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1、8. 在一个多民族的国家里,各民族之间的和谐需要警惕处置。In a country of many nationalities, ethnic harmony requires very careful handling.9. 政府决定重办所有涉案的腐败官员。The government is determined to punish all the corrupt officials involved.10. 考试作弊并非常常发生,但一旦发生,学校会采取严厉的态度。Cheating at exams does not occur very often. But when it does, t

2、he school takes a very tough position.Unit21. 我疑心这本书或许已经再也不印了。我去问书店的工作人员,他们说我说的对,这书已经绝版很连年了。I suspected that this book might not be in print. I checked with the bookstore people, and they told me that I was right. The book had been out of print for years.2. 这小说里有一个值得记住的故事,讲的是刘备如何尽可能不引发曹操对他的雄心的疑心,因为若

3、是引发疑心,他的生命就会有危险。One memorable story in the novel concerns how Liu Bei tried not to rouse Cao Caos suspicion about his ambitions, because if he did his life would be at stake.3. 当曹操称他为真正的英雄时,刘备吓得筷子都掉了。可是他伶俐地掩盖了他那令人疑心的举动。When Cao Cao called him a real hero, Liu Bei was so shocked that he dropped his c

4、hopsticks. But he managed to cover up his suspicious behavior in a clever way.4. 第一个嫌疑犯是死者的儿子。警察疑心他谋杀了他的父亲,因为邻居们在案发当晚曾听到他们打架。The first suspect was the victims son. The police suspected him of murdering his father, because the neighbors reported having heard them fighting on the night of the killing.

5、5. 在学习当中,重要的不是把一切都记住,而是运用你的想象力,制造性地、批判性地去进行试探。What matters in learning is not to commit everything to memory, but to use your imagination to think creatively as well as critically.6. 他确信是你能想象到的最好笑的窃贼了。他偷偷进了屋子,尽情地吃喝,最后酩酊酣醉,一脸知足的笑容,直到第二天早上被发觉。He must have been the funniest burglar imaginable. He broke

6、 into the house, ate and drank to his hearts content, and remained dead drunk until discovered the next morning, with a perfectly content look on his face.7. 我此刻记人的名字很困难。我想这确信是年老造成的。I have trouble remembering peoples names now. I guess it must result from old age.8. 咱们生活在很多想象的要挟当中,结果就常常感到沮丧。We live

7、under many imaginary threats and feel disheartened as a result.9. 我疑心咱们的教师有时候低估了学生的智力。其实年轻人头脑里充满了想象。I suspect that we teachers sometimes underestimate students mental capacities. In fact, the young have very imaginative minds.1. 有志者事竟成。Where there is a will, there is a way.2. 俗语说每一个成功的男人背后都有一个女人。As

8、the saying goes, behind every great man there stands a woman. 3. 曾经有过一个时期那个镇上的居民能够夜不闭户。There was a time in this town when the residents didnt have to lock their doors at night.4. 上学的第一天,那男孩就明白了再也不可能回到那个天堂一样的家里去了。On his first day at school, the boy realized that there was no question of ever returnin

9、g to the paradise of home.5. 纳尔逊曼德拉在自传中说,有时候人们拯救不了该消亡的东西。Nelson Mandela said in his biography that there is nothing one can do to save something that must die.6. 居住在大山中偏僻的小村里仍是有些优势的。There is something to be said about/for living in a remote mountain village.7. 说不行那些恐怖分子下一步要干什么,咱们必需时刻警戒。There is no t

10、elling what the terrorists might do next. We must be on the lookout all the time.8. 在这家人决定移民到澳大利亚之前有诸多情形要考虑。There were a lot of things to consider before the family decided to immigrant to Australia.9. 这青年的解决性举止中有些方面使他的父母很忧虑。There is something in the boys aggressive behavior that is worrying his par

11、ents.10. 世上没有免费的午饭。不要感觉你有权取得你没有为之流汗和尽力的任何东西。There is no such thing as free lunch. Dont feel entitled to anything you havent sweated and struggled for.Unit31. 他们都伸长脖子想看个究竟,就仿佛被一根无形的绳索牵着。They all stretched their necks to see what was happening, as if pulled by an invisible string.2. 咱们下车去伸伸胳膊和腿。咱们前面是一

12、片漂亮的开阔地。We got out of the car to stretch a little. In front of us there was a beautiful stretch of open land.3. 他们持续谈判了好几个小时,可是仍然没有解决他们之间的不合。They talked for hours at a stretch, but they still failed to settle their differences.4. 尽管有温暖的天气、新鲜的空气和美味佳肴,她的健康仍然没有恢复。For all the warm weather, fresh air and

13、 nice food, her health still did not recover.5. 他瞟了那辆车一眼就明白它无法修了。他望望前面,只见一眼望不到头的沙漠,荒无人烟。他明白他陷入窘境了。One glance at the car and he knew that it was beyond repair. Looking ahead, he found the desert stretching as far as the eye could see without a soul in sight. He knew he was in a terrible fix.6. 武松奋力举起

14、哨棒向老虎打去。可是哨棒“啪”的一声断了,而老虎毫发未伤。他一急打到周围树上去了。Wu song swung his stick with all his strength. But the stick snapped and the tiger was unharmed. In his panic, he had hit the tree nearby.7. 我超级喜爱你在俄罗斯拍的那些照片,尤其是那张上面有个马车夫坐在黑海边,膝盖上放着一块布,布上放着他晚餐的照片。I am terribly fond of the pictures you snapped in Russia, espec

15、ially the one showing a coachman sitting by the Black Sea with his supper in a cloth on his knees.8. “这事您不能就此罢休。”我向他请求道。“这不关你事。”他厉声说道。 “You cant just let it go at that.” I pleaded with him. “Its none of your business.” he snapped.9. 他“啪”地一下合上了公函包,站起来讲:“那就这么定了。”He snapped his briefcase to, stood up a

16、nd said, “Then thats all settled.”10. 海啸来的时候,他正站在小山上的家门口,离码头可能只有一百米远。He was standing in front of his house on a hill, only about 100 meters away from the wharf when the tsunami came.1. 那饥饿的男孩把剩下的窝窝头狼吞虎咽地吃了下去,就像那是他最喜爱的大虾一样。The hungry boy wolfed down the left-over corn-bread as though it was his favor

17、ite king prawns.2. 关于高中的日子,他的经历中只剩下一轮又一轮、没完没了的考试和考试。What remains in his mind of his high school is nothing but endless rounds of tests and exams.3. 我以为决议违抗了本组织的宗旨,因此投了那样一票。I dont think the resolution is in accord with the purpose of the organization. Thats why I voted as I did.4. 他不明白是什么使得他的孙子如此热衷于微

18、博。He doesnt understand what it is that makes his grandson so crazy about micro-blogging.5. 我仍然记得那次事件的细节,仿佛确实是昨天发生的事。I remember the details about the incident as though it was yesterday.6. 龙卷风以后,她家屋子只剩下地基了。What remained of her home after the tornado was the land the house was built on.7. 这确实是什么缘故他目击今

19、天早上的撞车事故时那样表现的缘故。Thats why he behaved as he did when he witnessed the car crash this morning.8. 他们在琢磨是什么使那对双胞胎兄弟一个成了罪犯,另一个成了优秀的警察。They are trying to figure out what it was that turned one of the twin brothers into a criminal, the other an excellent policeman.9. 当他发觉了一株专门壮实的水稻时,他快乐得仿佛发觉了一座金矿。When he

20、found a particularly strong rice plant he was very happy as though he had discovered a gold mine.10. 此刻生活富裕了,他决定与家里还活着的人取得联系。Now that hes quite well-off, he has decided to get in touch with what remains of his family.Unit41. 只有如此咱们对他的这种怪僻行为才能给予合理的说明。Only in this way can we account for his odd behavi

21、or.2. 她自称具有一种特异功能,用手一摸就能够治病。She claims to have a magic power-the power to cure diseases by the touch of her hand.3. 他录用了五个人处置那个案件。他们组成了一个强有力的班子。几天内,他们就发觉嫌烦拥有成卷的他无法说明来源的欧元、美元和大量珍贵物品。He appointed five people to deal with/handle the case. They formed a strong team. Within (a few)days, they have found o

22、ut that the suspect possessed rolls of euros, US dollars and large quantities of valuables the source of which he could not account for. 4. 在那个故事里,那个妖怪常常以美女的样子显现。In this tale, this evil spirit often appears in the form of a pretty young woman.5. 他把画卷了起来,并说一百万美元以下绝对不卖。He rolled up the painting and sa

23、id that he would never sell /part with it for less than 1 million US dollars.6. 有那么多的合格法官,我不明白什么缘故她被录用到最高法院工作。Of all the qualified judges I dont know why she was appointed to the supreme court.7. 我对此明白得不多,不足以形成一大套理论。只是我确信,仅仅是贫困还不能说明犯法率上升。I dont know enough to formulate/form an elaborate theory. But

24、Im sure that poverty alone can not account for the rise of crime rates.8. 一块大石头突然从山上滚了下来。它是如此之大,一下子把一辆卡车砸得粉碎。A stone suddenly rolled down the hill, so big that it smashed the truck to pieces.9. 我说咱们得卷起袖子开始干活,但他就只是像哲学家一样转了转眼珠,笑了笑。I said that we must roll up our sleeves and start working, but he just

25、rolled his eyes philosophically/like a philosopher and smiled.10. 古时候,咱们的哲学家们以为一个好的皇帝对他的百姓就应该像一个好父亲对他的小孩那样,在任何情形下都不可残酷地对待他们。In ancient times, our philosophers believed that a good king should be to the people as a good father is to his children. He must never treat them cruelly on any account.Unit51

26、. 造屋子不是开玩笑的情形,你们每一步都必需认真检查。Building a house is no joking matter. You have to check it at every step.2. 他的军队成功地阻止了仇敌的前进。这些仇敌原先的企图是要来一个突然攻击。His troops successfully checked the advance of the enemy whose original intention was to make a surprise attack.3. 我那时很想反对他的观点,可是我克制住了,因为我感觉那种场合不适合。I really wante

27、d to refute his arguments, but I checked myself because I thought it was not the right occasion.4. 雷切尔卡森以将她的一生都献给了环保事业而闻名。Rachel Carson is famous for devoting all her life to the cause of environmental protection.5. 在某些方面,咱们对这些大坝和水库潜在的危害仍然一无所知。它们可能造成不可恢复的环境转变。In some ways we are still ignorant of th

28、e potential harm of these dams and reservoirs. They might cause irrevocable changes in the environment.6. 应该有一整套平稳制约的手腕,如此才可不能由一个人在没有取得老百姓同意,在他们不知情的情形下制订关系国家利益的重要政策。There must be a set of checks and balances so that no important policy concerning national interests can be made by one person without

29、the consent and knowledge of the people.7. 要想在竞争中获胜,咱们必需适应新的形势。比如这些花花绿绿的衣服确实是专门设计的,他们针对的是年轻人市场。To compete successfully we have to adjust to new conditions. These colorful garments, for example, are specially designed. They are intended for the youth market.8. 咱们教师若是对学生的健康情形缺少关切,那是不能原谅的。We teachers cannot be excused for our lack of concern for students health.9. 他说他宁可死也不肯意永久卧床不起,与外界隔间。He said that he would rather die than be confined to bed all his life and isolated from the outside world.10. 一场群众抗议席卷了全国,将他置于左右两方的交叉火力当中。A mass

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