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1、A. you B. your C. yours( )4. The twins _.A. look same B. look the same C. look after( )5. Its time _.A. go to bed B. to go to bed C. to go to the bed( )6. Whos that? Is it Lucy _Lily?A. or B. and C. but( )7. Whose bag is this? I think its _.A. Jims B. Jim C. Jims( )8. Thats his watch,Give it to _Ple

2、ase.A. he B. him C. his( )9. I have a new bike. _bike is under the tree.A. The B. A C. An( )10. Are you friends? Yes,_ .A. I am B. they are C. we are. 情景反应(将正确答案的编号填入前括号内)(1( )1. 一Is everyone here? - _.A. Yes,I am. B. No. you arent.C. Yes,we are all here.( )2. -This is a new student,Ann. - _.A. What

3、s your name? B. How do you do?C. Are you Ann?( )3. -Good afternoon,class. - , _teacher.A. Good morning B. Good afternoon C. Goodbye( )4. -Hello,Bill? 一No, _.A. this is Sam B. I am Sam C. Im Sam( )5. -This is your eraser. Here you are.-Thank you,Mr. Hu.- _.A. Thank you,too B. Thats all rightC. All ri

4、ght( )6. - _, where is the toilet? -Over there.A. Excuse me B. Sorry C. How are you( )7. -Sit down and have a cup of tea. _- .A. I sit down B. I have a cup of teaC. Thank you( )8. 一Can I see your watch? _- .A. Thats OK B. OK C. OK. Its not here( )9. -Whats the time? 一_ .A. Yes,its a clock B. Its the

5、 time C. Its eight oclock( )10. -_ . -Its an egg.s this in English?B. Is this your egg?C. Can you speak English?. 选错(将错误选项的符号填入题号前括号内)(1( )1. They are in the same classes.A B C( )2. Can you look the broom behind the door?( )3. We arent know his name.( )4. Who is this blouse? Its mine.( )5. What colo

6、ur is her coats?( )6. Class three has a map of China.( )7. Can he sing a song? No,he isnt.( )8. This is my a classroom.( )9. These are your books. Please put they there.( )10. He isnt a old policeman. 句型转换(按括号内要求完成镇空,一空一问)(11. Are you in Row One,Kate? (肯定回答)Yes, .2. They are in Grade Two. (改成否定句)in

7、Grade Two.3. She can spell her name. (改成一般疑问句)spell her name?4. Their bags are black. (对划线部分提问)are their bags?5. This is a boat. (变复数)are . 看图填空完成句子(一空一词)(11. this a bus a car?a .2. Where the ?Theyre the .3. Mr. Whites is under the . 完型填空(将选项的符号填入题号前面括号内)(1Look the picture,please. We can see Greens

8、in it. They are . Mr. Mrs. Green are here. Kate there. is Jim? Oh, is behind the chair. What It like a hat. But its a cat. Its on floor. Do you know name?( )1. A. at B. like C. after( )2. A. family B. father C. mother( )3. A. English girls B. English C. English boys( )4. A. or B. and C. of( )5. A. a

9、m B. is C. are( )6. A. Who B. How C. Where( )7. A. he B. He C. His( )8. A. look B. looks C. is looking( )9. A. the B. a C. an( )10. A. its B. is C. itsB卷. 选择填空(将正确答案的代号填入题前括号内)(2( )1. are the man and the woman the bike?A. Whose,on B. What,in C. Who,on D. Whos,in( )2. Its not shirt is in the bag.A. h

10、er,Her B. mine,My C. your,Your D. his,His( )3. The brothers dont look the same. But they are eleven.A. twins,all B. twins,bothC. twin,both D. twin,all( )4. Your sister is very . You must her at home.A small,look like B. young,look afterC. short,look at D. nice,look( )5. Do you know the name your Eng

11、lish teacher? I think Mr Wang.A. of, its B. of, hers C. in, Shes D. of, Shes( )6. Can you the school bag to Lucy? She to take it.A. put,forgets B. give,forgetsC. give,puts D. forget,has( )7. Thats the bell. Its time to classroom.A. to go,a B. go,the C. to go,the D. go,a( )8. I can see books. books a

12、re on the table.A. a,The B. some,The C. the,Some D. the,The( )9. He his pen in his bag,but he cant it now.A. puts,find B. looks,seeC. has,finds D. looks,find( )10. The coat is . Dont .A. your father, put on it B. Jims, put them onC. your fathers,put it on D. Jim,put it on. 补全对话(选用所给词语补全对话,一空一词,每词只能使

13、用一次)(2(Yes 、under 、they 、them、 hers、 arent 、are、Whose、Excuse me、skirts )A: 1 skirts are these 2 the desk? Are 3 yours?B: Let me see,Oh,no,they 4 mine. Mine 5 blue,and those are red. I think they are 6 .A: Whose? Lilys. 7 Lily!Are those red 8 yours? Oh, 9 ,they are mine. Put 10 in your bag,please. OK

14、. Thanks very much.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. .6. 7. 8. 9. 10. . 单词拼写(根据句子意思写出完整的词,其首字母已给出,拼写时不得重复)(21. Li Lei isnt at school today. Not e is here.2. Is that 8287645? No. Thats a w number.3. Can you g the name of the girl in the red hat?4. Mr. and Mrs. Smith are in China now. But their d ,Rose,is in England. Sh

15、e is too young.5. These are the s books. They are on the desk.6. This book is y . You must look after it.7. Now its 4 in the afternoon. Its time to go and play g .8. What colour is your kite?s o .9. W father is a teacher? Li Lei10. The girl in a red coat is Lucys s . 连词成句(选择能连成正确句子的答案)(21O)( )1. A.

16、is B. my C. That D. girl E. friendA. BACED+句号 B. CDABE+句号C. CABDE+句号( )2. A. behind B. is C. the one D. the tree E. bike F. MyA. FEBCAD+句号 B. FEBADC+句号C. FEADBC+句号( )3. A. What B. car C. the D. is E. colourA. AECBD+问号 B. ABDCE+问号C. AEDCB+问号( )4. A. are B. These C. long D. theirs E. pencilsA. BACDE+句

17、号 B. BCEAD+句号C. BADCE+句号( )5. A. Han Meimeis B. is C. it D. deskA. BCAD+问号 B. BADC+问号C. BDCA+问号( )6. A. Grade B. am C. I D. not E. Three F. inA. CBDFAE+句号 B. CDBFAE+句号C. CBDFEA+句号( )7. A. green B. isnt C. yours D. Mine E. is F. butA. DEAFBC+句号 B. DBAFCE+句号C. DECFBA+句号( )8. A. Which B. Whos C. man D.

18、 the manA. AD+问号BC+问号 B. BC+问号 AD+问号C. BD+问号AC+问号( )9. A. know B. you C. the time D. I E. thinkA. DABEC+句号 B. DEBAC+句号C. DEABC+句号( )10. A. cant B. watch C. I D. find E. hisA. CABDE+句号 B. CDAEB+句号C. CADEB+句号. 阅读理解(根据短文内容选择正确答案,并将其代号填写在题前的括号内)(25)My name is Li Lei. Im Chinese. Im twelve. This is a pic

19、ture of my family at home. You can see my father. My mother,my sister一Li Hua and me. I have a nice bedroom. There is a photo on the wall. Its old. Who is that one behind the doll? Is it my sister? No,its me. I look young. How old am I in the photo? I think one. My mother is a worker. My father is a

20、teacher of English. He has an American friend,Mr Green. His family are in China. His son, Jims is a student. We are in the same school, but different classes. We are good friends,too.( )1. I have .A. one sister B. one brother C. two friends.( )2. The baby in the old picture is .A. Li Hua B. Li Lei C

21、. Jim( )3. Mr. Green is good friend.A. my B. my mothers C. my father( )4. My father is .A. a worker B. an English teacherC. a teacher of Chinese( )5. Jim and I are not in different .A. schools B. classes C. grades. 阅读填词(补全空白处单词,使短文意思完整正确,单词的第一个字母已给出)(2Tom and Mary are brother and sister. They are n

22、students in Jims class. Jim l after them at school. They are his good f . Today Jim is on duty. Its his t to clean the b and the classroom.1. n 2. l 3. f 4. t 5. b .答案A卷19、细胞也是生物最基本的功能单位,生物的呼吸、消化、排泄、生长、发育、繁殖、遗传等生命活动都是通过细胞进行的。一、略二、笔试部分缺点:不仅消耗大量电能,留下残余物,如果控制不好,还会产生有毒物质,造成二次污染。. 1-5 CABCA 6-10 ABBCC. 1

23、-5 CBCAC 6-10 AACAB3、你知道月食的形成过程吗?. 1-5 BACBB 6-10 AABAC24、目前,我国的航天技术在世界上占有相当重要的位置。“长征四号”运载火箭的顺利发射,载人飞船“神舟”五号和“神舟”六号和“神舟”七号也已经发射成功,“嫦娥”一号探月卫星又发射成功。. 1-5 CBBCB 6-10 ACBCA6、月球是一个不发光、不透明的球体,我们看到的月光是它反射太阳的光。. 1-5 CBAAC 6-10 ACBCB. 1. I am 2. They arent 3. Can she 4. What colour 5. These,boats答:如蚂蚁、蝗虫、蚕蛾、

24、蚜虫、蟋蟀、蝉、蝴蝶、蜜蜂、七星瓢虫等。. 1. Is,or,Its,bus 2. are,students in,classroom 3. bike,tree.11、火药是我国的四大发明之一,我国古代的黑火药是硝石、硫黄、木炭以及一些辅料等粉末状物质的均匀混合物。迄今为止,可以考证的最早的火药配方是“伏火矾法”。. 1-5 AABBB 6-10 CBBAC5、铁生锈变成了铁锈,这是一种化学变化。水分和氧气是使铁生锈的原因。. 1-5 CDCBA 6一10 BCBAC. 1. Whose 2. under 3. they 4. arent 5. are 6. hers 7. Excuse me 8. skirts 9. Yes 10. them. 1. everyone 2. wrong 3. guess 4. daughter 5. students10、由于人口迅速增长、环境污染和全球气候变暖,世界人均供水量自1970年以来开始减少,而且持续下降。6. yours 7. games 8. orange 9. Whose 10. sister. 1-5 CACBA 6-10 ABCBC. 1-5 ABCBA. 1. new 2. looks 3. friends 4. turn 5. blackboard

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