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2、难点1本课的词汇、交际用语2学会使用过去进行时以及以when引导的时间状语从句3谈论过去事件,并学着对某事件进行采访任务型活动Task One:Ask and answer according to picturesTask Two:Talk about what these people were doing when the UFO arrived.Task Three:Interview the class : What were they doing when 5.12 earthquake happened ?教学流程教学过程:Pre-task Presentation通过英文歌曲,

3、创设和谐、愉悦的教学氛围,让学生马上融入本节课的英语学习。:While-task1点击与本课有关的图画问答。 What is he / she doing ? He / She is 2通过现在进行时引出新语言项目过去进行时,通过一系列图画进行问答。3练习运用新语言。4点击UFO画面,引出“What was he / she doing when the UFO arrived ”句型,并操练该句型,然后变换人称练习。5运用新语言进行采访。课堂实录Shep :Sing an English song.Step :Greetings T:Good morning, class ! Ss:Good

4、 morning, Miss Chen !Nice to see you.Nice to see you, tooSit down, please.Thank you.Step :Lead-inIm very glad to give you this English lesson. I know youre very clever. Im sure this lesson will be very successful. This period were going to learn:Step :Revision老师点击鼠标,播放课件,让学生通过看图问答UFO是学生很感兴趣的话题,学生可以联

5、系所学畅所欲言,不但复习了原来的短语,也让学生操练了新语言一举两得。在此她适当提示短语,让各层次的学生都有所谈。然后,询问学生:联系现实生活为此给学生创设情景,学生进行讨论。达成本课的情感目标,即: Look before you leap.What is the man doing ? S1:He is playing tennis. (随即在图下点击play tennis)What is the boy doing ? S2:He is playing soccer.What is the woman doing ? S3:She is boating on the lake. S4:He

6、 is swimming in the sea.What is the old man doing ? S5:He is fishing near the beach.New lesson一、Use “What was he doing last ?He was ”点击第一幅图问:What was he doing last Monday ?He is climbingWrong, You should answer “He was climbing last Monday”点击第二幅图问:T:What was he doing last Tuesday ?He was reading.Wha

7、t was he doing last Wednesday ?He was boating.What was he doing last Friday ?He was having a party. 就以上内容指定一名学生在前面问,其余同学回答。 二、Use “What were you doing last ? I was ”What were you doing last Saturday morning ?I was reading.What were you doing last Saturday afternoon ?I was borrowing a book from the l

8、ibrary.What were you doing last Sunday morning ?I was doing my homework.What were you doing last Sunday evening ?I was mopping the floor. 以上内容两人一组进行练习,然后指定两组到前面问答。 三、Use “What were they doing yesterday afternoon? They were ” 点击图片问答:What were they doing yesterday afternoon ?They were seeing carton mo

9、vies.They were playing football.They were playing basketball.They were running. 以上问题指定两组同学问答一遍。Step :Learn position phrasesLook this is a UFO. Its short for Unidentified Flying Object.Where was she when the UFO arrived?She was in the kitchen.随即在图下点击出kitchen一词并带读多次Where was she when the UFO arrived ?

10、She was in front of the library . 点击library 并带读He was in the barber shop. 点击barber shop 一词并带读She was in the bathroom. 随即点击bathroom并带读He was in the bedroom. 点击bedroom 并带读Where was he when the UFO arrived ? S6:He was in the living room. 点击living room 并带读 in the kitchen in the barber shop in the bathro

11、om in the bedroom in the living room in front of the library 这些表地点的词组齐读三遍Step :Learn Unit 3 Section A 1a (点击出此图)(on page 18)A TV reporter is asking “ Where were you when the UFO arrived”. Match the statements with the people in the picture: 1 d I was in the bathroom. 2 b I was in my bedroom. 3 a I w

12、as in front of the library. 4 c I was in the kitchen. 5 e I was in my barbershop. 6 f I was in the barbers chair.Ill ask one of you to read these statements. Liu Yaru, you read, Ok, very good. Now Lets match the statement with the people in the picture.Now Ill ask you to repeat again.a: She was in f

13、ront of the library.b: He was in the bedroom. S3: c: She was in the kitchen. S4: d: He was in the bathroom. S5: e: He was in the barbershop. S6: f: He was in the barbers chair.Step :Ask and answer 点击浴室淋浴图片,然后点击UFO到达,问答:She was in the bathroom.What was she doing when the UFO arrived ?She was taking a

14、 shower. 点击句型:She was taking a shower in the bathroom when the UFO arrived. Repeat three times 点击在卧室睡觉的图片,然到点击UFO到达图片,问答:She was in the bedroom.She was sleeping.She was sleeping in the bedroom when the UFO arrived. All students repeat three times. 点击某人在图书馆借书的图片,然后点击UFO到达。He was in the library.What w

15、as he doing when the UFO arrived ?He was borrowing a book.He was borrowing a book in the library when the UFO arrived. Repeat three times. 点击在厨房做饭图片,然后点击UFO到达。He was in the kitchen.He was cooking.He was cooking in the kitchen when the UFO arrived. 点击理发店里理发的图片,然后点击不明飞行物到达。Where were they when the UFO

16、 arrived ?They were in the barber shop.What were they doing when the UFO arrived ?They were having a hair cat.They were having a haircut in the barber shop when the UFO arrived. Repeat three times. 删除所有文字,只出现图片,将以上内容全班再重复说一遍。 Picture 1: Picture 2:She was sleeping in the bathroom when the UFO arrived

17、. Picture 3:He was borrowing a book in the library when the UFO arrived. Picture 4:She was cooking in the kitchen when the UFO arrived. Picture 5:They were having a hair cut in the barber shop when the UFO arrived.Step :Pairwork点击图片两人一组用下列句型问答: A:What was he / she doing when the UFO arrived ? B:He /

18、 She was when it arrived.What were you doing when the UFO arrived ?I was Step :I b 听力任务:学生独立完成,听出关键词,在此基础上完成 Listen to reporters question and circle the correct responses. First:Just listen. Second:Circle the correct responses. a: standing in front of the library / studying in the libranry. b: clean

19、ing my room / sleeping slate. making a smoothie / cooking dinner. getting out of the shower / talking on the phone. eating lunch / cutting hair Listen and repeat Reporter:So what were you doing when the UFO arrived ? Girl:Well, I was standing in front of the library. Boy:I was sleeping late. Woman:I

20、 was cooking dinner.How about you ? Man1:I was getting out of the shower. Man2:I was cutting hair.Step :Ask and answer in pairs.What were you doing at 6:00 yesterday evening ?What were you doing ?1. in a river swimming2. in a park playing basketball3. in a shop doing some shopping4. at home watching

21、 TV5. at home cooking6. at home doing my homework听力练习对于新知识的掌握是必需的,有助于加强多感官、多形式的刺激,更好的掌握语言。然后通过给学生创设情境,让学生灵活运用所学语言。通过小组活动的形式达到交际的效果。UFO一直是令孩子兴奋的东西,抓住这个兴奋点,让他们尽情去想象。Step :Sum up过去进行时 含义:表示在过去某一时刻或某一段时间正在进行的动作。 结构:be ( was/ were) + doing 例句:I was taking a shower at nine last night.He was watching TV ye

22、sterday afternoon.She was taking a shower when the UFO arrived.Step :Interview activity 选一名同学当记者,采访一系列人物,当5.12大地震发生时在干什么?奥运会开幕时在干什么?What were you doing when 5.12 earthquake happened ?I was watch TV at home.I was doing some shopping.I was watering flowers.What about you ?I was having a geography clas

23、s.I was having P.E class on the playground.What were you doing when the Opening Ceromony of Olympic Games started ?I was watching TV at home. S7:I was surving as a volunteer. S8:I was guarding at the gate of Bird Net. S9:I was commanding the traffic in the street .最大限度地发挥孩子们的想像力,在这一环节中,学生们各个情绪高涨,选择自

24、己所喜欢的话题畅谈,连基础教差的学生也跃跃欲试,课堂气氛达到了高潮。 然后Interview activity的形式完成本课的课堂总结,这有助于学生在大量的操练后更加清楚自己所学的重要内容。提高学生学习兴趣,增强学生的文化意识,使学生在情感态度价值观上得到提高,并在真实的语言环境中体验。Homework 汶川大地震时你在干什么,你在电视里看到了一些什么场面,说明了什么?课后老师们对此课进行了讨论,大家在肯定这堂课的同时认为在课堂中,学生比较被动,一个是因为教师在交代说明时还没有做到循循善诱地,从学生兴趣所在处切入问题,话题还不够广泛,以至于学生的思维空间和想象力没有得到扩张,因此不能有感而发,


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