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1、这些旁听者可以是人大代表、政协委员、党派的要员、工商联代表与其他。他们要至少18岁,并且愿意参加会议。旁听者可以通过政府部门以书面形式发表他们的意见。Increasing Transparency增加透明度在部分城市和农村的基础上,今年的上半年,省已要求村与村以上的政府行政事务都要公开。所有有关法律、规章和公民必须遵循的政府决定,只要不涉与政党和中央政府的,都要向公众公开。具体容如下:经济社会发展战略,工作目标和它们的完成情况;重大决策和政策的主动过程;财政预算和执行情况;专用基金的分配和重要物资的购买;主要基本建设计划和它们的招投标;政府投资的公共福利项目;政府审批的项目与完成情况;政府向公

2、众承 事项的完成情况;有关公民、法人、组织权益的法律实施;重大事件的处理;-官员的选拔任用,公务员的录用,先进工作者的评价,员工调动的原则改革与公众关心的其他问题; 政府机构的职能和官员的职责; 工作容、条件、流程和时间以与工作效果; 工作原则,承担义务、对违反应承担义务的起诉方法与调查结果;Apart from opening administrative affairs to society, various departments of the Guangdong Provincial Government have been required to open their interna

3、l system construction, work operations and management, specifically the self-discipline of officials; income and expenditure of the department; management of the human resources, distribution of income to workers and staff members as well as their welfare treatment; and other issues.除了向社会公开行政事务,省已经要

4、求各政府部门公开机关部结构,工作运转方式和管理情况,特别是官员的自律情况;部门的收入和经费开支情况,工作人员的收入分配和他们的福利待遇,以与其它事项。Knowing government administration is one of peoples fundamental rights, and the opening of administrative information has become an indispensable part in the governments administration. In the meantime, opening government adm

5、inistration is also a main principle of the WTO, listed on most of its documents. After Chinas entry into the WTO, it was required to be better in this field. Chinas transformation of government functions lags behind that of its economic growth.了解政府的行政行为是公民基本权力之一,政务公开是政府的应尽的职责。公开行政信息是已经是政府管理中必不可少的部分

6、。同时,政务公开也是WTO的一项主要原则,被列在WTO的大部分文件中。在中国加入WTO后,被要求在这方面做得更好。中国的政府职能转变落后于它的经济增长。A fresh move the opening of government administration still needs improvement. Experts appealed to the state to place great importance on the issue by setting up special department to handle related affairs, and devising a l

7、aw on opening government administrations.政务公开作为一项新举措仍需要改进。专家希望政府将其放在更重要位置,通过设置处理相关事务的专门部门,对政务公开进行立法。Red-Title Document Open to the Public对公众公开红头文件At the end of last year, the Beijing municipal government, located on Zhengyilu Road, placed a reception desk at the entrance of its west gate from Monday

8、 to Friday to receive citizens who come to the Beijing Municipal Government Bulletin. Since the bulletin opened to the public in early 2002, the telephone at the editorial office has kept ringing. Many of the calls come from Guangdong, Zhejiang, Heilongjiang provinces and Hong Kong SAR, inquiring ab

9、out subscription procedures.在去年底,位于路上的市政府,每周一到周五在其西大门入口处放置接待桌以接受市民来征订市政府公告。早在2002年政府公告向公众公开后,编辑部的就一直响着。许多来自、和特区,来咨询征订程序。The bulletin, which contains government regulations, administrative orders and decisions, is popularly known as a “red-title document” and is a mystery to most people, because it o

10、nly reached leaders above bureau level in the past. 包括政府规章、行政命令和决定的公文过去常称为红头文件,对大多数人而言是神秘的,因为它过去只发到局级以上干部。Wei Guiqin, director of the Beijing Huiyuan Law Office, is among the first to subscribe to the bulletin. “The public distribution of the bulletin helps us a lot in our job,” he said.贵勤,惠元律师事务所所长

11、,是第一批来征订公告的。他说:“公告的公开发行对我们的工作帮助很大。”The government of many other provinces and cities have also opened their bulletins to the public, including Henan and Shanxi provinces, and cities such as Guangzhou, Wuhan, Qingdao and Yinchuan. The government of the bulletins are functionally the same as other off

12、icial documents. 许多别的省市也已经向公众公布了公告,如、,城市如、和。政府公告与其它官方文件功能上是一样的。Shanghai was the first city to open its bulletin to the public. Since the beginning of last year, the bulletins have been sent not only to major institutions and enterprises under the jurisdiction of the municipal government, but also to

13、 100 selected newspaper and magazine booths, 50 postal zones 50 Xinhua bookstores, where citizens can get them for free. The bulletins have attracted the attention of many people, most of whom are lawyers and accountants.是第一个向公众公布了公告的城市。自去年初,公告不仅通过市政府正常渠道发送到主要公共机构和企业,还发送到经挑选产生的100个报刊亭、50个邮政亭、50个新华书店

14、,在那里市民可以免费取得公告。公告已经引起许多公民的注意,其部分是律师和会计。“Supermarket of administrative Affairs政务超市Five years ago, Huang Songji, a laid-off female employee in Nanjing, invesred 50000 yuan to set up a kindergarten. However, she was soon asked to close down, as she failed to follow relevant procedures. She sought assis

15、tance at the Supermarket of Administrative Affairs, and with guidance by the staff, Huang quickly obtained all necessary procedures.五年前,黄松基,一名下岗女工,投资5 万元办了一个育儿园。然而,她很快被勒令关门,因为她没有履行相关手续。她在政务超市寻求帮助,在工作人员的帮助下,她很快办理了所有手续。What is the Supermarket of Administrative Affairs and how effective is it? 什么是政务超市?

16、它的效果如何?The first supermarket was launched by the government of Xiaguan District, Nanjing City, in the residential communities of Xiaoshi and Rehenanlu on October 16, 2000. the government set up its offices in a big hall to handle various administrative affairs, including more than 40 services relate

17、d to civil affairs, employment, municipal construction, economy, handing of complaints and law enforcement. It indeed has supermarket features of openness, efficiency and a variety of choice, hence the name, Supermarket of Administrative Affairs. Five other of residential quarters followed suit a ye

18、ar later. 第一个政务超市是2000年10月16日在下关区热路的小石居委会建立的。政府在一个大厅设置办公场所以解决多种行政事务,包括 种有关民政事务、劳动就业、市政建设、经济、投诉的处理和法律实施。它的确具有超市的开放、效率和多样化选择的特质,因此被称为政务超市。一年后另五个居民区的政务超市随之成立。The supermarket practices a responsibility system to solve problems, and serve clients. In addition, supervision and feedback procedures have als

19、o been adopted. The system, which enables citizens to learn about government administrative affairs, contributes to the governments effort to open administrative affairs. Sun Wei, a “supermarket” staff member, said that in the past, policies were locked in the office drawer. Now they are placed on t

20、he wall, clearly indicating problems and possible timelines for their solution. Furthermore, the telephone number to contact in cases of complaint against the behavior of “supermarket” employees is also available to the public. Employees subject to customer complaints are given three chances, and pe

21、nalties include criticism the first time, bonus deduotion the second time, and dismissal the third time. 政务超市提供了一个解决问题、服务委托人的负责任的系统。另外,监督和反馈程序已经被采用。这个能够使公众了解政府行政事务的系统,归功于政府的政务公开。伟,一名“政务超市”的工作人员说,在过去政策是被锁在办公室的抽屉里。现在是挂在墙上,清楚地标明问题和解决这些问题的时间。更重要的是,针对政务超市工作人员的投诉是向公众公开的。工作人员有三次被客户投诉的机会,处罚包括第一次批评,第二次扣奖金,第三

22、次解雇。Since district government powers have been transferred to the“supermarket”, the service items are wider than those formerly offered by the residential community, such as the approval of small loans to help the poor and victims of natural disasters; handling applications for subsidies if their li

23、ving standards is below the poverty line; granting licenses to small restaurants; leasing newspaper booths and registering the unemployed. Apart from these services, the “supermarket” has also set up a training room, a law consultation room and a suggestion box, as well as a telephone hotline to ans

24、wer questions. In addition, government leaders regularly visit the “supermarket” to interact with the public in person. 自从地方行政权力转到“超市”,服务项目比过去居委会提供的围更大了,如对贫困户和突发自然灾害的小额贷款的审批,受理低保补助申请,小酒店许可证的核发,报刊摊位的出租和失业登记。除了这些服务,“超市”还提供一个服务间,一个咨询室和意见箱,一部回答问题的热线。另外,政府领导定期到“超市”同公众面对面交流。Many citizens have expressed th

25、eir satisfaction with the “supermarket”. 许多市民对“超市”表示满意。“It quickly solves problems, and shortens the psychological distance between leaders and the masses. Surveys recently conducted in five supermarkets indicated that citizens are satisfied with measures,” said Xu Xuwqin, who is in charge of the pu

26、blicity of the Xiaguan residential community.“它很快解决问题,缩短了领导和群众之间的心理距离。对五个“超市”的调查表明群众对这些措施是满意的”许学琴,一名居委会宣传部门负责人说。The “supermarket” of administrative service in Nanjing has exerted a positive influence to the entire country. Similar supermarkets have opened in Shenyang, Shanghai and Fuzhou.这种行政服务“超市”已

27、经在整个国家产生了正面的影响。在、和都建了类似的超市。The “supermarket” in Shanghai, known as the Center of Residential Affairs, now has 80 branches in the entire city, offering more than 50 services. A civil affairs official said that in the next three years, every community and town would set up such as a “supermarket” to f

28、orm a network covering the entire area.的“超市”,作为居民事务的中心,现在整个城市有80个分支,提供50项服务。一名国事务的政府官员说在未来三年,每一个社区和集镇都要建类似的“超市”以形成覆盖整个地区的网络。Media reports recently stated that relevant departments have planned to set up a multi-functional and multi-level service system throughout the country, which offers services o

29、n personnel matters, domicile registration, matrimonial registration, enterprise registration, tax payment, license distribution and the approval of land utilization. Service centers and related ranches will be set up in densely populated communities. Meanwhile, a standardized service network and un

30、ified regulations will also be established, and related workers will wear name tags for the benefit of customers. 媒体报道,有关部门已经计划在全国建设多功能、多层次的服务体系,以提供人事事务、居民登记、婚姻注册、企业登记交税、许可证的分配和土地使用权的审批。服务中心和有关的分支机构将被建在人口密集的社区。同时,标准的服务网络和统一的制度也将建立,相关工作都将在为将在为顾客的目标下进行。“E-Government”电子政府Placing government administrati

31、ve affairs on the Internet appears to be a growing world trend for government working toward open administration. Resources on government work available on the Internet can be effectively utilized. Furthermore, this practice will enhance the transparency if the government, reduce administrative expe

32、nse, improve work efficiency and facilitate the construction of a diligent and honest government. 将政府的行政事务在互联网上公布越来越成为世界上政府向公众公开事务的一种倾向。研究表明,提供在互联网的政府工作是被有效利用的。更重要的是,这个实践将提高政府的透明度,降低行政费用,提高工作效率并更利于数字政府和诚信政府的建设。China has a long way to go before it can develop an online government. However, beginning in the mid-1980s when China first called for office automation, up until 1998 when China began to develop

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