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名著英语读书报告推荐word版 17页Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、peoples all around me, like my parents, my friends, my classmates and so on, becausewe can not foresee what will happen in the future.篇二:名著阅读笔记名著阅读笔记 七上语文 班级: c1422班学号:姓名:一、文学常识:1、作品: 出处:2、作者:二、字词收集(查字词典)1、生字注音:2、难词解释:三、成语积累(若原文没有则查词典)1、:2、:3、:4、:5、:6、:四、用词造句(任选第三题中的三个成语)五、好词点评:六、佳句赏析:1、原句:“” 赏析:2、原

2、句:七、仿写创新(任选第六题中一句仿写)八、人物分析(结合原文分析人物形象)九、阅读感悟(结合自身经历和社会生活谈谈)篇三:老人与海英文读书报告 a book report of the old man and the seathe old man and the sea is a novel written by ernest hemingway, an americannovelist. the story is set in the 20th century after world war ii, which is basedon the novel written true story

3、 hemingway himself has experienced. exactly, its a story of an epic struggle between an old, seasoned fishermanand the greatest catch of his life. leading character santiago, an aged cubanfisherman, has set out to sea and returned empty-handed. at first 84 days, he didnot even fish one fish. he did

4、not have enough food, and many locals to doubt hisfishing technique. some even laugh at him. so, he decided to go to the sea to fishfood and proved that he is a skilled fisherman. on the eight-fifth day of his unluckystreak, santiago does as promised, sailing his skiff far beyond the islands shallow

5、coastal waters and venturing into the gulf stream. at noon, a big fish, marlin, takethe bait that santiago has placed before. although the old man expertly hooks thefish, but he cannot pull it in. instead, the fish begins to pull the boat. he knowsperfectly well very difficult to win, but still did

6、not give up. since then, theybegan their three-day fighting. the entire time, santiago, endures constant pain fromthe fishing line. eventually, the third day, the fish tires, and santiago managesto pull the marlin in close enough to kill it with a harpoon thrust. however, thingsdo not go smoothly as

7、 he expected. on his way home, he is attacked buy several crowdsof shark. although he kills the sharks in the end, they have devoured the marlins precious meat, leaving only skeleton. the old man arrives home before daybreak,and sleeps very deeply. later on, the old man wakes up and finds the little

8、 boy mandolinstaying with him, and decides to go to sea to fish again. feelings of reading jane eyre useful expression1) useful expression (p.47) if all the world hated you, and believed you wicked, while your own conscienceapproved you, and absolved you from guilt, you would not be without friends.

9、2) useful expression (p.231) prejudices, it is well known, as most difficult to eradicate from the heart whosesoil has never been loosened or fertilized by education: they grow there, firm asweeds among stones.3) useful expression (p.40) life appears to me too short to be spent in nursing animosity

10、or registeringwrongs. the type of materials in this book is written in english, and the topic area isliterature. i spent reading the book for 2 the world history of literature, some many classical famous works are goingto be immortal, but jane eyre deeply enters peoples soul deeply, it by

11、irresistibleintrinsic deep has attracted the tens of thousands of readers deeply, has affectedpeoples inner world, is in the world history of literature the eternal classics.读书报告 苔丝是十九世纪英国杰出的小说家托马丝哈代的作品。他出生1840年,逝世于1920年。他是横跨两个世纪的作家,早期和中期的创作以小说为主。他继承和发扬了维多利亚时代的文学传统。他的小说可以分为三大类:性格与环境的小说、罗曼史与幻想的小说、精于结

12、构的小说。并以第一类最为突出,其中又以悲剧故事苔丝和无名的裘德最为杰出。这两部小说违背了维多利亚时期的道德观念,受到了社会激烈的抨击,于是哈代愤而不写小说,转而重新写诗。哈代的写作生涯是以写诗开始,中间经历了二十多年的小说阶段,最后仍以写诗告终。苔丝是哈代最富盛誉的作品,也是世界文学中的瑰宝。小说描述的是一位纯洁少女不幸命运。主人公苔丝出生于一个贫苦小贩的家庭,父亲有一天被告知他是古代贵族德伯维的后代,便得意忘形起来,他和她那浅薄庸俗又爱慕虚荣的老婆决定让女儿到一个自称也是德伯维尔家族后裔的富老太婆家去认清,以期待在经济上得到扶持。苔丝去了以后被老太婆的儿子亚历克诱奸 她怀孕回家,孩子一生下来

13、没多久就夭折了。几年后,苔丝再次离家到奶牛场干活,与牧师的儿子安吉克莱尔恋爱并订婚,苔丝十分爱安吉,几次想把自 己失身之事向安吉和盘托出,都因种种缘故未遂。新婚之夜,安吉向苔丝坦白了他婚前不清白的过往,得到了苔丝的谅解,而当苔丝向丈夫坦言相告时,安吉却始终抱着传统观念不放,视苔丝为不洁的女人,未能一时接受苔丝。之后两人分居,安吉独自一人去巴发展事业。当四处布道的亚历克与苔丝再次相遇时,对苔丝的情欲顿时击败了他那没有根基的宗教信仰,迫于生活,两人同居。不久,安吉回国找苔丝,并对以前的冷酷无情表示悔恨。纠结纯情的苔丝为了自己真正的爱毅然杀死了亚历克。在与安吉度过幸福的最后几天后,苔丝被捕并处以绞刑


15、宁静,才不会感到寂寞。这是因为传统宗教观念在她心里根深蒂固的原因,她无法摆脱宗教观念。书中最令我难忘之处是,在苔丝和安吉的新婚之夜,安吉对苔丝坦白了他不堪的过往得到了苔丝 的宽恕,而当苔丝向安吉坦白她那不堪的往事时,安吉却没有像苔丝宽恕他那样宽恕苔丝。他说:“啊,苔丝,这种事怎么能宽恕呢?你过去是一个人,而如今却成了另一个人。天啦,宽恕怎么能用在这样稀奇古怪的魔术戏法上啦?”这句话令苔丝大为吃惊失望,也令我产生了无限的思考。如果说从前亚力克让苔丝在肉体上受到了很大的痛苦,那么安吉就让苔丝在精神上受了很大的打击。作为一个丈夫无法容忍妻子的过去却能对自己的历史一抹而去、一笑而过。可以想象当时男女的


17、从容面对已发生的不堪事实,接受苔丝,那么苔丝的命运该是怎么的旋转可想而知,他们就会是最幸福的一对,因为他们确实是真心相爱了。可惜由于男人的世俗观念,一念之间,就造成了原本幸福的人儿的悲剧命运。不过安吉也有非常可人的一面。在书中第二十三章,苔丝和其他 三个女挤奶工去梅尔斯托克教堂的路上经过一个最低的地带,洼地中积满了水,在这极为考究的日子里,姑娘们不会像往常一样满不在乎的趟过去。正在思索之时,却巧遇了安吉,安吉愿为姑娘们搭建一座移动的桥,愿将他们一个个抱到对岸,四个心房顿时猛跳起来。对于安吉来说,他这番行动的四分之三之时普普通通的友善行为而已。当最后轮到苔丝时,苔丝羞搭拒绝。而安吉一句极为看贴心

18、的话出动了我。“三个利亚就是为了一个拉结。”也就是说我为你白白的花费了四分之三的力气。哈哈,太可爱了。好温馨的画面,好感人的话语。绅士风度尽显。男人可以为了爱而改变,为了爱而付出无谓的牺牲,只为了取悦于自己爱的人。书中还有一处我觉得稍带戏剧性的一幕。苔丝在牧场挤奶的日子里,有一天清晨,牛奶房里的搅奶器还在照常运转,但却搅不出黄油来。每当出现这种情况,牛奶场就瘫痪了。有挤奶工就推断说“也许牛奶房里有人谈上恋爱了吧!”,好滑稽的臆想。此话一出,苔丝满脸苍白就借机出去了。更为戏剧性的是苔丝一出门,旋转着的搅乳机里的牛奶也从叽里咕噜的声音变成关键性的啪嗒啪嗒的声音了,黄油出来了? 苔丝一书发表至今已经

19、有一百多年了,一度遭到资产阶级的猛烈攻击。但是攻击未能掩盖他的光辉。再说说苔丝的悲剧,说到底是一场社会的悲剧。苔丝还在少女之时就挑起了家庭生活的重担。为了谋生,不得不到处飘荡,受尽剥削和欺凌。特别是在她父亲死去时,住了几代人的房子由于租期已到,不得不被狠心的地主逼着搬出去,其状惨不忍睹。篇二:英语名著读书报告(共6篇)简爱 世界名著 全英文读后感 全英文读书笔记 英语专业 大学 本科 feelings of reading jane eyre useful expression1) useful expression (p.47)if all the world hated you, and

20、believed you wicked, while your own conscience approved you, and absolved you from guilt, you would not be without friends.2) useful expression (p.231)prejudices, it is well known, as most difficult to eradicate from the heart whose soil has never been loosened or fertilized by education: they grow

21、there, firm as weeds among stones.3) useful expression (p.40)life appears to me too short to be spent in nursing animosity or registering wrongs.the type of materials in this book is written in english, and the topic area is literature. i spent reading the book for 2 the world history of l

22、iterature, some many classical famous works are going to be immortal, but jane eyre deeply enters peoples soul deeply, it by irresistible intrinsic deep has attracted the tens of thousands of readers deeply, has affected peoples inner world, is in the world history of literature the eternal classics

23、. 篇二:airport 英文读书报告 张莹reading report of airportlast week, i read a novel, it is airport. it was written by the famous writer arthur hailey who was born in the first place, mel bakersfeld is the one of the main characters, he has an unharmonious family relation, his wife cindy is a peacockish

24、 woman, while they always quarrel during their conversation, so that mel has fall in love with his workmate tanya livingston gradually. mels brother-in-law is vernon demerest. he is tricky and fickle in love, gwen meighen is his mistress. mels brother keith bakersfeld, he wanted to kill himself beca

25、use nothing could relieve his terrible sense of blame about an airplane accident. but he gave up his stupid idea at the ending of the book. in the second place, d.o.guerrero is key person of the whole story, he promoted the development of the plot, it seems like that he is a terrorist and he wanted

26、to bomb up the plane by explosive. in the end, he died. as a whole, the story happened during the second world war. it mainly tells us that a series matters happed in lincoln international airport, there are some people in connection with lincoln international airport, and they were contacted finally. after i read the novel, i thought for a long time, this is a good ending, everyone plays their proper role and d.o.guerrero had to pay for his crime. mel married tanya, the story is interesting. besides, i do not know why the

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