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1、1. The act or an instance of the supplying of documents or supporting references or records. 文件、证据的提供2. The documents or references so supplied. 证明文件:提供的文件或参考资料3. The collation, synopsizing, and coding of printed material for future reference. 材料整理:以备将来参考的书面材料的整理、摘要和编码8、desirable 适当的可取的withhold

2、.(及物动词)1. To keep in check; restrain. 使停止;限制,阻挡2. To refrain from giving, granting, or permitting.See Synonyms at keep 制止:不给,不赋于,不允许参见 keep3. To deduct (withholding tax) from an employees salary. 扣留:从雇员收入中扣除(代扣的所得税)v.intr.(不及物动词)To refrain or forbear. 忍住,克制9Academic disciplines学科specialized 1. To pu

3、rsue a special activity, occupation, or field of study. 专门研究:在某一特殊活动、职业或研究领域内探索2. Biology To develop so as to become adapted to a specific function or environment; undergo specialization. 【生物学】 专业化:为适应于某种具体功能或环境而进行的培育;进行专门研究3. To concentrate on a particular activity or product:限定范围:从事专门活动或销售专业产品:The

4、 shop specializes in mountain-climbing gear.专门销售登山用具的商店1. To make specific mention of; particularize. 特指;限定2. To give a particular character or function to:使特殊化:赋予某种专门的特点或功能:specialized her field of research.使她的研究领域专门化3. Biology To adapt to a particular function or environment; cause to undergo spec

5、ialization. 【生物学】 使特化:使适应某种专门的功能或环境;使经历专门化4. To specify the payee in endorsing (a check). 载明:在背书支票时指定收款人10” thrive1. To make steady progress; prosper. 繁荣稳定地发展;繁荣2. To grow vigorously; flourish:健壮地生长;茂盛地生长:preserved and generated保存和发展 11 to engage sb in the process of doing persistent持久的 12 immediate

6、Of or relating to the present time and place; current:目前的:和当时当地有关的;当前的:internal characteristic内部特征 13 lesser-known鲜为人质的act to do sth 采取行动做某事14mythology神话集imaginative literature富有想象力的文献15The stability of a society depends on how it responds to the extremes of human behavior. 一个社会的稳定取决该社会对人们极端行为所作出的反应

7、16 entirely harmless 丝毫没有坏处的17 obey just lawsdisobey and resist unjust laws18 defend an idea against the doubts 排除异议contrasting views of others 对照其他观点19If a society is to thrive,it must put its own overall success before the well-being of its individual citizens.如果一个社会要繁荣,就必须将社会整体的成败至于单个社会成员的幸福之上。20

8、21 in earnest about诚挚的:表现出高度真诚和认真的 be viewed with disdain轻视22 Yet it is always society as a whole that defines us and our attitudes.一直以来,是社会作为一个整体在定义我们和我们的态度23 preoccupied过分关注fragmented information=small pieces of factual information 七零八岁的信息overall perspectives 全局 大的问题24 restraint遏制25what (requires

9、real effort) is to move in the opposite direction (需要真正努力和勇气)的是恰恰相反的 26 precedence优先权 Contemporary needs can be served 。可以满足眼下的要求27 conforming to符合 conventional practices常规做法 conforming to conventional practices and conventional ways of thinking墨守成规2829Public figures公众人物 30The primary goal of 首要目标In

10、crease peoples efficiency 提高效率technological advancement 技术进步leisure time闲暇时间31 controversial 有争议的32 pay。 at the same rate 对。的待遇是一视同仁的entry-level 初级的33 appealing 吸引人的34 ranging from the arts and the humanities to the physical and biological sciences从艺术和人文科学到物理和生物科学Enroll作选课一解todays increasingly work-

11、oriented society 当今工作至上的社会35 compromise妥协 ones beliefsadhere to them.36 their contemporaries.373839 intellectual benefits vastly overrated评价过高40 pursue their individual interests 追求自己的兴趣idiosyncratic有气质有特性的,奇怪异常的 41 nonmainstream areasinquiry科学研究 psychic巫术paranormal超自然的 pursuits play a vital role in

12、 society 在社会中起非常重要的作用human needs that are not addressed by mainstream science人们那些主流科学满足不了的需要 42 solitary activity 个人行为Collaboration合作共同研究43 ethical and moral standards 伦理道德标准44 fund the scientific research45 rely on their own judgment 根据自己的判断力Unquestioningly carry out the will of the people 盲目执行群众的意

13、愿46 attribute their success to=owe to a well-developed sense of competition良好的竞争意识instill in them a sense of cooperation 向他们在灌输合作意识47place enough emphasis on 没有足够重视reasoning and other cognitive skills推理技能和其他认知技能reasoning 为信念结论行动或情感寻找原因的认知过程。48 places too much emphasis on individuals 49do factual acc

14、ounts. 过于重视个人shape and focus reality rather than report on it literally5051 meet the individual needs and interests of each student.52.53 fully financed by the government.545556 anticipated1. To feel or realize beforehand; foresee. 预感,预料:提前感到或意识到;预见2. To look forward to, especially with pleasure; ex

15、pect. 期望;期待:期望,尤指怀着喜悦;期待3. To act in advance so as to prevent; forestall. 抢在之前:预先防止;领先抢前4. To foresee and fulfill in advance.行动在前:预先料到5. To cause to happen in advance; accelerate. 使提前发生;加速,促进6. To use in advance, as income not yet available. 预支:在没拿到收入的情况下预先支用57The depth of knowledge to be gained fro

16、m books58The increasingly rapid pace of life 59 role models6061High-profile awards备受瞩目的奖项 62 is problematic intrinsically本质上 deficient Lacking an essential quality or element:有缺点的,有缺陷的:缺乏某种重要的品质或要素的:deficient in common sense.缺乏常识Inadequate in amount or degree; insufficient:缺乏的,不足够的:在数量或程度方面不足的;不够的:a

17、 deficient education.缺少教育63one that is distinctly different from your own.64 how to attain success65 apparent differences显著的差异 66 deterioratev.(动词) de.te.ri.o.rat.ed,,de.te.ri.o.rates To diminish or impair in quality, character, or value:使恶化:损害或降低(质量,性质或价值):Time and neglect had det

18、eriorated the property.时间与忽视使特性恶化To grow worse; degenerate:恶化:变得更坏;退化:The weather deteriorated overnight. His health had deteriorated while he was in prison.整个晚上,天气越来越糟。他在狱中时健康已经恶化了To weaken or disintegrate; decay:削弱或瓦解;衰退:67 public-service activities公益活动 well-rounded全面的 education.68 suspicion and m

19、istrust 69 restrictions限制的行为 70 step down 退位The surest path to success 取得成功最保险的途径Revitalization新生,复兴 717273In most professions and academic fields, imagination is more important than knowledge.7475 perceiving and coordinating the talents and skills of others.理解与协调76 profound有深邃洞察力的 thinkers out of s

20、tep with步调不一致-77 individualistic利己主义的. self-centered, separate goalsworking for the greater good of the family78 essential interconnectedness of all human beings eliminate wars消灭战争cultural clashes文化冲击79Major policy decisions should always be left to politicians and other government experts, who are

21、more informed and thus have better judgment and perspective洞察力, than do members of the general public.8081Patriotic reverence尊敬 impede阻碍encourage progress推动社会进步 82censor监视83Government should preserve publicly owned wilderness areas in their natural state, even though these areas are often extremely

22、remote and thus accessible to only a few people.84In any field of endeavor85 integrity完整性 of the arts.86 long-term, realistic goals87In any field of inquiry质询调查 追求真相88 determine social customs and ethics.89Leaders are created primarily by the demands that are placed upon them.使命造就领导者90 seek programs

23、 that promise entry into the job market.91their deeply held values rational choice理性的选择 92 recognize the limits of our knowledge and understanding认识到认知的局限 acquire new facts and information获取新的论据和信息 93The concept of。的概念 individual responsibility个人职责 is a necessary fictionhold individuals accountable

24、for their own actions要求个人对他们的自身行为负责, 94 acquiring knowledge of various academic disciplines truly educated.95 Teamwork requires cooperationmotivates people much more than individual competition does.96 standards for evaluating establish standards制定一个标准 97It is unfortunate but true这是个不幸的事实all aspects

25、 of 98 99In any realm领域 of lifetake a practical/idealistic point of view Pragmatic实用主义的 实际的 behavior guarantees survivalbe superseded取代 by simpler, more immediate options.100The pressure to achieve high grades in school seriously limits the quality of learning. promote more genuine intellectual deve

26、lopment促进真正的智力发展.101 provide funding forFlourish茂盛102For better or worse, 103 only to the extent that104It is primarily through formal education 主要是通过正规教育perpetuate保留 the ideas it favors有利于他的 105 demonstrated by the willingness of its government to tolerate challenges from its own citizens.106 ethic

27、s伦理学a decreased emphasis on academic subjects.107Instant communication systems即时通讯系统 hasty opinions匆忙的决定 thoughtful, well-reasoned points of view.108 proceedings举动 109110 construct it by interpreting evidence通过一些证据来构建creative enterpriseobjective pursuit. 111The worldwide distribution of television programs全球性的电视节目diminish the differences among cultures减小文化差异112 students capacity for reasoning and logical thinking推理和逻辑的能力 explore their own emotions认知自我的情感113 identification with 定位定义114 humanity人道主义Technological

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