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本文(最新学年牛津译林版九年级上册英语期末考试模拟试题及答案精编试题.docx)为本站会员(b****2)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、最新学年牛津译林版九年级上册英语期末考试模拟试题及答案精编试题九年级上学期期末模拟检测英语试题第一卷(共62分)一、听力(略)2、单项选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)21.Do you know _girl on TV? Of course. She is_university student like me. A.a;the B.a;an C.the;an D.the;a22.I dont like the action film. The fights in action films have a bad influence on teenagers. _. They are t

2、oo terrible. A.So do I B.Neither do I C.So will I D.Neither will I23.My cousin has_a great interest in reading that he devotes most of his time_himself in the world of books.A.such;to enjoying;to enjoying C.such;to enjoy;to enjoy24.There is_wrong with your car. Why not have it_?A.nothing;r

3、epaired B.nothing;repairB.C.something;repair D.something;repaired25._heavy snow! How can you go to work today? _it is snowing heavily, lets walk instead of driving.A.What;Though B.How;Since C.How a;Though D.What a;Since26.Excuse me, could you lend me the book_the other day?A.which you talked about B

4、.which you talked C.about that you talked D.that you talked27.Would you_your coat_, please? OK, but there is no space in the drawer.A.put;on B.put;down C.put;away D.put;up28.Peter, is there anything else you want to know about China? Yes, Im still was the Great wall built in ancient

5、 timesB.why Chinese people like to play the dragon dance.C.that Chinese people eat rice dumplings at Dragon Boat FestivalD.when did Beijing Opera begin to become popular29.Audrey Hepburn was known_a great humanitarian_her efforts in charity.A. as;in B.for;for;for D.for;of30.How about going shop

6、ping at the Shopping Centre tonight? _, but I have to prepare for tomorrows test.A.Sorry, I cant B.That sounds great C.Thats right D.Sorry, Im terribly sorry3、完形填空(共12小题;每小题1分,满分12分) When George Dennehy was a young boy, he never dreamed he would spend his career as a motivational speaker(激励演说家)and m

7、usician. But the armless teenager has spent the last couple of years sharing his story and_31_others.George was born without arms. Early on, his parents_32_his musical abilities. When he was 8 years old, his parents decided to let him learn cello(大提琴)lessons. His first teacher helped him adapt(适应)to

8、 his_33_in order to be able to play with his feet.“She actually learned to play the cello with her feet. She wanted to see if it was_34_to do it. We failed many times,_35_we never stopped,” he says. “She helped me a lot.” Most people play the cello with hands, but Dennehy played it with his_36_.At t

9、he beginning of high school, when the cello became not so cool to_37_, Dennehy took up playing the guitar and picked it up pretty fast.“It was necessary, though, to learn the cello_38_, because its the hardest of all to play.” He says. “The only_39_in the guitar is that Im playing the cords(弦).” Den

10、nehy uses a standard guitar. “I play in the same tune(调)as everyone else does,” he notes.Learning to play music hasnt been a(n)_40_road. He was shy at first. He faced _41_of being different. But every time he got on stage to perform or play music, he could see how the audience_42_him for his abiliti

11、es and that gave him confidence to go on with his career.No matter what situation were in, anything is possible. It is so easy to give up sometimes. But we shouldnt do that. Theres more that is meant for us.31.A.teaching B.greeting C.encouraging D.understanding32.A.noticed B.practised C.missed D.hid

12、33.A.appearance B.behavior C.disability D.height34.A.important B.necessary C.dangerous D.possible35.A.but D.since36.A.arms B.mouth C.teeth D.feel38.A.again B.first C.last D.later39.A.task B.difference C.choice D.hobby40.A.easy B.good C.hard D.busy41.A.abiliti

13、es B.challenges C.memories D.failures42.A.praised B.blamed C.excused D.admired四、阅读理解(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)阅读下列短文,然后从各题所给四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。AIf you want to choose some books for your children to read as they grow up, here are some good choices!Im Gonna Like MeJamie Lee Curtis Price:$15.00(10%off) Celebratin

14、g liking yourself! Through the dialogue between a girl and a boy Jamie Lee Curtiss text and Laura Cornells artwork show children that the key to feeling good is liking yourself because you are you.What Do You Really Want?Beverly K. Bachel Price:$20.00(15%off) Each part includes fun exercise, helpful

15、 suggestions, and success stories from teens. Readers learn how to set a goal, put into action, build a support system, use positive self-talk, celebrate their successes, and more.Psychology for Kids Vol1:40 Fun Tests That Help You Learn About YourselfJ.Kincher Price:$18.00(50%off) These 40 interesting tests help children explore thier interests and abilities, find out why they act the way they do, and discover what makes them different.The Golden RuleIlene Cooper Price:$10.00(20%off) In this illustrated(附插图的)books, a grandfather

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