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1、首先元老院将听取Marcus Tullius Cicero. 马库斯图里亚斯西赛罗的发言On this eve of his most glorious triumph, 在这个荣耀的凯&旋&庆典日之前I move that Gaius Julius Caesar 我推举盖乌斯优利乌斯恺撒 be made imperator 未来十年内and granted absolute power over Rome 作为拥有无上权力的for a period of 10 years.罗马元首As some of you know,正如大家所知道的Caesar and I have had our di

2、sagreements. 恺撒和我也有过意见不合的时候However that may be,尽管如此he has shown himself他还是在to be as wise and merciful in victory 胜利之后体现了他的明智和大度 as he was invincible in battle.正如他在战场上无往不胜一般Let this be an end 让这场内部的矛盾 to division and civil strife.早日结束吧I willingly pledge my loyalty to him, 我将向恺撒献出我的忠诚 and I urge you a

3、ll to do the same. 也希望所有人都如此1 heartily commend 我由衷的赞成 the motion proposed 马库斯图里亚斯西赛罗 by Marcus Tullius Cicero.提出的建议The motion is carried unanimously.提议得到全票通过Many of you here today在座的很多人 fought against me.都曾经和我对立Many of you wished me dead.很多人希望看到我死Many of you perhaps still do.也许很多现在仍然如此But I hold no

4、grudges但我并不介意and seek no revenge.也不打算报复I demand only this我只要求你们that you join with me和我站在一起in building a new Rome, 建立一个新的罗马 a Rome that offers 一个新的罗马 justice, peace and land 能让他所有的公民们都 to all its citizens, 生活在公平和平和富饶的土地上 not just the privileged few.而不只是那些特权阶级Support me in this task, 帮助我完成这项使命 and old

5、 divisions will be forgotten.过去的分歧都既往不咎Oppose me.如果你反对我and Rome will not forgive you a second time. 罗马将不会给你第二次机会Senators.元老们.the war is over.战争已经结束Domina.女主人Atia of the Julii is here.朱莉娅阿提娅来了Atia?阿提娅?Here, now.是的已经到了She wishes to see you.她想见见你Atia.阿提娅in my house?在我的房&子里?My dear Atia.亲爱的阿提娅How lovely

6、 to see you.见到你实在太好了bona dear.亲爱的My poor friend.我可怜的朋友What have they done to you?他们都对你做了些什么?Youfre so sweet.你太客气了Come sit down.坐下吧m very sorry I havent visited sooner;抱歉我没有早点来看你but to be honest; I was far too upset to face seeing you. 说实话我是因为心情太差而没早来见你的The very idea, its. itfs too sinister.一个贵妇被扒光了衣

7、服在大街上被羞辱A noblewoman stripped naked这个画面一直在我脑海中挥之不去and beaten on the streets.实在是太邪恶了horrible. Horrible.太可怕了太可怕了Tell me truly, how are you now?告诉我你现在怎么样了?m recovering very well.我恢复的很好Have they found the culprits yet?他们找到动手的人了吗?They have not, but justice w山 find them eventually. 还没有不过因果报应总有时m quite sur

8、e of that.我相信这点Would you have some lemon water?要来点柠檬水么?That would be lovely.好的Brutus is well, I hope. He is.布鲁图斯还好吧?他很好Itfs so wise of him to choose submission to my dear uncle. 他向我的叔叔屈服实在是太明智了I was very afraid he might try我很怕他会为了所谓的勇猛some foolish act of bravery.干出一些鲁莽的事情来Men are so silly about thei

9、r honor. No?男人总是会为了尊严干点蠢事ve come to ask you我来是想问你if you will sit with me at the triumph.你愿意在凯&庆典时和我坐在一起吗?Even though Ifm being besieged by sycophants很多吹嘘拍马之徒都在我身边asking for space, I thought, No,乞求我给他们一个位子 但我不这么想if someone were to have first choice,我第一想到的人it should be my dear friend Servilia就是我的好朋友赛维

10、莉娅whos been through so much pain.1她经历了这么多的痛苦That is very thoughtful of you.你想的真是周到but 1 think I shall not be well enough.但我认为我不够资格Well, thats a pity.真遗憾Are you sure? I am.你真的这么想吗?是的Well, if you change your mind.好吧如果你回心转意的话I will let you know.我会告诉你的People tell me that Octavias left the city,有人告诉我奥克塔维

11、娅离开了城里but no one knows where.但没人知道她去了哪I hope theres nothing amiss. 希望别出什么事了Not at all.别担心Shes staying at my cousins villa in Paestum, 她呆在我表兄在帕斯图的一幢别&墅&里 mooning over some young fool of a poet shes met there. 和一个她遇到的愚蠢的年轻诗人在一起呆着ll be back in time for the triumph.凯&hearts漩&庆典之时她就会回来 brother.弟弟What are

12、 you doing here?你来这里干什么?ve come to take you home.我是来带你回家的This is my home. This?这里就是我的家这里?This is not your home.这不是你的家m happy here.我在这很愉快I dont believe you.我可不相信In any case, your place is with your family. 无论如何和家人在一起的地方才是你的家Bad enough to run away, 离开家庭是愚蠢的but to these people?和这些人一起生活?This isnrt the h

13、ealthy way of life. 这样的生活方式是不健康的You call our family healthy?你认为我们家很健康吗?Our corruption stinks in the nostrils of Mother Earth. 从大地上都能嗅出我们家的腐&败&This is your foreign priests talking.这都是那些愚蠢祭司的说法They are frauds. They only want your money.他们都是骗子只是想要你的钱Priests are nobody. They are just servants here.祭司在这里

14、不是别的都是仆人而已This is the Great Mothers house.这是圣母的领地The Great Mother wants nothing from me.圣母对我没有他求m a worm in her sight.我在她眼中只是渺小的虫子罢了You are not a worm.你可不是什么虫子You are a daughter of the Julii.你是朱利亚家的女儿It looks very ill, you running away like this.你变成这样实在让人看的心疼Reflects badly on the whole family如果让大众知道

15、的话if it were known publicly.会给我们家造成极大的不良影响For a moment I thought you wanted me back我还以为你是期盼我回去because you missed me. Dont be silly.是因为你很想我别傻了Weve missed you terribly.我们都很想你Your mother has missed you.母亲也很想你I believe even the servants and animals have missed you. 我相信仆人和那些小动物们也期盼着你回去And you?还有你?And I.当

16、然还有我ve missed you.我很想你I canft go back.我不能回去Whats done is done.已发生的事情是无法挽回的了I forgive you. Your mother forgives you.我原谅你了还有母亲也原谅你You forgive me?你原谅我?Mother forgives me?母亲原谅我?What if I dont forgive?如果我并不原谅你们呢?Whatever you think she may have done,不论你认为她做了什么consider the possibility she did it out of lov

17、e for you.想一下这都是她出于对你的爱111 never forgive her.我永远不会原谅她Be that as it may, your forgiveness is irrelevant.就算是那样你的宽恕也无关紧要You must come home.你必须回家m sorry,对不起I will not.我不回去t want to use force.我不想使用武力The priests will protect me.祭司们会保护我的They wont.他们不会的ve bought them.我已经收买& 了他们Quite cheaply.很便宜的价格I beg you,

18、求你了Let me stay here.让我留在这里吧What have you done?你都干了些什么?Fellow citizens of the Aventine!艾文泰的居民们Fellow citizens!居民们My name is Lucius Vorenus,我的名字是卢西尔斯乌瑞纳斯tribe of Stellatina, veteran of the 13th Legion.斯特拉提纳族人第13军团的退伍军人Some ofyou may know me.你们中的某些人也许认识我I bring you good news.我给你们带来了好消息Caesar has put an

19、 end to patrician tyranny, 恺撒已经结束了贵族们的苛政and will ensure that the common people他确定民众们的声音be heard once more. Go back to Gaul,将会再次得到尊重滚回高卢去吧ginger knob.生姜头ril not deny it, friend,我不会否认我的朋友I have a Gallic look about me,我的外表看起来的确是高卢人but Im as solid Roman as you are.但我确实是个罗马人【ve shed blood for Rome.我为罗马抛头

20、颅撒热血My father shed blood for Rome,我的父亲也为罗马浴血奋战as did his father and his father before him. 我的祖父和曾祖父同样如此My wife. my wife was born here in the Aventine! 我的妻子是在这里出生的在艾文泰1 am as solid a Roman as any man here!我和这里的所有其它人一样是一个罗马人If I am elected as your local magistrate,如果我被选为你们的地区长官I promise on Jupitefs st

21、one我以朱庇特石的名义起誓to strive to make this an era of peace,努力创造出一个和平prosperity and justice繁荣公正的时期for all Aventine.为所有的艾文泰居民Tomorrow明天Caesar holds a triumph, 恺撒将会举办-个凯&庆典 a symbol of his love for the people of Rome. 作为他对于罗马人&民&爱的见证 Cac!笑话!Why dont you shut up, you.你为什么不闭上你的嘴你Ladylike, madam, ladylike.保持风度夫

22、人保持风度Five days of feasting and games五天的盛会和娱乐as appreciation for the trust and support 是对罗马人&给予 the people of Rome have given Caesar. 恺撒的理解和支持的回报Freedom, more like! Weve given him our freedom自&由&准确的说 我们把自&都给了他 and our honor!还有尊严I would not be standing here on Caesars slate 如果我不相信和了解恺撒if I did not bel

23、ieve, if I did not know才是这个国家的救星that he has only the Republics best interests at heart 我也就不会站在这里为他说话了A new era.”一个新的时代”Tomorrows triumph, a new era.明天的凯&庆典是一个新时代的开始 With tomorrows triumph, a new era begins.庆典是一个新的时代的开始 For all Aventine. For all Rome.对于所有艾文泰的人以及所有的罗马人It was good. You did well. Thank

24、you.很好你做的很不错谢谢king of all the Gauls.高卢人的王Makes you think, doesnt it?让你有些想法不是吗?It does.确实如此Goodbye, old friend.再见了老朋友Do your best to tidy him up.尽量把他收拾的干净地He looks dead already.他看上去已经是个死人了Found you at last, you bastards.总算找到你们混&蛋&ve been through the whole damned army.我找遍了整个军队The famous Titus Pullo.赫赫

25、有名的泰特斯波罗To what do we owe this honor, citizen?是什么让我们有这种荣幸呢公民?Do you come to wish us luck?是来祝福我们好运的吗?Listen, Ive got most of my kit,听着我大部分的装备都还在ve lost my crest.就是头盔找不到了Surely someones got a spare, you think?肯定有人有多余的吧你们说那?Its only a crest. Its not like I lost my sword.只是个头盔罢了又不是失去了剑Well, you cant mar

26、ch with us.你不能跟参与我们的阅兵式Youve left the Legion. You signed yourself out.你已经离开了军团你自己要离开的I know, but. 13th forever, eh?我知道但是永远是13军的人不是吗s enlisted men only in the triumph. Youre a civilian.只有军人可以参加凯&庆典你只是个公民Civilian?公民?m the hero of the whole mumping Legion, I am.我是军团的英雄I saved your skin more than once.我不止一次的救了你Shouldnt have to remind you of that.我想这不用我来提醒你If you want to sign up for a few more years, thats a differe

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