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1、 3、How would you describe your relationship with your parents? I have a very good relationship with my parents. We are a close family and love each other very much. I like to tell my parents about what I do at school and they are always interested in what I say. And they also share their experience

2、and ideas with me. Since I came to college, there have been some changes in our relationship. When I was in middle school, it was usually my parents who did most of the talking when we spent time together. They would have endless advice to me. Now it seems to be the other way around. They tend to do

3、 more listening than talking. However the way is, we love and cherish each other all along. 4、Do you and your parents believe in different values? Are your parents living models for you? I have very similar values to my parents. After all, I have acquired most of my values from them. We all believe

4、in being honest, working hard for ones goal, and taking ones responsibilities seriously. In these respects, my parents are my role models. On certain minor issues, however, we do have different values. For example, unlike my father whos a big fan of Beijing Opera, my mother and I couldnt care less a

5、bout this traditional art. 5、What is coincidence? Give an example to illustrate it. A coincidence is the noteworthy alignment of two or more events or circumstances without obvious causal connection. In other words, it is merely a term that a human being thought up in order to be able to explain the

6、 thing that nothing else is capable of explaining. Coincidences make great stories. As the old Chinese saying rightly points out, when I was on a trip in Shanghai. Whats more, I thought I should have phoned him before the trip and asked him to meet me at the railway station. 6、What can coincidences

7、do? Are they mostly beneficial or harmful? Coincidences may mean different things to different people. Because many coincidences are so interesting, they make good stories. Writers, reporters and story-tellers could make use of such events to make their stories more entertaining. In this sense, coin

8、cidences are useful or beneficial. But to superstitious (迷信的) people, coincidences may be regarded as something supernatural (超自然的) and serve to strengthen their blind faith. They might lead these people to do stupid things to seek good luck or avoid bad luck. That, I guess, would be meaningless or

9、harmful. 7、What are some qualities that courageous people have? I think courageous people share a lot in common. First of all, one of the qualities that set them apart from the ordinary people is their willingness to take risks or to sacrifice themselves for the sake of others. Second, most people w

10、ho are courageous have the will power to overcome fear in the face of danger or in doing what they believe is right. Last but not the least, courageous people are stable in their behavior and do not pretend to be brave. They appear to be ordinary in normal situations, but show a courageous spirit un

11、der the extreme or dangerous situations. 8、It is said that the virtue of courage is in short supply in todays world. Do you agree? Im afraid I cannot agree with this point. We still find a lot of courageous people in face of difficult or dangerous situations. Take the September 11th terrorist attack

12、s on New York City for example. Right after the attacks, many firefighters, policemen and other people showed great courage while they risked their lives in order to save other people. That says a lot about courage. 9、What do you think is crucial for a happy marriage? I think the most important thin

13、g for a happy marriage is the mutual trust. If they can trust each other, they will show their willingness to solve their differences that arise. Successful marriages tend to be populated by partners who come to their marriage with pre-existing significant compatibilities (般配), which make it easier

14、for them to reach agreement because they frequently end up wanting the same thing. They may share commonalities with regard to personality, temperament, or preferences for recreation, religious and ethical ideals, etc. 10、How do young people in China and some Western countries differ in their attitu

15、des toward marriage? It is very hard to generalize, but my feeling is that most young people in China probably look at marriage from a long-term point of view, so they would think hard before they leap. On the other hand, young people in some Western countries may treat marriage from a short-term po

16、int of view. Weve surely heard a lot about marriage decisions made on the spur of the moment. 11、What does stress mean? Stress is a state of worry due to pressure from too much work or study, heavy responsibilities, the quickened pace of life, etc. Too much stress over an extended period of time is

17、harmful to ones health and may cause diseases. Stress-related diseases include headache, stomach trouble, heart disease, high blood pressure, and certain mental problems, etc. 12、Do you think there is anything positive about stress? Why or why not? When many people think of stress, they think only o

18、f the negative effects coming with it. However, I think, there are positive effects of stress. Certain stress may urge people to work and study more efficiently, to make full use of time and to achieve their goals. As students, we all know that a certain amount of stress before the exam can be posit

19、ive as long as it is dealt with correctly. It may help us concentrate on our coursework and focus on the course requirements. The important thing is that you have to take a positive attitude and have good control of yourself. 13、What makes a good employer? And what makes a good employee? Well, I don

20、t think there is a universal standard for judging a person to be a good employer or a good employee. I think an employer should be fair and respectable, and an employee should work with honesty and earn his pay. The common qualities for both an employer and an employee can include: having good attit

21、ude, knowledgeable about the companys business, proud of his or her occupation, motivated, willing to learn, dependable, punctual, considerate, refraining from gossip, able to effectively communicate with others, etc. 14、What makes a successful business? I believe a successful business is one that c

22、reates a good profit for its owner or shareholders (股东), provides quality products or services for its customers at reasonable prices, has good working conditions and growth opportunities for its employees, and is fully committed to its social responsibilities. 15、What kinds of pollution do you thin

23、k we have at present? At present, the air, water and soil of habitats all over the world have been, and are still being polluted in many different ways. This pollution affects the health of living plants and animals, including human beings. Air is damaged by car and lorry fumes, and acid rain destro

24、ys rivers, lakes and forests. When fossil fuels, i.e. oil, gas and coal are burned to provide energy for lighting, cooking etc. they form polluting gases. Oil spills pollute sea water and kill marine life; chemical waste from factories and sewage works, and artificial fertilizers from farmland, poll

25、ute river water, killing wildlife and spreading disease. 16、What do you think we should do to protect our environment? As responsible citizens in society, there are a lot of things we can do to protect our environment. For example, we can do the following: * Dont drop litter and keep our living surr

26、oundings clean. * Use less energy by switching off lights when rooms are not in use, not wasting hot water, not overheating rooms and not boiling more water than necessary when making a cup of tea! * Use a bicycle or walk instead of using a car for short trips. * If you spot pollution, such as oil o

27、n the beach, report it to the local council. If you suspect a stream is polluted, report it to the local Environmental Health Officer. *Try to buy 17、How important is the national currency to a country? You can never overestimate the importance of the national currency to a country. With my limited

28、knowledge of finance, I know the currency plays a vital role in a countrys economic and social system. Its like having your purse or wallet in your own hands. You wouldnt want it to be controlled by others; otherwise, you might end up going begging. 18、Why do some Europeans say no to adopting the euro? Many European countries have long histories and old traditions. So, many Europeans like the old way of doing things and they also take their national symbols to heart. What symbol is there that is more important

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