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1、TWO. You have THIRTY seconds to preview the choices. Now, listen to the first interview. Questions 1 to 5 are based on Part One of the interview. Now listen to the interview. A. Announcement of results. B. Lack of a time schedule. 1 / 14 C. Slowness in ballots counting. D. Direction of the electoral

2、 events. A. Other voices within Afghanistan wanted so. B. The date had been set previously. C. All the ballots had been counted. D. The UN advised them to do so. A. To calm the voters. B. To speed up the process. C. To stick to the election rules. A. Unacceptable. B. Unreasonable. C. Insensible. D.

3、Ill considered. A. Supportive. B. Ambivalent. C. Opposed. D. Neutral. Now listening to Part Two of the interview. Questions 6 to 10 are based on Part Two of the interview. A. Ensure the government includes all parties. B. Discuss who is going to be the winner. C. Supervise the counting of votes. 2 /

4、 14 D. Seek support from important sectors. A. 36%-24%. B. 46%-34%. C. 56%-44%. D. 66%-54%. A. Both candidates. B. Electoral institutions. C. The United Nations. D. Not specified. A. It was unheard of. B. It was on a small scale. C. It was insignificant. D. It occurred elsewhere. A. Problems in the

5、electoral process. B. Formation of a new government. C. Premature announcement of results. D. Democracy in Afghanistan. PART READING COMPREHENSION 25 MIN SECTION A MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS In this section there are three passages followed by fourteen multiple choice questions. For each multiple cho

6、ice question, there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that you think is the best answer and mark your answer on ANSWER SHEET TWO. 3 / 14 PASSAGE ONE (1) “Britains best export,” I was told by the Department of Immigration in Canberra, “is people.” Close on 100,000 people

7、 have applied for assisted passages in the first five months of the year, and half of these are eventually expected to migrate to Australia. (2) The Australian are delighted. They are keenly ware that without a strong flow of immigrants into the workforce the development of the Australian economy is

8、 unlikely to proceed at the ambitious pace currently envisaged. The new mineral discoveries promise a splendid future, and the injection of huge amounts of American and British capital should help to ensure that they are properly exploited, but with unemployment in Australia down to less than 1.3 pe

9、r cent, the government is understandably anxious to attract more skilled labor. (3) Australia is roughly the same size as the continental United States, but has only twelve million inhabitants. Migration has accounted for half the population increase in the last four years, and has contributed great

10、ly to the countrys impressive economic development. Britain has always been the principal source ninety per cent of Australians are of British descent, and Britain has provided one million migrants since the Second World War. (4) Australia has also given great attention to recruiting people elsewher

11、e. Australians decided they had an excellent potential source of applicants among the so-called “guest workers” who have crossed their own frontiers to work in other arts of Europe. There were estimated to be more than four million of them, and a large number were offered subsidized passages and gua

12、ranteed jobs in Australia. Italy has for some years been the second biggest source of migrants, and the Australians have also managed to attract a large number of Greeks and Germans. (9) Most British migrants miss council housing the National Health scheme, and their relatives and former neighbor. L

13、oneliness is a big factor, especially among housewives. The men soon make new friends at work, but wives tend to find it much harder to get used to a different way of life. Many are housebound because of inadequate public transport in most outlying suburbs, and regular correspondence with their old

14、friends at home only serves to increase their discontent. One 4 / 14 housewife was quoted recently as saying: “I even find I miss the people I used to hate at home.” (10) Rent are high, and there are long waiting lists for Housing Commission homes. Sickness can be an expensive business and the clima

15、te can be unexpectedly rough. The gap between Australian and British wage packets is no longer big, and people are generally expected to work harder here than they do at home. Professional men over forty often have difficulty in finding a decent job. Above all, perhaps, skilled immigrants often find

16、s a considerable reluctance to accept their qualifications. (11) According to the journal Australian Manufacturer, the attitude of many employers and fellow workers is anything but friendly. “We Australians,” it stated in a recent issue, “are just too fond of painting the rosy picture of the big, wa

17、rm-hearted Aussie. As a matter of fact, we are so busy blowing our own trumpets that we have not not time to be warm-hearted and considerate. Go down “heart-break alley” among some of the migrants and find out just how expansive the Aussie is to his immigrants.” The Australians want a strong flow of

18、 immigrants because . Immigrants speed up economic expansion unemployment is down to a low figure immigrants attract foreign capital Australia is as large as the United States Australia prefers immigrants from Britain because . they are selected carefully before entry they are likely to form nationa

19、l groups they are fond of living in small towns In explaining why some migrants return to Europe the author . 5 / 14 stresses their economic motives emphasizes the variety of their motives stresses loneliness and homesickness emphasizes the difficulties of men over forty which of the following words

20、 is used literally, not metaphorically?“flow” (Para. 2). “injection” (Para. 2). “gravitate” (Para. 5). “selective” (Para. 6). Para. 11 pictures the Australians as . unsympathetic ungenerous undemonstrative unreliable PASSAGE TWO (1) Some of the advantages of bilingualism include better performance a

21、t tasks involving “executive function” (which involves the brains ability to plan and prioritize), better defense against dementia in old age andthe obviousthe ability to speak a second language. One purported advantage was not mentioned, though. Many multilinguals report different personalities, or

22、 even different worldviews, when they speak their different languages. (2) Its an exciting notion, the idea that ones very self could be broadened by the mastery of two or more languages. In obvious ways (exposure to new friends, literature and so forth) the self really is broadened. Yet it is diffe

23、rent to claimas 6 / 14 many people doto have a different personality when using a different language. A former Economist colleague, for example, reported being ruder in Hebrew than in English. So what is going on here?(3) Benjamin Lee Whorf, an American linguist who died in 1941, held that each lang

24、uage encodes a worldview that significantly influences its speakers. Often called “Whorfianism”, this idea has its sceptics, but there are still good reasons to believe language shapes thought. (4) This influence is not necessarily linked to the vocabulary or grammar of a second language. Significan

25、tly, most people are not symmetrically bilingual. Many have learned one language at home from parents, and another later in life, usually at school. So bilinguals usually have different strengths and weaknesses in their different languagesand they are not always best in their first language. For exa

26、mple, when tested in a foreign language, people are less likely to fall into a cognitive trap (answering a test question with an obvious-seeming but wrong answer) than when tested in their native language. In part this is because working in a second language slows down the thinking. No wonder people

27、 feel different when speaking them. And no wonder they feel looser, more spontaneous, perhaps more assertive or funnier or blunter, in the language they were reared in from childhood. (6) Many bilinguals are not bicultural. But some are. And of those bicultural bilinguals, we should be little surpri

28、sed that they feel different in their two languages. Experiments in psychology have shown the power of “priming”small unnoticed factors that can affect behavior in big ways. Asking people to tell a happy story, for example, will put them in a better mood. The choice between two languages is a huge p

29、rime. Speaking Spanish rather than English, for a bilingual and bicultural Puerto Rican in New York, might conjure feelings of family and home. Switching to English might prime the same person to think of school and work. (7) So there are two very good reasons (asymmetrical ability, and priming) that make people feel different speaking their different languages. We are still left with a third kind

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