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1、S2: Im watching TV. (ect.)sing-singing / watch-watching / play-playing /ect.这样设计的目的是让学生在交际情景中感受出现在进行时的结构和用法。Step 3 Practice1. Show some pictures and let the students ask and answer in pairs. e.g What are you doing ? I am eating. What is he doing ? He is eating. What are they doing? Theyre eating.2.

2、Practice Section A (1a)3. 然后叫学生归纳出现在进行时的结构句型。 主语 + am/ is / are+ 动词的现在分词(培养学生归纳能力,找出记忆的规律。Step 4 Listening 接下来的任务型听力要求学生对动作作出反应,教师可承接刚开始的话题,引导学生根据所学语言完成以下任务:1.What are the people doing?2.Write numbers from 1a below.3.Check the answers in pairs like this:A: What is Jenny doing? B: He is watching TV.

3、What are Dave and Mary doing? They are eating dinner. What is John doing?B: He is doing homework.(通过听力训练,现在进行时的结构得以很好的落实Step 5 Pairwork 接着教师叫一些学生背向着全班同学来做一些动作,让其他学生来猜他或她正在干什么。(小组比赛,猜对的同学以一颗红星加以鼓励,比一比哪组同学的红星最多。如:Is LiLei writing? No, he isnt. ect. 直到猜对为止。(在课堂活动中实行鼓励性评价,能促进学生的竞争意识和学习英语的积极性。然后叫学生看第26页

4、2C 部分的内容,让学生进行结队练习。本部分要求学生掌握一些固定的词组搭配,如: write a letter, eat dinner, do homework, talk with 等。Step 6 Group work 接下来我设计的任务是要求三个学生为一小组, 进行问答练习。What are you doing ? I am talking.He/ Shes talking. Is he/ she talking? Yes, he/ she is. / No, he/ she isnt.(这样的活动既可以培养学生的合作意识,又能在情景中用现在进行时交际,巩固了本节课的重点,从而突破了难点

5、,促使学生在学习过程中学会细心观察。Homework:1.熟记本课的单词、词组和句型。2.完成Shelf Check 3.3.观察今晚自己一家人做的事。教学设计反思:The Second Period ( Section A / 2a , 2b , 3a, 3b)1. 教师做几个动作,要求学生进行问答练习: What is the teacher doing? She is cleaning the classroom ect. 2、然后三人活动,一人做动作,另两人进行问答练习。 What is he / she doing? He/ She is playing soccer. Is he/

6、 She playing football?(通过复习,使学生巩固上一节课的主要内容,为本节课进一步学习现在进行时打下基础。Step 2 Presentation 教师要求一位学生做打电话样子,然后问:What is he/ she doing?I am talking on the phone.T: Do you want to go to the movies?S: Sure./ Thats sounds good.Step 3 Practice 1.Ask some students to make a conversation. What are you doing?2. Sectio

7、n 2b. Put these questions and answers in order to make a conversation. Then listen to the tape carefully. Check the answers.(目的是让学生进一步巩固现在进行时的用法。Step 3 Listening (2a) 要求学生听一段对话,然后回答一些问题。 检查学生的听力情况。Step 4 Practice1. Show some pictures and ask the students to make a conversation about them( Role play)

8、 I am reading. Sure. When do you want to go? Lets go at 7:00.2. Ask the students to write the number of the picture next to the correct conversation.(利用模拟情景,可以培养学生初步综合运用语言的能力,同时巩固本节课的重点句型,达到学以致用的目的。1.熟记本课的单词和重点句型。2、根据今天所学过的重点句型,编一则对话。The Third Period( Section A 4 -Section B/ 1a-2c)Step 1. Warming up

9、教师出示几幅图片,要求学生进行问答练习。Whats he/ she doing? He/ She is playing basketball. What are they doing ? They are playing football. Is he/ she swimming ? Yes, he/she is. / No, he/ she isn接着教师以前面复习的这几幅画,引入本课的现在进行时的各种特殊疑问句,如:Where are they playing football? Who is he/ she talking to? ect.教师在引入新课的前提下,接下来提供以下任务,要求

10、学生去完成。(1)教师出示Section B/ 1a 中的六幅图片,要求学生用现在进行时的各种疑问句进行问答。 (2)要求学生在问答的基础上,完成Section B/ 1a中的表格。(本环节通过各种活动,目的是强化训练,加深印象, 为运用将打下最坚实的基础。在上面环节的基础上,教师要求学生做以下的听力练习,根据听到的内容,完成下面的表格。(Section B/ 2b)(通过本次的听力练习, 强化学生现在进行时的运用)Step 5 Pairwork 承接上部分听力内容,要求学生在模拟情景中进行交际:如: Hello, is Tina there ? No, she isnt. Where is

11、she ? She is at home. Whats she doing now?She is watching TV.Does she want to go to the movies?Sure. Lets go there at 7:(通过学生在模拟情景中交际,目的是培养学生综合运用语言的能力,能在做中学,在学中用.)1.熟记本节课的重点句型.2.画一张或带一张家庭活动的照片.The Fourth Period ( Section B / 3a-4)1. 教师出示几张图片,要求学生就图片中的内容进行问答. Where is he / she playing football? Who i

12、s he/ she playing with?2.然后要求学生就图片中的内容,用完整的句子进行介绍.(目的是培养学生观察能力及用英语表达的能力.)Step 2 Reading 1.教师把刚才出示的图片顺序打乱,要求学生根据老师提供的具体内容,一个学生陈述,另一个学生重新排列图片的顺序.2.要求学生读Mike 写给他笔友的信,然后重新排列图片的顺序.(Section B / 3a)(在第一步的基础上,学生会比较容易读懂这封信,对第二步的任务也比较容易完成)Step 3 Group work要求学生出示带来的照片,进行问答练习(Tell the group about your photos.)(

13、这样的小组活动,有利于培养学生的合作,又能让学生在实践中学习,在交流中运用语言.)1.熟记本单元的单词,词组和重点句型.2.注意观察同学在课间的活动,用现在进行时写一篇报道.Unit 7 Its raining!Period OneSection A 1a, 1b, 1c, 2a+ Section B 1a, 1b. Teaching aims1. KnowledgeWords:rain,windy,cloudy,sunny,snow,weather,Moscow,Boston,hows,bad,terrinle,pretty,cool, cold, humid, warm, hotSente

14、nce structures: Hows it going? Hows the weather? Whats the weather like?2. Ability: Talk about the weather and greet each other with a new structure.3. Cultural awareness: A new way of greetings and asking about the weather is quite a common greeting in western countries.Important points: A new way

15、of greetings and the description words about the weather.Difficult points: Its raining/windy/cloudy/sunny/snowing/. Great! /Not bad! /Terrible! /Pretty good!Teaching procedures Step1. Warming up1. Ask the Ss randomly: Whats the date today? What day is it today? How are you?2. Give a new expression w

16、hich has the same meaning as How are you? : But the new one has more answers.Step2. Presentation1. Show 4 faces on the screen and ask Ss to describe each face using whatever words they can. Help Ss identify each person is feeling.2. Then show 4 words. Say the words and ask Ss to repeat each one. Ask

17、 Ss to match each remembered phrase with a face. Encourage them to spell the phrases by How do you spell it?3. Practice with the new structure by the whole class: Choose one to the front and the others guess the description words through his/her facial expressions.Step3. Presentation1. Let one stude

18、nt ask me: I may answer like this: Terrible! Because its snowing and its so cold. Show a picture of snowing day and children are making a snowman and pretend to be very cold. Make Ss guess the words: the weather and snowing. Ask them: Get them to answer like: Its snowing/snowy. Go on with other kind

19、s of weather: sunny, rainy, cloudy, windy.2. Point out the numbered list of description words. Say each one and ask Ss to repeat the words again. Then ask Ss to match each word with one of cities in the picture. Check the answers.3. Play the tape and get Ss to write the city names in the boxes. Chec

20、k the answers. Look at the 5 pictures in 1a. Encourage Ss to use the description words to describe the weather: Beijingsunny and warm/hot Shanghaicloudy and cool Bostonwindy and cool Moscowsnowing and cold Torontoraining and humid. Show an arrow to identify the degree of the 4 adjectives: cold, cool

21、, warm and hot.4. Practice with the structures: and Whats the weather like? with the 5 pictures The exact weather on that day should not be missed. Note: Talking about the weather is quite common in western countries as a daily greeting.Step4. Weather reportShow a weather map of China. Get Ss to mak

22、e a weather report as a CCTV anchor. They may begin with asking the weather in each city, then make up a report about it.Step5. ChantShow an easy chant to reinforce the questions and words about the weather.Step6. Homework1. Copy the new words 4 times each.2. Summarize the usages of how in questions

23、.3. Watch a weather report on TV and take down some notes about the weather forecast for tomorrow, and then write a report about it.Period TwoSection A 2a, 2b, 2c, 3b+ Grammar Focus cook, study What are you/ they doing? We/ They are What is he/she doing? He/ She is Yes/No questions and short answers

24、. Ask and answer the Present Progressive Tense, and describe the activities people are doing The inner feelings of the Ss are motivated by understanding and comparing different peoples lives in different areas. the correct use of the Present Progressive Tense Describe the weather and activities with

25、 the Present Progressive TenseStep1. Warming up and revision 1. Daily greetings: Howre you today? How is the weather? Ask these questions randomly to the Ss to revise what they learned yesterday. 2. Point out the conversation in the large picture in 3b on P33 and ask two Ss to read it to the class.

26、Practice it in pairs, then change some of the words and make their own conversations. 3. If Ss do quite well, show a piece of cartoon of the Snow-white and the seven dwarfs. Step2. Presentation 1. After showing the cartoon, ask Ss: (They are singing and dancing.) Show more pictures with questions: W

27、hats he/she doing? and Whatre they doing? to get Ss to practice the tense which is the core grammar of this period. Get Ss to guess out the word cook by the picture. Choosing the right words and pair work are added as the reinforcements. 2Lets see what Joes families are doing. Point to the 4 pictures (The girl in the second picture is talking on the phone with the first speaker.). Ask Ss tell each p

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