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1、2.teacher can help students to use the sentence in concrete contexts( 可以在实际的场景中真实地运用)教学难点How to lead students to use the sentences freely?教 学 过 程个 性 批 注Step Warm-up1 review the stationary words: ruler,pencil,eraser etc. Step the ruler, and put it in the desk. And ask students Wher

2、e is the ruler? It is in the desk,T: in desk /in/ /desk/ (use the natural spelling to spell the word.) Use thin-in (反转法)2. Lead students use different objects like:pencils, bags to ask: Where is the pencil? Its in the _desk._-.3. Show a card air, and do the action breath the air, and then show the c

3、hair. Air-chair 4. Show a book ,and put it on the chair, T: Where is the book? Its on the chair.( 培养学生的句群意识) on the chair.5. Ask a students to hide a bag. And then lead them to ask :Where is the bag? (引导学生给出不同的答案) Its under the desk. Stress under. Un-d- er (以手势语突破这个发音的重点)Step Practice1 hide and seek

4、.( find different objects, students use on, in, under to give them some signals.)The last student has to answer the question :Where is XX? Its _-.(根据物体距离,声音大小给予适当的提示) a video about on in under,etc.3. T:do,S:say. (方位手势来提示)Step Consolidation and extension1,Lets do 2. S1: hide S2: found (use sen

5、tence to describe)2 Homework(家庭作业)1. Read the new words .and write the words three times.2. draw pictures to express: on , in , under. chair,desk.(可画参照物来解释on in under, chair,desk). 教学反思:_2018_年_4月_25_日Period 21. Ss can use the sentence patterns freely: Where is XX? Its XX.3. Sudents can understand p

6、hrases: silly me. The sentence students have to understand. And use it freely.The same as the objectiveSing a song :Where is the toy car?(利用视频学生可理解toy car)1. Lead a student to hide books, and then ask another to find .Where is the book? S: Its XX. (give some hints) practice more times.2. show the co

7、ntext(展现情境)1.Who and who. (Zhang Peng and John)2. What can you see in the picture? (学生对情境的再现)Ask students to close their books and listen the part, and answer the question:1) Where is pencil box?2) Where is pencil?First listen and listen twice answer the question. Step Practice1.listen again and rep

8、eat the contents. One bye one.2.and follow the video to read. And stress : silly me.(强调情境化感悟短语)use the card to show : silly me.3. give a dub.(配音)4. open your book and read it by yourself. (explained by themself)5.follow the viedo imitate the tone,(different tone) the contents,( students can ch

9、ange the parts follow own thought)2 Homework1. Read this part five times.and have a dialogue with your classmates.)give hints S2: find the objects. 日期:_2018_年_4_月_25_日Period 31.Ss can master the pronunciation of letter O in words.(dog, box, orange, body)2 Ss learn the regularity of “o” pronunciation

10、.Ss can use this regularity to read others words.How to lead students use these regularity freely.(引导学生自由运用)1.Do the phonic exercises. And review the letters sound.1.Ss watch a video to find the regularity.(“os pronunciation in different words)2. use the letters regularity to lead out the words:dog,

11、 box, orange, body.)1 Review the regularity2 watch a video ,follow it to read.2. Make some cards about different words ,let the students to read,use the regularity.1 do the exercises in p40, at the same time give them some guides.2. Write down these represented words. Like: dog, box, orange, body. 1

12、.read the words in the P40. 2. write down the words. 3. and do some extension_2018_年_4月_27_日Period 4cap,map,ball, car, boat. ( toy box)2.The sentence : Its XX. Is it in your XX? No, it isnt.cap,map,ball, car, boat. Is it in your XX?How to lead students understand “s it in your XX? No, it isnt.”1.sin

13、g a song, “Where is the toy car?”1) show a card : toy, boy -toy (玩具) And use picture to show car. We can also do action to show car( drive a car)2)and put the car in the desk, Is it in the desk? Snd lead the students to say Yes, it is/ No, it isnt. 3)ask a students to bounce a ball. Lead out ball. A

14、nd all-ball. /o/ stress the pronunciation allLead students to ask Where is the ball? And put it on the desk ,and use Is it on the desk? etc.4)ask a students to row a boat,and lead out boat.Lead students to ask Where is the boat?5) Use cards to lead out cap and map, use natural spelling method to sho

15、w the similarity about these words.At the same time do the action to show “put on a cap,read a map” 1 pat the cards(read the words and touch the cards then,you can get the points)3. magic power, (choose the notes and do the action) Show the sentence: Where is the XX?Is it in/on /under/ XX? Yes, it i

16、s .No, it isnt.1 follow the video to read. In P42 (to take the first to answer the question)Homework:1.draw picture about the words we learned and make the English cards .2._2018_年_5月_12_日Period 51. Ss can master the new sentences:Is it in your bag? Is it in your toy box? Yes, it is. 2. the phrases:

17、 Have a good time.How to lead students answer the question.个 性 批 注1.Review the words. (cap, map, ball, boat, car) the pictures in P41.and lead the students to describe the pictures.2 listen the contents in P41, and give the question “Where is the cap? and lead students answer the questions.Its

18、 in your box. (它在盒子里)1. listen the contents and repeat the the sentence: :No, it isnt.And show the phrase :Have a good time.(玩得开心)1 show the P41。 the contents in P41。_2018_年_5月_13_日Period 61.Ss can do the exercises in page9 43 the story. .read the story.The story.Sing

19、 the song Where is the toy car?(玩具车在哪里?) the contents in this unit.(复习)1. Start to read.1)to make a prediction(听前预测)2)repeat the contents(复数内容)3)check the answer.(听力结果)2. Do the exercise : Look and match.Story time1 watch the video, use cards to show :1).hide and seek. great, 2)Are you ready? 3)Where are you? 4)bed, table, 5)I cant find you!2students discuss the contents and then talk about the story. And follow the video to read.2. Show the story.(表现这个故事)1 dub the story time.(英语配音) Write the Chinese meanings of the whole text on your book. And then read the story time.

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