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1、To finish the transaction and store the data in the database, enter the Save command. If you only want to test whether the changes can be carried out, do not use the Save command.In general, you cannot change the keys of objects.The Return parameter informs you whether errors occurred during process

2、ing. After the call you find the error messages that were created during processing in the EMessageTable table.Commands for the individual object typesObject type: NetworkThe network number is the key that identifies each network object type.Command: CreateUse this command to create a network using

3、the specified network number.The network number is determined by the external system. For the network enter a network profile that exists in the Project System. The network profile has to be assigned to a network type supporting external number assignment.Always enter the network number in uppercase

4、.Depending on the scheduling type, enter a start or end date.Example - Create a network with the network number TRAINING0001. Enter the key of the network object in the command table under OBJECTKEY and in the data table under NETWORK . The reference number 000001 of the IMethodProject command table

5、 refers to the index of the data table.IMethodProjectOBJECTTYPE = NetworkMETHOD = CreateOBJECTKEY = TRAINING0001REFNUMBER = 000001OBJECTTYPE =METHOD = SaveOBJECTKEY =REFNUMBER =INetworkIndex = 1NETWORK = TRAINING0001SHORT_TEXT = New networkFINISH_DATE = 12/04/1999Profile = EPS40_1. UpdateUse this co

6、mmand to change a network that exists in the Project System.Use the update structure.You want to change only certain values in an existing network and keep the other values. Using the update structure you specify exactly the attributes you want to change. Therefore, you need not fill all the attribu

7、tes of the network structure.If you are working with the update structures, pay attention to the fact that the table of the update structure must also be filled for the other commands of the network. The reference number of the command table has to match the same index of the network table and the t

8、able containing the update structures.Example - Change the description of the existing network TRAINING 0001METHOD = UpdateSHORT_TEXT = Description changedINetworkUpdateNETWORK =SHORT_TEXT = X Delete (from release 4.5A)Use this command to delete a network that already exists in the Project System.Th

9、e network has the Deletion flag system status which can be revoked in the Project System. Therefore, the network remains in the database physically.Example - Delete the network TRAINING0001METHOD = Delete ScheduleUse this command to schedule a network.Example - Reschedule network TRAINING0001METHOD

10、= Schedule CalculateUse this command to calculate costs for a network.Example - Calculate costs for the TRAINING0001 networkMETHOD = Calculate Release (from release 4.5A)Use this command to release a network with all its activities.Example Release the TRAINING0001 networkMETHOD = Release Lock (from

11、release 4.6A)Use this command to lock a network.The Locked system status is set for a network.Example - Lock the network TRAINING0001 METHOD = Lock Unlock (from release 4.6A)Use this command to unlock a networkThe Locked system status is removed from a networkExample - Unlock the TRAINING0001 networ

12、kMETHOD = UnlockObject Type: NetworkActivityThe key of the Network activity object consists of the network number and the activity number.If you want to apply a command to the network activity, you must always include the superior network in the same call in the table of the INetwork parameter.Use t

13、his command to create a new activity in a network.Example - Create a new network activity with the number 0010 in TRAINING0001 network.OBJECTTYPE = NetworkActivityOBJECTKEY = TRAINING00010010IActivityACTIVITY = 0010DESCRIPTION = Activity 10Use this command to change an activity that already exists i

14、n the Project System.Use the update structure as in networks.Example - Change the description of the activity 0010 in network TRAINING0001.DESCRIPTION = Activity 10 changedIActivityUpdateACTIVITY =DESCRIPTION = X DeleteUse this command to delete an activity that already exists in the Project System.

15、 The activity receives the deletion flag system status and is not deleted physically. Connected objects as relationships, activity elements, capacity requirements, purchase requisitions, and material components are also deallocated and selected for deletion.You cannot create an activity with the sam

16、e key.Example - Delete the network activity 0010 in network TRAINING0001Example - Release the activity 0010 in network TRAINING0001 NetworkActivityElement (from release 4.6A)The key for the activity element object comprises of the network number, the activity number, and the activity element number.

17、Use this command to create a new activity element in a network.Example - Create a new activity element with the number 0020 in network activity 0010 of the TRAINING0001 network of the TRAINING0001 network .OBJECTTYPE = NetworkActivityElementOBJECTKEY = TRAINING000100100020IActivityElementELEMENT = 0

18、020Use this command to change an activity element that already exists in the Project System.Use the update structure as for networks.Example - Change an existing activity element with the number 0020 in the network activity 0010 of the TRAINING0001 networkDESCRIPTION = Activity element 0020 changedIActivityElementUpdateELEMENT =Use this command to delete

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