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Chapter2 Instruments of international settlementWord文档格式.docx

1、如:票据的转让过程中,不需要调查票据原因是否合理、合法。3.Requisite in form要式性票据的形式必须符合法律规定,票据上的记载项目必须齐全并符合规定。只有形式和内容都符合法律规定的票据,才是合格的票据。4.Literally determined content文义性票据上权利的内容,完全依据票据上所记载的内容确定,不能进行任意解释或根据票据以外的其他文件来确定。5.Presenting for payment提示性票据上的债权人请求债务人履行票据义务时,必须向付款人提示票据,才能请求付给票款。持票人不提示票据,付款人不必履行付款义务。2.1.3Parties to a nego

2、tiable instrument p27 (HW)1.出票人drawer2.付款人payer/(受票人)drawee3.收款人payee4.承兑人acceptor5.参加承兑人acceptor for honor6.背书人endorser以转让为目的在汇票背面签章并交受让人的人7.被背书人 endorsee背书的受让人8.保证人guarantor9.持票人holder可能是收款人或最后的被背书人10.holder in due course/bona fide holder正当持票人/善意的持票人The instrument should be complete and regular on

3、 its face;The instrument is before maturity and the holder did not notice its previous dishonor, if any;The holder took it in good faith and for value;The holder did not notice any infirmity in the instrument or defect in the title of the person negotiating it11. holder for value付对价持票人a person who p

4、ossesses an instrument for which value has been given by himself or by some other person prior to him in forms of money, goods,or services.2.1.4 Negotiable instrument lawsBritish law UK Bills of Exchange Act of 1882US Uniform Commercial Code of 1962, Article 3French and German lawUniform law for Bil

5、ls of Exchange and Promissory Notes of Geneva of 1930Convention Providing a Uniform Law for International Bills of Exchange and International Promissory Notes and Convention Providing a Uniform law for International Checks United Nations 1988Negotiable Instrument Law of Peoples Republic of China2.2

6、Bill of exchange2.2.1Definition of a bill of exchangesection 3. bill of exchange act.1882.UKA Bill of exchange is an unconditional order in writing, addressed by one person(drawer) to another(drawee), signed by the person giving it, requiring the person to whom it is addressed to pay on demand or at

7、 a fixed or determinable future time a sum certain in money to or the order of a specified person or to bearer.汇票的定义:汇票是由一人向另一人签发的,要求立即或定期或在可以确定的将来时间对某人或他指定之人或持票人支付一定金额的书面无条件支付命令。(英国票据法)汇票是出票人签发的,委托付款人在见票时或在指定日期无条件支付确定金额给收款人或持票人的票据。(我国票据法)2.2.2 Contents of a bill of exchange1.Requisite items必须记载项目Re

8、quisite items(一)The word “exchange”An unconditional order to pay“Pay to the order of the Bank China the sum of thirty-five thousand US dollars.” is a valid bill of exchange.“Pay to the order of the Bank China the sum of thirty-five thousand US dollars when the ship Dongfeng reaches the port of New Y

9、ork.”“We would be delighted if you would pay to the order of the Bank China the sum of thirty-five thousand US dollars.”Requisite items(二)A fixed amount of money1)Payable at a fixed amount2)Payable with interestinterest rate should be specified to make the amount certain.e.g. “payable at USD three h

10、undred plus interest at 5% p.a.”3)Payable by installmentsinstallment must be clearly statede.g. “At one month after date pay to the order of * the sum of two thousand US dollars by ten equal consecutive monthly installments”4)Payable according to an indicated rate of exchangerate of exchange must be

11、 indicated5)In money注明货币名称和金额,一般金额保留两位小数Requisite items(三)Name of the payee收款人名称(汇票的抬头)1)Restricted Order限制性抬头(不可转让)a bill payable to a specified person only or to a specified person not negotiable/transferablee.g. “pay to *only”; “not transferable”2)Demonstrative Order/indicative order指示性抬头(A为第一背书人

12、)a bill payable to a specified person or some other person designated by hime.g. “pay to the order of A”; “pay to A(or order)”3) Bearer order来人抬头any person holding a bearer order can request paymente.g. “pay to bearer”; not safe日&我国不允许以此种抬头开立汇票Date of issueto determine the expiry date and paying dat

13、e;make sure whether the drawer has disposing capacityName of draweeThe signature of the drawerwithout the signature of the drawer or forged signature makes an instrument invalid.if an individual is signing for his company, these words “For”, “On behalf of”, “For and on behalf of” and “Per pro” shoul

14、d prefix the name of the companye.g. For ABC CO., London (Signature) John Smith, Manager2.Relatively necessary items非必须项目Place of issuePlace of paymentTenor付款期限the time to effect payment; the due date or maturity dateindicated as “on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time”3.Items at will可选

15、项目利息、利率及汇率(interest ,interest and exchange rate)提示期限(Limit of time for presentation)出票依据(Drawn Clause)免作退票通知或放弃拒绝证书(Notice of Dishonor Excused or Protest Waived)付一不付二预备付款人(Referee in case of need) BILL OF EXCHANGEExchange for USD15,277.00 Shanghai MARCH 1 2005 (Date) At Sight of this FIRST of Exchan

16、ge (Second of Exchange being unpaid) Pay to the order of BANK OF CHINA the sum of US DOLLARS FIFTEEN THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED AND SEVENTY SEVEN ONLY .Value received To: HABIB BANK LIMITED P.O.BOX 888, . DUBAI, U.A.ESHANGHAI TEXTILESCOMPANY LIMITED 方 之 (Authorized Signature)2.2.3 Parties to a bill of exc

17、hange p34(1) The drawer(2) The drawee(3) The payee(4) Acceptor(5) Endorser(6) Endorsee(7) Holder(8) Discounter(9) GuarantorHolderHolder for value is the holder of a bill for which value has been given either by himself or by his prior parties; enjoys the same rights but is subject to the same defect

18、s in title, if any, of the transferor.Holder in due course refers to a person who obtains the instrument through giving the value by himself; his rights over the bill will not be affected by the title defects of his direct prior party.2.2.4 Classification of a bill of exchange1.According to the teno

19、rDemand draft/ sight draftTime/ usance draftPayable at a fixed time after sight ( the accepting date)Payable at a fixed time after date ( the issuing date)Payable at a fixed future date/deferred payment bille.g. “at a fixed time after a B/L date”2.According to whether commercial documents are attach

20、ed theretoclean draftdocumentary draft3.According to the drawerBankers drafttraders draft4.According to the acceptorBankers acceptancetraders acceptance5.Accommodation (Finance) bill of exchange 融资汇票a bill of exchange that is signed by someone (the accommodation party) who promises to pay it to help

21、 another person to raise moneyused for straight borrowing/financing transactions in which there are no related transactions2.2.5 Acts relating to a bill of exchangeIssueComprises : 1)to draw and sign a bill; 2)to deliver it to the payeeAccording to the negotiable instrument law:The bill should be co

22、mplete in form stipulated by the negotiable instrument law in the place of issue;By drawing a bill,the drawer engages that on due presentment the bill will be accepted and paid and that, if dishonored, he will compensate the holder。EndorsementThe payee or holder signs on the back of the bill and del

23、ivers it to the endorseeA valid endorsement should be an endorsement of the entire bill;By endorsing an instrument,the endorser guarantee that on due presentment the bill shall be accepted and paid as specified.Types :Special endorsement 记名背书/特别背书/正式背书/完全背书 Pay to the order of E Co., New York(the en

24、dorsee) For A BC Co., New York (the endorser)Signature (of the endorser)2) Blank endorsement 空白背书3) Restrictive endorsement 限制性背书 Pay to A only/not transferable/not negotiable/pay to A bank for account of B Co.4) Endorsement for collection 委托取款背书(托收背书)5) Endorsement for pledge质押背书PresentationTypespr

25、esentation for acceptance: a usance draftpresentation for payment: a sight/usance draftOccasions on which bills must be presented for acceptanceTime bill after sightTime bill after dateA time bill stipulates that it must be presented for acceptanceA time bill, payable at a place other than that of the draweePresentation must be made within the reasonable time.The drawee sign on the face of bill, and deliver it to the person presenting for accep

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