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1、21、她有几个阿姨? How many aunts does she have ?22、从她家人那儿得到一件礼物 get a present from her family ;23、帮某人制作某物 make sb. sth./ make sth. for sb. ;24、帮我做个生日贺卡 make me a birthday card / make a birthday card for me;25、帮某人买某物 buy sb. sth. / buy sth. for sb. ;26、帮我们买些书 buy us some books / buy some books for us;Writin

2、g:My family 六A, Unit One 导学 (薛老师教学班使用) 主要“短语词组”:1. family and relatives 家人和亲戚2. This is 这位是 3. These are my uncles. 这些是我的叔叔。4. a lot of presents 许多礼物 major 5. get something from 从得到 某物6. make something for somebody 帮某人做某物7. one of your family members 您家庭中的一员8. go shopping 去购物9. go swimming 去游泳10. go

3、 cycling 去骑车11. go to a restaurant 去饭店(吃饭)12. go to the park 去公园13. play badminton 打羽毛球14. play games 做游戏15. play football 踢足球16. watch TV 看电视17. a photo of 一张。的照片18. always 总是 19. usually 通常20. sometimes 有时候21. often 经常22. never 从不主要“句型结构”:1. I have one aunt.2. I have two uncles. 3. How many aunts

4、do you have ?4. What do you do with your aunt ?5. What else do you do with her / him / them ?有关“词性转换”:1. relative relatives 2. member members3. brother brothers 4. sister sisters5. cousin cousins 6. uncle uncles7. aunt aunts 8. grandfather grandfathers9. grandmother grandmothers 10. I me my mine11.

5、You you your yours 12. He him his his13. She her her hers 14. We us our ours15. They them their theirs思考“有关作文“:1. My family2. I have a happy family六A(2019届)Vocabulary for Unit Two:1、从不说谎 never tell lies 2、其他的学生 other students3、互相帮助 help each other 4、他很友好 He is very friendly. 5、他对我们很有帮助 He is helpful

6、 to us. 6、他经常对我们善良客气 He is often kind to us. 7、他经常上学迟到 He often comes to school late./ He is often late for school.8、他从不调皮 He is never naughty.9、我们已经打扫了教室 We have already cleaned the classroom.10、我们还没打扫教室 We havent cleaned the classroom yet. 11、照料环境 look after / take care of the environment12、保持我们环境

7、干净 keep our environment clean 13、我们绝不可以污染河流。 We mustnt pollute the rivers.14、我们有空气污染、水质污染和陆地污染。 We have air pollution, water pollution and land pollution.15、把它捡起 pick it up 16、把它放入垃圾箱 put it into the rubbish bin17、乱扔垃圾 leave rubbish 18、承诺不污染空气 promise not to pollute the air19、承诺再利用购物袋 promise to reu

8、se the shopping bags.20. 与某人面谈 talk to /with sb. 21. 谈论某人或某物 talk about sb. or sth.22. 一点都不 notat all 23. 看书写字(读写) read and write 24. 出去 go out 25. 在夜晚 at night 26. 在星期天 on Sunday27. 在星期天的下午 on Sunday afternoon28. 在下午 in the afternoon29. 喜欢在一起 like to be together30. 步行上学 walk to school / go to schoo

9、l on foot31. 总是一道步行上学 always walk to school together 32. 一起玩 play together 33. 帮助其他的人 help other people / help others34. 与某人分享食物 share food with sb. 35. 努力工作努力学习 work hard 36. 上学迟到 be late for school 37. 生气 get angry 38. 对别人善良友好客气 be kind to others/ other people39. 住在美国 live in America / live in the

10、 USA 40. 第一次 for the first time 41. 询问某人有关某事 ask sb. about sth. 42. 去过北京 have been to Beijing 43. 去过那里 have been there 44. 已经去过花园城市 have already been to Garden City 45. 刚去过海洋公园 have just been to Ocean Park 46. 上海动物园怎么样啊? How/What about Shanghai Zoo?47. 参观上海动物园怎么样啊? How/What about visiting Shanghai Z

11、oo?48. 来这里 come here 49. 去那里 go there 50. 回家 go home 51. 地球的朋友 friends of the earth 52. 污染环境 pollute the environment53. 停止污染环境 stop polluting the environment 54. 保持我们教室干净 keep our classroom clean 55. 有助于保持环境干净 help keep the environment clean 56. 把垃圾扔进垃圾箱 put the rubbish into the rubbish bin 57. 叫人们别

12、仍垃圾 tell people not to leave rubbish1. My ( good / best ) friend2. How to be friends of the Earth ?3. My promises to the earth 六A, Unit Two 导学 (薛老师教学班使用) 1. talk to her 与她交谈 2. not at all 一点也不3. like to be together 喜欢在一起 4. walk to school 步行上学5. share her food with me 与我分享她的食物 6. help each other 互相帮

13、助7. help other people 帮助他人 8. go out 出去9. at night 在夜晚 10. work hard 努力工作;勤奋11. get angry 生气 12. be kind to others 对别人很客气13. tell lies 说谎 14. be late for 迟到15. in the USA 在美国 16. for the first time 第一次17. have been to 去过(某地) 18. What about ? 。怎么样啊?19. go there 去那里 20. on Saturday 在星期六21. friends of

14、the Earth 地球的朋友 22. look after 照顾、照料23. pick up 捡起 24. put into 把。放入。25. leave rubbish 扔垃圾 26. reuse shopping bags 再利用购物袋27. pollute the air 污染空气28. talk about 谈论29. talk with sb. 与某人交谈30. What (How) about doing sth. ? 做某事怎么样啊?1. like to do sth. 2. She cant read or write.3. I havent been to Ocean Pa

15、rk yet.4. I have just / already been there.5. help keep the environment clean6. tell sb. not to do sth. 7. want to do sth. 8. promise (not) to do sth.1. friend friends friendly 2. other others3. help helpful4. lie lies5. pollute pollution6. use reuse 3. My promise(s)六A(2019届)Vocabulary for Unit Thre

16、e:1. 在外度过一天 spend a day out2. 在月亮湾 in Moon Bay3. 在月亮岛 on Moon Island4. 在周末 at weekends / at the weekend5. 上海附近 near Shanghai6. 远离北京 far (away) from Beijing7. 你去了哪里? Where have you been ?8. 你去过北京吗? Have you been to Beijing ?9. 你去过北京的哪里? Where have you been in Beijing ?10. 一张拍有我的照片 a photo of me11. 一张

17、拍有我妈妈和我的照片 a photo of my mother and me12. 我们正在一起购物。 We are shopping together.13. 带几张照片到班级来 bring some photos to class14. 打网球 play tennis15. 踢足球 play football16. 打篮球 play basketball17. 打羽毛球 play badminton18. 弹钢琴 play the piano19. 野餐 have a picnic20. 烧烤 have a barbecue21. 吃午饭 have lunch22. 购物 go shopp

18、ing23. 放风筝 fly a kite / fly kites24. 骑自行车 ride bicycles25. 做沙堡 make sandcastles26. 收集贝壳 collect shells27. 我打算明天去这家商店。 Im going to the shop tomorrow.28. 我打算明天去购物。 Im going to shop tomorrow. Im going shopping tomorrow.29. 我打算去那里买些东西。 Im going there to buy something. Im going to buy something there. /

19、Im going there to shop.30. 计划做某事 plan to do sth.31. 计划一次访问 plan a visit32. 计划去访问一个地方 plan to visit a place33. 到达北京 reach Beijing / get to Beijing / arrive in Beijing34. 到达这公园 reach the park / get to the park / arrive at the park35. 到达这里 get here / arrive here36. 到达那里 get there / arrive there37. 到家 g

20、et home / arrive home38. 这多少钱? How much is it ? / How much does it cost ?39. 回来 come back40. 从北京回来 come back from Beijing 41. 回去 go back42. 回北京去 go back to Beijing43. 我们访问哪个地方? Which place shall we visit ?44. 我们什么时候去那里? When shall we go there ?45. 十点钟怎么样? How (What) about ten oclock ?46. 十点钟吃饭怎么样? H

21、ow (What) about having lunch at ten oclock ?47. 我乘车去那里好吗? Shall I go there by bus ? / Shall I take a bus there ?48. 我们一起在外度过一天好吗? Shall we spend a day out together ?1. An exciting trip2. Planning a picnic3. A visit to . 六A, Unit Three 导学 (薛老师教学班使用)1. spend a day out (in Beijing) 在外度过一天(在北京度过一天) 2. a

22、t weekends 在周末3. like to be together 喜欢在一起 4. go shopping 购物5. near Spring Bay 在春天湾附近 6. far from Spring Bay 远离春天湾7. in Sandy Bay 在沙湾 8. on Lucky Island 在幸运岛9. a photo of my family and me 一张拍有我家人和我的照片 10. have lunch together 一起吃午饭11. What time on Saturday ? 星期六几点钟? 12. in Sunny Town 在阳光城13. play ten

23、nis 打网球 14. play football 踢足球15. play basketball 打篮球 16. play badminton 打羽毛球17. have a picnic 野餐 18. have a barbecue 烧烤19. have dinner 吃正餐 20. fly kites 放风筝21. ride bicycles 骑车 22. make sandcastles 做沙堡23. collect shells 收集贝壳 24. plan a visit 计划一次访问25. plan to visit a place 计划去(参观)访问一个地方 26. come bac

24、k 回来27. get there 到达那里 28. Which place 哪个地方29. at the weekend 在周末 30. bring some photos to class 带些照片到班上来31. Shall we / I (do) ? 我们(我)做某事好吗? 32. let sb. do sth. 让某人做某事33. be going to do sth. 打算做某事 34. How are we going there ? 我们打算怎样去那里?1. Where have you been in Garden City ? 2. Lets go by bus.3. How

25、 much does it cost ? 4. It takes sb. some time to do sth. 5. sb. spend time on sth. 6. sb. spend time (in) doing sth.7. sb. pay money for sth. 8. sb. spend money on sth. 9. sth. cost sb. money 10. When are we coming back ?11. What time is he going back ?1. plan - planning2. sand - sandy3. sun - sunn

26、y4. photo - photos5. lucky - luckily6. activity - activities3. (A visit to .)六A(2019届)Vocabulary for Unit Four:1. 不同的工作 different jobs2. 你将来想做什么工作? What would you like to be in the future ?3. 你明天想干什么? What would you like to do tomorrow ?4. 教你英语 teach you English5. 使得病人好一些 make sick people better6. 开

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