2、保持发卡的方向4、发梢藏入发髻里面即可,如发稍比较短可以用小发卡固定入发髻。款式五:1、先用手卷起上面一办的头发2、抓住所有的头发往一个方向扭3、把头发防到到2指与3指中间,照片上可能手指太多,看好左手 3指带戒指,2指隐臧在头发后边:头发不用拧光绕就4、缠绕2指一圈这张图发尾已绕过 2指一圈,从大指岀掏岀准备绕第 2圈可以了)5、绕好了第2圈左手大指按着发尾6、簪子自上而下穿过插进 2指上的环7、把簪子横着向左穿过去,先向头皮深处扎,再从左边的一撮头发前,钻岀来。这步要用力!小心别弄疼自己就行了!穿岀的那撮头发是:一撮刚才被卷过的头发,只是一撮,这句话不知怎么描述了!好难描述呀! (按:我想
3、8、绿色画的就是上步骤说的那撮头发簪子从那撮头发处穿岀,就完成了!款式六:1、把头发攥成马尾辫,把簪子摆在马尾辫上方。簪子不要挑头发,放上就可以了!2、把发尾向上揪起,自上而下,从簪子外向里绕着簪子转一圈,绿色是簪子桔色为头发3、同第二步,再转一圈.数字为绕的圈数后又画了发尾的位置,发尾在簪子内侧,方向冲下。如果头4、这个步骤要用点劲,刚开始有点揪头皮疼!先忍着!图上画的是簪子的3个方向:(1 )为上几步的时候簪子的方向(2) 这步骤要使劲,簪子尖从头发上方, (当然是从左往右)转向我画的 2的簪子的样子。簪子头在 左, 尖在右。(3) 再把簪子尖戳着头皮(呵呵,小心扎岀窟窿)就成了我照片的样
4、子。5、这个步骤和第一种方法的第 7步差不多,也是先贴着头发扎着自己的脑袋,往左穿。头发靠左也会6、簪子压过那撮头发,(当然是头发在下,簪子在上了)。就完成了款式八:1、在后脑勺稍微靠左下的地方扎一个低低的马尾。用手攥着。稍微往左一点不要太高2、右手开始抓着刚才的马尾, 从示意绿色的地方开始。逆时针,从下到上,用力转,直到剩下大概一个巴掌长的发尾。如图蓝色所示。边转编往上。直到示意的红的地方。3、然后拿一根最好长点的发簪。从右侧开始。挑起一点头发,不用很多,也不要太少,这个是固定的主要作用。压过发尾,穿过刚才拧得厚厚的头发。成功!款式九:1、 Make a basic loose Ponyta
5、iLYoU may USe an elastic band to SeCUr e the ponytail, if desired2、TWiSt the entire Iength Qf the ponytail.3、 Coil the twist around itself, to begin Greating the bun.4、YoU may dampen your hair in order to help keep Shorter PieCeS&nb sp;from PoPPing OUt5、TUCk the end Under the OUtSide coil. Hold the
6、bun in place With one hand and USing the other hand,PUSh one hairstick Straight&into the OUtSide coil until the tip touches your head.6、Change the direction of the StiCk and WeaVe it UP and out t he other Side of the coil.7、USe a Seeond hairstick, poked through the bun in the Same way&but from the o
7、ther side, So thatthe StiekS make an X. ThiS&will hold the bun SeeUreIy in place.款式十:成品图:1、Make a POnytaiI and twist the hair clockwise. A rubber band is&optional but I recommend USing it forSIiPPery hair.couple extra twists as you wrap.2、TWiSt the Ponytail clockwise around the center. GiVe the Ieng
8、th a3、PUSh two fingers through the Center of the hole in the bun and grab the loose hair.4、Pull all the hair through the hole. USe your free hand to h old the bun in place close to your head. ThiS will make a kn ot on top of your head.5、InSert hair StiCk by PUShing toward your head and WeaVing it ba
9、c k out the other side.Note: if you USed a rubber band, you C an insert the StiCk through the band, making the style. moresecure.6、InSert the SeCOnd hair StiCk from the other side. For added inte rest to this style, the loose hair Can beCUrled, CrimPed or Stra ightened.Alternate OPtion for Shorter Hair:If you do not have WaiSt-Iength hair, try this style. USing only y our crown SeCtiOn of hair.Curl, CrimP orStraighten shorter, loose Strands& nbsp;to achieve a glamorous look.Good luck! And remember - PraCtiCe makes perfect.
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