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1、1412016夹叙夹议文42015172014从上表可以看出,江苏高考完形填空题设空以语境题和词汇题为主,注重在语境中考查词义及搭配。四个选项基本上属同一词类,相同语义范畴,选择时要求上下文通篇考虑。Raynor Winn and her husband Moth became homeless due to their wrong investment.Their savings had been _36_ to pay lawyers fees.To make matters worse, Moth was diagnosed(诊断) with a _37_ disease.There w

2、as no _38_,only pain relief.Failing to find any other way out, they decided to make a _39_ journey, as they caught sight of an old hikers (徒步旅行者) guide.This was a long journey of unaccustomed hardship and _40_ recovery.When leaving home, Raynor and Moth had just 320 in the bank.They planned to keep

3、the _41_ low by living on boiled noodles,with the _42_ hamburger shop treat.Wild camping is _43_ in England.To avoid being caught, the Winns had to get their tent up _44_ and packed it away early in the morning.The Winns soon discovered that daily hiking in their 50s is a lot _45_ than they remember

4、 it was in their 20s.Raynor _46_ all over and desired a bath.Moth, meanwhile, after an initial _47_ , found his symptoms were strangely _48_ by their daily tiring journey._49_, the couple found that their bodies turned for the better, with re-found strong muscles that they thought had _50_ forever.“

5、Our hair was fried and falling out, nails broken, clothes _51_ to a thread, but we were alive.”During the journey, Raynor began a career as a nature writer.She writes, “_52_ had taken every material thing from me and left me torn bare, an empty page at the end of a(n) _53_ written book.It had also g

6、iven me a _54_, either to leave that page _55_ or to keep writing the story with hope.I chose hope.”【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了Raynor Winn和她丈夫Moth因为投资失误变得无家可归。祸不单行,她丈夫被诊断出患有严重疾病,无法医治。他们决定靠着仅有的一些钱外出旅行。36.A.drawn up B.used upC.backed up D.kept up答案B根据首句中的homeless与下文第三段中的“had just 320 in the bank”可知他们的积蓄都用于支付

7、律师费了,因此选择used up(用光)。draw up“拟订,起草”;back up“支持,支援”;keep up“跟上,保持”。37.A.mild B.commonC.preventable D.serious答案D根据下一句中的“only pain relief”可知,Moth被诊断出患了一种严重的疾病,因此选择serious。38.A.cure D.promise答案A没有治疗方法(cure),只能缓解疼痛。 B.walkingC.bus D.rail答案B根据本句中的“an old hikers(徒步旅行者)guide”与下文的内

8、容可知,他们决定进行一场徒步旅行,因此选择walking。40.A.expected B.frighteningC.disappointing D.surprising答案D从下文内容可知,这不但是一个艰苦的旅行,也是一个给他们带来惊喜的旅行,因此选择surprising。41.A.budget B.revenueC.compensation D.allowance答案A根据本段中的“had just 320 in the bank”和“by living on boiled noodles”可知,他们想方设法减少预算,因此选择budget。42.A.frequent B.occasional

9、C.abundant D.constant答案B以吃煮面条为主,偶尔也会去汉堡店里买点汉堡犒劳自己。occasional“偶尔的”,符合语境。43.A.unpopular B.lawfulC.attractive D.illegal答案D根据后一句中的“To avoid being caught”可知,在英国野营是不合法的,因此选择illegal。44.A.soon B.earlyC.late D.slowly答案C为了不被抓到,他们不得不晚睡早起,因此选择late。45.A.harder B.easierC.cheaper D.funnier答案A他们很快发现在50多岁进行徒步旅行比在20多

10、岁进行徒步旅行困难多了。因此选择harder。46.A.rolled B.bledC.ached D.trembled答案C根据上文并结合常识可知,Raynor浑身疼痛并且想洗个澡。因此选择ached。47.A.struggle B.progressC.excitement D.research答案A经过最初与疾病的斗争(struggle),Moth发现他的症状奇怪地减轻(reduced)了。48.A.developed B.controlledC.reduced D.increased答案C参见上题解析。49.A.Initially B.EventuallyC.Temporarily D.C

11、onsequently答案B最后,这对夫妇发现他们的身体好转。eventually“最后,终于”,符合语境。50.A.gained B.keptC.wounded D.lost答案D他们重新找回了原本认为已经永远失去的强有力的肌肉。根据re-found可知应选择lost。51.A.sewn B.washedC.worn D.ironed答案C根据语境和空前的“Our hair was fried and falling out,nails broken”可知,此处在描述他们旅途的艰辛。故选择worn表示衣服破了。52.A.Doctors B.HikingC.Lawyers D.Homeless

12、ness答案D根据上文可知,无家可归的境况(Homelessness)使他们失去了一切物质上的东西。53.A.well B.partlyC.neatly D.originally答案B根据上文中的“nature writer”和下文中的“leave that page _55_ or to keep writing the story”可知,此处表示这本书还未完成,即部分未完成的书。因此选择partly。54.A.choice B.rewardC.promise D.break答案A根据本句中的“either.or.”可知,选choice。55.A.loose B.full C.blank D

13、.missing答案C根据本句中的“or to keep writing the story with hope”可知,选择blank。表示一种选择是留着空白页,意思是停止旅行,还有一种选择是继续满怀希望地写作,即继续旅行。For a long time Gabriel didnt want to be involved in music at all.In his first years of high school,Gabriel would look pityingly at the music students,_36_across the campus with their heav

14、y instrument cases,_37_at school for practice hours_38_ anyone else had to be there.He swore to himself to_39_music,as he hated getting to school extra early._40_,one day,in the music class that was _41_ of his schools standard curriculum,he was playing idly (随意地)on the piano and found it _42_ to pi

15、ck out tunes.With a sinking feeling,he realized that he actually _43_ doing it.He tried to hide his _44_ pleasure from the music teacher,who had _45_ over to listen.He might not have done this particularly well,_46_ the teacher told Gabriel that he had a good _47_ and suggested that Gabriel go into

16、the music store-room to see if any of the instruments there _48_ him.There he decided to give the cello(大提琴)a _49_.When he began practicing,he took it very _50_.But he quickly found that he loved playing this instrument,and was _51_ to practicing it so that within a couple of months he was playing r

17、easonably well.This _52_,of course,that he arrived at school early in the morning,_53_ his heavy instrument case across the campus to the _54_ looks of the non-musicians he had left _55_.36.A.travelling B.marchingC.pacing D.struggling答案D根据“with their heavy instrument cases”可知,每天上学的时候,Gabriel总是同情地看着背

18、着沉重乐器的同学们艰难地穿梭于校园中,struggle“努力,艰难地行进,斗争”,符合语境。37.A.rising up B.coming upC.driving up D.turning up答案D根据“_37_ at school for practice hours _38_ anyone else”可知,学习音乐的同学需要比不学音乐的早到学校几个小时,为了练习弹奏乐器。turn up“出现”,符合语境。38.A.before B.after C.until D.since答案A“anyone else”指不学音乐的学生,学习音乐的要比规定的到校时间早到几个小时,before anyon

19、e else had to be there比规定的到校时间早几个小时。这也是Gabriel不想学习音乐的原因之一。39.A.betray B.acceptC.avoid D.appreciate答案C根据“as he hated getting to school extra early”可知,Gabriel讨厌过早到校,因此他对自己发誓“不学”音乐,A背叛;B接受;C避免,避开;D欣赏。故选C。40.A.Therefore B.HoweverC.Thus D.Moreover答案B此处是说,Gabriel在一次音乐课上意外发现自己很喜欢音乐,此处所表达的含义与上一段是转折关系,故选B。41

20、.A.part B.nature C.basis D.spirit答案Athat was _41_ of his schools standard curriculum是定语从句,音乐课是学校标准课程的一部分,言外之意就是说,每个学生都得上这个音乐课。42.A.complicated B.safeC.confusing D.easy答案D根据下句“actually.tried to hide.pleasure”等词或词组可以看出,Gabriel在音乐中找到了乐趣,并试图隐藏这份愉悦,由此可知,此处是说,他发现演奏音乐很容易。故选D。43.A.missed B.disliked C.enjoye

21、d D.denied答案C根据actually可知,Gabriel对音乐的看法有了变化,他实际上是喜欢音乐的,故选C。44.A.transparent B.obviousC.false D.similar答案BGabriel不想让音乐老师看到自己表露出来的很明显的喜悦之情,transparent指(谎言、借口)易看穿的;obvious明显的,显然的;false假的;similar相似的。故选B。 B.joggedC.jumped D.wandered答案D音乐老师在教室里来回走动,听到Gabriel弹奏乐器的声音,就走过来聆听。run跑;jog慢跑;jump跳;wander徘徊

22、,游荡。wander over漫步。46.A.because B.but C.though D.so答案B前句是说他弹得不是特别好,后句是说,老师告诉他他有良好的辨音能力,并且建议他去音乐商店选适合自己的乐器。前后句间为转折关系。47.A.ear B.taste C.heart D.voice答案A老师认为Gabriel有着很好辨音能力,并建议他去挑一件称心的乐器。ear辨音力,灵敏的听力;taste鉴赏力,欣赏力,指对作品的欣赏能力。由于Gabriel没有经过专业的训练,不能说他有很好的音乐鉴赏能力,taste不符合语境。48.A.occurred to B.took toC.appeale

23、d to D.held to答案Coccur to sb某人突然想起;take to开始喜欢;appeal to有吸引力,引起兴趣;hold to抓住。老师让Gabriel找一件自己喜欢的乐器。49.A.change B.chance C.mission D.function答案BGabriel准备试一下大提琴,给大提琴一次机会,即尝试演奏一下大提琴。change改变;chance机会;mission任务;function功能。50.A.seriously B.proudly C.casually D.naturally答案C根据But可知,前后是转折关系,下句说Gabriel发现自己很喜欢大

24、提琴,说明前一句是说他只是随便拉一下。seriously认真地;proudly骄傲地;casually随便地;naturally自然地。51.A.committed D.admitted答案A根据“so that within a couple of months he was playing reasonably well”可知,花了几个月的时间练习之后,Gabriel的大提琴已经拉得非常好了。be committed to sth/doing sth致力于。be used to doing sth“习惯于做某事”;be limited to“被局限于”;be

25、 admitted to“被录取”。故选A。52.A.proved B.showed C.stressed D.meant答案D本段与第一段呼应。学习音乐意味着早到学校,要把沉重的乐器背来背去,meant在此意为“意味着”。53.A.pushing B.dragging C.lifting D.rushing答案B此处是说,Gabriel也得早到学校练习拉琴,也要拖着沉重的乐器。drag指吃力地拖、拉某物,符合语境。push推;lift举起;rush冲。54.A.admiring B.pitying C.annoying D.teasing答案B根据“non-musicians”可知,这里指不

26、学音乐的学生那种同情的表情,根据第一段可得出答案,应该是pitying。55.A.over B.aside C.behind D.out答案Cleave aside搁置一边;leave sb/sth behind把抛在后面,超过;leave out遗漏,不提及。这里指Gabriel走过去之后,身后的学生对他投来同情的目光。Years ago,a critical event occurred in my life that would change it forever.I met Kurt Kampmeir of Success Motivation Incorporation for br

27、eakfast.While we were _36_,Kurt asked me,“John,what is your _37_ for personal growth?”Never at a loss for words,I tried to find things in my life that might _38_for growth.I told him about the many activities in which I was _39_.And I went into a _40_ about how hard I worked and the gains I was maki

28、ng.I must have talked for ten minutes.Kurt _41_ patiently,but then he _42_ smiled and said,“You dont have a personal plan for growth,do you?“No”,I _43_.“You know,” Kurt said simply,“growth is not a(n) _44_ process.”And thats when it _45_ me.I wasnt doing anything _46_ to make myself better.And at th

29、at moment,I made the _47_:I will develop and follow a personal growth plan for my _48_.That night,I talked to my wife about my _49_ with Kurt and what I had learned.I _50_ her the workbook and tapes Kurt was selling.We _51_ that Kurt wasnt just trying to make a sale.He was offering a _52_ for us to change our lives and achieve our dreams.Several important things happened that day.First,we decided to _53_ the resources.But more importantly,we made a commitment to _54_ together as

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