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1、8. His illness _(导致) for his absence . 9. I didnt break the vase on purpose, Mum, it was an _ (意外). It _(意外地) slipped from my hands.10. He is _(能够) to run the company very well. His _(能力) is beyond me.Day 2(accuse-admire) 1. I was _ (指责) stealing her money , but in fact it was the other way around .

2、2. You will _ (一事无成) if you dont put your heart into your study.3. What you did is _ (令人钦佩的) and we _(羡慕)your _ (成就).4. Effective _(措施)should be taken to _ (适应) ourselves to the new surroundings.5. Tom takes an _(积极) part in class _(活动).6. The number of _(男演员) and _(女演员) _(总计) exactly 100 .7. Studen

3、ts nowadays are _(习惯于) to taking all sorts of examinations. In _(此外), sometimes they are _(沉溺于) to playing game through mobile phones.8. The manager delivered an _ (演讲) on TV to share his experience in _(管理). 9. This letter was wrongly _(写上地址). Please _(加) your friends _(真实的) _(地址) to the envelope.1

4、0. _(事实上), the man _(担任) manager of the company. Day 3 (admission-agreement)1. He _(建议) me to book the tickets _(预先) and I followed his _ (建议).2. She had a(n) _ (优势) of a good education, making him feel calm when she meets _(冒险).3. Im _ (担心) I cant _ (支付) the money to buy the book. But thats my own

5、_(私事)4. I cant _(同意) to the _ (协定) which was reached by you.5. You were greatly_(影响) by the trouble but finally made it _ (终究).6. I have no a_(喜欢、爱) for all kinds of _(广告) on TV. 7. We can be concerned about_ (大事) of state through CCTV News 30 Minutes.8. Although he was _ (反对) the opinion, the old p

6、rofessor didnt come up with it himself.9. The house _(代理人) has been _(追求) the beautiful girl for _(很久). 10. Im fond of _(非洲). I often turn to my teacher for more _(非洲的) stories. Day 4(agricultural-already)1. These measures _(旨在)preventing smoking in public places like restaurants, hospitals. But_(在户

7、外) people are free. 2. This job would be impossible without the _(辅助) of a computer. Besides, you can _(给予援助) to her. 3. These kids are _(几乎一样), so try to treat them _ (一样地).4. His parents won t _ (允许他待在外面) very late. Besides, they dont _(吸烟) at home.5. I saw my wife off at the _ (在机场). She is going

8、 to the on business _(乘飞机). Again I began to live _(独居).6. All _ (总的来说), she was always well _(遥遥领先) the rest of the class.7. The party has been planned weeks_ (提前). We can _(开始).8. Shes asked _(别打扰她),but the press photographers follow her everywhere. 9. She lost her job when the factory closed, _ (

9、同.一起)hundreds of others. _(最重要的是), she was still _(活着).10. Our plans of banning the sale of the _(酒精) are still_(悬而未决), _(更不用说) the sale of cigarettes.Day 5(also-anniversary)1. Caught in the act, he _ (除了别无选择) tell the truth. 2. He looked at me _ (惊愕地). I was _(吃惊) by his _ (令人吃惊的) strange look.3. W

10、eve had _(很大的amount) help from the local people.4. _(尽管)he had only entered the Competition for fun, he won the first prize.5. _(在中)those present were _(大使) and his wife.6. What you said _ (等于) great encouragement. From then on, he became a man of _(有抱负).7. I heard _ (生气地) that_(动物)were treated in a

11、 cruel way.8. I was _(生气) myself for making such a stupid mistake. I broke my pen a_(生气地).9. This hotel offers its guests different kinds of _(娱乐活动). We can also _(娱乐) ourselves by holding a party.|10. He _(总是抱怨)the endless boring work.Day 6(announce-apply)1. They _ their engagement _ the family (向宣

12、布).2. He _ me_ my carelessness(为生气annoy).3. In _(再、另) two weeks, the job will be finished.4. Parents are naturally a_ (为而担心) their children when they leave home.5. _(除外)their house in London, they also have a villa in Spain.6. Please let me know how many are coming,_(如果有的话). 7. I_ Jane_(因缺席而道歉)her p

13、arty.、8. The police _(呼吁)the public to remain calm.9. Its _ (显而易见) that she was really upset, and then she paused, _ (显然) lost in thought.10. The new technology _ (应用于) farming.11. She had never been greatly concerned about _ (外貌)12. _ (看起来) there has been a mistake.13. Im afraid we cant come, but t

14、hanks for the invitation a_(无论如何). 14. The public _ (爱好) scandals. Day 7(appoint-art)1. I would _ (不胜感激) if you can _(约会)with me.2. It was the _ (建筑师/设计师) who designed the building, which _ (占地) about 600 square hectares.3. Jane often _ her friends _/_ little things(在上争论)_(由引起) their different opini

15、ons. Eighth Route Army_(用武装)enough guns and before long many enemies were _.(被捕)5. All families are busy making_ (准备) for the _ (到来) of the new year. government has _ (任命) some experts to find out an _ (方法) to the serious problem.7. Jim _ (做出决定) that he will enter an _(美术) school, which still hasnt

16、_ (没有得到同意) of his parents. 8. Please use an _ (箭头)to match the information with the festivals in _ (四月)9. Mary _ for (为表感谢) what the neighbors has _(安排) for her when she was ill and stayed in the _ (轮椅).10. It always takes me _ (大约)1 hour to finish the _ (算数) work.Day 8(article-attach)Day1. I _ (很惭愧

17、) my _ (睡着了) during the class. 2. The floor is covered by _ (灰), _ (因为) she always _ (把放到一边) her housework._(总的来说),the book deserves well reading, which treats all _(方面) of health care.4. Whisky is usually _(联系) with Scotland.5. _(运动员) tend to _(依附) themselves to all kinds of sports.6. I was _(对感到惊讶

18、) the news that the man travelled across the _ Ocean (大西洋) alone.;7. His parents would like him to be an _ (艺术家), but he wants to be an _ (天文学家), because he is keen on_ (天文学).8. All the shop _(店员) work together in a very friendly _ (氛围).9. How many _ (亚洲) countries have taken part in the sports meet

19、ing10. _ (只要) we take action, the pollution will be reduced.Day 9(attack-awkward)1. My _(姑母) _ (尝试) get close to the dog, but unfortunately she was _ (攻击) by it, so she went to see the doctor _ (马上).2. The reference books are _ (可以借到的) for you in the library on the third _ (大街).3. The _ (作家) wrote m

20、any _(有吸引力的) stories happening in _ (澳大利亚).4. All the _(观众) were _ (吸引) by his superior performance.5. We _ (出席) a meeting, where the speaker talked about the global warming, which _(引起我们的注意).6. The meeting was held to make people _ (意识到的)of the _(可怕的)environmental problems.7. I was so surprised tha

21、t I was _ (授予) the first prize in English speech contest. But soon I was _ (叫醒) by my desk mate, only to find that I just had a day dream. But from then on, I decided to work hard to be a student above the _(平均水平).8. You should _ (收拾好) your books to _ (避免) your house being in a mass.9. After summer

22、vocation, we students are required to return school in _ (八月),nearly one month ahead of time.10. We should _(抱持积极的态度) our life.Day 13根据提示完成下列句子(big-born)1. My friend Mary _(生) a boy on her 25th _(生日). She was _(流血) nearly to death. Bless me! The news was a _(打击) to us all.2. God bless me! When I was

23、 _(出生), both my mother and I were in peace. Everything has gone smoothly _(生来). Im _(不是一点点) lucky.-3. I often treat my friends to restaurants and all the _(账单) are on me. _(渐渐地), my wife _(责怪) me for it. Sometimes she feels _(有点) too _(闷闷不乐).4. He was _(咬) by a dog yesterday. When we went to the hospital, we saw him in bed _(青一块紫一块) in the leg. It was a _(害群之马). Who is _(该受责备) for it.5. _(填写

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