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1、 A. Europe, B. Asia. C. Africa.III. 根据所听到的短文内容,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。 (5)( ) 11. Amy is _. A. reading a picture-book B. writing a bookC. watching a picture ( ) 12. Bill is writing a letter to his _. A. sister B. brother C. parents ( ) 13. The Chinese book on the desk is _. A. Amys B. Sams C. Bills ( ) 14. Sa

2、m usually does his homework _. A. at school B. at home C. in the library ( ) 15. _ students are cleaning the floor. A. Two B. Three C. FourIV. 听短文,根据所听内容完成填空。 Daming is my uncle. He is 16. _ years old. Hes a 17. _ in a big hotel. He goes to work at 7:30 from Monday to Sunday. His house is next to th

3、e hotel. So he walks to 18. _ . He has breakfast at 8”00 at the hotel. And he has lunch at 12”00 in it, 19. _ . He goes home at 5”30 in the afternoon. He has dinner at home with his family at 6:30. Then he reads books. He goes to 20. _ at 10:30.单项填空(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共计15分)( ) 21. -Please turn off the T

4、V. The baby _. -OK, Ill go out for a walk. A. sleeps B. slept C. is sleeping D. was sleeping( ) 22. Thank you for _ us to your birthday party. A. to ask B. asks C. asking D. ask( ) 23. I often do my homework _ the computer.A. in B. to C. for D. on( ) 24. There are _ apples in the fridge. You can hav

5、e one. A. few B. little C. a few D. a little( ) 25. -Are your parents at home, Jane? -No. They _ taking a walk in the park. A. do B. are C. will D. have( ) 26. Our teacher is _ a white dress. A. putting on B. having C. wearing D. getting( ) 27. Look, Tony _ on the grass! A. lying B. is lying C. is l

6、ieing D. lies( ) 28. -Would you like _ shopping with me? -Id like to. A. to go B. to going C. go D. go to( ) 29. In America, people give flowers _ birthday presents. A. on B. for C. as D. to( ) 30. My sister often _ music in her room. A. listen B. listens C. listens at D. listens to( ) 31. I have go

7、t _. A. 10 pair of shoes B. 10 pairs of shoe C. 10 pairs of shoes D. 10 shoes( ) 32. -_ does Tony usually do on the Internet? -Play games. A. How B. Why C. What D. When( ) 33. _ I go to school on foot. A. Some times B. Some time C. sometime D. sometimes( ) 34. Sally _ her homework in the evening. A.

8、 doesnt B. doesnt do C. dont do D. dont( ) 35. My friend doesnt like film, so he _ goes to the cinema. A. always B. usually C. often D. neverII. 完形填空。本题有10小题,每小题1分,共计10分)In China, there are a lot of traditional festivals like Spring Festival, Mid-autumn Day and Tomb-sweeping Day. Mid-autumn Day is v

9、ery popular. _36_ that day, Chinese people usually get together and _37_ moon cakes. The moon cakes are round _38_ usually have some meat or nuts in it. They also eat nice food and drink some juice. After that, they often _39_ TV. Today is Mid-autumn Day, in my family, my father is _40_ his car, he

10、will drive to work tomorrow. He loves his _41_ very much. My mother is looking at the moon, and _42_ me a story of Change. She likes the big moon. My sister Lingling is _43_ her American friend Jenny. Jenny is 14 years old, too. She is now in New York in _44_ with her parents. She is telling _45_ wh

11、at she is doing on Mid-autumn Day. We all love our Mid-autumn Day.( ) 36. A. In B. At C. On D. For( ) 37. A. drink B. has C. eat D. cut( ) 38. A. but B. or C. so D. and( ) 39. A. see B. watch C. look D. talk( ) 40. A. opening B. driving C. washing D. sweeping( ) 41. A. cat B. son C. moon cakes D. ca

12、r( ) 42. A. A. saying B. speaking C. talking D. telling( ) 43. A. calling B. using C. connecting D. sending( ) 44. A. China B. America C. England D. Canada( ) 45. A. him B. her C. their D. ourIII. 阅读理解(本题有20小题,每小题1.5分,共计30分)Passage 1 A young man is sitting by the road. He is eating something. A poli

13、ceman is coming over. At once the man gets up quickly and runs down the road. The policeman runs after him. Te man runs very fast, but the policeman runs faster. After a few minutes, the policeman catches him. “Where are you going?” says the policeman. “You must be a criminal(罪犯)if you run like that

14、 when you see a policeman.” “No, no,” says the man. “Im not a criminal. Im just too fat, you see, and the doctor tells me I must always run fast after eating.”“I see,” says the policeman. “Youre running to help to lose weight.”( ) 46. A young man is sitting by the road and _ something. A. looking B.

15、 seeing C. eating D. drinking( ) 47. A _ is coming. A. bus B. man C. friend D. policeman( ) 48. What does the young man do when he sees the policeman? A. He says “hello” to him. B. He gets up and runs. C. He is waiting for him. D. He doesnt go away.( ) 49. The policeman runs after the young man beca

16、use _. A. he is catching a bus B. he knows him C. he thinks he is a bad man D. the young man is a criminal( ) 50. -Why does the young man run? -Because _. A. he wants to catch a bus B. he is a criminal C. he remembers something D. the doctor tells him to run after eatingPassage 2Mary Walker works at

17、 a bank. She begins working at eight in the morning. She has a break at noon for one hour. She stops working at five in the afternoon. At five the bank closes. Everybody goes home. Some people drive home. Some ride bikes. Some take the bus or the train. But Mary walks home. She likes to walk. She wa

18、lks, and walks, and walks and walks. Mary lives eight miles(英里) from the bank. She walks for three hours. At eight in the evening, Mary is at home. She eats dinner. At ten she goes to bed. Mary is tired(疲劳的). She is 82 years old.( )51. What does Mary do? A. She is a nurse B. She is a factory worker.

19、C. She is a worker at a bank. D. She is a doctor.( )52. How many hours does Mary work in one day? A. About 9 hours. B. About 8 hoursC. About 10 hours.D. About 7 hours( )53. Which sentence is right?A. Mary rides home. B. Mary takes a bus home. C. Mary walks home. D. Mary drives home.( )54. How far is

20、 it from Marys house to the bank? A. Five miles. B. Six miles. C. Seven miles. D. Eight miles.( )55. Where does Mary eat dinner? A. At home.B. At the bank. C. In a shop.D. In a restaurant.Passage 3 Bill has a sister, Amy. Next Friday is Amys birthday. Bill wants to buy a present for her. However, he

21、 doesnt have much money. Now he is in shopping mall. He spends a lot of time choosing a good and cheap present in a toy shop, but he cant find anything. He goes to the next shop/. There are some beautiful hair clips in it. Bill likes them very much. He knows Amy wants to have one all the time. He ch

22、ooses a blue one. Its not expensive. It costs 7 yuan. He goes back home happily.( ) 56. When is Amys birthday? A. This Friday, October B. This Sunday C. Next Monday D. Next Friday, October ( ) 57. Bill goes to a _ shop first. A. clothes B. flower C. toy D. fruit( ) 58. How does Bill feel when he see

23、s the hair clips? A. Happy. B. Bad. C. Hungry D. Tired( ) 59. Bill buys a _ hair clip for his sister. A. white B. blue C. yellow D. red( ) 60. How much does Bill pay for the hair clip? A. 1 yuan B. 7 yuan C. 9 yuan D. 11 yuanPassage 4 Today is July 21. Most people are enjoying their weekend now. Joh

24、n is watching a magic show at the Capital Stadium with his parents and a friend from Australia. The girl is Megan, she is staying at Johns for her holiday now. Her parents and brother Andy are now visiting the zoo. Their father is taking photos of many animals, like elephants, pandas, zebras and tig

25、ers. But Andy likes monkeys most and he is now watching them jumping and playing.Andys cousin Julia is at her friends birthday party. There she meets Lily, Daming, Joy and Lingling. They are having a happy talk and drinking some juice. Julias grandparents are having a Taijiquan class, while her moth

26、er is shopping for presents. Julias family is going back home to the Unite States next Thursday, so her father is booking plane ticket on the Internet.( ) 61. Johns mother is _. A. watching a magic show B. visiting the zoo C. taking photos D. at a birthday party( ) 62. Megans brother is _. A. Joy B.

27、 John C. Andy D. Julia( ) 63. -Wheres Megans father? -He is _. A. at Johns with Lily B. at a party C. at the Capital Stadium with his daughter D. in the zoo( ) 64. Which of the following sentences is not right? A. Julias mother is buying presents. B. Julia is from Australia. C. Andy likes monkeys be

28、st. D. Julias family is going home by plane.( ) 65. What is the best title of the passage?A. A Happy Weekend. B. A Magic Show C. In a Zoo. D. At a Party.IV. 词汇考查(5)1. festvl _ 2. trdinl _3. happy _ 4. search _ 5. plant _V.用括号内所给词的适当形式完成下面的短文(10) From Monday to Friday, the 1. _ (one) class always 2. _ (begin) at 8:00 oclock, but Millie always 3. _ (get) up at 7:30. At school, they 4._ (have) Chinese, English and maths every day. Sometimes, they have sports. At the weekend, Millie 5. _ (not

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