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1、give n below. Changeformwheren ecessary. in ter nalditchfabuloussti net1.The police _blundered badly byarresti ng the wrong man.警察抓错了人,犯了很严重的错误。2.The house was severely destroyed,so the couple spe nt thousa nds ofdollars _renovating it.那个房子严重被毁坏,所以这对夫妇花费了上千 元修复它。3.The pilot was forced to _ditch_ _ t

2、he jet pla ne in the Gulf becaus e of the hijack ing.由于劫机,飞行被迫将飞机开进沟里。4.Uni ike the Satellite, it has no_internal battery, though it will accept external batteries made f or the iPad.不像卫星楼,它没有屏障,虽然它们将接受外部 屏障被用于苹果。5.Thebasis for trai ning relies on the dog s n atural _instinet to hunt.训练的基础依赖于狗的狩猎自然的

3、本能。6.The _plaster was beginning tofall from the walls.那个灰泥开始从墙上掉下来。7.During each war the mono poly capitalists amassed fabulous wealth.在每个战争中垄断的资本家们积累难以置信的 财富。8.At college he studied En glish and did _amateur box ing .在大学他学习英语和打业余拳击。B. Fill in the bla nks with the exp ressions given below. Change th

4、e for m where necessary.1.Don t _beat yourself up_ oversometh ing that you have no con trol over.不要自责,一些事你不能控制。2.They decided to _call in a doctor because the child was not anybetter.他们决定打电话给医生,因为孩子没有好转。3.Ultimately, he said, the issue came down to _a dispute between the two coun tries.当初,他说,那个问题是两国

5、之间的争端引起的。4.I always said he would _ wi ndup in jail.我总是说他将以进监狱而结局。5.Growth is a process of _ trialand error . You can learnas much from failure as you can fr om success. Maybe more.成长是一个不断摸索的过程,你可以从失败中学 到很多正如你从成功中一样。可能更多。6.The bridge must be repaired withi n three days _ at all costs .三天之内,一定要不惜任何代价

6、修理好这个桥。这座房子在地震中损毁严重,汤姆花了不少钱来 修它。The house was badly damaged in the earthquake, and Tom spent a lot o f money renovating it.正如史蒂夫乔布斯所指出的,不断摸索一直都 是苹果模式的一部分。As Steve Jobs no ted, trial and error has always bee n part of the Appl e model.如果你总是无所事事,最后结果会 怎样呢?当然是失败If you are idli ng around all the time, w

7、hat will you wi nd up with? O f course, failure. 别犯错 现在可是关键时刻,谨慎是永远不会错的Don t make a blunder it is a critical time now, and cau tion will n ever be wrong.你不要为难自己,毕竟你是个新手。You shouldn t beat yourself up; after all, youare a gree n hand.中国人通常在屋子里挂灯笼过元宵(the Lan tern Festival)。自制纸灯笼只需要彩色硬 纸、剪刀和胶水(construc

8、tion paper, scissorsand glue)。首先,将一张长方形的(rectangular) 纸对折,从对折线往开口处,每隔4厘米就剪开 一直线。每次不要剪到底,留边约 2厘米。然后 打开硬纸,将纸卷成圆筒状(cylinder),接着在 两条短边上涂好胶水后把它们黏在一起。最后, 剪下长12厘米、宽1厘米的一硬纸条做灯笼柄, 并把剪好的纸条黏在灯笼上端的内沿上。Chinese people always celebrate the LanternFestival by hanging up Chin ese Ian ter ns inthe house. Construction

9、 paper, scissors and glue are all things you n eed for DIY of a paper lantern. First, folda rectangular piece of paper in half, and cut along the folded edge every 4 cm. Don t cut all theway to the edge of the paper, leav ing about2 cm at the top of each cut. Next, unfold the paper,and roll it into

10、a cylinder. Then apply gluealong the short edges and press the paper together.Last, make the handle of the lantern by cutting a strip of construction paper 12 cm long and 1 cmwide, and glue the strip cut-out to thein side edges of the lantern s top margi n.Unit 2A. Fill in the bla nks with the wor d

11、s given below. Change the form whe re n cti on appare ntly elaborate botherprese nee sacred disregard radically1.I m sorry to _ bother you, but can you direct me to the railway stati on?我很抱歉打扰你,但是你能指导我去火车站吗?2.Hisfather grew in creas in gly n ervous athis son s disregard for dan ger.他的父亲

12、在他的儿子忽视危险的时候增加担心3.I regard it as a sacred _ trust to carry out my father s last wishes.我把完成父亲最后的遗愿最为一件神圣的事情4.The health service must be radically reformed.健康服务必须彻底地改革5.Ben eath that _ appare ntly calm surface is a man of fierce temper.冷静的外表下显然是一个男人的暴脾气6.This teleph one can also _ function as a fax m

13、achine.这个电话也可以有传真的功能7.She made _ elaborate _ prepara tions for the party, but no one sh owed up.她为了聚会精心准备,但是没有人出席8.She was so quiet that her _ presenee was hardly noticed .她是如此的安静以至于她的在场很少有人注意B. Fill in the bla nks with the expressions given below. Change the form where necessary. swarm with do away

14、 with thi nk nothing of to the exclusi on of well off die away1.The place is swarming with pickpockets.这个地方充满了扒手2.The sheer ( 欢 呼声) had _ died away and therewas a moment of absolute silenee.欢呼声逐渐消失,而且一阵短暂的沉默3.Never concen trate all your atte ntion on one or two problems, _ to the exclusi on of _ oth

15、ers.不要把你所有的精力放在一个或者两个问题上, 把其他问题排除在外4.We are _batter off this yearthan we were last year.我们比去年更富有5.In order truly to _ do away with nuclear threat, it is necessary to completely prohibit and t horoughly destroy nu clear weap ons.为了真正消除核危害,必须禁止和破坏核武器6.Theydon t know that people in some pla ces think n

16、othing of staring at otherson the street.他们不知道一些地方的人们把盯着街上的其他人认为很平常。政府正努力改善公众的住房条件?The government is striving for improveme nts in public hous ing这五个圆环被认为象征了五大洲:欧洲?亚洲?非 洲?大洋洲以及美洲?The five rings are thought to symbo lize the five continen ts: Europe, Asia, Africa, Ocea nia andAmerica.他父亲淡淡地一笑,试图要他放心,

17、一切都安然 无恙。His father smiled weakly in an atte mpt to reassure him that everythingwas all right. 他的沉默实际就是拒 绝。 His sile nee is in effect a refusal.我开始调查,试图发现他们解雇她的原因。I begi n to probe and try to find out why they have dismissed her.传统上,中文里没有隐私这一概念。这是因为 在中国,集体主义这一价值观受到高度赞扬。 另 一方面,中国人喜欢和家人住在一起,他们认为 这样显示了

18、和谐的人际关系。我们甚至看到在中 国,不同的家庭住在一个大院子里。 在这样的居 住环境下是没有隐私可言的。因此,中国人觉得 凡事不必隐藏。Traditi on ally, there is no equivale nt termfor “ privacy ” in Chinese. This is because the value of collectivism is praised highly in China. On the other hand, Chinese people enjoy livi ng together with their familymembers becaus

19、e it is a way to show harm onious huma n relati on ship. It is notstrange for us to find that even people from different families share a big courtyard in Chi na. Withsuch arra ngeme nts, privacy would be hardlypossible. So,nothing should be con cealed.Chin esepeoplefeelthatUnit 3A.Fill in thebla nk

20、swordsgive n below.Changewheren ecessary. gloomy wrin kle undern eathwilli ng gen tly ast onish vex treat1.You must gently hold the n ewly born baby.你必须温柔的拥抱新出生的婴儿。2._ Undern eath _his rather strictmanner, he is really very kin dhearted.在他严格的举止下,他是真的善良。3.His magic act will amaze and _astonish you.他的

21、魔术将会令你惊奇和震惊。4.When I saw their _ gloomy faces, I knew something was wrong当我看到他们阴沉的脸,我知道一些事错了。5.She is begi nning to get _ wrin kle s round her eyes.她开始在眼角出现皱纹。6.It _ vexed her to be ignoredlike this.她被这样的人所忽视,使她很恼火。7.Mr. Brown took his son to a cric ket match as a birthday _ treat布朗先生带着他的儿子去一个板球比赛作为

22、生 日请客。8.His lack of experienee was balanee d by his _ willingness to learn他缺乏经验,但他乐于学习B. Fillin theexpressi onsform wheren ecessary.blow upwearoutrustleup startstormputup withI.Afterfin ishi nghousework,sheworeherselfup做完家务后,她就穿上了自己的衣服。2.He was so angry that he _ stormed out of his office and siamme

23、d the door.他很生气,他飞快的走出办公室,关上了门。3.Most begi nners _ start out _ with too little money.大多数初学者一开始钱很少。4.1 m afraidyou ll have to put up with hisbad temper.恐怕你将不得不忍受他的坏脾气。5.He was jailed for 45 years for_tryi ng to blow up a pla ne.他被判45年由于试图炸毁一架飞机。6.1 ll try and _ rustle up ameal for all of us.我将试着为我们所有

24、人搞到一顿饭。1.他指责老板不守信,欺骗了他He accused the boss of having broke n his word and cheated him.2.使我吃惊的是,那汉子毫不费劲地把石头举了 起来。To my astonishment, the man liftedthe rock effortlessly.3.我肯定他在赌博中输掉了所有的钱。I bet that he s lost all his money in the gamble4.为了挽救妻子的性命,任何辛苦的工作他都愿 意干。In order to save his wife s life, he is w

25、illi ng to do any hard work.5.听到这悲痛的消息,我们不禁潸然泪下。We could not but weep at the sad n ews.在中国,婚礼习俗各地不同,但也有共同点。 在过去,举行婚礼前,新娘会由一位当地德高望 重的老年妇女为她用彩色的棉绳扎头发。新娘要 穿红裙子,因为中国人认为红色喜庆。新郎也要 穿红褂子(be in red gown)。他们要拜(kowtow) 天地,父母和夫妻对拜。在有的地方,婚礼的当 晚亲戚朋友们会闹洞房( play games in thebridal chamber )。婚后的第三天,新婚夫妇要 回新娘的娘家,和亲戚们

26、聚餐。In China, marriage customs differ by regions, but there are someth ing in comm on. In the past, before the wedding ceremony, the bride would be helped by a respectable old woma n to tie up her hair with colorful cottonthreads. She should wear a red skirt as Chin ese believed red is the symbol of delight. The bridegroom was also in a red gown. They should kowtow

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