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1、 do you have你们上什么课-We have history class.我们上历史课。 课堂练习1. 用英语表达下列时间1. 1: 45 _ 2. 2: 20 _ 3. 4: 55 _4. 12: 15_ 5. 10: 30 _6. 9: 03_7. 3: 40 _8. 7: 38 _9上午9点 _ 10上午11点25分 _ 11下午4点20分_ 12在上午10点40分 _13在下午5点30分 _ 14在下午8点十分 _ 2.词语 数学课_ 中文课_体育课_英语课_上美术课_ 上历史课_ 上体育课_7 oclock _ what time _ class_3.句型 What time

2、 is it 回答_It is time for math class. _It is time for nine oclock ._几点了_现在七点了。_该上数学课了。_该上英语课了。_该上语文课了。10点了,该上音乐课了。_Homework(家庭作业)要求:1.朗读单词、短语和句型5遍。2听写单词、短语、句型,请家长签字。3 .每个句型造3个句子。 4.英汉互译1) What is the time _2) Its eight oclock. _3) Its eleven oclock . _4 )It is time for English class. _5) Its time for

3、 history class. _6) This time is for supper. _7) 该睡觉了。_8) 该上语文课了。9) 该上音乐课了。10) 该做作业了。11)大约四点三十分_12)现在是上午9点整。13)现在是下午六点半。Unit 2 What are they词汇jacketdkit夹克衫shirt:t衬衣skirtsk:t短裙dressdres连衣裙sweaterswet毛线衣T-shirt T恤衫jeansdi:nz牛仔裤pantspnts宽松长裤sockssks袜子shoesu:z鞋子shorts:ts短裤sneakerssni:kz运动鞋sandalssndlz凉鞋

4、slippersslips室内穿的拖鞋hatht帽子capkp帽子my pants 我的裤子 your skirt 你的裙子his jeans 他的牛仔裤her socks她的短袜my fathers cap 我爸爸的帽子your sisters sandals你妹妹的凉鞋Lilys sweater莉莉的毛衣Toms shorts汤姆的短裤1. What are they 它们是什么 They are my pants. 是我的裤子.2. Is this your dress 这是你的连衣裙吗Yes, it is.是的, 它是. / No, it isnt. Its Lilys. 不, 它不是

5、. 它是莉莉的.2.This is my cap. 这是我的帽子。These are my socks.这些是我的短袜。课堂练习一、翻译。1、我爸爸的 2、你弟弟的 3、Mike的 4.我妹妹的短袜 5. 你的牛仔裤 6. 汤姆的毛衣 7、这是我的夹克衫。8. 那是什么那是我哥哥的短裤。 9. 这是你妹妹的毛衣吗不,不是。10、这是我的夹克衫吗是的。11、那是你妈妈的连衣裙。12、那是你妈妈的连衣裙吗 不,不是。二、连词成句。1、my, jacket, is, this ( . ) 2、this, your, dress, is ( ) 3、fathers, where, is, my, sh

6、irt ( ) 4、that, your, is, sisters, skirt ( ) 5、a, is, shirt, this, new (.) 6、are, jeans, those, your () 3 .每个句型造3个句子4 英汉互译1)This is her 2)这是你的裙子吗 不, 它不是,它是我妹妹的.3)我的毛衣在哪里_4)那是你爸爸的帽子。_5)那是你爸爸的帽子吗是的。6)这是什么这是Mike的牛仔裤。 _7)这些是汤姆的短袜。_Unit 3 What color is itcolor kl 颜色white hwait 白色black blk 黑色red red 红色gre

7、en ri:n 绿色yellow jelu 黄色blueblu: 蓝色purple p:pl紫色brownbraun棕色pink:pik 粉色orange :rind橙色grayrei 灰色green skirt 绿裙子blue shoes蓝鞋子old pants旧裤子new shorts新短裤red shirt 红衬衣gray slippers 灰拖鞋brown socks 棕色的袜子pink sweater 粉色的毛衣1. What color is your skirt你的短裙是什么颜色的It is red. 红色的.3.That is his yellow sweater. 那是他的黄

8、毛衣。4.Is that your fathers black hat那是你爸爸的黑帽子吗1、红色连衣裙 2、蓝色裙子 3、白色衬衫 4、黄色夹克衫 5、绿色T恤衫 6、这是我的红色夹克衫。7、这是我的红色夹克衫吗是的。8、那是你妈妈的白色连衣裙。9、那是你妈妈的白色连衣裙吗 不,不是。 10、你的裙子是什么颜色的 绿色。11、我弟弟的T恤衫是什么颜色的 蓝色和黄色相间。二 从B中选择合适的答案回答A的问题,把序号填到前面括号中。A B1、( ) What colour is the bag A、No, they arent.2、( ) Where is the T-shirt B、Yes,

9、it is.3、( )Are they jeans C、 Its ZhangPengs.4、( ) Whose is that D、Its pink.5、( ) Is this your skirt E、Its on the bed.我的蓝色的鞋 你的绿色的球 她的粉红色的连衣裙 我的黑色的袜子 白色的墙 灰色的图画 红毛衣 紫色的帽子 1).这是我的蓝色的鞋子。2).她有一条红色的连衣裙和一条蓝色的牛仔裤。3). 这是你的裙子吗 不, 它不是,它是我妹妹的.4).你的裙子是粉红色的._5).她的鞋子什么颜色_6).我的袜子是黄色的。5、连词成句。1)、my, jacket, is, yell

10、ow, this ( . ) 2)、red, this, your, dress, is ( ) 3)、fathers, where, is, my, shirt ( ) 4)、colour, your, is, sisters, skirt, what ( ) 5)、the, I, brown, like, T-shirt, with, skirt, green, the( . ) 6、根据提示书面回答所提的问题(答案需要完整)。1).What colour are your socks (蓝色)_ 2). Is this your dress, Lily (Amys)_ 3).What a

11、re they (短裤)_4).What colour is it (黄色)_5)Is this a sweater(肯定回答)_7、阅读理解,判断对错,对的打“”,错的打“”。(10分) Im ZhangPeng. Its 6:40. Its time to get up. I wear my new T-shirt. Its yellow. And I wear my green shorts. Theyre old. But I like them very much. I have . class today, so I wear my white shoes. At 7:00, I

12、have some hamburgers and milk for breakfast. Then I go to school at 7:20.( )1、I get up at 6:40.( )2、I have a yellow shirt. Its new.( )3、I like my green shorts.( )4、I wear green shoes today.( )5、I have breakfast at 7:Unit 4 What is the weather likecoldkuld冷的 coolku:l凉爽的 warmw:m温暖的 hotht热 sunnysni晴朗的

13、cloudyklaudi多云的 windywindi有风的 rainyreini下雨的 snowysnui下雪的 cold day 冷天 cool day凉爽的天气 warm day暖和的天气 rainy day 下雨天s the weather like today 今天天气怎么样-It is sunny today. 今天是晴天.5.It is rainy in Kunming.昆明在下雨。6.Whats the weather like in Beijing北京天气如何Its hot today.今天很热。一、连词成句。1、in, it, hot, is, ZhanJiang (.) 2

14、、today, is, warm, it (.) 3、cloudy, it, today, is(.) 4、like, the, what, weather, is() 二、翻译。1、炎热的 2、寒冷的 3、凉爽的 4、暖和的 5. 晴天 7. rainy 8.、天气 9、今天天气寒冷。10、今天北京的天气很暖和。三填空。Good morning, this is the weather report. Its in Harbin. (下雪) . Its very (冷). It s (热) in Beijing. You can wear your (T恤衫)and (短裤). Its (暖

15、和)in Kunming today. You can play (足球).How about Guangzhou Its (晴天).Tomorrow it will be .(多云)四、情景反应。1、( ) Whats the weather like today A. No, you cant.2、( ) Where are my jeans B、Yes, it is.3、( )What time is it C、 Its rainy.4、( ) Can I wear my new skirt D、Its twelve oclock.5、( ) Is it cool E、Theyre on

16、 the bed.4. 英汉互译多云的天 雨天 温暖的天 凉爽的天气 热天 冷天 (1)Today is sunny. (2)Today is cloudy. ( 3 )今天天气很凉爽。( 4 ).今天下雨了。( 5 ).今天非常温暖,但不热。5. 根据提示回答所提的问题(答案需要完整)。1. Whats the weather like in Harbin (下雪) 3. Whats the weather like in Beijing(多云) 4. Is it cool (不,今天很热。) 5. What time is it now(八点了) 6. 阅读理解,判断对错,对的打“T”,错

17、的打“F”。Today is Sunday. The weather is warm and windy. I can wear my shirt and jeans. I fly a kite on the playground. Tom and Jack wear their T-shirt and shorts. They play football. But in Harbin, its cold. Its snowy. People put on their coat and hats. They can make a snowman and skate(滑雪). Its funny

18、.( )1、Its cloudy and windy today.( )2、Its windy. So I can fly a kite.( )3、Its hot. Tom can wear his T-shirt and shorts.( )4、Its snowy in Harbin today.( )5、I can make a snowman, too.Unit 5 How much is itpretty priti漂亮的 taketeik买 helphelp 帮助 expensiveikspensiv 贵的 cheapti:p便宜的 colourfulklful 色彩丰富的prett

19、y dress漂亮的裙子 colourful shoes色彩丰富的鞋子long jeans 长牛仔裤 cheap socks 便宜的袜子1.Can I help you 有什么可以帮你的Yes, I want a dress. 我想买条裙子。2.How about this one 这件怎么样It is nice. 很好。3.How much is it 多少钱Its fifty yuan. 五十元。4.How about this shirt 这件衬衣如何Its too big. / Its too long. 太大了。太长了。5.This shirt is expensive. 这件衬衣很

20、贵。一把句子补充完整。 1、The elephant is (大的), but the mouse is (小的 ). 2、How much are the (鞋子) eleven yuan.3、This (绿色的裙子很贵)二、从左边中选择答案回答右边的问题,把序号填到前面的括号中。1、( ) How much are the slippers A、Its twelve yuan.2、( ) Can I help you B、Yes, please.3、( )Are they cheap C、 There are 12.4、( ) How many desks are there D、No,

21、they are too expensive.5、( ) How much is the T-shirt E、Theyre 78 yuan.三、阅读理解,判断对错,对的打“T”,错的打“F”。Assistant: Can I help you, Miss WhiteMiss White: Yes. I want a pair of sandals, please. What size Size nine. How about this pair They are black. They are good. How much are they They are 60 yuan. Oh. They

22、 are too expensive. These brown sandals are cheaper. Theyre 30 yuan. OK. I will take them.( )1、Miss White wants a pair of sneakers.( )2、The sandals are size nine.( )3、The black sandals are 60 yuan.( )4、The brown sandals are 60 yuan.( )5、Miss White takes the black sandals.1)我想买件衬衣。_ _ 2)这条裤子太长了。3)那条裙子真漂亮。4)这顶帽子多少钱_ _ 5)那个书包多少钱_ _ 6)This hat is nice. _ _ 7)How much is your dress _ _ 8)It is expensive. _ _ 9)The black sandals are 60 yuan. _ _ 10)这件毛衣很便宜。5、根据提示回答所提的问题(答案需要完整)。1. How much is the bag(22元)_ _ 2. Are r

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