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1、 A$3 B$5 C$83Where does the man want to go? ALos Angeles BNew York CSan Francisco4How did the man break his leg? AHe had a fall at the pool BHe had an accident while skating CHe fell when jumping over a tennis net5When does the shop close? AAt8:30pm BAt9:00pm CAt 9:30pm第二节 (共15小题;每题15分,满分225分)听下面5段对

2、话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时刻阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时刻。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6Where does the conversation most probably take place? AAt home BOn a bus CIn a bank7Why do the speakers want to buy a car? AThey have a lot of money BThe man lives too far

3、away from his office CThe womans office is too far away from her home听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8Why doesnt the man buy the blue dress? AIt is too expensive BHe doesnt like the color CIt is too small9What did the man buy in the end? AThe red dress BThe green dress CNothing听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10Which of the followi

4、ng is not mentioned? AThere are pills to make you hungry BThere are pills for colds and headaches CThere are pills for homesickness11What can we learn from the conversation? AMedicine is widely used in life BWith medicine, you can do whatever you like CMedicine can also help us learn languages12What

5、 kind of pills does the man want? AFor airsickness BFor learning languages CFor keeping awake听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13What kind of job is Katie looking for? AA part-time job for a school magazine BA full-time job at a college CA short-term job in an office14How old is Katie? A17 B18 C1915What can we know

6、about Katie? AShe graduated from high school BShe graduated from university CShe is a postgraduate16Why does the man think that Katie might be qualified for the job? AShe attended extra classes in sport at school BShe has learnt computer skills and is adaptable CShe is adaptable and can get along we

7、ll with people in the office听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17Where will the people have lunch? AIn a garden BIn a museum CIn a park18When did people begin to call the tree Washington Elm? AIn 1775 BIn 1864 CIn 198419Whats the womans job? AA tour guide BA clerk in the park CA secretary20What can we know about the

8、 tree? AIt was planted in 1775 BThe people in the city cut down the remains of the tree CWashington took a picture under the tree第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节, 满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出能够填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21I cant remember when _ turning point occurred exactly, but it might be _summer

9、 morning when I was in New York A/; a Ba; a Cthe; a Da; the22Either you or one of your classmates _ to be sent to attend the training class for the project next week Aare Bwas Chave Dis23Some teenagers think it is their parents business to earn money and _ to spend it Athey Bthem Ctheirs Dhis24_ mor

10、e time on my studies instead of being addicted to computer games, I would beworking in a chain company of Microsoft AIf I spent BHad I spent CWould I have spent DShould I have spent25Its dark in the room, isnt it? Im accustomed _ the light while watching a film online Anot to turn on Bnot to turning

11、 on Cto not turn on Dto not turning on26This is the article written by him _ I spoke to you about Awhere Bwhom Cwhen Dwhich27My parents have _ a lot to bring up the seven of usWhats more, they made us receive a good education Agone through Bsuffered from Ctaken over Dpaid back28How are you getting a

12、long with the English party? Quite wellNot so smoothly as we expected, _ Athough Binstead Ceither Dtoo29What _ you _ on so diligently? An article for the newspaperIf I miss tomorrows paper, it wont be printed until next week Ahad; been working Bdid; work Cwere; working Dare; working30According to th

13、e new law in Hong Kong, each passenger _ buy two boxes of milk powder at most each time Amust Bhas to Cshall Dshould31The dangerous buildings could fall down at any time, but thats a risk the rescue soldiers have to Ado Bperform Ctake Dmake32As a child I was quite a good dancer, but I didnt fulfill

14、my early _ Apromise Bexperience Cimpression Dfailure33Ill never forget when we met the famous writer Neither will IHe _ some goods and was at the checkout of a supermarket Ahad selected Bhas selected Cwas selecting Dselected34I called at your house at 7:00 this morning, but nobody answered the door

15、Oh, sorryThat was probably _ I was out to do some shopping in the market Athat Bwhy Cwhere Dwhen35I suggest you go to apologize or youll be punished more severely if found by Father . AThat suits me fine BIll take my chance CThat depends DIts my pleasure第二节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题15分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四

16、个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上涂黑。 Today I was blessed to turn forty-five years youngI enjoyed reading all of the awesome 36 from this wonderful website about people giving on their birthdays, so I 37 this would be my chance to experience the joy of 38 on my special dayMy husband took me to the Olive Ga

17、rden, and our 39 was very niceWe had a great dinner experience and then I tried a warm apple pie that was 40 Then the waitress, Carlini, brought our hill41 she came back to the table to get our credit card, I knew it was my time to giveI 42 the gift bag on the edge of the table and simply said, In 4

18、3 of my birthday, I want to bless you with a giftOh, the shock on her face! She said, No, not for me! Its your birthday! Then she said, Can I 44 it in front of you? And I said that would be fineThe 45 thing she noticed was the color of the gift bag which was purplePurple is her favorite color and sh

19、e actually had a purple tie 46 ! She opened the card and said, s Christmas in JulyAs she was taking the gift out of the bag, she said she was 47 Its wonderful to give to someone who is willing to 48 ! She opened the box and saw it was a purple mug (马克杯) that said, Tip-Top Server-happy to be a bevera

20、ge (饮料) serving, 49 taking, rushed off my feet, tip collecting waitress! Inside the mug was a Smile Card and forty-five dollars, a dollar for each 50 of my lifeAfter 51 the money she looked at my husband and saidYou do not have to leave a tipHe just 52 and left her the tip 53 Carlini was so grateful

21、 and thankful for what she had receivedShe said we 54 her yearI thanked her for receiving my gift so beautifullyI am thankful to God for another year of life and the opportunity to 55 that every day is a great day to give36Adrafts Bquestions Cideas Dnovels37Apromised Bmeant Cconcluded Ddecided38Agiv

22、ing Btaking Creceiving Ddining39Adoorman Bporter Cmanager Dwaitress40Adelicious Btough Cawful Dcold41AOnce BUntil CWhen DBefore42Atook Bplaced Cbrought Dleft43Afavor Bhope Ccase Dhonor44Asee Bhold Copen Dtake45Ahappiest Bfirst Cbest Dvery46Aon Bover Cin Dacross47Aexcited Bsurprised Cconfused Dfocuse

23、d48Awear Btry Creceive Dhave49Amenu Border Cbill Dtip50Aperson Bmemory Cevent Dyear51Ataking Bseeing Chiding Dseizing52Anodded Bpretended Cagreed Dignored53Aanyway Bthough Cinstead Dsomehow54Aencouraged Bserved Cmade Dwished55Atell Bdiscover Cwonder Drecall第三部分:阅读明白得(共20小题,每题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个

24、选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A“Look, my mums in hospital, dying, she wont survive the night, Im going to miss the connection to Leeds at Peterborough, Id be grateful if youd leave me aloneOkay?Okay, he said, finally getting upSorry to hear that, sonHope you make it home in time Then he leftTen mi

25、nutes later, he was backOh no, I thought, here we go againThis time I really want to rag him down the trainHe touched my armListen, when we get to Peterborough, shoot straight over to Platform One as quick as you likeThe Leeds trainll be there”I said, stupidly, What do you mean? Is it late, or somet

26、hing?No, it isnt late, he saidNo, Ive just radioed PeterboroughTheyre going to hold the train up for youAs soon as you get on, it goes” Everyone will be complaining about how late it is, but let s not worry about that on this occasionYoull get home and thats the main thingGood luck and God blessThen

27、 he was off down the train againI chased him down the trainI wanted to give him all the things I had, but I knew he would be offendedI caught him up and grabbed his armOh, er, I just wanted to I was suddenly speechlessI, if ermIts okay,Not a problem I wish I had some way to thank you, I said I appreciate what youve doneNot a problem, he said againIf you feel the need to thank me, the next time you see someone in trouble, you help them outThat will pay me back enoughTell them to pay

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