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1、(1)myriad 无数的,种种的(2)a defining feature of globalization: defining 是动词define 的变体,意为“阐释描述的性质或基本特征”,此处修饰feature, 该短语意为“全球化的一个固有特点”(3)industrial structure 产业结构外销员考试外贸英语英译汉练习(二)原文2 Monthly of preparations for what has been a far-reaching political project and the largest logistical challenge of its kind,

2、 culminated at midnight on New Years Eve /when the coins and banknotes of the single currency became legal tender and entered general circulation. Across the eurozone, people rushed to cash machines /amid the fireworks that marked the start of 2002/ to get their fist historic taste of the new bankno

3、tes. 为了这一旷日持久、具有甚远意义的政治工程,已经进行了数月之久的准备工作。这项准备工作是一次前所未有的巨大挑战,于除夕午夜宣告结束,代表着单一货币的硬币和纸币作为法定货币开始流通。在欧元大地上,(空中燃起的)烟火标志着2002年的来临,人民奔向取款机,去初次尝试这具有历史意义的欧元新钞。外销员考试外贸英语英译汉练习(三)原文3The WTO brings stability and predictability to international trade/ because its rules are legally binding. So too are the schedules

4、of market-access commitments in goods and services (that each WTO Member negotiates). These set clear ceilings on levels of protection. This encourages trade because it allows exporters to develop and grow their businesses. They have full knowledge of the terms of access and can act and invest with

5、confidence knowing that markets (which are opened will remain open).The vast majority of international trade goes on smoothly and without dispute. There are, however, rare occasions when a Member may consider that one or more Members are not in compliance with their WTO commitments / and that this h

6、as negatively affected its national consumer or producers. It is then that the affected Members have the option of using the WTOs dispute settlement system.世界贸易组织对国际贸易(的发展)起到了稳定作用,同时也使(人们对国际贸易发展的)预测成为可能,这是因为世贸组织规则在法律上具有约束力。同样,世贸组织成员经谈判在货物及服务贸易方面所承诺的市场准入时间表,也在法律上具有约束力。所有这些清楚地对不同层次的贸易保护起到了限制作用。由此,贸易活动

7、得到鼓励,出口商可以开发及拓展自身的业务,因为他们对市场准入条件下如指掌,能够满怀信心地采取行动和开展投资;因为他们心中有数,知道业已开放的市场将会继续开放。大部分国际贸易活动进展顺利,无任何纠绘。然而在极少数情况下,某一成员国会认为其他某个或某些成员国未能履行其人世承诺,侵害了本国消费者或生产商的利益。此时,受侵害成员国可选择使用世界贸易组织的解决争端机制。(1)market-access commitments 市场准入承诺(2)ceiling:此处为“限度,限额”之意。例如:price ceiling (价),tariff ceiling (关税额)。 To set (fix, put)

8、 a ceiling on sth: 对.规定限度(3)the WTOs dispute settlement system 指“世界贸易组织解决争端机制”,另一英语表述是dispute settlement mechanism, 经常大写首字母。汉语译文也有“争端解决机制”的说法。外销员考试外贸英语英译汉练习(四)原文4APEC was established in 1989 in response to the growing interdependence among Asia-Pacific economies. Begun as an informal dialogue group,

9、 APEC has since become the primary regional vehicle (for promoting open trade and practical economic cooperation) in the Asia-Pacific region. Its goal is to advance Asia-Pacific dynamism and a sense of community. APEC member economies represent the rich diversity of the region as well offering diffe

10、ring levels of economic development.为了适应亚太地区经济相互依赖程度的日益加深,亚太经合组织于1989年成立。亚太经合组织最初只是一个非正式对话团体,后来发展成为亚洲太平洋地区(促进贸易开放、促进经济合作的)一个重要区域性组织。该组织的目标是激发本地区活力并使各成员国对该地区具有一种归属感。亚太经合组织各成员国之间的经济极富多样性,发展水平也各不相同。(1)in response to是介词短语,“对作出反应、响应”。(2)Interdependence意为“相互依赖”。(3)APEC has since become the primary regiona

11、l vehicle.句中vehicle是“工具,手段”,为了使译文顺畅,译文中未出现“手段”或“工具”字样,而是顺承主句,翻译为“一个重要区域性组织”。(4)Advance意为“前进、促进”,这里翻译为“激发。”外销员考试外贸英语英译汉练习(五) For chinawhich is already the worlds 9th largest trading entityit will mean more external trade, and external trade of a better quality. At the same time, China will be cutting

12、 its tariffs on a broad range of products, from agricultural to industrial. Tariff reductions allow comparative advantage greater play. They will help eliminate trade distortions and facilitate more efficient allocation of resources among the trading partner, thus further promoting economic growth g

13、lobally. 对于中国这个已成为世界第九大贸易实体的国家来说,入世意味着对外贸易的增加,意味着更高质量的对外贸易。同时,中国也会削减农产品以及工业制品等多种产品的关税。削减关税将使得相对优势(在全球贸易中)发挥更大作用,这有助于消除贸易干扰因素,也有利于贸易伙伴之间更加有效的资源配置,全球经济增长也因此得到进一步推动。1、a range of:一系列的,如:The speaker will deal with a broad range of issues affecting professional women.We stock a wide range of office furnit

14、ure.2、eliminate: get rid of 如:Many infectious diseases have been virtually eliminated.3、facilitate: make easy如:Modern inventions have facilitated housework.外销员考试外贸英语英译汉练习(六)Reform of Chinas trade regime had four major dimensions: increasing the number and type of enterprises (eligible to trade in pa

15、rticular commodities); developing the indirect trade policy instruments (that were absent or unimportant under the planning system); reducing and ultimately removing the exchange rate distortion; and reforming prices/ so that they could play a role in guiding resource allocation. These reforms of th

16、e trading system were inextricably linked with reform of the enterprise sector to allow indirect regulation through market-determined prices to replace direct regulation of enterprise output through the planning system.中国的贸易体制改革涉及四个主要方面:增加经营特殊商品企业的数量和类别;拓展在计划经济体制下几乎不起任何作用的间接贸易政策手段;减少乃至最终消除汇率干扰以及实行价格

17、体系改革以使其在资源配置中发挥作用。与贸易体制相关的这些改革与企业界的改革密切相关,目标是通过市场价格实行间接管理,从而取代计划经济体制下对企业产出的直接管理。(1)dimensions的意思是“方面,因素”。eligible的意思是“符合条件的,合格的”,如:eligible for promotion/ membership有资格升级(成为会员)。Trade in意为“做生意,从事贸易”。(2)that were absent or unimportant under the planning system为定语从句,修饰the indirect trade policy instrume

18、nts,翻译为“在计划经济体制下几乎不起任何作用的”。(3)play a role in意为“在中发挥作用”。inextricably意为“不能解决的,解不开的”。Be linked to/ with意为“与相联系”,如:Rock music has often been linked with the drug culture.(4)to allow indirect regulation through market-determined prices表示第一个目的;to replace direct regulation of enterprise output through the

19、planning system表示第二个目的。外销员考试外贸英语英译汉练习(七)In modern era, its unlikely for a nation to produce everything (it needs) and consume everything (it makes). To alleviate the dilemma of surplus and shortage, goods are exchanged between nations. A country might prohibit importing or exporting certain products

20、, or it might set quotas controlling the number of certain products to be imported or exported, or it might charge duty tax on certain products. 在现代,一个国家不太可能生产出自身所需要的一切,也不太可能消费掉自己能够生产出的一切。为了缓解剩余与短缺之间的这种两难局面,国与国之间都在进行货物交换。一个国家可能禁止进口或出口某些特定的产品,也可能制定配额用以控制某些进出口产品的数量,同时还可能就某些产品征收进口关税。1、be likely/ unlike

21、ly to do sth.;be likely/ unlikely that(不)可能的,如:He is not likely to succeed.他大概不会成功。Its highly likely that he will succeed.他成功的可能性很大。2、alleviate v.减轻,如:The UNs most important objective is to alleviate world poverty.外销员考试外贸英语英译汉练习(八)There are many legal considerations associated with interactions betw

22、een businesses. Even simple transactions such as a contract for the sale of goods/ can be complicated by differing legal system in the countries involved. The issues are even more complex when dealing with international capital investments, especially if they involve technology transfer and intellec

23、tual property issues. 与企业间贸易往来相关的法律问题有许多。即便是货物销售合同这类简单的交易也由于相关国家法律体系的不同而趋于复杂。在处理国际资本投资方面的问题时,特别是当这类投资涉及技术转让与知识产权时,情况会更复杂。1、 associate one thing with another将一事与另一事联系在一起,如:We associate Egypt with the pyramid.我们想起埃及就想起金字塔。be associated with意为“联系”,如:His social problems were associated with heavy drinking.2、 Complicate意为“使复杂”,如:Lets not complicate matters by introducing any more restrictions.3、 involve意为“包括,涉及,使陷入”,常用的短语为“be involved in”。

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