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1、cert = sure chron = time cide , cise = to cut circ , cyc = ring cite = to call , to urge claim , clam = to cry clin = to bend clud = to shut coct = to cook cognis, gnos = to know commun = common cord = heart corp = body cosm , cosmo = universe count = to count cover = to cover cre, cresc = to make,

2、to grow cred = to believe crim = accusation, crime crit = to judge cruc = cross culp = blame, guilt cult = to till cumb = to lie down cur, course = to run cure = to take carecuss = to strike , to shake deb, du = to owe dei = god dem = peopledent = tooth 例如:dentist 牙医 - ist 表示人; derm, derma, dermat =

3、 skin dic = to proclaim dict, dit = to say dign = worthy divid, divis = to divide doc = to teach dom = housedom = to tame, to rule don, dot, dow = to give dorm = to sleep dox, dogma = opiniondraw = to draw, to pull drom = to run , course(process)duce, duct = to lead dur = to last dyn, dynam = power

4、eco = house ego = I , self electr = electric em, empt = to take, to buy equ = equal err = to wander, to err ess, est = to be fa, fabl, fabul = to speak fac, front = face, foreheadfac, fect = to make , to do fare = to go fend , fest = to strike fer = to carry, to bear, to tolerateferv = to boil fess

5、= to speak fest = festival fict, fig = to feign fid = to trust figure = to shape , figure(n.), form(n.)fil = thread , to spin fin = to end fix = to fasten flat = to blowflect, flex = to bend flict = to strikeflor = flower flu = to flowfoli = leaf form = to form, form ,shapefort = strong found , fund

6、 = base fract, frag = to break fug = to fleefuse, found = to pour gam = marriage gener, gen, gent = to produce, race(n.) ger, gest = to carrygrad, gress = to walk gram , graph = to write grand = grand grat = to please grav = heavy gregat = to collecthab, hibit = to have herb = grass here, hes = to s

7、tick,her = heir horr = to tremble hum , hom = man hum = ground hydr = water hypno = sleep idio = personal, distinct it = to go ject , jac = to throw join, junct = to joinjourn = day jud = to judge jur = to swear just, juris = law, right , justicelabor = to work laps = to slip, to glide late = to bri

8、ng , to bear later = side lav , lau = to wash lax , lyse = to loosen lect, leg = to choose , to gather, to read leg = to appoint , to sendleg = law lev = to raise, light (adj.)liber = free libr, lib = book lic = to be permitted lig = to bind lingu = tongue, language liqu = fluid liter = letter loc =

9、 place log , loqu, locut = to speak long = long lud = to play lumin = light lust, luc = bright magn, maj , max = great manu, man = hand mand, mend = to order , to entrust mari = seamark = to mark , boundary matr= mother mechan = machine med = to heal medi = middle melan = black memor = to remember m

10、ent = to think , mind(n.)mere = to trade , reward(n.) merge, mers = to sink, to dip meter = to measure migr = to remove , to wandermilit = soldier, to fight min = to jut , to project min = small mir = to wonder, to behold miss, mit = to send, to throw mix = to mix mod = manner mon = to advise , to r

11、emindmonstr = to show mor = custommorph = form mort = death mount = mountain, to ascend mov, mob, mot = to move muni = service mur = wallmut = to change myst = mystery nat = born nau, nav = ship necro = death, dead nect , nex = to bindneg = to deny neur , neuro , nerv = nerve neutr = neither nihil =

12、 nothing noc , nox = to harm noct , nox = night nomin, nom = name norm = rule, normnot = to mark nounce, nunci = to report nov = new nul, null = nothing number, numer = number, to count nutri = to nourish ocul = eye onym = name oper = to work , work opt = to wish opt, opto = eye, sight ora = to spea

13、k ,to pray order, ordin = order ori = to rise , to begin orn = to decorate, to furnish ortho = straight , right oss, osteo = bone pact = to agree, to fasten pan = bread par = to preparepar = equal par = to appear par = to bear , to give birth to part = a part , to part pass = to pass passi , pati, p

14、ath = to suffer, feelingspart = father ped = foot ped = child pel , puls = to drive pen ,pun = to punish pend, pens = to hang , to weighperi = to go through pet = to fly , to seek petr, petro = stone, rock phan ,fan = appearance phon = sound ; phe = to speak photo = light (n.)pict = to paint , pictu

15、re plac , pleas = to please plain , plaint = to beat the breast plant = to plant , plant (n.) plaud, plode = to strike, to clap plen, plete, ple , pli, ply = to fill, full ( adj. ) plore = to flow out ply, pli, ple = to fold polis = city polit, poli = state, countrypon , pound = to put popul, publ =

16、 people port = to carry port = gate pos = to place , to put potent = powerfulprec = to pray preci = price preda = prey(n.), to plunder press = to press prim, prin, prem = first pris, prehend = to seize priv = private (adj.) to deprive proach , proxim = near prob, prov = to test , to try, to examine

17、proper , propri = proper, ones own psych, psycho = soul pugn = to fight punct = to prick pur = pure purg = to purify pute = to think quer = to complain qui, quiet = calm , rest(n.)quire, quisit , quest = to seek quit = to free , to release radi = rootradi = ray rap, rav = to snatch rat , ratio = to

18、reckon , reason (n.) rect = right , straight reg = to rule , king (n.) rot = wheel (n.) , to turnrud = raw rupt = to break sacr , sanct , secr = sacred sal = salt sal, sult = to leap sal , san = whole sangui = blood sat = full scan , scend , scal = to climb sci = to know scribe , script = to write s

19、ect = to cut sed, sess, sid = to sit semin = seed sen = old sens ,sent = to feel sequ, secut, su = to follow sert = to join, to put serv = to serve, to keep sign = to mark simil, sembl = like(prep.), same sinu = curve ,sinus sist , stitut, sta, st = to stand soci = companion, to associate sol = alon

20、e sol = sun somn = sleep son =sound soph = wise ,wisdom sort = kind spec, spect = to see, to look sper = hope spers = to scatter spher = ball spir = to breathe splend = to shine spond , spons = to promise stell = star stinct, sting = to prick string , strict , strain, stress = to draw tight stru, st

21、ruct = to build suade = to advise sume,sumpt = to take summ = sum, highest sur = sure , securetail = to cut tang , tact = to touch tain , ten, tin = to hold , to keep techn(o) = art , skilltect = to cover temper = to moderate tempor = time tempt , tent = to try tend , tens , tent = to stretch tenu =

22、 thin term = boundary terr = earth terr = to frighten test = witness text = to weave the(o) = god thes, thet = to place , to put tim = to fear ton = tone tort = to twist tour, torn = to turn tox = poison tract , treat = to draw tribut = to pay , to bestow trop = to turn trud , trus = to thrust , to

23、push tum = to swell turb = to disturbultim = last umbr = shadowurb = city us , uti = to use vac, van , void = empty vade = to go vaga = to wander val , vail = strong , worth var(i) = diverse , to change velop = to wrap ven , vent = to come ven = vein venge = to avenge vent = wind ver = true verb = w

24、ord verg = to incline vers, vert = to turn vest = to clothe , garment vi , voy = way vict , vinc = to conquer vid , vis = to see vig , veg = lively viv = to live voc , voke = to call , voice volve, volut = to rollvor = to eat C) 常见的后缀(suffix) 1. 名词后缀(1) 具有某种职业或动作的人1)-an, -ian, 表示地方的人,精通的人” American,

25、 historian2)-al, 表示具有职务的人 principal,3)-ant,-ent 表示者” merchant, agent, servant, student4)-ar 表示的人” scholar, liar5)-ard, -art 表示做的人”coward6)-arian 表示派别的人, 主义的人”vegetarian7)-ary 表示从事的人 secretary8)-ate 表示具有职责的人 candidate, graduate9)-ator 表示做的人 educator10)-crat 表示某种政体,主义的支持者 democrat 11)-ee 表示动作承受者 emplo

26、yee, examinee12)-eer 表示从事于人 engineer, volunteer13)-er 表示从事某种职业的人, 某地区,地方的人 banker, observer, Londoner, villager14)-ese 表示 国人,.地方的人”Japanese, Cantonese15)-ess 表示阴性人称名词 actress, hostess, manageress16)-yer 表示 从事职业者” lawyer17)-ian 表示地方人,信仰.教的人,从事职业的人”physician(内科医生),musician18)-ician 表示精通者, 家,”electrici

27、an, magician, technician19)-icist 表示家, .者, .能手”physicist20)-ic 表示者,师 mechanic, critic21)-ster 表示做.事情的人”youngster, gamester(赌徒),songster22)-ier 表示从事职业” clothier 23)-ine, ian 表示 heroine, ballerina24)-ist 表示从事研究者,信仰主义者 pianist, communist, dentist, artist, chemist, violinist 25)-ive 表示动作者,行为者” native, c

28、aptive26)-logist 表示学家,研究者 biologist, geologist(地质学家)27)-or 表示者 author, doctor, operator, (2). 构成,具有抽象名词的含义1)-hood, 表示资格,身份, 年纪,状态 childhood, manhood2)-age, 表示状态,行为,身份及其结果,总称 courage, storage, marriage3)-al, a) 表示事物的动作,过程”refusal, arrival, survivalb) 表示具体的事物 manual, signal, editorial, journal4)-ance, -ence表示性质,状况,行为,过程,总量,程度” endurance,

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