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1、七年级英语上册Unit10同步练习题七年级上册Unit 10 试题I诊断测试。.英汉互译 fact_ 2.a little _ 3.summer camp _ 4. rock band _5. talent show_ 6. fill out_7. movie star_ 8. in a word _9. for the reason _ 10. look at_11.大量_ 12. 待在家里_13. 京剧_ 14. 英语晚会_15. 去看电影 Keys:1. 事实上2. 少量的3. 夏令营4. 摇滚乐队5. 才艺展示6. 填充7. 影星8. 简言之9. 因为10. 看着11. a l

2、ot of12. stay at home13. Beijing Ppera14. go to a movie15.English party二、选择正确答语( )1.Can you help the kids with computer ? A. Yes, I do.( )2.What club do you want to join ? B. No, I cant.( )3.Do you want to join the chess club? C. She can swim.( )4.What can she do ? D. No, Im not.( )5.Are you good at

3、 playing guitar ? E. The basketball club.Keys:1.B 2.E 3.A 4.C 5.D 三、用所给词的适当形式填空1. Can you help kids with _ (dance)2. They want _ (join) the basketball club.3. Can you _(sing)?4. I think she is _ (England)5. Can you play the guitar _(best)?Keys:1.dancing join 3.sing 4.English 5.well四、根据句意,补全所缺单词

4、,每空一词。 1._ he want to go to the sports club? 2.What kind of _ do you like? I like comedies. 3._ you play the guitar ?Yes, I can. 4.I can paint. I want to join the _ club.5._can you do ? We can sing and dance.Keys:1.Does 2.movies 3. Can 5.What五、补全对话A: Can you paint?B: Sorry, (1)_.A: So many clu

5、bs here.(2)_?B: Im not sure.A: Can you (3)_ chess?B: Yes, but not very well. (4)_?A: I can play it well, but I like singing very much. So I want to join (5)_.B: Me, too. I think we can go to the music club together.Keys:1.I cant 2.What club do you want to join 4.What/How about you 5.the music

6、 club.II课堂反馈一、 根据汉语,写出英语句子。1. 你是音乐家还是画家?_ you a _ or a painter?2. 我们学校音乐会需要两名歌手。We _ two singers _ School Concert.3. 我们怎么联系你?_ _ we contact you ?4. 请把它填出来。Please _ it _.5. 我想加入游泳俱乐部。I want _ _ swimming club.Keys:1.Are, musician,2. need, for 3.二、 每空填一个单词, 使句子意思完整。1. Can she s_ English 2. I want to j_

7、 the music club.3. Can your brother s_?4. Maybe you can be in our school c_.5. We want two good m_ for our rock band.6. May I k_ your name?7. Whats your f_ name?8. My e-mail a_ is cindyjones9. Here is a card. Please f_ it out.10. Can you p_ the guitar?Keys:1. speak 2. join 3. sing 4. concert 5. musi

8、cians 6. know 7. family 8. address 9. fill 10. play三、 把下列句子标上序号,组成一段对话。( )Yes, I can.( ) Do you want to join the art club?( )What club do you want to join ?( )Can you swim ?( )No, I cant.( )Yes, I do.( )I dont know.Keys:67513482四、 组词成句1. can, dance, you _2. you, do can , what _3. to, club, I , music

9、, want, the _4. to, join, want, what, do, club, they _5. trumpet, she, the , play, can _Keys:1.Can you dance?2. What can you do ?3. I want to join the music club.4. What club do they want to join?5. Can she play the trumpet?五、 单项选择1. Can Bill _?A. play guitar B. play the football C. play the guitar2

10、. What can she do ?She can _Chinese Kung Fu.A. play B. make C.do3. If(如果) you want to get more information , please talk to Ben B. for C. in4. How can we _ you ?A. A. contact B. contact with C. contact to5. He wants to learn _ art.A. for B. about C. at6. Can you swim ?_, I can.A. No B. Not

11、C. Yes.7. _ club do you want to join ?A. When B. Where C. What8. Can she _ English ?A. speak B. say C. talk9. Maybe he can _ in our team.A. be B. is C. /10. Mary can play chess _ she cant swim.A. and B. but C. orKeys:1.C 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.C 8.A 9.A 10.BIII拓展延伸一、 用括号内所词的适当形式填空1. I dont know _ and

12、 _ mother. (he)2. There are many _ in the playhouse. (child)3. _ (not speak) Chinese in class. You can _ English. (speak)4. Do you know that famous _ ? (music)5. We can see two new _ in the music club. (piano)6. The new student is a _ girl, and shes from _. (Japan)7. Her brother is a good _. He can

13、help kids with _. (swim)8. She wants to join the art club. She _ very well. (draw)9. The blue pants look like _. (you) Please put _ away . (they)10. Lets _ with each other often. (contact)Keys: 1.him, his 2.children 3.Dont speak, speak 4.musicians 5.pianos 6.Japanese , Japan 7.swimmer, swimming 8.draws, them 10.contact二、 按括号内要求

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