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学年九年级英语下册 Word bank教案 牛津上海版docWord文件下载.docx

1、此班级学生为C层学生,单词拼写和记忆都很差,性懒,所以导致语法基础差,综合阅读理解能力更差,但是在老师的有效方法指导下还是很愿意提高学习的。3重点难点 To improve the ability of word spelling, reading skills for specific information, speaking and writing some simple sentences on a certain topic.4教学过程 教学活动 活动1【导入】Pretaskpreparation Lead students to read key phrases and key w

2、ords in word books, which appeared in the paper. Have a competition on spelling words above in girls and boys.活动2【讲授】Whiletaskprocedure Analyze main grammar points: link verbs; (a) few/(a) little; tense and voice; exclamative sentence; how question words Do more practice on grammar and word spelling

3、. Present some skills to get information on missing words. Discuss how to solve the problems appearing in Passage A and D and practice them in choices and questions.5. Practice more in a reading passage from a listening material.6. Find some simple good sentences in the reading passage above to read

4、 and memorize.7. Arrange words in the right order.活动3【练习】阅读 I. Read and write out the words below in English from the exam paper. e.g. 宠物 _pet_ 名词_ 1. 三月 8. 邀请15.愚蠢的 2. 冰箱 9. 成功 16.狭窄的 3. 家具 10. 建议 17.不幸运的 4. 野餐 11. 到达18.镇静的 5. 村庄 12. 出版19.不可能的 6. 教堂 13. 道歉20.粗造的 7. 演讲 14. 打包A. Choose the best answe

5、r. Yesterdays heavy snow and high winds broke records and tied up traffic all over the northeastern United States. All main highways were closed, creating traffic headache for many people. By 9:30 last night, four feet of snow covered the area between Boston and Philadelphia. Workers hope to get the

6、 main roads open.Police blamed(谴责) a hard thunderstorm(雷暴雨) for the fire that killed an elderly woman yesterday. Mary Ann Kate of Elkins Park was 81 years old when she died. Lightning hit her house causing it to burn, police said, loud thunder woke up Jerry Dickey, one of Kates neighbours. He saw sm

7、oke coming from Kates house. “ I tried to help her, but it was too late.” Dickey said.California is entering its sixth strange month without rain, the National Weather Service has told Californians that it does not think the drought will end soon. People are encouraged to store water.More than 50 cl

8、othes designers from the United States are showing their spring collections this week in New York. Reporters from around the world have gathered to see the new ideas for spring clothing. It is obvious that skirts will be longer and tighter and and that clothes will be much more casual (休闲的). And gre

9、en is definitely out. Bright yellow and red are the popular colours now.Bill Gates is one of the richest men in the world. He has just spent $81 million on a 20-room house for himself and his family in Seattle, Washington. Among other things, the house has a swimming pool with music that comes in fr

10、om under the water, an indoor and an outdoor gym, a movie theatre that seats 20 people, and video walls with different monitors.According to the recent statistics(统计), cruises(邮轮旅游) to the Caribbean, Mediterranean, the Europe are up 35 percent this year. There are many reasons for the increased popu

11、larity of cruises. They are affordable and offer something. They are known for their wonderful food and exciting ports of entry. The service can be expensive or cheap, depending on your plan.69. _ creates traffic problems in northeastern United States yesterday. A) Heavy rain B) Earthquakes C) Snows

12、torm D) Flood70. Skirts will be _ and _ this spring. A) shorter.more casual B) longer.tighter C) tighter.cheaper D more casual.brighter71. The underlined sentence “And green is definitely out.” in Paragraph Four most probably means “_”. A)Green is sure to be out of date. B) Its a good choice to buy

13、green clothes. C)Green is the most welcomed colour. D) It looks smart to wear green clothes.72. _ isnt mentioned in Passage Five. A) A swimming pool with music B) A movie theatre C) An indoor and an outdoor gym D) A beautiful fountain73. Which of the following is WRONG according to the passage? A) T

14、errible lightening causes a womans death. B) The drought that lasted for six months in California will end soon. C) Many clothes designers will show their spring collections in New York. D) Cruise trip is becoming popular for many reasons.74. The article is most probably _ from a certain TV programm

15、e. A) a talk show B) a news report C) an advertisement D) a speech contestD. Answer the questions Mr. Dawson was bad-tempered and everyone in town knew it. Kids knew not to go into his yard to pick an apple, because old Dawson, they said, would come after you with his gun. One Friday, 12-year-old Ja

16、net was walking out with her friend Amy. They had to go by Dawsons house, but as they got close, Janet saw him sitting on his front porch and suggested they cross over the street. Like most, she was afraid of the old man. Amy said not to worry. When they got close enough, Dawson looked up with his u

17、sual frown (皱眉), but when he saw it was Amy, he gave a broad smile. Amy smiled back and told him Janet was staying overnight with her and they were going to music and play games. Dawson told them that sounded fun, and gave them each an apple. Later, Janet asked Amy, “Everyone says he isnt generous.

18、Actually hes the meanest man in town. How come he was so nice to us?” Amy explained that when she first started walking past his house, he wasnt very friendly, but she pretended he was wearing an invisible smile and so she always smiled. It took a while, but one day he half-smiled back. After a whil

19、e, he started smiling real smiles and then talked to her. She said he always offers her an apple now, and is always very kind. “An invisible smile?” questioned Janet. “Yes,” answered Amy, “My grandma told me that if I pretended I wasnt afraid and pretended he was smiling an invisible smile at me and

20、 I smiled back at him, sooner or later he would really smile.” If we remember that everyone wears an invisible smile, we too will find that most people cant resist our smile after a while. Its so easy to get caught up in everyday life that we forget how simply we can bring cheer to ourselves and oth

21、ers. Giving a smile takes so little effort; lets make sure that were not the ones that others have to pretend are wearing invisible smiles.88. What did people in town think of Mr. Dawson? _.89. Why did Janet suggest they cross over the street? _.90. What did Mr. Dawson do after he saw Amy and Janet?

22、 He smiled and _.91. Mr. Dawson was not friendly to Amy when she first walked past his house, was he? _, _.活动4【作业】AdditionalReadinghomework Our teacher Mrs. Grant has a friend who runs an old peoples home. It is called “Love and Care”. He asked Mrs. Grant if some of her students would go and visit t

23、he old people. Some of the old people do not have any visitors and they get lonely. Mrs. Grant told us about it. And we had a discussion. Several of my classmates and I volunteered to go after school. Mrs. Grant said that it would be nice if we could give some performances to the old people. They do

24、 not often have the chance to watch performances. Mainly they watch TV. We decided to sing some old songs to them. We asked Mrs. Grant to play the piano for us. We practiced twice before we went there. At Love and Care, we talked to the old people while having tea and cake with them. Some of them co

25、uldnt walk easily. An old man kept falling asleep and waking up suddenly. One of the old women was talking to herself all the time. Then we sang to the old people. They really liked the songs. Some of them joined in the singing. They got really excited. It was good to see the old people so happy. We

26、 would like to visit them again.1. Who runs an old peoples home? _.2. What is it called?3. Why did Mrs Grant tell her students to visit the old people? _.4. What did the students do in “Love and Care” after school? They_.5. How did they and the old people feel after the visit? They felt_ and the old

27、 people _.Put the following expressions into the sentences and tell what they mean.1. would like/ one of/to be/I/ the volunteers _.2. patient/care for/I am/the old/enough to3. I can/ telling them/ make their life/ by/ some jokes/ more colorful_.4. you/looking forward to/Im/hearing from you _. HomeworkI. Put the following Chinese into English. 1. try

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