当事人是无辜的。4. 问问题经常会激发创造的火花。5. 我把建立寄到几家公司,但是还没收到回复。6. 她的结论是建立在对当前国际事物的详细分析的基础上的。7. 我们满怀

7、希望的来参加会议,离开时却大失所望。8. 他不得不暂时接受了一份为化妆品公司分发促销传单的工作。9. 我们说服了安妮放弃乘飞机而坐火车走10. 疾病迫使他不得不中断试验。11. 我没有机会同他谈这件事。12. 经过考虑之后我觉得我做了个错误决定。13. 表扬她就能激励她更加努力。14. 她在叙述中漏掉了一个重要细节。15. 没人告诉我去哪里找你,我纯粹是凭直觉找到你的。Write a summary of under 150 words summarizing the text . Your summary should accurately and concisely represent a

8、ll of the important ideas in the Unit Four A Fans NotePara.1-45-4546-47It is difficult not to (被感动) by the tale of Sarah Morris. While her (身体状况,体质) made it difficult to (用语言表达), from her writing it would be impossible to spot that she ( 遭受严重的残疾 ). Writing slowly with the help of a pointer (绑到头上), h

9、er (最高写作速度) is no more than ( 每分钟八个字 ). Yet she still (设法) write extensively on the team she grew up following. (令脖子酸痛) in the gloom of her room, (被围绕着) her computer and a TV set, she has managed to rise above her situation against all the odds.为(某事)狠狠批评某人至少,不管怎么说引起某人注意希望那又怎么样,那又有什么了不起有点儿穿过,穿透;克服或绕过

10、(困难等)使拳曲,使蜷缩(从电脑中)调取(程序、数据等);使想起增添,扩大使恢复(到以前的状态)一段非同寻常的来往被深深打动身体残疾大专文凭 对非常专注在来宾登记簿上签名一个精心策划的骗局一位校少年棒球队教练 令脖子酸痛的家庭作业正在朽烂的小棚屋玩世不恭的年代Translate the following sentences into English by using the phrases learnt in Unit 4.1、你能想像一个身体严重残疾的妇女独自经营一个网站并且像一个专业记者一样详细报道洛杉矶道奇队吗?2、如果我没有亲眼见到她蜷曲在轮椅里,用固定在头上的一根棍子敲击字键打出她

11、的评论,我是绝不会相信的。3、我长途驱车希望揭露一个精心策划的骗局。4、看着她在黑暗的棚屋里添写她的报道,我知道我发现了一个真正的赢家。5、她对棒球的热情和她对球员的信赖使我回到了积极的态度。6、我因迟到而受批评.7、他至少等了一小时。8、这个湖的水不是特别深,大约平均12米左右。9、加税已经影响了我们大家。10、那个小孩蜷曲在沙发里看书。11、由于战争危机,政府征召后备役军人服役。12、我对我先前说的话, 没有什么要补充的。13、一点也没有想到这一封信引出了一段非同寻常的来往。(课文中的句子)14、我每次对人微笑一下,人家就向我要一份工作。15、在像她所称的那种情况下,有谁能没有最好的设备和

12、帮助而报道一个棒球队呢?Unit 5 The Day Mother Cried1-6I was shocked at finding my mother crying because she would probably lose her new job.7-17I previously assumed my mother was a capable woman. She tried all she could to save up money to send us to university.18-21I realized my mothers pressure and vulnerabil

13、ity as a human being.22-24I understood my mothers perseverance and its influence on me.In general, children know very little about their parents. One day when the boy came back home with expectation of reading his favorite magazine without being disturbed, (他看见妈妈在哭,惊呆了) and felt helpless. In his min

14、d, his mother could do anything in the world. (他第一次意识到) that his mother was just an ordinary woman (她也会感到害怕、会受到伤害、会有失败的烦恼) . After that, his mother took another job but continued her practicing on the old typewriter in the evenings. She worked so hard (她最后当上了一家地方报社的记者) . It was a very difficult achi

15、evement for a woman without a college education. His mothers persistence in the face of difficulties always encourages the author to go ahead (每当他在生活中面临挑战,想要放弃时) .充满期待独自享用冲进客厅惊得目瞪口呆强作欢笑做全职工作邮购除之外自叹不走运前进的勇气下决心深深吸一口气寻求安慰 感受某人的痛苦收拾餐桌招生额满函授课程妨碍某人写信索要将某人搂在怀里抑制强烈的感情千百次Translate the following sentences int

16、o English by using the phrases learnt in Unit5 1.As far as ability is concerned, I am sure he will qualify for the job.2. It is wrong to assume that John will formally apologize them for being impolite. 3. This scandal will undoubtedly be an embarrassment to the Labor Party which is trying hard to w

17、in the election. 4. I was hard at work on a term papers when my baby sister bounded up the stairs and burst into my room. 5. I asked her several times, but she refused to respond to my question. 6. In the West, people often send away for mail-order goods, which can save a lot of time. 7. No matter h

18、ow hard they try, the older generation often finds if difficult to hold back changes among the young in a modern society. 8. Since you have set your mind to finish your masters program as soon as possible, dont let your social life stand in the way of your studies.9. 凭着丰富的经验,他想自己有希望得到这个职位。10. 为了不让别人胜过自己,他又试一次。11. 史密斯游说其他委员投票赞成这项提案。12. 这个湖的水不是特别深,大约平均12米左右。13. 老板忍不住告诉了他真相。You should write at least 120 words followi

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