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1、 friendly; genial; gregarious (access, inaccessible) 易接近的 adj.9.decorum (68)proper; correct behavior or etiquette; good manners; refinement (decorous, indecorous) 礼貌合宜的 adj.10.impulsive (67)tending to act on impulse and without thought; rash; impetuous; unrestrained; capricious(impulses) 冲动的 adj.11.

2、deride (67)to ridicule something; to laugh at something as ridiculous; to mock; to satirize (derision, derisory, risible) 嘲笑 v.12.suppress (67)to stop something from rising or coming out by holding it down; to repress (suppression) 镇压 v.placent (66)overly pleased with an accomplishment; overconfiden

3、t; self-satisfied; so unwary as to be foolish (complacency) 得意的 adj.14.reverent (66)deeply honoring or respectfuland so not joking around; venerating (revere, reverence, reverential, irreverent) 尊敬的 adj15.disparage (65)to insult or put down; to offend 贬低 v.16.relevant (65)relating to the subject at

4、hand; important or significant; pertinent (relevance, irrelevant) 有关的 adj.17.prudent (62)careful; cautious, especially about money; having good judgment; circumspect; wary (prudence, imprudent) 审慎的;小心的 adj.18.refute (62)to prove wrong or false (refutation, irrefutable) 反驳 v.19.inevitable (61)certain

5、 to happen; unavoidable (inevitability) 必然的 adj.20.innocuous (60)harmless; not dangerous at all; not likely to provokea strong reaction; inconsequential 无毒的;无害的 adj.21.convey (60)to make something known; to reveal; to communicate; to depict 搬运 v.22.profound (59)wise; deep; beneath the surface (profu

6、ndity) 极深的 adj.23.ironic (59)a statement or situation that conveys a second meaning at odds with the apparent meaning; humorous (irony) 讽刺的 adj.24.ambivalent (58)undecided; feeling positively and negatively towards something (ambivalence) 有矛盾情绪的 adj.25.pragmatic (58)getting things done in an effecti

7、ve way; practical; emphasizing the practical; expedient (pragmatism, pragmatist) 忙碌的 adj.26.innovative (58)new; revolutionary (innovation) 创新的 adj.27.rational (57)based on reason rather than emotions; logical;sensible (irrational, rationale, rationalize) 理性的 adj.28.abstract (57)based on general idea

8、s; not solid or concrete; vague;hypothetical (abstraction) 抽象的 adj.29.distinct (57)clearly separate from others; not identical; different; clear; conspicuous; lucid (distinction, distinctive, indistinct) 清楚的 adj.30.felicitous (56)well-chosen; especially appropriate; pleasing(felicity, infelicity) 巧妙

9、的 adj.31.resolute (56)determined to succeed; not easily discouraged; persistent; tenacious (resolution, irresolute, resolve, unresolved) 坚决的 adj.32.diverse (55)varying; something composed of distinct or unlike elements or qualities (diversity, diversify) 不同的 adj.33.trivial (53)unimportant; insignifi

10、cant; negligible;inconsequential (trivialize, triviality) 琐细的 adj.34.discern (53)to notice; to see clearly; to distinguish; to discriminate (discerning, discernment, indiscernible) 分辨 v.35.enhance (53)to strengthen; to improve (enhancement) 提高 v.36.redundant (52)extra, so not needed; extraneous (red

11、undancy) 多余的 adj.37.tempered (52)mild; not severe or extreme; controlled; moderate;restrained (temperate, temperance, intemperate) 调节的 adj.38.dubious (52)doubtful, and probably untrue; implausible 可疑的 adj.39.depict (51)to represent in words or pictures; to describe a scene or situation; to show; to

12、convey (depiction) 描述 v.pelling (51)to arouse a feeling irresistibly; forceful; incisive; provocative; engaging (compel, compulsion, compulsory) 强制的 adj.41.indifferent (51)not caring about somethingsuch as an outcomeone way or the other; apathetic (indifference) 漠不关心的 adj.42.embellish (50)to decorat

13、e; to make beautiful or aesthetic; to make additions to, especially as in adding fictitiousdetails to a story (embellishment) 修饰 v.43.supplant (50)to replace as better 代替 v.44.fabricate (49)to make or devise something; to make up an elaborate story, as in to lie (fabrication, fabricator) 制造 v.45.pla

14、usible (49)believable; probably; likely (implausible) 貌似真实的 adj.46.parallel (49)something equivalent; a comparison; an analogy(unparalleled)相匹敌之物 n.47.eradicate (49)to wipe out; to eliminate; to destroy (ineradicable) 根绝 v.48.dominant (49)having great or complete power or influence over someone or s

15、omething; primary (dominate, domination, predominant) 支配的 adj.49.deleterious (49)harmful 有害的 adj.50.discord (48)disagreement; disharmony, especially among people; tension or unease between people, andoften the resulting confusion (discordant, concord, accord) 不一致 n. 51.futile (48)completely useless

16、or ineffective; so hopeless that effort to change a situation is wasted (futility) 无用的 adj.52.indulgent (47)giving in to anothers wishes; permissive; lenient; tolerant; condoning (indulge, overindulge, self- indulgent) 溺爱的 adj.53.indignant (47)annoyed or insulted, especially about ones dignity;anger

17、ed (indignity) 愤怒的 adj.54.eclectic (47)selecting the best from different sources; selective;varied 选择的, 折衷的 adj,55.vindicate (47)to prove someone right in the end; to free him or her from blame; to exonerate (vindication) 辩护 v.56.exemplary (46)showing by being great example; outstanding(exemplar, ex

18、emplify) 可仿效的 adj.57.inhibit (46)to block; to hold back; to impede or suppress(inhibition) 禁止 v.58.discredit (46)to harm someones reputation; to show something should not be trusted or believed (credit) 使丢脸; 怀疑 v.59.contemporary (46)occurring at the present time; occurring at the same time in histor

19、y; modern (contemporaries, contemporaneous) 同时代的 adj.60.provoke (45)to arouse strong feelings in someone; to anger(provocative, provocation) 激怒 v.61.solicitous (45)eager to help; asking if one can help; sympathetic(solicit, solicitude) 热心的 adj.62.daunting (45)discouraging; intimidating; scary (undau

20、nted) 吓人的 adj.63.skepticism (44)doubt (skeptical, skeptic) 怀疑的态度 n.64.coherent (44)sticking together in a unified whole; orderly;logically understandable; lucid (incoherent) 连贯的 adj.65.autonomy (44)independence; self-government (autonomous) 自治; 有自主权的国家 n.prehensive (44)all-inclusive; thorough; compl

21、ete; encompassing a great deal 全面的 adj.67.ambiguous (44)unclear; capable of being interpreted in more than one way; ncertain; doubtful; dubious; notdefinitive (ambiguity, unambiguous) 暧昧的 adj. 68.pretentious (43)believing oneself to better than others; boastful; affected; not modest or reserved (pre

22、tense, pretension) 自负的 adj.69.rhetoric (43)impressive sounding, though sometimes empty, words; a formal speech (rhetorical) 修辞, 华丽虚饰的语言 n.70.ephemeral (43)short-lived; present so fleetingly as barely to exist;transient; evanescent 短命的 adj.71.spurious (43)not genuine; fake; false; inauthentic 假造的 adj

23、.72.valid (43)well-grounded; sound; effective; legal;legitimate (validity, invalid) 正当的, 有效的 adj.73.contempt (43)looking down on others or feeling superior to them;to feel that someone or something deserves great disrespect; condescension (contemptuous) 轻视; 耻辱 n.74.restrained (43)calm and collected;

24、 not impulsive;reserved (self-restraint) 拘束的; 严谨的 adj.75.mundane (43)relating to everyday life; uninspired; banal; prosaic 世俗的 adj.76.impetuous (43)rash; impulsive; capricious; not retrained(impetuosity) 冲动的 adj.77.repudiate (42)to reject a person or an idea completely; to have nothing to do with an

25、y longer (repudiation) 与.断绝关系;否认 v.78.definitive (42)settling a disputed matter finally; no longer tentative; conclusive; authoritative; decisive(defining, indefinite) 限定的 adj.79.debunk (42)to prove wrong or false; to invalidate 揭穿 v.80.divergent (41)to separate; to split away from; to move apart; t

26、o travel in different directions (diverge, converge) 分歧的 adj.81.digress (41)to wander away from a topic; to change the subjectof a discussion momentarily (digression, digressive) 离题 v.82.sustain (41)to hold up; to support; to keep something going(sustenance) 支撑 v.83.incongruous (41)not fitting or ma

27、tching; seeming out of place(incongruity, congruent) 不协调的 adj.84.diffident (40)lacking confidence; shy; reserved; apprehensive;wary (diffidence) 无自信的 adj.85.subtle (40)so slight as to be hard to notice; hard to distinguish or discern (subtlety) 微妙的,难捉摸的 adj,86.transient (40)passing through a place q

28、uickly; not lasting; short- lived; transitory; ephemeral; evanescent(transience) 短暂的;瞬间的 adj.87.serene (40)not disturbed; peaceful; quiet; tranquil (serenity) 宁静的 adj.88.inconsequential (40) not worth noticing; unimportant; so insignificantas to have no consequences; trivial; trite(consequence) 不合逻辑

29、的 adj.89.scrutinize (40)to examine something closely and completely, especially with an aim to finding faults (scrutiny, inscrutable) 详细检查;细看 v.90.assert (40)to state a belief positively; to claim, often without proof (assertion, assertive) 声称,断言 v.91.foster (40)to promote; to encourage; to contribute to somethings growth 养育;鼓励 v.92.p

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