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本文(西安交通大学17年课程考试《英语3新录》作业考核试题100分答案.docx)为本站会员(b****2)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、西安交通大学17年课程考试英语3新录作业考核试题100分答案西安交通大学17年3月课程考试英语3(新录)作业考核试题试卷总分:100? ? ? ?测试时间:-一、单选题(共?50?道试题,共?100?分。)1. If people feel hopeless, they dont bother to () the skills they need to succee#A. adoptB. accumulateC. acquireD. assemble 答案:C满分:2 分2. During the tourist season, there are many people wandering

2、in this city to see the old castles () in the sixteenth century.A. to be builtB. being builtC. having been builtD. built 答案:D满分:2 分3. The professor could hardly find sufficient grounds ()his arguments in favor of the new theory.A. to be based onB. to base onC. which to base onD. on which to base 答案:

3、D满分:2 分4. () the essay a second time, the hidden meaning will become clearer to you.A. While readingB. After readingC. Your having readD. When you read 答案:D满分:2 分5. Everyone hopes that we can do something to make things better, so we cant help () under the stress.A. but workingB. but to workC. workD

4、. but work 答案:D满分:2 分6. Under no circumstance () to tell lies to parents.A. children are allowedB. are children allowedC. children will allowD. will children allow 答案:B满分:2 分7. Astronauts are () all kinds of tests before they are actually sent up in a spacecraft.A. inclined toB. subjected toC. prone

5、 toD. bound to 答案:B满分:2 分8. “() your meeting is!” he offered them his sincere congratulations.A. How a great successB. What a great successC. How great successD. What great success 答案:B满分:2 分9. In this kind of hotel, there are no () rooms.A. luxuryB. marvelousC. occasionalD. sulphur 答案:A满分:2 分10. Th

6、e professor said he could talk on () interested the audience.A. any topicB. which topicC. whichever topicD. the topic he thought it 答案:C满分:2 分11. The lectures, () the current international issues, are well received.A. are coveredB. coveredC. coveringD. to cover 答案:C满分:2 分12. “() the friendship betwe

7、en our two people last forever!”, and with this sincere hope, the president concluded his speech.A. CouldB. MayC. WouldD. Must 答案:B满分:2 分13. On hearing a great noise, Mike looked forward through the window () what happened outside the room.A. to seeingB. to seeC. seeingD. to have seen 答案:B满分:2 分14.

8、Our () talks promise a good future for our cooperation.A. interiorB. insuranceC. initialD. invisible 答案:C满分:2 分15. The () of blood always makes him feel sick.A. formB. viewC. lookD. sight 答案:D满分:2 分16. () the expense, I () a round-the-world tour.A. Were it not would takeB. If it were not takeC. Were

9、nt it for will takeD. If it hadnt been for would have taken 答案:D满分:2 分17. This robot is supposed to save a lot of labor, but it remains a problem if it ().A. isB. savesC. doesD. has 答案:C满分:2 分18. It is no longer a problem () the poor children in this district can go to school.A. thatB. whetherC. soD

10、. because 答案:A满分:2 分19. Tomorrow we will () our day of independence.A. favorB. exposeC. roarD. celebrate 答案:D满分:2 分20. She asked for () classes at home because she thought she would learn English more quickly.A. peculiarB. privateC. personalD. particular 答案:B满分:2 分21. The tendency of a boy to become

11、 () his mother and to resent his father is referred to as the “Oedipus Complex” (恋母情结).A. attached toB. related toC. named afterD. inspired to 答案:A满分:2 分22. () no need to take any medicine () you are ill.A. It isunlessB. There isunlessC. It isunlessD. There isuntil 答案:B满分:2 分23. I heard that you rea

12、lly had a wonderful time at Johns birthday party, ()A. didnt IB. didnt youC. hadnt youD. will you 答案:B满分:2 分24. Obviously he was () by the shop owner when she was shopping in that store.A. supposedB. supplementedC. sweptD. cheated 答案:D满分:2 分25. Astronauts are () all kinds of tests before they are ac

13、tually sent up in a spacecraft.A. inclined toB. subjected toC. prone toD. bound to 答案:B满分:2 分26. In spite of all his efforts, his debts continued to () up.A. mountB. ascendC. climbD. raise 答案:A满分:2 分27. Every boy and every girl () to the museum this afternoon.A. is to goB. are to goC. were to goD. i

14、s gone 答案:A满分:2 分28. () you dislike ancient buildings, Warrick Castle is worth a visit.A. AsB. IfC. Even ifD. Now that 答案:C满分:2 分29. () more information, they could make the plan better than it is now.A. Having givenB. If givingC. GivenD. To be given 答案:C满分:2 分30. You will not be () about your food in time of great hunger.A. specialB. particularC. peculiarD. specific 答案:B满分:2 分31. Professor Allington asks his students to read the newspapers to keep () of current events.A. watchB. observationC. trackD. information 答案:C满分:2 分32. He doesnt know what to say, for it is t

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