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1、The men solved 50 per cent more of the tasks than the women.最终男性比女性多完成了50%的任务。According to lead researcher Dr Carl Pintzka from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), women and men have different navigational strategies.本次研究首席研究员、来自挪威科技大学(NTNU)的卡尔彼斯卡博士认为,女性和男性的导航策略不同。Men use card

2、inal directions the use of north, south, east and west - during navigation to a greater degree.男性在找路时,很大程度上使用基本方位,比如东南西北。Mens sense of direction was more effective. They quite simply got to their destination faster, he said.他说:“男性的方向感更有效率。他们能更快到达目的地。”If theyre going to the Student Society building i

3、n Trondheim, for example, men usually go in the general direction where its located, Dr Pintzka explained.彼斯卡博士解释道:“举例来说,如果男性想去特隆赫姆的学生社团大楼,他们一般都会朝着目的地大致的方向走。Women usually orient themselves along a route to get there, for example, go past the hairdresser and then up the street and turn right after th

4、e store.“女性通常会顺着一条路线走,比如过了理发店后,一直朝前,走过商店再右转。The study shows that using cardinal directions is more efficient because it is a more flexible strategy.研究表明,使用基本方位的效率更高,因为这个策略更加灵活。The destination can be reached faster because the strategy depends less on where you start.使用基本方位能让人更快到达目的地,因为它不依赖起点的位置。Imag

5、es of the brain showed that both men and women use large areas of the brain when they navigate, but some areas were different.大脑扫描图表明,男性和女性导航时都会使用大面积的大脑区域,但部分区域有所区别。The men used the hippocampus more, whereas women used their frontal areas to a greater extent.男性更多会用到海马体,而女性很大程度上会使用额叶区。Thats in sync w

6、ith the fact that the hippocampus is necessary to make use of cardinal directions, added Dr Pintzka.彼斯卡博士补充道:“这个发现与前面的结果是一致的,因为使用基本方位时必须要用到海马体。He explained the findings in evolutionary terms.他认为这是人类进化的结果。In ancient times, men were hunters and women were gatherers. Therefore, our brains probably evol

7、ved differently.“古时,男性是狩猎者,女性是采集者。因此我们的大脑进化方式很有可能不同。For instance, other researchers have documented that women are better at finding objects locally than men. In simple terms, women are faster at finding things in the house, and men are faster at finding the house, Dr Pintzka said.彼斯卡博士说:“比如,其他研究人员发

8、现,女性要比男性更善于找到附近的东西。简单来说就是女性能更快地找到房子里的东西,而男性在找房子在哪的时候更快。During a second experiment, a separate group of women was given a drop of testosterone under their tongue just before they were going to solve the maze puzzles.在第二个试验中,研究人员向一组单独的女性试验对象的舌下滴一滴睾丸素,然后让她们进行迷宫测试。In this step, 42 women were divided int

9、o two groups.过程中,42位女性分为两组。Half of them received a drop of placebo, and 21 got a drop of testosterone under the tongue.其中一组女性的舌下滴入的是安慰剂,另一组21人滴入的是睾丸素。The study was double-blinded so that neither Dr Pintzka nor the women knew who got what.该研究是双盲测试,彼斯卡博士和女性试验对象都不知道滴入的试剂是什么。We hoped that they would be

10、able to solve more tasks, but they didnt.“我们希望她们能完成更多的任务,但实际上并未如此。However, they had improved knowledge of the layout of the maze, and they used the hippocampus to a greater extent, which tends to be used more by men for navigating, he said.他说道:“然而,她们对迷宫的布局认知有所提升,在很大程度上利用了海马体,但还是不及男性的使用程度。Losing ones

11、 sense of direction is one of the first symptoms in Alzheimers disease.失去方向感是阿尔茨海默病的先兆之一。He hopes that by understanding how men and women use different brain areas and strategies to navigate, researchers will be able to enhance the understanding of the diseases development, and develop coping strate

12、gies for those already affected.他希望,研究人员能在了解男性和女性使用不同大脑区域和策略进行导航的原理后,增强对阿尔茨海默病发病原理的认识,为方向感受到影响的患者找到应对策略囧研究:约会进行时男人越爱你吃得就越多The more he eats, the more he likes you, according to researchers.研究人员称:他吃得越多,说明他越喜欢你。The study was conducted over a two-week period while researchers observed 150 adults eating

13、lunch at an all-you-can-eat Italian buffet.该研究进行了超过两周,研究人员观察了150位成年人在一家意大利自助餐厅吃午餐的情况。Men who were coupled up with a female, packed their plates with pizza and left the buffet line with their bowls overflowing with salad, eating 86 percent more greens than men who ate with just other men.和女性一起进餐的男性会在

14、盘子里盛满披萨,排队取餐后碗里会装满沙拉,比其他和男性一起吃饭的,多吃86%的绿色蔬菜。MAN VS WOMEN: EATING HABITS男女对比:进餐习惯Men are comforted by protein more than carbs. Women prefer to swap that meat for two sides of baked potatoes, and then save some room to share dessert.男人摄取蛋白质会感觉舒服,而非碳水化合物。女性却更喜欢把肉替换成双面烤的土豆片,并留点肚子吃甜点。Men can go all day w

15、ithout eating while women think of food all day.男人可以一整天不吃东西,女人却一整天都在想吃的。Men will eat cold pizza straight out of the box while women feel a hot slice is worth the wait.男人会直接从盒子里拿出来冷披萨来吃,可女人却觉着热热的披萨才值得等待。Researchers from Cornell University, who collaborated with Cornells Food and Brand Lab for the stu

16、dy, took note of the number of pizza slices and how many bowls of salad each subject consumed.来自康奈尔大学的研究员与康奈尔大学食品和品牌实验室合作进行这次研究,记录了每位研究对象吃了多少披萨和多少碗沙拉。When the diners got up to leave, the researchers stepped in to ask if they would complete a short survey indicating their level of fullness after eati

17、ng, and their feelings of hurriedness and comfort while eating.当进餐者起身离开时,研究人员过去问他们是否愿意完成一个小调查,看看他们吃完饭后饱腹程度、忙的感觉和吃饭时的舒适度。The results showed women didnt change the amount they ate when they dined with either gender.研究结果表明,女人同男性或女性一起吃饭时饭量不变。They did however, report feeling they overate and felt rush th

18、rough the meal.然而他们确实报告说吃多了,而且吃饭时很匆忙。According to the data collected during their observations, the researchers reported none of this was actually true.根据观察期间收集的数据,研究人员报告说事实其实并非如此。By overconsuming food men unconsciously may be signaling their biological fitness, a paradoxical tactic in this case giv

19、en that overeating constantly is going to produce a body shape research shows tends to be viewed as unattractive.男人多吃东西,可能是无意识地在展示他们身体上的健康,但讽刺的是,研究表明,总是吃太多会使身材看起来没有吸引力。While this study suggests men overate, its the women who reported a sense of overeating.虽然这项研究表明男人吃多了,但却是女性报告说她们吃太多了。These findings

20、are clear that people should calm down when eating with members of the opposite sex.“这些研究结果清楚表明人们和异性吃饭时应该冷静。双语健康减肥妙招:一天一个梨让你边吃边瘦Weve long been told that an apple a day keeps the doctor away.我们总听别人说,一日一苹果,医生远离我。But now, researchers have discovered a pear a day keeps the pounds away.而如今,研究者发现,一日一梨子才能脂

21、肪远离我。A new study found that pears are associated with lower body weight.一项新研究发现,常吃梨与较轻盈的体重有着直接联系。People who consume pears are 35 per cent less likely to be obese, scientists discovered.科学家发现,爱吃梨的人体型肥胖的几率比其他人要少35%。The study also found that pear consumption is associated with higher diet quality.研究还发现

22、,常吃梨还能促进节食减肥发挥更大的效果。Pears are an excellent source of fiber, in addition to being a good source of vitamin C.梨是一种富含纤维素的果之佳品,同时还是食补维生素C的好食源。A single medium pear contains nearly 24 per cent the daily fiber recommendations and is only 100 calories.仅一只中号大小的梨所含纤维量就占到了每日推荐摄取纤维量的24%,而且只有100卡路里的热量。The fruit

23、is also free of fat, cholesterol and sodium and contains 190 mg of potassium.同时这种水果不含脂肪、胆固醇和碘元素,却含有190毫克的钾元素。Eating one medium fresh pear each day has a positive effect on nutrient intake.每天吃一只中等大小的梨对每日营养摄取量也有积极的促进效果。The fruit has higher percentages of fiber, vitamin C, magnesium, copper and potassi

24、um, and leads to higher mean intakes of total sugars.梨这种水果的纤维素、维他命C、镁、铜、钾等金属元素的含量都比较高,同时还能提高平均总糖摄取量。给女儿:爸爸说绝不能做的七件事(双语)亲爱的女儿:Dear daughter,你是了不起的人,我和妈妈非常爱你。你离开家走上社会的日子不远了。我可以给你一些善意的建议吗?这是几个你绝不能做的事情。You are a wonderful person and your mother and I think the world of you. It will not be long before yo

25、u leave home to make your way in the world. Can I please give you some friendly advice? Here are some things that you should never do。1. Never Get Obsessed with your Appearance. 绝不要为自己的外貌而烦恼。We think you look great (though some of the outfits you wear worry us!). Please be happy with the person you

26、are and the body you have. Eat sensibly, take exercise and be healthy. Some girls become obsessed with losing weight or getting the perfect shape. You look fine。我们认为你长得很美(尽管你穿的某些时装令我们担忧!)。你就是你,不要为自己的外貌烦恼。要合理膳食,多做运动,保持健康。有些女孩子为减肥或塑造完美的身材而烦恼。但你已经很好了。2. Never Get Involved with a Married Man. 绝不要和已婚男人纠缠

27、不清。There are plenty of great single men out there. Dont get entangled with a married man no matter how attractive he is-it will end in your tears。外面有许多优秀的单身男人。不要和已婚男人搅在一起,不管他多么有魅力不然你就等着以泪洗面吧。3. Never Compromise Your Personal Safety. 绝不要危及个人安全。Never put yourself at serious risk. This means that you cannot trust people until you really know them and that sometimes you have to avoid things that look like they might be fun. Never get drunk or take drugs. Unfortunately there are some malevolent people out there and it is best not to take undue risks。绝不要让自己处于危险的境地。就是说,不要

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