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1、听对话,完成2a,2b .合作探究:buy anything special意为_。meet anyone interesting意为_。拓展延伸:anything, anyone都是_代词, 当形容词special, interesting修饰它们时要位于它们_(前/后)面。我们学过的这样的代词还有哪些_例如: 有趣的东西_ 好吃的东西_6.role-play ( 对话拓展及运用 )1) 大声操练2d对话2分钟,直至流利朗读。2)模仿2d对话,结合所学自编新对话,小组内分角色表演。 3)重点语句翻译(注意黑体字的表达)(1) Did you go anywhere interesting?_

2、(2) Did you do anything special last month?_(3) I just stayed at home most of the time to read and relax_(4)I was on vacation last month._(5)We took quite a few photos there._当堂检测A.选择题( ) 1.There isnt_ in the restaurant.A. anything delicious B. delicious anything C. something delicious D. delicious

3、something ( ) 2.Nobody_what the future will be like. A. know B. knew C. knows D. knowing B.根据句意及首字母填空。1. Where did you go on v_. 2. Tina went to summer c_.3. Did Lucy v_ her uncle? Yes, she did.4.我昨天在公园拍了很多照片。I_ _ _at park yesterday.5.我弟弟周末大多数时间在看电视。My brother watches TV_ _ _ _at weekends.C.句型转换1. H

4、e cleaned my room yesterday.(对划线部分提问) _ _ he_yesterday?2. She did her homework last night.(改为否定句)She_ _her homework last night.3. They went to the mountains last week.( 对划线部分提问)_ _they _to the mountains?4. The weather was hot and sunny.(对划线部分提问)_ _ the weather?5. Jim visited his uncle last month.(改为

5、一般疑问句) _ Jim _his uncle last month?课堂反思1. 如何询问“某人去哪儿度假了”? _2. 形容词修饰不定代词时位置关系是怎样的?_3. 你还有什么问题?_课后作业1.用今天所学的句型问问你的同学暑假去哪儿了,做了什么,把调查结果写下来,至少4句话。2.预习下一个学案。Period 2 Section A (GrammarFocus-3c)1.学习掌握有关复合不定代词和副词的用法;继续学习一般过去时的各种句式2.通过句式总结,小组交流合作,掌握本单元语法 ,激情投入,高效学习重、难点:复合不定代词的用法1. 预习课本P3页Grammar的句子并朗读。理解句子的含

6、义,能用一般过去时谈论自己的假期。2. 跟读单词, 独立记忆,默读对话并用红色笔画出新单词、重短语和句型, 将预习中不能解决的问题标示出来。3. 试一试,英汉互译 (要求课前完成)1. something funinteresting _ 2.of course ._ 3. buy sth. for_ 4.How did you like it?_ 5.家中某个人_ 6.朋友的农场_7.在乡村 _ 8.喂养母鸡_ 9.似乎 _ 10.玩得开心_ 11.没有人_ 12.写日记_大声朗读Grammar的句子并口头翻译出来。合作探究总结一般过去时的用法:(1)句子中常见过去的时间状语in 1990

7、, two days ago ,last week, just now.例如 :There _(be) only one school in our hometown in 1982(2)如何变成特殊疑问句。 Where did you give the concert?总结:疑问词+_+主语+动词原形+?例如: He did his homework last Monday.(对划线部分提问) _ _ he _ his homework?2.完成3a来源:Z*xx*k.Com(1)读方框里的单词并理解意思(2)朗读对话并完成单词填空复合不定代词和不定副词的构成及其用法(1)构成:由some,

8、 any, no, every分别加上-body, -thing, -one构成的不定代词叫做复合不定代词;加上-where构成副词。(2)用法:a) 合成不定代词在句中可以作主语,宾语或表语等。Nobody will listen to him. He wants something to eat.b) 不定代词作主语时,谓语动词要用单数。There is nothing wrong with the TV. Something_(be) wrong with my watch.c) some-不定代词,通常用于肯定句中;any-不定代词则多用于否定句、疑问句和条件状语从句中。但some-可

9、用于表请求、邀请、预料对方会作肯定回答时的疑问句中。Someone called on her last week. There isnt anyone else there.Is anybody over there? Could you give me something to eat?d) 形容词修饰不定代词时,通常要放在不定代词之后。There is something wrong with your eyes. e) 不定代词可加动词不定式,不定式做后置定语。I really have something important_. A do B to do C to doing D d

10、oes肯定句somebody=someone某人something某物somewhere某地否定句not any=noanybody= anyoneanythinganywhere否定意义(没有)nobody= no onenothing/nowhereeverybody=everyone每人everything每样东西everywhere每个地方 ( 到处)3.仔细阅3b的短文,完成填空。4.完成3c (1)朗读并理解方框里的句子意思,询问组内每人上个假期的情况。(2)两人一组编对话并表演。当堂检测:单项选择1. Who helped Li Lei with his English? _ ,

11、he learnt it by himself.A. Anybody B. Somebody C. Nobody D. Everybody2. He takes little, but gives_ A few B little C much D many3. Who cleaned the room yesterday? Tom _. A cleaned B does C did D is4. Do you like your parents? _ I do. A Of course B No problem C Sorry D No5. _students are reading Engl

12、ish books and only a few of them are writingA. All B Most C None D Any.6. May I have a talk with you, Sir? Ive got _important to tell you.A nothing B anything C something D everything7. Please keep quiet,_! I have _ to tell you.A everything/anything important来源:B anything/something importantC everyo

13、ne/important everything D everyone/something important8. As volunteers, they should do_ to help the children in trouble.A nothing B anybody C something D somebody9. He turned off the lights and then _ A leaves B left C leaved D leaving10. He cant hear you because there is _noise here. A very much B

14、too much C much too D so many1.你能归纳本单元的时态一般过去时吗?表示_时间发生的动作或存在的状态。常和表示_的时间状语连用。你能总结一些表示过去的时间状语吗?2.你还有哪些问题?_1.向大家介绍你的上个假期。 Period 3 Section B (1a-1e)1.要求掌握以下句式:What did she say about her vacation/people/the stores/the food?Did you do anything special there? What was it?2要求掌握以下词汇:褒义形容词(delicious, excit

15、ing, cheap)贬义形容词 (terrible, boring, expensive) 3会恰当地使用不同的形容词来描述不同的事物。重难点:学会用适当的形容词评价不同的事物;听懂他人的描述并反馈。1.预习课本P4页的1a,1b 和1c部分,划出描述事物的形容词及1c中的问题 ,找出谈论过去事件的句型。2.你能用英语写出下列词语吗?(要求课前完成)可口的 _ 昂贵的_ 令人兴奋的_ 便宜的_糟糕的_ 无聊的_ 有趣的 _ 友好的_3. 写出下列动词的过去式。sing _go_ study _fly _have _swim_ do _ visit _stay_ work _tell _los

16、e_ hear_1.朗读1a中的形容词并造句,完成1b的任务,将1a中的形容词分类。褒义:_贬义:2. Listening:听对话,完成P4 1c 1d.3. Speaking:两人一组问答关于莉萨的假期的问题.用所提示的句式,编写对话。_用方框中词的适当形式填空.relaxing, interesting, boring, fantastic, unfriendly, beautiful, awful, pretty1. -How was the film? - It was _, I dont like it.2. -How was your trip? -It was _ and I h

17、ad a good time.3. The story is _, I like it very much.4.The people on the island(岛) are _ to us.5. She wears a _ coat.6. The food in this restaurant is _, I wouldnt like to eat it.7. - How were the beaches? - They were _, I went there on vacation last month.8. - How is it going? - Its _ good. 1. 本节课

18、你学会了哪些描述性的形容词。请你列举出来:2. 你还有哪些问题?_课后作业:1. 结合课堂反思中存在的问题对所学知识进行针对性的复习。2. 根据提示,向大家介绍一下你昨天做的事情。把它写下来吧。3. 预习下一个学案。Period 4 Section B (2a-2e)1.读懂Jane的日记,了解基本内容并捕捉信息。2.掌握日记基本格式并克服障碍领悟日记内容,享受阅读带来的乐趣。3.要求掌握以下词汇和短语:(1) 动词:decide, try, wonder, wait(2) 名词:bird, bicycle, building, trader, top, umbrella,difference

19、(3) 形容词&副词:wet, enough, hungry, below(4) 短语:because of, feel like, decide to do sth, enjoy doing sth, arrive in/at, make a difference读懂文章,能够完成相关练习。1.预习课本第5页的单词和短文, 理解2b短文含义,圈出本课生词,划出不理解的句子.标出重短语.2.你能从2b中找出下列短语吗?1) 到达 _ 2) 尝试滑翔运动_ 3) 决定做某事_4) 感觉像_ 5) 骑自行车去_ 6) 在过去 _7) 喜欢做某事_ 8) 开始做某事 _9) 等待 _ 10) 雨下的

20、真地很大_ 11) 因为 _ 12)中国商人_并大声朗读。2. 话题引人:1) What do people usually do on vacation?2) what activities do you find enjoyable?3. Fast-reading. Read about Janes diary entries about her vacation and answer the questions 1) What does the reading belong to(属于)?A. news B. report C. diary 2) Did Jane enjoy herse

21、lf on Monday? What about on Tuesday?_ _4. Careful reading:1) Read Janes diary entries again. Fill in the chart 2c.2)开心模仿秀,跟读录音注意语音和语调。然后大声朗读5分钟。3)根据2c,试着复述短文。5. After reading1)2d Complete the conversation about Janes trip to Penang using the information in the diary entries.2)2e Imagine Jane went to Penang Hill again and had a great day. Fill in the blanks in her diary entry with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.

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