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1、C. You might lose motivation by doing the same things over and over again.D. One of the best ways to motivate oneself is to get inspired by others success.E. Remember, positive thinking gives you motivation to achieve what you want.F. By doing so you will get motivated and your attitudes towards lif

2、e will be positive.G. Do things that make you happy and find inspiration in possibly everything you see.参考答案:36-40 EDACF二Do you want to be at the top of your class? Add these tips to your life and you should be on your way to being a top student!31 I cannot stress how important it is to pay attentio

3、n to what your teacher is teaching you. Take part in class discussions if you have something worthwhile to add. Pay attention during class, especially during lectures.Taking notes is important. You dont need to write down every single word your teacher says but write down what he/she writes on the b

4、oard, or any special fact you think you might need for a test. 32 This way it will help you learn more effectively by actually thinking about what you are writing.Dont skip school. You will be missing out on stuff . 33 However, you will have more work and you have missed lectures and in-class movies

5、. Also, try not to be late for class. Its most likely that your teacher wont appreciate it and you will get yourself behind.34 If you have an I dont care about school or this class attitude, then teachers will be less willing to help you with problems or offer you extra credit. The same goes for laz

6、y attitude. Have a respectful attitude to the teacher and other students. Try not to laugh when other students make a mistake.Always ask questions. 35 . If you dont understand, ask someone. Read your textbook and notes, and then if that fails, seek help. Ask a teacher, friend, classmate, parent, etc

7、. Get a tutor if you need one. A. There is no shame in needing some help.B. Staying organized will be helpful. C. Be prepared. D. Pay attention to everything the teacher says.E. Write in your own words.F. Keep a good attitude towards things.G. It is true that you could make up the work.31-35 DEGFA三T

8、he jobs of the future have not yet been invented. _31_ By helping them develop classic skills that will serve them well no matter what the future holds.1. CuriosityYour children need to be deeply curious. _32_ Ask kids, “What ingredients(配料) can we add to make these pancakes even better next time?”

9、and then try them out. Did these ingredients make the pancakes better? What could we try next time?2. Creativity(创造力)True creativity is the ability to take something existing and create something new from it. _33_ There are a dozen different things you can do with them. Experimenting with materials

10、to create something new can go a long way in helping them develop their creativity.3. Interpersonal Skills (人际交往能力)Understanding how others feel can be a challenge for kids. We know whats going on inside our own head, but what about others? Being able to read people helps kids from misreading a situ

11、ation and jumping to false conclusions. _34_ “Why do you think shes crying?” “Can you tell how that man is feeling by looking at his face?” “If someone were to do that to you, how would you feel?”4. Self-expression_35_ There are many ways to express thoughts and ideas- music, acting, drawing, buildi

12、ng, photography. You may find that your child is attracted by one more than another.A. Encourage kids to cook with you.B. And we cant forget science education.C. We can give kids chances to think about materials in new ways.D. So how can we help our kids prepare for jobs that dont yet exist.E. Garde

13、ning is another great activity for helping kids develop this skill.F. We can do this in real life or ask questions about characters in stories.G. Being able to communicate ideas in a meaningful way is a valuable skill.31-35DACFG四What is happiness? When you can feel inner peace and satisfaction, you

14、are happy._1_ This usually happens when we do something we love or achieve something that we value. It is our opinions that make us feel happy or unhappy. All of us constantly go through various situations or conditions, but we do not have to let them influence our reactions and feelings._2_Try hard

15、 to make a change of the way you look at things._3_ That means looking at the good and positive side of every situation. Pay attention to solutions, not problems. Listen to relaxing and uplifting music. Watch funny and interesting programs that make you laugh.Always look at what you have done and no

16、t at what you havent done. Look at what you can do, not at what you cannot do. Each day do at least one act to make others happy. When you make someone happy, youll become happy, and then people will try to make you happy._4_ On the contrary, be happy for their happiness. Communicate with happy peop

17、le and try to learn from them to be happy. Remember, do your best to stay detached (冷静的) when things do not occur as intended and desired. Detachment has much to do with inner peace._5_AIve never regretted it.BAlways look at the bright side.CDo not envy people who are happy.DStop asking for everyone

18、s approval.EInner peace can lead to happiness, so smile more often.FHere are a few tips for increasing happiness in daily life.GIt is usually experienced at a special moment.语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文,文章就如何提高幸福感提出了几条建议。1选G由空后一句可知,幸福感总是在我们做我们喜欢做的事情或者得到我们重视的东西时出现,据此可知,G项“在特定的时刻通常会体验到幸福感”引出下文,故G项正确。2选F根据下文内容可知,下面两段

19、阐述的是提高幸福感的建议,所以选F项,F项起承上启下的作用。3选B根据空后一句“That means looking at the good and positive side of every situation.”可知,选B项“要看到事物光明的一面”。4选C根据空后一句“On the contrary, be happy for their happiness.”可知,空处的意思与“be happy for their happiness”相反,故选C项“不要嫉妒幸福的人”。5选E根据空前一句“Detachment has much to do with inner peace.”可知,冷

20、静地面对事情和内心的平静有很大关系,据此可以判断,空处阐述的是内心的平静和幸福的关系,故E项正确。 五Nowadays more and more people are concerned about their health. _1_ Different people may give different answers to this question. Experts say it is essential to do the followings.First, it is absolutely necessary to take some exercise every day. _2_

21、 This strengthens the heart, reduces the chance of heart attack, and helps lower blood pressure. Thats why more and more people are becoming active in various kinds of sports and exercise. _3_It is widely recognized that a healthy, balanced diet is essential for preventing disease and illness, manag

22、ing your weight, living longer and keeping things such as hair, skin and nails in good condition._4_ They advise people to eat more fruits and vegetables and less meat such as beef and pork because meat contains more fat than poultry (家禽) and fish. Fat can build up in the arteries (动脉), block the fl

23、ow of blood, and cause a heart attack or stroke.Getting rid of bad habits like smoking and drinking alcohol is also an important way to keep healthy. Smoking and drinking alcohol injure ones health a great deal, and therefore should be given up. _5_If people follow these three ways of keeping fit, t

24、hey will greatly improve their health.AUnfortunately, few people follow this advice.BBut how to keep healthy?CIts very important to have good living habits, such as doing regular exercise and having enough sleep.DResearch shows that getting plenty of exercise makes the heart beat faster and the lung

25、s work harder.EMedical researchers have proved that what people eat affects their health.FWorking out regularly every day can prevent us from putting on weight.GThrough sports and exercise, people become healthier and stronger.本文是一篇说明文。健康是人类最大的财富,这也许每个人都知道。如何保持身心健康呢?本文作者即将为你揭晓答案。1选BB项中“how to keep h

26、ealthy”与下句中的“this question”呼应。2选DD项中的“exercise”与上句中的“exercise”是原词复现。3选G上文讲述了人们积极参加锻炼的原因,G项说明锻炼给人们带来的变化。4选E该段主要讲述了饮食与健康的关系。5选AA项中的“Unfortunately”表达的是一种转折关系,很少有人听从上述这个建议。六How to Avoid an Internet AddictionWhile it may seem like everyone surfs the web these days, there is a fine line between casually c

27、hecking your social media pages and having a fullblown Internet addiction. If you fear that you may lose interest in other aspects of your life because you prefer to be on the Internet, you may be on your way to an Internet addiction. _16_Admit you are at risk of an addiction.More and more people in the world are becoming addicted to the Internet. You are not the only one with this problem, a

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