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1、C.Treasure Island.( ) 4.What has Tom found on the island?A.An old car. B.An old ship. C.An old plane.( )5.What did Robinson use to kill the cannibals?A.A knife. B.An axe(斧头). C.A gun.第二节听长对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确的选项,回答问题。(10分)听下面一段长对话,回答6、7两个问题。( ) 6.What does the boy think of the book?A.Its nice. B.Its e

2、xciting. C.Its boring.( ) 7.Where did the boy get the book?A.From the bookstore. B.From the library. C.From his friend.听下面一段较长对话,回答810三个问题。 ( ) 8.Which singer are they talking about?A.Leehom Wang. B.Jay Chou. C.Kris Wu.( ) 9.What does Tony think of the singers songs?A.Fantastic. B.Special. C.Educati

3、onal.( )10.What is Jane going to do next?A.To go to a concert. B.To buy some CDs.C.To go to Tonys house.第三节听下面一段独白,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确的选项,回答问题。(10分) ( ) 11.Where was Dahl born?A.In England. B.In Wales. C.In Scotland.( ) 12.When did Dahl start writing stories?A.At the age of 8. B.At the age of 10. C.At t

4、he age of 12.( ) 13.What did Dahl like best about his school days?A.The school trip to a sweet shop.B.The school trip to a chocolate factory.C.The school trip to a museum.( )14.What is Dahls most famous story?A.Alice in Wonderland. B.Treasure Island.C.Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.( ) 15.How man

5、y childrens books did Dahl write during his lifetime?A.18. B.19. C.20.笔 试 部 分 (95分)二、完形填空。(15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。Fouad sat alone in the cafe,listening to the sad music playing on an old tape recorder.The song seemed to go on forever.Fouad thought it was 16,but he didnt want to

6、hear it now.It was too sad for him.It made him 17 his uncle in Egypt,who he hadnt seen for many years.Fouads father had 18 just a few months before.Fouad was more than sad about his fathers death.There were so many things that he wanted to ask his father 19 had never asked.He realized that he almost

7、 knew 20 about his own family.And he decided to try and find out more about the place where his father had 21.He had now spent a couple of days walking around Jerusalem with an old 22 in his hand.It showed the whole 23,his grandparents standing proudly among a group of four children in front of a 24

8、 in a busy street.Next to the house there seemed to be a garden with what looked like over trees in it.Fouad,25,couldnt find anywhere in this modern city that looked like the street or the house where the photo had been 26.He felt even sadder than the sad 27 in the cafe,thinking that he might 28 fin

9、d the place where his father had been born.The girl 29 singing her sad,sad song,and Fouad decided to go back home.He put a few dollars on the table,rose from his seat 30,and then went out into the street,dragging(拖拽) his feet.Tears ran down from his cheeks when the door closed behind him.( )

10、ankful B.badlyC.hopefulD.beautiful( ) 17.A.hear of B.think of C.dream of D.know of( ) 18.A.passed away away C.went away D.moved away( ) B.but C.or D.and( )20.A.everything B.something C.nothing D.anything( ) up B.woken up C.grown up D.turned up( ) D.dicti

11、onary( ) C.society ) D.tree( ) 25.A.however B.besides C.instead D.then( ) 26.A.lost B.shown C.found D.taken( ) )28.A.once B.then C.never D.again( ) 29.A.started B.loved C.stopped D.continued( ) 30.A.slowly B.hap

12、pily C.suddenly D.proudly三、阅读理解。(30分)阅读下列材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AA LittlePrincessWriter:Frances Hodgson Burnett¥12.7(online)Captain Crewe sends his young daughter Sara to Miss Minchins boarding school in London.Sara lives a very comfortable life there.But after her father dies,Sara loses everyt

13、hing she ever has.She has to learn to do with her hard life.Her strong character makes her be able to fight successfully against her poor life and the scorn(嘲笑) of her friends around her.Its an excellent book for children.The SecretGarden¥20.8(in bookstores) ¥11.4(online)Mary Lennox,a sickly girl wi

14、thout parents,finds herself in her uncles house.Why is the garden locked?Who is crying at night?Through the power of hope,friendship and the magic of nature,the brave girl brings the house and the garden back to life.If you read this book,you will find it is very interesting.Gone withthe WindMargare

15、t Mitchell¥57.6(in bookstores) ¥33.9(online)Gone with the Wind is a bestseller in the world.It tells a story that happened in the American Civil War(内战).The main woman character in the story is Scarlett OHara.She is full of energy all the time.She is very strong and saves her family,but she is very

16、selfish(自私的) at the same time.( )31.How much should you pay if you buy A Litle Princess and The Secret Garden online?A.¥33.5. B.¥32.2. C.¥24.1. D.¥45.3.( ) 32.How does Mary bring the house and the garden back to life?A.Through the power of hope,friendship and the magic of nature.B.Through the power

17、of hope,love and the magic of nature.C.Through the power of dreams,friendship,money and the magic of nature.D.Through the power of hope,friendship,creativity and the magic of life.( ) 33.Who wrote the book Gone with the Wind?A.Frances Hodgson Burnett. B.Margaret Mitchell.C.Sara Crewe. D.Mary Lennox.

18、BA baby snail(蜗牛) asked his mother,“Why was I born with a shell that grew so hard and heavy?”His mother said,“Because we dont have bones to hold us up.We can only move slowly,so we have a shell to protect us.”The baby snail asked again,“The caterpillar(毛毛虫) has no bones,either,and she cant move quic

19、kly.Why doesnt she have a shell?The mother snail answered,“Thats because a caterpillar will become a butterfly.She can fly high into the sky.The sky can protect her.”The baby snail had another question,“But the earthworm moves like us.He has no bones and he wont turn into a butterfly.Why doesnt he c

20、arry a hard and heavy shell?“Because he can dig a hole and hide under the ground,and then the earth can protect him.”The baby snail then cried,“Were so poor!We have no protection from the sky or the earth!The mother snail smiled at him,“Thats why we have a shell.We dont depend on(依靠) the sky or the

21、earth for protection.We depend on ourselves.”( )34.How many times did the baby snail ask his mother?A.Once. B.Twice.C.Three times. D.Four times.( ) 35.What are the common things between the snail and the caterpillar?a.They dont have bones.b.They dont move quickly.c.They live under the ground.A.ab B.

22、bc ) 36.What does the underlined word “earthworm” mean in Chinese?A.蚯蚓 B.蜜蜂 C.蝴蝶 D.乌龟( ) 37.What can we know from the text?A.The baby snail was poor and ugly.B.Mother snail was proud of herself.C.The earthworm laughed at the snail.D.The caterpillar was the snails friend.CTeenagers who en

23、joy listening to the same music often have a common look.Hip hop music,also called hiphop or rap music,is one of the most popular kinds of music.It is a kind of modern dance music with spoken words and a heavy beat(节奏).Typical hiphop fashions are loosefitting(宽松的) street clothes.The style(风格) includ

24、es baggy trousers,sweatshirts,hiking boots,baseball caps(usually worn backward),jackets with sports logos and expensive sports shoes.In the hiphop style,boys and girls often dress the same way.AfricanAmerican kids in Detroit and Chicago first made hiphop fashions trendy(时髦的) more than 20 years ago.T

25、hey wore baggy street clothes to dance clubs.Then the music lovers from North American and European bands also began dressing like this.Thanks to the popular music videos and movies,hiphop soon became a fashion all over the world.Many teens from different countries around the world now wear hiphop c

26、lothing.Seventeenyearold Melanie Borrow,from Manchester,England,said,“The things I care about most in life are my Levis jeans.” In the United States,teens spend a lot of money on hiphop fashions.David Bowen,17,from Evanston,Illinois,has five pairs of hiking boots,each costing around $100.David said,

27、“They are popular because a lot of hiphop performers wear them.”( ) 38.Hiphop is a type of .A.modern music with spoken words and a heavy beatB.modern music with spoken words and a light beatC.old music with spoken words and a heavy beatD.old music with spoken words and a light beat( )39.Hiphop becam

28、e a fashion around the world through .A.the same way of dressingB.the loosefitting clothesC.the popular music videos and moviesD.North American and European bands( )40.What do Melanie and David have in common?A.Both come from Europe.B.Both have expensive jeans and boots.C.Both love to be in hiphop s

29、tyle.D.Both are hiphop performers.( ) 41.What is the main idea of the passage?A.Why people like hiphop style.B.What is the hiphop style.C.People all over the world like hiphop music.D.Teenagers like wearing popular clothes.DThe Old Man and the Sea is a short novel written by American author Ernest H

30、emingway in 1951,which helped him win the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1954.It tells the story of a battle(战争) between an old experienced but lonely fisherman,Santiago,and a large fish.The story opens with Santiago having gone 84 days in the sea without catching a bit of fish.Luckily,on the 85th day,he found a big fish.It dragged his boat deep into the sea.For two days,Santiago held the fish tightly with no food or water.Finally,he was successful.However,he was

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