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大学英语语法 第三讲 代词Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、you, him and me you, Jim and I(5)第一人称+ 不定代词。We and ten others went on the trip .(6)第一人称+ 带后置定语的并列成分。I and the old man living next door(7)第一人称+ 第二或第三人称(在承担责任, 承认错误, 检讨工作时)。I and she are to blame .(8)父母、妻子、丈夫+ 第一人称+ 子女。My mother and I and Tom once sat there in the park .6)人称代词应与其所代替的那个词在人称和数方面保持一致Meat

2、 and f ish are more expensive than they used to be .I don,t like the book because it is too dull . 那本书太乏味了, 我不喜欢。7)用主格还是用宾格(1)在系动词后, 在such as , the same thing as, other than, rather than, between, think of . . ., being 后及独立主格中, 一般用主格或宾格皆可, 口语中更多用宾格。It is she (或her ) ./ They thought of the law-breake

3、r being he (或him) .He broke the window rather than she (或her ) .Nobody , other than he (或him) went that way .Between you and me (或I ) , he is a liar .现代英语中, 下面两句, 用主格或宾格均可:Let you and us (或we) do it ./This is not the kind of work for him (或he ) or me (或I) to do .(2)在think . . .to be, imagine . . .to

4、 be, suppose . . .to be, look . . .up . . .as 等后, 多用宾格。They imagined the new manager to be me .8) at one,s best 不同于at best英语中有些词组, 仅因形容词性物主代词一字之差, 意义往往大不相同。at one,s best 出色, 处于最佳状态(表语)/at best 至多, 充其量(状语)for one,s good 为了某人的益处/for good 永远地put one,s heart into 专注于/put hear t into sb . 鼓舞某人for one,s l

5、ife 拼命地/for life 终生lose one,s heart to 爱上/lose heart 灰心ahead of one,s time (思想等)超越时代/ahead of time 提前9) for the life of me 的含义双重所有格由“名词+ of + 名词性物主代词(名词所有格)”表示, 如a friend of mine, 而不说a friend of me。但是有时候, 如果这种结构中的名词前有定冠词the 或其他限定词, 则要用“ the + 名词+ of + 宾格人称代词”结构。这种结构常表示某种感情色彩I will not f or the li f

6、e of me do it . 我无论如何也不会做那件事。2 . it 的用法1)指代事物、动物、婴儿或未知的人 Aluminium looks heavy but actually it is very light .2)指天气、时间、距离、自然现象、环境等 It is very cold today .3)作先行代词, 代替不定式, 作形式主语或形式宾语以it 作形式主语或形式宾语的动词有: feel , consider , find, believe, make, take, imagine,think, suppose, deem, count , regard 等。在这种结构中,

7、被替代的成分要置于句尾。It is of great help to master a foreign language ./It took me a week to rewrite the paper .4)作先行代词, 代替动名词it 代替动名词, 主要用于下面的结构中。注意, 这种结构中不宜用不定式。It is no good ( no use, useless , senseless, dangerous , enjoyable, worthwhile) + 动名词It is a waste ( a nuisance, hard work) + 动名词It is worthwhile

8、making another try .It,s dangerous sleeping out in the woods at night .It is hard work persuading him into doing it .I think it wrong doing it this way .I find it a waste spending so much money drinking and eating .It is wonderful , swimming in summer .5)作先行代词, 代替名词性从句该结构中的名词性从句可用that , what , when

9、等引导。例如:It is obvious that metals in common use are very important in our li f e .He wants to make it clear whether you still love him or not .We have made it clear that she has nothing to do with the case .Has it been found out who is the murderer ?It is not known what caused the accident .It is a m

10、ystery when they got married .6)用于独立句中it 还常同be 动词和with 连用, 构成独立的句子, 为习惯用法。It is all gone with her . 她一切都完了。/It is all over with it . 一切都过去了。It is well with him . 他一切都很好。/How is it with your wife ?你太太好吗?7)用于强调句中无指代关系, 也无实义, 去掉“it is . . .that . . .”三个词后, 剩余的词仍能单独组成一个完整的句子。It is from the sun that we g

11、et light and heat . (强调句型) 正是从太阳那里我们得到了光和热。8)可以指复数名词Who is making so much noise ? It must be the children .9)可以用来替代整个句子或句中谓语部分所表示的意思He helped me a lot during my college years . I shall never forget it .10) it that 可以引导宾语从句take, hide, see to, insist on, depend on, count on, rely on 等后的宾语从句要求用it that引

12、导。I take it that(猜想, 认为) he􊳰s not interested in the book .He saw to it that (确保) the work was finished on time .11) for it 的含义for it 可以表示“应付的手段或方法, 因此, 受罚”等。There is nothing for it but to wait . (办法)12) have it that 的含义have it that 结构意为“说”。Legend has it that there is a dragon in the lake .

13、据传说, 这个湖里有一条龙。13) think it one􊳰s duty to do sth . 结构think , find, prove, show, deem, believe, consider , count , feel , imagine, make, regard,suppose, take 等动词后有不定式作宾语, 且又有补足语时, 必须用形式宾语it 代替不定式。若补足语为动名词或从句, 亦要用it 作形式宾语。I think it my duty to help her . ( = It is thought my duty . . .)I found

14、 it very easy to learn the rules . ( = It was found very easy . . .)14)Who is it 和Who is thatWho is it ? 问的不是具体的人, it 泛指任何人。Who is that ? 问的是明确具体的人, that指具体“某人”。听到有人在敲门, 你要说的是: 看见有人在阅览室里读报, 你要问的是:3 . 物主代词1)物主代词有形容词性和名词性两种前者只用作定语, 修饰名词, 但不能替代名词。后者用来代替名词词组, 即: 形容词性物主代词+ 名词, 可用作主语、宾语或表语, 可替代名词。That is

15、my book ./That book is mine ./ Theirs is a very large university .2) her or his paper 还是his or her paper如果两个不同性别的形容词性物主代词共同修饰一个名词, 男性代词需放在女性代词之前。Which do you prefer , his or her paper ?3)名词性物主代词与of 连用, 可构成双重所有格其结构为: a( an, no, each, which , that . . .) + 名词+ of + 名词性物主代词。要注意的是,名词前不可用冠词the。This is no

16、 fault of hers ./I don,t know what business of yours it is .4)动名词前一般使用形容词性物主代词We are surprised at his not passing the exam ./Would you mind my opening the window ?5)of one􊳰s own 的含义这种结构意为“自己的”, 其前面的名词常同时被no, some, any, a ( n) , this, that ,these, those, several , another , which 等修饰。The moo

17、n has no light of its own .月亮本身无光。/She said she had nothing o f her own . 她说她一无所有。6)物主代词所表示的四种关系He took off his coat . 他脱下外衣。(所属关系= the coat owned by him)They are waiting for her arrival . 他们在等着她的到来。(主谓关系= she arrives)Her appointment is something unexpected . 她的任命是没料到的事。(动宾关系= She was appointed)His

18、love is unselfish . 他的爱(或别人对他的爱)是无私的。(主被动双重关系= He loves others . 或He is loved by others . )4 . 指示代词1)指代前面提到过的事物, 常用that 或those, 起“承上”的作用He had a bad cold . That􊳰s why he was absent . 他患了重感冒, 所以没有到场。2)指代将要提及的事物, 常用this 或these, 起“启下”的作用It all boils down to this: he is a snob . 归根到底一句话, 他是个势利眼

19、。3) this 和that 同时指出现过的两件事时, this 指“后者”, that 指“前者”Vir tue and vice are for you to choose; this brings you misery and that brings you happiness. 善与恶供你选择, 后者给你带来灾难, 前者给你带来幸福。4) this 指朝着说话人方向过来的人或物, that 指离开说话人而去的人或物This is the train he rides in . 他乘坐的火车开过来了。That was the train he rides in . 他乘坐的火车开走了。5

20、) this 和these 指的是在地点、时间等方面较近的事物, that 和those 指的是地点、时间等方面较远的事物, 有时也表示对比I have been busy this morning . 今天上午我一直忙着。(现在时间)I was busy that morning . 那天上午我很忙。(过去时间)6) this 或that 同介词连用, 表示特定的含义With this, he went out . ( = So saying)At this, she burst into laughing . ( = Seeing this or Hearing this)Upon thi

21、s, he sat down by the window . ( = And then)Since that , I have never seen her . ( = Since that time)7) this 和that 表示某些事物或不知名的某人Some worried about this, some worried about that .8) this , these 和that , those 同very 连用表示强调,这种用法的this 等为形容词。We must leave this very minute .9) this , that 同and 或or 连用表示随随便

22、便,这种用法的this 等为形容词。He is busy with this thing or that .10) this 和that 可以表示数量,这种用法的this 等为形容词。It is four metres but twice that length is needed . ( = eight met res)11) this 和that 可以同much 连用,这种用法的this 等为形容词。I only know this much .12) this、these 和that、those 可以表示某种情绪,这种用法的this 等为形容词。Who is this Zhang Lin

23、 ? (看不起)13) this 和that 可以用作副词, 相当于soHe isn􊳰t that silly .14)要求用this 或these 的特定场合(1)总结上文刚说过的内容。Pride and conceit , nonchalance, and dejection these make Fred the man he is .(2)指代直接引语。“We􊳰ve had a lot of fun at the party”, as the girl said this, a pleasant smile spread over her face

24、.(3)在某些习惯用语中要用this。This is Mr . Zhou speaking . (电话用语)/This is Mr . Frank . This is Mrs . Brown . (介绍见面)What􊳰s all this about ?/Just this once . 就这一次。15)要求用that 的特定场合(1)在that he is 等结构中。He is very stubborn sometimes . Yes, that he is . 他有时非常固执。是的, 他就是这么个人。(2)用在某些习语、词组或特殊说法中。That is why you

25、failed ./That is because you didn􊳰t come on time .(3)同and 连用, 用作替代词。You must go there, and that immediately . ( = and you must go there immediately)(4)用在and . . .at that 结构中, 表示强调。She has a car , and a very good one at that . (而且是一部非常好的车)5 . 不定代词1)All is well that ends wellall 的用法要点all 用于三者

26、或三者以上, 接可数名词; 也可接不可数名词, 视情况而定。另外, the 只能放在all 的后面。(1)作形容词, 意为“所有的, 一切的”, 即包括全体中的每一个或每一类(接复数名词)。All men have equal rights .all 可同复数名词连用表示“任何”。He went there in all weathers . ( = in any weather )(2)作形容词, 表示集体或整体概念(接this , that 或单数名词, 动词用单数)。He remained unknown all his life .(3)作形容词, 接抽象名词或单数名词, 意为any,

27、 every, the greatest possible。That she welcomes all criticism is beyond all doubt .for all (或with all) + 抽象名词”表示“尽管”。For all their opposition, he went his own way . 不管他们怎么反对, 他坚持走自己的路。(4) all 可以同复数名词或抽象名词连用, 表示“非常, 聚精会神地”。He is all ears . 他倾听着。(5) all 可以同复数名词或抽象名词连用, 表示“仅有的, 唯一的”。All the books I hav

28、e are yours . 我有的书也都是你的。(6)用于of all 或out of all 结构中, 意为“这么多中偏偏, 这么多中最”, 表示某种情绪, 如惊奇、困惑或厌恶等。He left on a rainy day of all days . 他偏偏在下雨那天离开了。(7)作副词, 可以修饰形容词、副词、介词, 并常同over , along , round, around , about ,through , by 等一起使用, 表示强调, 意为“全部, 都”。He was all wrong in his conjecture .all but 表示“几乎, 差点”, 相当于a

29、lmost。She all but failed the exam .(8)作代词, 意为the whole number, quantity or amount ( of ) , 谓语动词用单数或复数, 视情况而定。All of the goods are impor ted from France .all 后有时可跟两个同位语。All we students like sports .(9)作代词, 相当于all people, 接复数动词。All are in favour of the proposal .(10)作代词, 相当于everything 等, 接单数动词。All was quiet in the open at night . 夜晚的旷野万籁俱寂。(11)作名词, 相当于everything, 用于所有格代词之后。He gave his all to the peace and freedom of mankind .(12)作同位语。They are all to blame .(13) be all here 还是all be here。all 位于行为动词前, be 动词后, 表示强调可以说a

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