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1、 同根ruins n.废墟区分remains遗迹类似damage vt/n.破坏 同根damages n.赔偿金do damage to 对造成破坏类似site n.场所,地点,选址ancient site历史遗迹remain vi.留下,保持不变,剩余remains n.遗迹remaining adj.剩下的construct v.建造,构造=put up=set up 同根constructive adj.建设性的 同根construction n.建设区分instruct vt.讲授,指示 同根instruction n.教学,指示,说明 同根instructive adj.有教育意义的

2、post n/vt.柱,邮政,职位;张贴,邮寄 同根postal adj.邮政的 同根postcode n.明信片;postcard n.邮政编码 同根postman n.邮递员;postmaster n.邮政局长 同根postgraduate n.研究生;bachelor学士区分position n.位置 1.portion n.一部分 同根postage n.邮费类似store vt/n.储存;商店-storage n.储藏类似cover vt/n.遮盖;封面,盖子-coverage覆盖面积cover all the cost涵盖所有成本类似orphan n/adj.孤儿;孤儿的-orph

3、anage n.孤儿院类似marry vt/vi.结婚-marriage n.结婚区分carriage n.车辆,马车poster n.海报类似cook n.厨子;烹调-cooker n.厨具sometime adv.某个时候区分sometimes adv.有时=from time to time区分some time 在某个时候区分some times 几次time n.时间all the time/way一直,总是at no time绝不in no time立刻马上by the time到.为止(完成时)at the same time与此同时ahead of time=in advanc

4、e提前in time及时on time准时at a time一次一个take ones time慢慢来at one time=once=once upon a time曾经for the time being=at present现在The room is 3 times as big as mine=The room is twice bigger than mine=The room is three times the size of yours同根timetable n.时刻表同根times n.时代behind the times落后时代keep up with the times追

5、上时代同根pastime,消遣want vt.想要wanted,被通缉的want to know=wonder类似wonder v/n.想知道,惊叹;奇迹,疑惑wonderful adj.令人惊叹的类似miracle n.奇迹 同根marvelous adj.令人惊奇的,奇特的区分wander vi.徘徊,闲逛promise v/n.承诺promise sb sthpromise to do sth类似用法promise,agree,hope,suggest,demandmake a promise 作出承诺keep/break ones promise 遵照承诺/食言

6、promising adj.有前途的,有希望的mobile adj/n.活动的,移动的;汽车mobile phone=cell phone手机区分mode n.方式,形式,风尚区分model n.模型区分modern adj.现代化的同根modernize v.使现代化区分modest adj.谦虚的区分moderate adj.适度的,中等的moderation n.适度in moderation 适度类似medium adj/n.中间的,适度的;媒介物,传媒media区分radium n.镭区分stadium n.体育场material n.材料rare-material 原材料区分med

7、al n.奖牌,纪念章区分metal n.金属区分mention vt/n.精神的,智力的,内心的as is mentioned above正如上文所提到的同根mental adj.精神的,智力的physical物质的,生理的order n/vt.整齐,秩序;命令,整理命令:order sb to do sth订购:place an order for sth=order sth秩序:in order整齐的;out of order混乱的 in good/bad order井然有序;秩序混乱 order整理为了:in order to=so as to do with a vie

8、w to doing in order that 句子out of order混乱区分orderly adj.整齐的,有秩序的区分disorder n.杂乱,混乱 同根disorderly adj.杂乱的,混乱的form n/vt/vi.形成,表格;构成,组成formal adj.正式的 inform vt.通知,告知informal adj.非正式的类似casual adj.偶然的,随便的,非正式的非正式的inform暂时的a causal interest暂时的兴趣临时的casually adv.区分reform v/n.改革区分transform vt.改造,改革区分translate

9、v.翻译,转变区分transplant vt.移植区分transport vt.运输,输送区分transportation n.交通工具,客运,货运区分transfer v.搬,转动,转换interrupt vt.打断,打扰区分interpret口译,翻译translate translate A into B 同根interpreter n.解释,说明,翻译 同根interpretation n.解释,口译lie vi/n.躺,位于(lay,lain)lie in在于 vt.说谎(lied lied)区分lay vt.放下,产卵,铺设(laid laid)lay down 制定lay the

10、 table 铺桌子lay down放下lay much emphasis on重点强调lay a solid/foundation打下坚实基础 同根layer n.层present n礼物=gift类似gift n.礼物,天赋 have a gift for有天赋gifted adj.有天赋的 vt.赠送,授予,呈现同根presentation n.赠送,呈现,授课present sb with sth=present sth for sb提供某人某物 adj.现在同根presently adv.不久,不一会,现在=soonat present=for the time being=curr

11、ently目前现在the present government现政府 adj.出席的,到场的同根presence n.在场,出席the people present 在场的人represent vt.代表同根representative n.代表expose vt.暴露,揭露be exposed to+doing接触,暴露,感染exposure n.暴露exposition n.博览会(EXPO)interview n/vt.采访,面试同根interviewer n.面试官同根interviewee n.被面试者区分candidate n.参选者,求职者employ vt.雇佣,使用同根emp

12、loyee n.雇主同根employer n.雇员同根employment n.雇佣unemployment n.失业 unemployed adj.失业的be employed/used to.被用来apply v.申请,应用同根applicant n.申请人同根application n.申请表,应用make an application for sthapply for 申请apply A to Bbe applied to应用于e.g.She has applied to the company for a position as a secretary.她已经向这家公司申请做秘书。e

13、.g.Students should be encouraged to apply what they have learnt in class to practice.应该鼓励学生将课堂知识应用于实践。同根appliance n.器具 device n.装置;instrument n.仪器,乐器 implement n/vt.工具,用具;tool n.工具pass v/n.传递,经过,通过;通行证passage n.通过,通道,经过,文章的一段类似corridor n.走廊passenger n.乘客passer-by n.过路人pass on传递conveymessage n.信息mess

14、enger n.送信人区分massage n.按摩point v/n.指出;小数点be on the point of doing sth=be about to do sth正要做某事There is no sense/point in doing sth毫无意义v.point at/to指向 point out指出indicatesense n.感觉a sense of humor幽默感make sense有意义make sense of弄懂e.g.Someone need a textbook to make sense of a foreign tonguecommon sense/k

15、nowledge常识in sense在某种意义上讲havein common有共同点 vt.意识到类似realize vt.实现,认识,体会real adj.真的,真正的really adv.确实的realistic adj.现实的,真实的reality n.现实类似aware adj.意识到be aware ofsensible adj.明智的,合理的be sensible of类似wise adj.有智慧的类似advisable同根sensitive adj.敏感的be sensitive tononsense n.胡说,废话case n.实例,事例suitcase n.行李箱in no

16、case=at no time=by no means=on no condition =on no account=under /in no circumstance绝不in any case=any way不论如何in case+句子;in case of doing/sth以防万一类似circumstance n.情况,境遇(常用复数)(situation)类似account n/vi.叙述,账户账目;解释,说明account for占多大比例e.g.Sth account of 11.4% of B某物占据B的11.4%accountant n.会计人员类似mean vt/adj.意味

17、着;平庸,卑鄙,中间的mean to do sth打算做mean doing意味着be meant for/to do旨在e.g.The magazine is meant for young girls who like fashion.那本杂志是编给喜欢时尚的女孩看的。meaning n.意义,意思means n.方法手段meantime n.间隔时间meanwhile adv.同时due adj.应得的,到期的,预定的类似because conj.因为类似owe vt.归功于将某事归功于.同根owing adj.欠着的,未付的due to/because of/on acc

18、ount of/owing to+doing同根own adj/vt.由于,因为同根owner n.所有者state n/v.国家,状态;声明the state of marriage婚姻状况同根unstated adj.含蓄的同根statement n.声明qualify v.使具有资格的同根qualification n.资格同根qualified adj.有资格的qualify sb for/to do/asbe qualified to do/as/for区分quality adj/n.优质的;性质,特性,品质,质量,品质be of good quality区分quantity n.量

19、,数量a large quantity of大量的provide vt.供给,提供provide sb with sth=provide sth for sb=supply sb with sth=supply sth to sb=offer sb sth类似supply n/vt.供应,供应物;供给类似offer vt.提供,提议,开价类似afford vt.买得起,承担be able to/afford to do sthe.g.In the mountain area,many children about my age cant afford to go to school.在山区,很

20、多同我年龄相仿的儿童上不起学。区分offend vt.冒犯,得罪 同根offence n.冒犯行为,过错 同根offensive adj.冒犯的区分defend vt.防御,辩护 同根defence n.防御,辩护 同根defensive adj.辩护的 同根defendant n.被告区分defeat vt/n.击败able adj.有能力,能干的同根ability n.能力区分capable n.有能力同根capability n.能力,性能,潜质be capable of doing sth有能力做某事e.g.As a top student in the class,she is ca

21、pable of working out these maths problems.作为班上的优秀学生,她有能力解答这些数学问题。区分capacity n.能力,容量,职责cover n/vt.封面;遮盖,采访,掩盖,占地面积区分discover vt.发现区分recover v.寻回,恢复other adj.别的,其他的同根otherwise adv/conj.否则,不然another adj/pron.另一个the other day几天前I did see it the other dayanother day改天Let us discuss it another dayevery ot

22、her day=every second day=every two days隔天every few days每隔几天another two weeks=two weeks more=two more weeks另外两周favour n/vt.恩惠,善行;喜爱,支持be in favour of支持,赞同do sb a favour=help sb=give sb a hand=approve of同根favourite adj.最爱的同根favourable adj.有利的,赞同的Optimism(乐观) is looking at a more favourable side of eve

23、nts同根unfavourable adj.不利的类似approve vt.赞成同根approval n.赞成同根disapproval n.不赞同同根disapprove v.不赞同propose vt.建议propose doing sthpropose that+(should)虚拟语气proposal n.建议proposeproposalrefuserefusalapproveapprovaldenydenialburyburialtrytrialsure adj/adv.确信的,可靠的,有把握的;确实be sure to do sth=be bound to do sth一定会做某

24、事be sure of/about sth有把握做某事make sure that+句子 确保assure vt.保证,承担assure sb of sthassure sb that+句子 向某人保证 ensure vt.保证ensure sb sthinsure vt/vi.给保险同根insurance n.保险certain adj.确定的,有把握的be certain to do必将区分curtain n.幕区分contain vt.包含,容纳=include=seat 同根container n.集装箱,容器类似seat n/vt.座位;就坐;容纳e.g.The bag contai

25、ned a book.包中有书。e.g.The report contains mistakes.文件中存在错误。区分obtain vt.得到digest vt/n.消化吸收; 同根digestion n.消化,吸收 同根digestive adj.消化,吸收的former adj.前者late adj/adv.迟的,晚的同根latter adj.较后的,后一半的the formerthe latter前者后者同根later adj/adv.较晚的later on后来同根latest adj.最新的,最近的at latest最新的同根lately adv.近来,最近类似recentlyrece

26、nt adj.新近的,近来的congratulate vt.祝贺congratulate on sb祝贺某人congratulation n.祝贺类似celebrate vt.庆祝celebration n.祝贺count v.计算,数count on=depend on=calculate on依赖依靠count up=add up总计区分counter n/v.柜台;应对区分encounter vt/n.意外的相遇,邂逅=meet=come across区分account n/vi.叙述,账户账目;account for占多大比例 同根accountant n.会计人员类似calculate n.计算,估计 同根calculator n.计算器depend vi.依靠,依赖 同根dependent adj.依赖的,依靠的focus v/n.集中,聚焦focus on集中于,焦点在于concentrate v.集中concentrate on集中注意力在同根concentration n.专心,集中depend vt.依赖依靠dependenceindependence n.独立dependentindependent adj.独立的depend on 依靠依赖,取决于operate v.工作,运转,活动,操作operate on给某人动手术

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