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1、 believable adj. 可信的 unbelievable adj. 令人难以置信的4large adj. 大的 enlarge vt.& vi. 扩大,扩展,增大5grow v. 长大,生长 growth n. 增加,增长;成长,生长6reserve v. 预订,预约,保留,储备 reservation n. 预订,预约;保留意见7punctual adj. 准时的,守时的 punctually adv. 准时地,守时地8violate vt. 违犯,违反;侵犯 violation n. 违反9load n. 负荷,负载;大量,许多 vt. 装载,装上,装入 upload vt. 上

2、传 download vt. 下载10cross vt. 穿过 crossing n. 人行横道;交叉点;穿越11annual adj. 每年的,一年一次的 annually adv. 每年地,年度地12drink v. 喝 drunk adj. 喝醉的 n. 醉汉,酒鬼13enquire v. 询问,打听 enquiry n. 询问,咨询;调查,探究14receive vt. 接待,招待 receptionist n. 接待员 reception n. 接待处.阅读单词要识记1authority n 权力,权威;官方,当权者;批准,授权2anniversary n. 周年纪念日3depart

3、ure n. 离开,出发;背离,违反4timetable n. 时间表,时刻表5interval n. 间隔,间隙6aggressive adj. 好斗的,挑衅的,富于攻击性的7section n. 部分;部件;部门8ownership n. 所有权,产权9minister n. 部长,大臣;牧师10pedestrian n. 行人,步行者 adj. 行人(使用)的语境应用(用所给词的适当形式填空)1She too fast round the corner,lost her balance and fell off.What was worse,she ran into another (c

4、ycle)2He wanted to make a in the USA,but ,he died halfway.(fortune)3I called to a table for two,but the waiter told me all the tables had been and I was supposed to make in advance.(reserve)4Her teachers did a lot for her So when she up,she frequently visited them on festivals.(grow)5The officer inv

5、olved was dismissed because he had strict guidelines.Now he regrets his of the rules.(violate)6When we got to that hotel,we were well We would appreciate it if the hotel can call a taxi for us when we check out tomorrow.Thus we will think well of their (receive) 【导学号:31670112】7Although the image is

6、,I cant see it clearly.I beg you to it to a scale of 11,000.(large)8When you the street at a pedestrian ,you cant be too careful.(cross)【答案】1.cycled;cyclist2.fortune;unfortunately3.reserve;reserved;reservations4.growth;grew5.violated;violation6.received;receptionist;reception7.large;enlarge8.cross;c

7、rossing高频短语会默写1drop off 中途下客或卸货2link up 联合,连接3put through 给某人接通(电话);使经历4decide on/upon 决定,选定5put off 推迟,推延;使反感6turn up 出现,到来;调高(音量等)7fill in 填写(表格);消磨(时间)8split up 分组,分解;分离9speed up (使)加速10arise from 起因于,由引起语境应用(用上述短语的适当形式填空。)1The meeting which is reported to be held this month has been till the end

8、 of next month.2Once these difficulties were got over,the work would 3Scientists can distant countries by radio or telephone.4Her company has had to and work from two locations.5He sat down and waited while the operator his call.6The driver picks up two students along the highway every morning and t

9、hem at Oxford.7I want to know if you have where youll spend your holidays.8He told me that the serious accident the drivers false operation.【答案】1.put off2.speed up4.split up5.put through6.drops;off7.decided on/upon8.arose from联想拓展1探究“时间”高频词interval n间歇break n间歇moment n片刻while n(一段)时间instant

10、 n& adj.时刻;即刻的permanent adj.永久的temporary adj.暂时的punctual adj.守时的2“冲突,碰撞”表达种种knock敲击collision撞击,碰撞impact碰撞,冲击dash猛撞crash撞车;碰撞clash冲突3由cyclist想到的“行家”artist艺术家chemist化学家economist经济学家linguist语言学家pianist钢琴家psychologist心理学家scientist科学家4神“出”鬼“没”家族show up露面,出现come up出现;发生turn up出现;appear vi.出现;显得;登场disappea

11、r vi.消失;失踪die out灭绝;消失5“”常用短语take in理解,欺骗turn in移交break in闯入give in屈服,让步result in导致bring in引进教材原句会背诵句式仿写能应用1.“why not动词原形”常用来提出建议So,why not take a trip on the oldest underground system today?1.天气多好啊!为什么不出去散散步呢?What pleasant weather! out for a walk?2.完全倒装结构Below are some of the major causes of ro

12、ad accidents in connection with vehicles such as cars,minibuses and lorries,and what drivers should do to prevent them.2.山顶上有一座古庙。On the top of the hill .3.It is up to do sth.句式It is up to all of us road users to make sure that we avoid accidents by paying attention to road safety.3.我们去还是不去,由你

13、决定。Its whether we will go or not.【答案】1.Why not go2.there stood an old temple3.up to you to decide(对应学生用书第149页)精讲5个考纲单词 convey vt.运送,输送;表达,传达高考佳句 The dos and donts conveyed through gossip will never show up in any student handbook.(2016年浙江高考)通过传言传达的能做的事和不能做的事永远不会出现在任何学生手册上。convey ones feelings/emotio

14、ns/meanings. 表达某人的感受/情感/意思convey sb. 向某人表达/传递某事convey sb./sth.from A to B 把某人或某物从A地运送到B地 In this letter,I would like to convey my sincere appreciation to you for your assistance.在这封信中我想对于您的帮助表达衷心的感谢。The piece of information for victory was conveyed(convey)to the country.胜利的消息被传达到了国内。 postpone

15、 vt.延迟,延期教材原句However,new trains had to be developed and the plan required raising a large amount of money,so the digging was postponed until 1860.但是,新式列车得研发,并且这个计划需要筹集大量的资金,所以地下隧道的挖凿被推迟到1860年。postpone sth.(to/until.) 推迟某事(到)postpone doing sth. 推迟做某事Our manager decided to postpone his vacation until/

16、to next month.我们经理决定把他自己的假期推迟到下个月。Lets postpone making(make)a decision until we have more information.我们等获取更多信息之后再做决定吧。名师点津表示“推迟,延期”的词或短语还有delay,put off,hold up等。 undertake vt.& vi.承担,从事;经典例句 The company has announced that it will undertake a full investigation into the accident.(牛津词典)公司已经宣布将对这次事故进行

17、全面调查。undertake to do sth. 答应/同意做某事undertake responsibility/a task/a project 承担责任/任务/工程undertake that. 保证/承诺She undertook responsibility for the changes.她承担了这些变革的责任。They undertook to promote(promote)exchanges and trade.他们同意促进交流和贸易。He undertook that he would finish the job by Saturday.他保证在星期六以前完成工作。 a

18、rise vi.出现,产生;(由)引起;起身;起床一词多义写出句中arise的含义Seeing his mother return home,the boy arose from his chair immediately.起身New problems will arise one after another in the future.出现They arose at sunrise to get an early start to the park.起床(1)arise作“呈现;出现;发生”之意时,主语多为抽象名词,如:argument,problem,quarrel,question,mo

19、vement等,多指不好的事情发生。(2)arise from/out of.由而引起;由而产生;从中产生,相当于result from。Are there any matters arising from the records of the last meeting?关于上次会议的记录有没有问题?名师点津rise vi.(rose,risen)升起;起身,起床;上升raise vt.(raised,raised)举起;提高,增加;饲养,养育arouse vt.(aroused,aroused)激起;唤醒 load nC负荷,负载;大量,许多 vt.装载,装上,装入教材原句Carrying

20、more than a light load on your bicycle makes it more difficult to control.用自行车载上重物使得车子难以控制。(1)a load ofloads of 大量,许多take a load off ones mind 打消某人的顾虑(2)load.with. 用装载load.into/onto. 把装到上去load off ones mind 去除某人的精神负担There are a load of great places to see in Australia.澳大利亚有很多特别棒的地方值得一看。How long will

21、 it take to load the coal onto the truck?装这车煤需要多长时间?链接写作句式升级 31670113】She took a load off her mind and felt at ease.With a load taken off her mind,she felt at ease.(用with复合结构改写)A load taken off her mind,she felt at ease.(用独立主格结构改写)诠释2个核心短语 link up 联合,连接;使结合;使连接教材原句Sixteen years later,in 1884,the Met

22、ropolitan Railway Company and the Metropolitan District Railway linked up and provided underground service in the middle of the city.十六年后的1884年,大都会铁路公司和大都会区铁路公司联合,为城市中部地区提供地铁服务。link up with 与联合/汇合/碰头link.with/to. 将和联系或连接起来be linked to/with 与有关A railway linked to Amsterdam in 1874 attracted rich trad

23、ers from Amsterdam to Hilversum.1874年一条连接阿姆斯特丹的铁路吸引来了从阿姆斯特丹到希尔弗瑟姆的富有的商人。The island is linked to/with the mainland by a new bridge.一座新建的桥梁将该岛与大陆相连。 put through 给某人接通(电话);使经历;使成功;使通过;完成一词多义写出下列句中put through的含义Im looking for a parttime job to help(to)put me through school.完成Both the boys were put throu

24、gh the pains they had never experienced before.使经历They put all the students through the important exams.使通过Could you put me through to my teacher,please?I have something important to tell her.接通电话break through 突破;突围cut through 抄近路穿过;影响,符合go through 通过;经历;仔细察看;查阅look through 仔细检查;浏览live through 活过,度过

25、;经受住pull through 恢复健康As you go through this book,you will find that each of the millions of people who lived through World War had a different experience.当你在浏览这本书的时候你将发现数百万经历过二战的人有一个不同的经历。I have looked through all my papers but I still cant find the contract.我仔细检查了所有文件,但依然没有找到那份合同。突破2个高考句型 (教材P51)So

26、,why not take a trip on the oldest underground system today?那么,今天为什么不乘坐世界上最古老的地铁游览一番呢?Why not do sth.?是Why dont you do sth.?的省略形式,意为“为什么不?”,是表示建议的常用句型。(1)why not有三重含义:表示建议,意为“为什么不做呢?做如何?”;表示对否定陈述的回答,意为“为什么不;为什么是那样?表示同意,意为“当然可以,好啊”。why not跟不带to的动词不定式,用来提出建议,表示“为什么不”,即Why not do.?Why dont/wont you do.

27、?(2)表示“建议”的常见句型还有:Lets do. 让我们做Shall we do.? 让我们做,好吗?Would you like to do.? 你想(愿意)做吗?Will you please do.? 请你做,好吗?What/How about doing.? 做怎么样?Youd better(not)do. 你最好(不)做We could invite John and Barbara to the Friday night party.Yes,why not?Ill give them a call right now.我们可以邀请约翰和芭芭拉参加星期五的晚会。好啊,为什么不呢?

28、我马上给他们打电话。If you have any doubts about your health,youd better consult(consult)your doctor at once.如果你对健康有任何疑问,最好立刻咨询医生。 (教材P63)It is up to all of us road users to make sure that we avoid accidents by paying attention to road safety.靠注意道路安全来确保避免事故,这就取决于我们大家,即道路使用者。It is up to do sth.为固定句式,多出现在口语中,意为“由某人决定做某事;做某事是某人的职责”。(1)达到程度或数量;(2)表示时间限制,意为“直到为止”(相当于until/till);(3)有资格做,能胜任,适于(相当于fit for);(4)做;忙于;从事(相当于doing

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