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1、 highly individualized (I know you had trouble with the last test, but because your mistakes were highly idiosyncratic, Im going to deny your request that the class be given a new test.) idolatrous (adj.) excessively worshipping one object or person (Xenas idolatrous fawning over the bandfollowing t

2、hem on tour, starting their fan club, filming their documentaryis really beginning to get on my nerves.) ignominious (adj.) humiliating, disgracing (It was really ignominious to be kicked out of the dorm for having an illegal gas stove in my room.) illicit (adj.) forbidden, not permitted (The fourth

3、-grader learned many illicit words from a pamphlet that was being passed around school.) immerse (v.) to absorb, deeply involve, engross (After breaking up with her boyfriend, Nancy decided to immerse herself in her work in order to avoid crying.) immutable (adj.) not changeable (The laws of physics

4、 are immutable and constant.) impassive (adj.) stoic, not susceptible to suffering (Stop being so impassive; its healthy to cry every now and then.) impeccable (adj.) exemplary, flawless (If your grades were as impeccable as your sisters, then you too would receive a car for a graduation present.) i

5、mpecunious (adj.) poor (“I fear hes too impecunious to take me out tonight,” the bratty girl whined.) imperative 1. (adj.) necessary, pressing (It is imperative that you have these folders organized by midday.) 2. (n.) a rule, command, or order (Her imperative to have the folders organized by midday

6、 was perceived as ridiculous by the others.) imperious (adj.) commanding, domineering (The imperious nature of your manner led me to dislike you at once.) impertinent (adj.) rude, insolent (Most of your comments are so impertinent that I dont wish to dignify them with an answer.) impervious (adj.) i

7、mpenetrable, incapable of being affected (Because of their thick layer of fur, many seals are almost impervious to the cold.) impetuous (adj.) rash; hastily done (Hildas hasty slaying of the king was an impetuous, thoughtless action.) impinge 1. (v.) to impact, affect, make an impression (The hail i

8、mpinged the roof, leaving large dents.) 2. (v.) to encroach, infringe (I apologize for impinging upon you like this, but I really need to use your bathroom. Now.) implacable (adj.) incapable of being appeased or mitigated (Watch out: once you shun Grandmas cooking, she is totally implacable.) implem

9、ent 1. (n.) an instrument, utensil, tool (Do you have a knife or some other sort of implement that I could use to pry the lid off of this jar?) 2. (v.) to put into effect, to institute (After the first town curfew failed to stop the graffiti problem, the mayor implemented a new policy to use securit

10、y cameras to catch perpetrators in the act.) implicate (v.) to involve in an incriminating way, incriminate (Even though Tom wasnt present at the time of the shooting, he was implicated by the evidence suggesting that he had supplied the shooters with guns.) implicit (adj.) understood but not outwar

11、dly obvious, implied (I know Professor Smith didnt actually say not to write from personal experience, but I think such a message was implicit in her instruction to use scholarly sources.) impregnable (adj.) resistant to capture or penetration (Though the invaders used battering rams, catapults, and

12、 rain dances, the fortress proved impregnable and resisted all attacks.) impudent (adj.) casually rude, insolent, impertinent (The impudent young man looked the princess up and down and told her she was hot even though she hadnt asked him.) impute (v.) to ascribe, blame (The CEO imputed the many typ

13、os in the letter to his lazy secretary.) inane (adj.) silly and meaningless (Some films are so inane that the psychology of the characters makes absolutely no sense.) inarticulate (adj.) incapable of expressing oneself clearly through speech (Though he spoke for over an hour, the lecturer was comple

14、tely inarticulate and the students had incarnate 1. (adj.) existing in the flesh, embodied (In the church pageant, I play the role of greed incarnate.) 2. (v.) to give human form to (The alien evaded detection by incarnating himself in a human form.) incendiary 1. (n.) a person who agitates (If we c

15、atch the incendiary who screamed “bomb” in the middle of the soccer match, were going to put him in jail.) 2. (adj.) inflammatory, causing combustion (Gas and lighter fluid are incendiary materials that should be kept out of hot storage areas.) incessant (adj.) unending (We wanted to go outside and

16、play, but the incessant rain kept us indoors for two days.) inchoate (adj.) unformed or formless, in a beginning stage (The countrys government is still inchoate and, because it has no great tradition, quite unstable.) incisive (adj.) clear, sharp, direct (The discussion wasnt going anywhere until h

17、er incisive comment allowed everyone to see what the true issues were.) inclination (n.) a tendency, propensity (Sarah has an inclination to see every foreign film she hears about, even when shes sure that she wont like it.) incontrovertible (adj.) indisputable (Only stubborn Tina would attempt to d

18、isprove the incontrovertible laws of physics.) incorrigible (adj.) incapable of correction, delinquent (You can buy Grandma nicotine gum all you want, but I think that after sixty-five years of smoking shes incorrigible.) increment (n.) an enlargement; the process of increasing(The workmen made the

19、wall longer, increment by increment.) incumbent 1. (n.) one who holds an office (The incumbent senator is already serving his fifth term.) 2. (adj.) obligatory (It is incumbent upon this organization to offer aid to all who seek it.) indefatigable (adj.) incapable of defeat, failure, decay (Even aft

20、er traveling 62 miles, the indefatigable runner kept on moving.) indigenous (adj.) originating in a region (Some fear that these plants, which are not indigenous to the region, may choke out the vegetation that is native to the area.) indigent (adj.) very poor, impoverished (I would rather donate mo

21、ney to help the indigent population than to the park sculpture fund.) indignation (n.) anger sparked by something unjust or unfair (I resigned from the sorority because of my indignation at its hazing of new members.) indolent (adj.) lazy (Why should my indolent children, who cant even pick themselv

22、es up off the couch to pour their own juice, be rewarded with a trip to the mall?) indomitable (adj.) not capable of being conquered (To be honest, Jim, my indomitable nature means I could never take orders from anyone, and especially not from a jerk like you.) induce (v.) to bring about, stimulate

23、(Who knew that our decision to boycott school lunch would induce a huge riot? ineffable (adj.) unspeakable, incapable of being expressed through words (It is said that the experience of playing with a dolphin is ineffable and can only be understood through direct encounter.) inept (adj.) not suitabl

24、e or capable, unqualified (She proved how inept she was when she forgot three orders and spilled a beer in a customers lap.) inexorable (adj.) incapable of being persuaded or placated (Although I begged for hours, Mom was inexorable and refused to let me stay out all night after the prom.) inextrica

25、ble (adj.) hopelessly tangled or entangled (Unless I look at the solution manual, I have no way of solving this inextricable problem.) infamy (n.) notoriety, extreme ill repute (The infamy of his crime will not lessen as the decades pass.) infusion (n.) an injection of one substance into another; th

26、e permeation of one substance by another (The infusion of Eastern religion into Western philosophy created interesting new schools of thought.) ingenious (adj.) clever, resourceful (Her ingenious use of walnuts instead of the peanuts called for by the recipe was lauded by the other garden club membe

27、rs who found her cake delicious.) ingenuous (adj.) not devious; innocent and candid (He must have writers, but his speeches seem so ingenuous its hard to believe hes not speaking from his own heart.) inhibit (v.) to prevent, restrain, stop (When I told you I needed the car last night, I certainly ne

28、ver meant to inhibit you from going out.) inimical (adj.) hostile, enemylike (I dont see how I could ever work for a company that was so cold and inimical to me during my interviews.) iniquity (n.) wickedness or sin (“Your iniquity,” said the priest to the practical jokester, “will be forgiven.”) in

29、junction (n.) an order of official warning (After his house was toilet-papered for the fifth time, the mayor issued an injunction against anyone younger than 21 buying toilet paper.) innate (adj.) inborn, native, inherent (His incredible athletic talent is innate, he never trains, lifts weights, or

30、practices.) innocuous (adj.) harmless, inoffensive (In spite of their innocuous appearance, these mushrooms are actually quite poisonous.) innovate (v.) to do something in an unprecedented way (Because of the stiff competition, the company knew it needed to pour a lot of energy into innovating new and better products.) innuendo (n.) an insinuation (During the debate, the politician made several innuendos about the sexual activities of his opponent.) inoculate (v.) to introduce a microorganism, serum, or vaccine into an organism in order to increase immunity to illne

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